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We had J-Chill... but you can thank ASG!


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angry22.gifbelieve me when I say this... I am stating it from a very VERY VERY! Close source! [censored] Hell, why not...... I had a chat with J-Chill. you can believe me or not... I don't care. I don't believe in lying about crap like this. You can call me all the names you want, delete this topic, but I'm really pissed. I will not tell you everything he told me but i will tell you what he asked me to tell you. I have not asked him is it ok to say the quotes that he actually said what happen.

They really, REALLY did a very unprofessional job when it came to signing this guy. Matter of fact he had agreed to a deal but then they told him not right now.... we are trying to get Josh Smith to sign.... which he felt was a very big slap in the face. They did think he was bluffing about signing with the Euro-league but because they made him really realize this was a business he showed them he was about being a business man. He also told me that there were four teams that wanted to do a sign and trade deals. I guess they thought they would Mos Def keep him for the deal that they laid on the table.

If he say I can post the exact words he said to me I will do them. I'm not trying to cost problems but guess you have to believe me when I say the Hawks' ASG/Sund were crude business men. They put the deal on the table and took it back. Josh asked me to tell any other Hawks fan that it was truly not about the money it was about respect. They made him feel very low.

I just wish I could know WTH was the ASG trying to do????? How could these guys be sooo clueless. I must be missing something about this business on what was going on in their war room... this is very sad to hear that this group is this slow and (i hate so say it) DUMB!

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Ok, He told me NOT to name the teams. These are his words. I notice he said, "him." So, it was one guy he did not like.... lol


I really wanted to sign back with atlanta initially. I made it clear that I was ready to sign on day one. But when they came to me with an offer below the mid level, and told me to find another offer if I didn't like it...I did what they asked. (
Edit out) This was the part about the 4 teams.
all proposed sign and trade deals worth more than the hawks were willing to give, but they basically tried to play the power game and make me come back for cheaper. So out of "courtesy" they offer 5 years 33mil. So then....I accepted and then they tell me...I have to wait until Josh Smith signs before I can sign. So here I am already mad about him trying to bully me and then on top of that making me feel like I'm worthless. It was a slap in the face. To go back to Atlanta after being treated like that would been very difficult for me. So, I cut my emotional ties with them and realized that this is a business. I made a business decision just like they tried to do. They thought I was bluffing and stuck with their offer so I made the trip here. Anyway, sorry for my rambling. Once again thanks for the support. If you speak to any other fans just let them know it wasnt about greed it was about feeling unappreciated by the organization.

Here is his reply when I asked him about letting you all know in detail about everything.


Well I don't really care about you telling what happened but if you could NOT use the specific teams I would appreciate it. Obviously that stuff is in the past now, but I don't want this stuff to get past message boards and into a newspaper article. Maybe say something like "3 championship caliber teams and an up and coming team" So you can tell them what I said but don't use specific teams.

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I really wanted to sign back with atlanta initially. I made it clear that I was ready to sign on day one. But when they came to me with an offer below the mid level, and told me to find another offer if I didn't like it...I did what they asked. (Edit out) This was the part about the 4 teams. all proposed sign and trade deals worth more than the hawks were willing to give, but they basically tried to play the power game and make me come back for cheaper. So out of "courtesy" they offer 5 years 33mil. So then....I accepted and then they tell me...I have to wait until Josh Smith signs before I can sign. So here I am already mad about him trying to bully me and then on top of that making me feel like I'm worthless. It was a slap in the face. To go back to Atlanta after being treated like that would been very difficult for me. So, I cut my emotional ties with them and realized that this is a business. I made a business decision just like they tried to do. They thought I was bluffing and stuck with their offer so I made the trip here. Anyway, sorry for my rambling. Once again thanks for the support. If you speak to any other fans just let them know it wasnt about greed it was about feeling unappreciated by the organization.

A 5 year 33mil slap in the face? Being asked to "chill" while the team works on signing a more important player? Some team player...

*cue world's smallest violin*

If his ego's that fragile, good riddance. Sheesh, it's not as if this compares to losing Nique or Steve Smith. He's Augmon/Levingston caliber at best.


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So out of "courtesy" they offer 5 years 33mil. So then....I accepted and then they tell me...I have to wait until Josh Smith signs before I can sign.

This is what I'm talking about.

What's the Holdup? They had Chillz on a lowball offer... why did they need to wait???

They are the cheapest, most unprofessional owners in the world!

According to Stu, it takes an excess of 24 days to get a contract signed. I guess Brand to Philly is just a miracle.


JSmoove has been a FA for 25 days.

But he's our first priority.

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.... and I thought I'd play with you a little bit.

I confess. It was all a ruse.

....not really, but the point should be well-taken. spin.gif

I mean, the things that pass on an internet for God-given fact is just ridiculous. Hearsay is king. Mountains of presumption reign... as if people here have a network of cameras and microphones that allow you to know when what is said by whom. And the common denominator???.... always negative... always negative against anyone who has the authority to call the shots, never mind that it's not like they won that authority through the state lotto.

On the infintessimal chance it actually was Josh Childress the multi-millionaire basketball player spending time on his computer at home IMing people, I'll say I'm sorry that it went down the way he descirbes... oddly enough, without any agent apparently involved if I understood the account correctly.... but no matter how you slice it, it's hard to feel sorry for someone who just was subjected to the excrutiating torture of a choice between pay raises... and chose the one that doubled his income. *sniff, sniff*

As has been said countless times.... when a player says "It wasn't about the money"....................... you know the rest.

So, apart from the sheer anonymity of usernames, and the tendency for fans to use players names as those, this is the biggest reason for doubt--I'm just not sure I believe that Josh Childress would be so self-decieved. At least on camera and in the media, he's always impressed me as someone more in touch with himself than that.

EDIT: Parting thought, again thinking about the authenticity of the IM.... if you were going to pretend to be Josh Childress and have some fun with some less than scrutinizing person, how would you have worded this thing any differently? And, maybe even more convicting, aren't copies of IMs usually composed with short back-and-forth statements...


_sturt_: Like if I were going to chat with J-Chill, wouldn't it typically look something like this?

J-Chill: Like what?

_sturt_: Back and forth, one and two sentences at the most...

J-Chill: Maybe

_sturt_: And more often just phrases

J-Chill: I see what you mean... yeah, that's more likely

To the contrary, what brotha has posted reads like a message board post, not an IM.

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Think about the personality of Josh Childress. Think about the joke faces he'd make behind the sideline reporter's head when on-air. The guy has been a class-act since he got into this league, a nice guy, and a funny guy. Why do people automatically take the side of the owners?

As much as anyone can say it's about the money for Chill, that can be said exponentially about the owners.

I mean they offered a contract and then pulled it back when he was going to sign. Hello, that doesnt sound professional to me.

I'm sure the money helped, but only in to offset the fact he would rather have stayed home and played. Honestly he wouldn't have even LOOKED overseas if not for the shenanigans of our owners.

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Why do people automatically take the side of the owners?

Doc, here's the better question....

Why do people feel it necessary to take sides??? At ALLLL???

Why do people feel it necessary to blame??? At ALLLL????


I attribute it to the Trial Attorney Gene.

First, someone has to have been wronged. They just have to be. If there wasn't anyone wronged, then there is no purpose to a trial attorney's existence... so it's like self-affirmation that we actually serve some purpose.

And second, we so like to think we can knit what precious little substantiated information we actually have into a cogent theory, and save the world with our ability to conjure up the "true" story. It's an intelletually stimulating thing, though clearly self-absorbed.... and additionally, self-deceiving, at least that is, when one passes into the abyss of believing that their presumption-bloated plot is anything more than that.



I mean they offered a contract and then pulled it back when he was going to sign. Hello, that doesnt sound professional to me.

I copied and pasted this to illustrate, and not to dump on you personally.... but this is just another example of how internet hearsay very suddenly rises to the level of 100% factual information. When, in fact, it's just not. It's only what one unidentified person told another poster.

A more honest, valid wording would be,


I mean, this guy says they offered a contract.... and if he's legit, that doesn't sound professional to me."

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