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Is the mourning for Chill now over?


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Still, that doesnt change the fact that it sucks we lost Chill for nothing.

You still have ROFR next year.

That is true.

However -- and correct me if im wrong -- I was under the impression that we only hold his rights for the next 2 years/summers (and we have to extend a QO each summer to maintain those rights).

If this is the case, it's pretty obvious to me that Chill is gonna wait it out until that summer where we no longer have his rights. He's then going to sign somewhere else as an UFA. The only way that changes is if he absolutely blows up in Europe and some NBA team is willing to not only give him a sizable salary, but is also willing to give us something in a S-n-T. That doesnt seem likely tho.

In all likelihood, we lose him for nothing.

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Guest Walter


LOL . . . you mean, just like that?

After all of that crying and complaining . . then we sign somebody . . and it's over?

Well, I guess we can offiially have the Chill funeral now, and pay our proper respects. He will be missed. He was definitely underappreciated as a Hawk, and will go down as probably one of the top 10 most popular Hawks of all time.

I feel more bad for the little kids at Philips, that loved him and his fro, than anything else.

He was smart to have this deal cooking and smarter to get it done quickly. Certainly puts much of the PR loss of Chill in the past.

I would still rather have Childress at the MLE starting but this is a very respectable signing at a very needed time. Kudos.


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Why is everybody on this place so damn hard on Diesel and northcyde?

With me, it began when I didn't follow the majority of the board, and didn't place every single little problem the Hawks had, on Woody. Because I refused to call him a "horrible" coach, some assumed that I thought he was a good coach, which I don't. He's an average to slightly below average coach in my eyes.

You have a few that like to think that every suggestion that they bring up, should be followed by the ASG. And when it doesn't happen, they rip right into the ownership, calling them every name in the book. It doesn't matter if their suggestion was even feesible or not. The action or inaction by the ASG to see that their suggestion come to light, gets ripped to shreads.

Lately, I've challenged the fan base to UNCONDITIONALLY SUPPORT this team. I didn't say unconditionally support every decision that the organization makes. But when it comes to the team, the support has to be unconditional. When opening night comes, you have to be behind the TEAM 100% . . . even if your or my favorite player isn't around.

That means if we lose a Chill, even if we lose him for nothing, or way less than what we could get, the support of the T-E-A-M has to still be the same.

It was a "Fans are so FAKE" post, that really got them riled up. Pizzed off is probably a better word. Or my "Hawksquawk classic" after Woody got re-hired . . . . "CRY and get it out of your system" post

To me it's like this. If you TRULY consider yourself a "die-hard" fan of a team, you don't get to pick and choose when you want to be a "die-hard".

You either ARE . . . or you're AREN'T.

When you talk about the NFL, it isn't the popular teams that have the die-hard fans, like the Cowboys, Raiders, Patriots, or Colts that have the die-hard fans. It's teams like the Chiefs, Browns, Redskins, and Packers that have them.

I AM an optimistic fan.

I'm smart or stupid enough to believe that the loss of Chill can be made up by Marvin elevating his game . . or Acie . . or even a Mario West, if he got 15 minutes a game.

You had 70% of Hawksquawk say that if push came to shove, they'd rather have Horford over Smith. Yet, the vast majority of that 70% don't have the confidence that Horford could step up in the absence of Smith. If they did, they wouldn't have freaked out a few weeks ago, with the Smith to Philly/LAC drama.

I understand that people just type things out of emotion at times. I'm cool with that. And i don't take any comment toward me personally.

But you'll NEVER . . EVER . . see me renounce my fan card of the Hawks, based on the loss/addition of a player, coach, or a management decision.

Fan rule - once you turn 18, your favorite teams should be set, and there are no changing them . . under ANY circumstances.

I mean . . .could you imagne a Red Sox fan saying that he's not going to support the Red Sox, if they traded Big Poppy?

But you see that all the time on this board.

If the ASG does this or that, I'm not supporting the Hawks anymore.

Well you know what? If you mean it, and it happens, stick to your decison. Even if things are going great, stick to your decision of not supporting them. Say what you mean, and mean what you say.

( See . . it's statements like that, that strikes a nerve in them. It challenges their very soul as a Hawks fan. )

Like Bush says about the countries that don't support us in the "war on terror" . . .

"You're either with us . . or against us."

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I heard a decent radio sports guy say what I thought yesterday morning - that it was going to happen sooner or later (the reverse action of a good NBA player to Euro league)...with Chillz it was the "Perfect Storm"...all had a hand in it.

- a sixth pick who then saw a a two pick taken for his spot (3).

- a weak ownership group and the re-signing of a coach who really wasn't going to give Chillz a fair chance at starting vs. Marvin.

- Rich Euro owners. We Americans tend to think that we are better off than the rest of the world...this is a come-uppance.

Anyway, this makes the agents of RFA's a bit harder - every one worth his salt will have to shop his player in Europe and see what he can get...and it will make negotiations for the NBA teams more interesting too. No longer can they see a possible offer from overseas as a joke.

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Northcyde, I think that we had a little tif over Joe Johnson long time ago, I think early last season. But since then, I've admired your ability to see both sides of Hawk issues and not be the typical reactionary fan that you find on this message board. Did I truly like the Woodson rehire? No but i have accepted it because like players, coaches can grow too. Was Childress one of my favorite players on this team? Yes but I understand the economics of the NBA in that you can't have a good bench when you are paying one player what you would normally pay 3 players off the bench.

Many people take a negative approach to everything that happens with the hawks organization which is why there is so much animosity around here toward the organization, the players and posters. But I like your approach of lets see whether this will work or not before we pass judgment on it. Rather than the I know it won't work and I'm sticking to my gun approach.

By the way, your Horford example is right on though but I still can't get past the fact that people still think that Horford can't play center in this league when he was darn near ROY playing the position all year long. Keep up the good post! Now diesel on the other hand is a different story altogether!

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LOL . . . you mean, just like that?

After all of that crying and complaining . . then we sign somebody . . and it's over?

Well, I guess we can offiially have the Chill funeral now, and pay our proper respects. He will be missed. He was definitely underappreciated as a Hawk, and will go down as probably one of the top 10 most popular Hawks of all time.

I feel more bad for the little kids at Philips, that loved him and his fro, than anything else.

Time to move on.

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... I've admired your ability to see both sides of Hawk issues and not be the typical reactionary fan that you find on this message board.

Oh horse patooty - both of you....we have had a 2-5-6 in the draft and all we have left is Marvin. Reactionary my A$$.

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... Did I truly like the Woodson rehire? No but i have accepted it because like players, coaches can grow too....

OMG PB....you are SERIOUS. You actually believe that we (as a full-fledged NBA franchise) should actually "develop" a coach ?? WTF ?? Coach "development" should be done long before this. Granted the Woodster was an assistant on a good team but he is obviously not a quality NBA coach. He is....quite possibly...the worst NBA coach...EVER.

Given time to mature as a coach I think he could have achieved the rank of "poor"...as it stands he "flat sucks".

Edited by DJlaysitup
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  • Premium Member
To me it's like this. If you TRULY consider yourself a "die-hard" fan of a team, you don't get to pick and choose when you want to be a "die-hard".

You either ARE . . . or you're AREN'T.

It's like this. You can be a company man like what Northcyde is talking about, but that's not neccessarily a fan.

A true fan wants the best for his team.

A true fan will stick with his team win, lose, or Draw but that doesn't mean that he's not critical of his team when they mess up.

True fans actually get stuff done.

True fans of the Cleveland Browns are the ones that got the franchise back. Imagine if they had just gone with the owners?

There's nothing wrong with optimism... however, there's something wrong with blindly following. You may think your not blindly following but there's no evidence to suggest that you're not.

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Oh horse patooty - both of you....we have had a 2-5-6 in the draft and all we have left is Marvin. Reactionary my A$$.

Well to be fair technically we have Marvin and Bibby along with Chill's NBA rights for 2, 5 and 6. Furthermore, without paying $7 million for Josh the Hawks may be able to sign a couple bigs with the MLE & LLE which may not have been possible while paying nearly $20 million per year for the Joshes IIRC (paging luxury tax experts).

You can argue that this is poor value for the picks but those picks were already devalued by sketchy drafting from 2004-2006. All three lotto picks were not worth their draft position. Calling Josh the 6th pick is fallacious in 2008...he's proven to be late lotto material at best. Original position is meaningless other than judging a GM. Otherwise a certain 17th pick wouldn't be looking for $11 million or so.

And I'll take $2.5 million for Evans over $7 million Childress. The replacement can at least shoot from distance if not as adept at "the little things". Now if October rolls around and we have no Smith (or a quality SnT replacement like a C) and no quality bench players signed I'll crucify the ASG with you. But it's still July and I'm willing to let the offseason play out before passing judgment.

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....You can argue that this is poor value for the picks but those picks were already devalued by sketchy drafting from 2004-2006. All three lotto picks were not worth their draft position. Calling Josh the 6th pick is fallacious in 2008...he's proven to be late lotto material at best. Original position is meaningless other than judging a GM. Otherwise a certain 17th pick wouldn't be looking for $11 million or so.

The "quote" doesn't work for me and the "reply" makes an auto "quote"....golldarn new software..no bitchy.

Truth is - it's easier to bust things up than it is to build things. For all of our losing we have gotten the likes of #2 Marvin...#5 Shelden (gone)...#6 Chillz (gone) and thank heavens BK took a flyer on Smoove. Total disaster on the part of the GM (BK). Our second round picks have also sucked.

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