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Marvin Back In School @ Unc & Working Out With May


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First off, that comment wasn't directed at you.

Secondly, I'm not going to debate with you when you are wrong on so many levels. Your facts aren't straight and your assumptions aren't either. Even if Marvin was doing this as a hobby, what's wrong with that ? It is his free time.

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The bottom line is:

Marvin does this same routine every summer, improves his PPG because he is a year older. If you saw his performance this past year on the most part, it was pretty pathetic. He shot FT's well, but could not dribble, got stripped every time, and couldn't even post up Luther Head (I was at that game).

The guy wasn't even working out last summer until Mr. Fizdale approached him about it (as I've read Walter state many times).

Tell me the truth:

With what you've read:

1) Marvin working out with Sean May

2) Working toward a degree

Do you see him averaging over 15 or 16 ppg this year? Do you see him improving his numbers at all besides the fact that Chillz is gone so they may naturally go up a point or two?

Edited by GTfan44
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How do I know? Marvin TOLD us.

How do you know what Marv's and May's workouts consist of?

Marvin told us he was playing pick up games until a Hawks's assistant told him to "work on his game".

Pick up games are absolutely NOT "working on your game" :brick wall: . Anybody who played basketball knows this. Only so much can be gained through pick up games, particularly when Marvin received a starting position and all the on court time he could handle after the Harrington trade. MW didn't need a summer of pick up games. He needed a summer of "working on his game". Even he admitted he needed an assistant coach to get him to do so.

...In addition, saying that Marv chose to leave BASKETBALL early is about the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard in my life. He left SCHOOL early to pursue a basketball career.

Then why is his off-season focus his after basketball career? MW left after one season as a BU. At his current pace of education he will not have a single basketball offseason without spending it at school. He will not spend ONE, SINGLE OFF-SEASON, NOT ONE OFFSEASON without SCHOOL as his primary (full-time) focus. Think about it. With likely 6 semesters of school remaining for him MW will be a professional basketball player alone for the first time in the year 2014! This isn't Horford who has already proven himself both on the college and professional level, who practiced with TEAM USA, and who has maybe 2 years left to get his degree. This is Marvin f***ing Williams who will be into likely his 3rd contract before he's done with school. His PER is meager and his range hasn't improved. And he's a good BASKETBALL professional? Hell no! He's a nice guy, but no professional. He came into the biggest interview OF ANYBODY'S LIFE OUT OF SHAPE despite only having 6 weeks since his last collegiate game. That's "professional". Man pu-leaze.

As for him being a "lousy professional," I'm sure EVERY GM in the NBA would DIE to have their young players have the professionalism of Marvin Williams. You call going back to college and working on your game all summer "unprofessional?" The guy is a class act in every sense of the word and he represents the franchise EXTREMELY well.

There isn't a GM in the world that would rather MW play pick up games than "work on his game". There isn't a GM in the world that would rather MW finish a degree that will consume possibly his first EIGHT off-seasons rather than commit to his PROFESSION! Not one.


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How do I know? Marvin TOLD us.

Then why is his off-season focus his after basketball career? MW left after one season as a BU. At his current pace of education he will not have a single basketball offseason without spending it at school. He will not spend ONE, SINGLE OFF-SEASON, NOT ONE OFFSEASON without SCHOOL as his primary (full-time) focus. Think about it. With likely 6 semesters of school remaining for him MW will be a professional basketball player alone for the first time in the year 2014! This isn't Horford who has already proven himself both on the college and professional level, who practiced with TEAM USA, and who has maybe 2 years left to get his degree. This is Marvin f***ing Williams who will be into likely his 3rd contract before he's done with school. His PER is meager and his range hasn't improved. And he's a good BASKETBALL professional? Hell no! He's a nice guy, but no professional. He came into the biggest interview OF ANYBODY'S LIFE OUT OF SHAPE despite only having 6 weeks since his last collegiate game. That's "professional". Man pu-leaze.

There isn't a GM in the world that would rather MW play pick up games than "work on his game". There isn't a GM in the world that would rather MW finish a degree that will consume possibly his first EIGHT off-seasons rather than commit to his PROFESSION! Not one.



Pickup games involve:

1) No defense

2) Layup drills

3) Trying out And1 Moves

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If you saw his performance this past year on the most part, it was pretty pathetic.

No, it wasn't. This statement is ridiculous. I expect better from you GT.

Do you see him averaging over 15 or 16 ppg this year? Do you see him improving his numbers at all besides the fact that Chillz is gone so they may naturally go up a point or two?

Yes, I do.

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There isn't a GM in the world that would rather MW finish a degree that will consume possibly his first EIGHT off-seasons rather than commit to his PROFESSION! Not one.


Still on this obtuse charade of a crusade, are we?

When will you figure out that the two aren't mutually exclusive?

I can think of plenty of worse places to work on one's game than Chapel Hill.

Is Horford lackluster for being in Gainesville this summer taking classes?

Oh, I forgot, somehow because he's got more credit hours it's different.

Complete and utter bull.

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No, it wasn't. This statement is ridiculous. I expect better from you GT.

I was a bit off with the 15 or 16 ppg statement-- I meant 17 or 18. I hope he averages that high, but he probably won't.

How did he have a good season? His PPG dropped steadily throughout the season.

He seemed to enjoy scoring 8 points and hiding in the corner the rest of the game.

In terms of being a #2 pick and a starter, I'd say his season was pretty average/mediocre.

Marvin's awkward athleticism and inability to hold onto the ball justify my statement.

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I was a bit off with the 15 or 16 ppg statement-- I meant 17 or 18. I hope he averages that high, but he probably won't.

How did he have a good season? His PPG dropped steadily throughout the season.

He seemed to enjoy scoring 8 points and hiding in the corner the rest of the game.

In terms of being a #2 pick, I'd say his season was pretty average/mediocre.


Marvin's inability to hold onto the ball
remains easily fixable.
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The bottom line is:

Marvin does this same routine every summer, improves his PPG because he is a year older. If you saw his performance this past year on the most part, it was pretty pathetic. He shot FT's well, but could not dribble, got stripped every time, and couldn't even post up Luther Head (I was at that game).

The guy wasn't even working out last summer until Mr. Fizdale approached him about it (as I've read Walter state many times).

Tell me the truth:

With what you've read:

1) Marvin working out with Sean May

2) Working toward a degree

Do you see him averaging over 15 or 16 ppg this year? Do you see him improving his numbers at all besides the fact that Chillz is gone so they may naturally go up a point or two?

I watched about 50-70 Hawks games last year, so yes, I have watched Marvin Williams.

He couldn't dribble, but he still got to the line more than most the people in the NBA. Can you imagine how effective he'll be once he improves his handle ?

He might not have been able to post Luther Head, but I have seen him post up successfully on bigger players and do that turnaround jumper that I would like to see more.

To answer your question, most definitely. Marvin averaged 15 points this year as the 4th option. With Childress gone and Woodson dedicated to getting Marvin more involved in the offense, I could see him making a sizeable leap in his PPG. After all, he has improved with every year he's been in the NBA and this year is no different. He has an uncanny ability to get to the FT, and getting to the FT is important to being a scorer in the NBA. His defense has went from average (last year) to above average (this year). He's added a turnaround jumpshot to his arsenal. So, yes, I can see Marvin averaging around 17-18 points this year easily. Also, nothing about his performance was pathetic until you start trying to compare it to Chris Paul and Deron Williams. Which is what I think all this hateful, negative energy is about. It's about time to start getting over that, after all, that was 3 years ago.

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remains easily fixable.

It remains fixable if you work at it. Marvin has been stumbling since he got in the league. This is his contract year. Fizdale is not going to call him this year.... :write a letter:

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Childress promoting basketball in China is what? Basketball.

He didn't play basketball in China, IIRC. It was just a goodwill tour.

And even if he had, it was against weaker competition than Marvin's playing against this summer.

Players playing basketball in the Olympics is what? Basketball.

Playing in the Olympics has a minimal impact on a player's offseason improvement. If anything, it increases the chance for injury or late season fatigue.

Marvin working towards a 90 hour AA studies degree is a HOBBIE...

And one he's absolutely entitled to.

Might as well be on tour with phish... or lugging a chess set from town to town.

Yes, those things are absolutely equivalent. You are absolutely right. :laughing5:

Back to ignore you go...

Edited by ifthenwouldi
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No I don't.

I read it already.

Marvin makes good money. Maybe him getting the AA degree has some intrinsic value to him, but the guy isn't strong physically and wasn't impressive at all this past year.

If he was taking classes and working out with a basketball player who was actually relevant (like Antwawn Jamison), maybe I'd change my mind, but to work out with a scrub like Sean May and take classes (dude isn't even close to finishing his degree. 71/120 hours means he has at least 3 more years at this rate because he probably got about 30 his 1st year and he probably gets about 15 hours or so a summer) is not the way to go.

On the other hand, Josh Smith worked out with Olajuwon and Calvin Murphy last summer.

While Smoove's intellectual prowess isn't the highest-regarded, to work with players of that caliber is a manifestation of his ambition and strive to become better. Even though I didn't see a Dream Shake or good shooting at all, at least Smoove had the initiative to go out and do this

And how do you know that May is the only guy he's working out with?

If you and Diesel are so sure of his summer workout schedule, please be so kind as to share it with us.

There are dozens and dozens of guys working on their games in the RTP right now. And you assume that Marvin's ONLY working with May?

Because the article didn't mention anyone else?

You're as f*@%ing dense as Diesel.

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The guy wasn't even working out last summer until Mr. Fizdale approached him about it (as I've read Walter state many times).

Tell me the truth:

With what you've read:

1) Marvin working out with Sean May

2) Working toward a degree

Do you see him averaging over 15 or 16 ppg this year? Do you see him improving his numbers at all besides the fact that Chillz is gone so they may naturally go up a point or two?

Okay, so you ARE as f@#$king dense as Diesel...AND Walter. Congrats.

You do realize that you're taking something at face value that is from Walter taking a quote from one article out of context.

You don't know when Marvin and Fizdale first talked, and you don't know who contacted who.

You don't know who Marvin's working out with, or what he's working on, or how vigorously, but becuase one article (that was primarily about May becuase he's a local pro that the Bobcats have had a lot riding on) only mentions Sean May, you know for a fact that May's the only guy Marvin's had any interaction with all summer.

Funny that when Childress went to China, no one was dumb enough to assume that ALL he did during that offseason was sight see.

Funny that when Horford goes back to school everyone assumes he's working his tail off all summer.

Admit that your bias is preventing you to be rational about what Marvin's up to this summer and last summer.

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How do I know? Marvin TOLD us.

Marvin told us he was playing pick up games until a Hawks's assistant told him to "work on his game".

Not true. You don't know WHEN that conversation took place, you don't know who contacted who, and you left out that he also said he was working out in the morning, pickup games later in the day.

That may have been a week into the offseason, or 3 months. YOU DON'T KNOW!

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Pickup games involve:

1) No defense

2) Layup drills

3) Trying out And1 Moves

You sure about that? You think Antawn's just working on his And1 moves too? Ironic that you mentioned him, look where his name lands in this post from inside carolina about one of the summer leagues:

"Team Rosters

Nolan Smith, Olek Czyz and Kyle Singler are playing on Barnstomers with Sean Dockery, Rasheed Wallace, Gerald Wallace and Shammond Williams.

Miles Plumlee and Jon Scheyer are playing with Raymond Felton, Sean May and PJ Tucker on Team Felton.

Lance Thomas is playing with Jerry Stackhouse, Reggie Bullock, Josh Howard, Danny Green and John Wall on the Regulators.

Elliot Williams and Steve Johnson are playing for E-Net with Ty Lawson, Wayne Ellington and Josh Powell.

Other competition includes Antawn Jamison, Marvin Williams, Ed Cota, David West. David Noel, Deon Thompson and Gavin Grant.

Admission is free. There are games tonight, July 15th, 17th, 22nd, 24th, 29th. 31st and August 5th from 6 to 10 PM. Playoffs run from August 9th to August 11th. Every team plays every time they play. The games are at NCCU's main McClendon-McDougald gym.

So stop complaining that there are no pickup reports and get your butts over there to make your own reports!"

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Here's a clip from one of the pickup games in the Dean Dome. No Marvin for this one, but it's a pretty good example of the kind of games that take place throughout the day, every day in gyms all around the RTP. This one is for UNC campers, but from what I understand many of the games have refs to keep things balanced, and hell, refs gotta practice too.


Stackhouse and Jawad Williams among the former players in this game. I think Jackie Manuel is out there as well.

Not excatly And1

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People complain about Marvins offseaon because they are not satisfied with what they see from him on the floor. You think Hornets fans would be complaining if CP3 were taking courses? What about Jazz fans about Deron Williams? No they wouldn't. With Marvin having holes in his game and needing to work on coordination he doesn't get the benefit of the doubt for not focusing on basketball.

People give Al the benefit of the doubt because they were impressed by his play on the court. Marvin leaves alot to be desired in many fans mind.

Just a question, why isn't Marvin on one of those rosters?

Does he just join a team when he is ready to play?

Is his classes making him miss out on games?

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Pickup games involve:

1) No defense

2) Layup drills

3) Trying out And1 Moves

Maybe your pickup games at the park or the student activities center do, but pros tend to go at each other pretty hard. A lot of those pickup games get super-competitive and hotly contested because pride and ego are on the line.

The best way to stay in basketball shape and get better is to play basketball against good competition. If I'm getting ready for a season, and I had to choose between playing pickup ball against pros/semi-pros versus going to the gym and doing drills all summer, I play pickup. Skill training does not get you used to doing things at game speed against live competition. It's like going to the lab - you don't just magically learn a new move in a workout and then you can implement it at your whim in games; you have to practice it against live competition. Ideally, you do some of both, which he likely is doing just that.

These threads trip me out. You guys have NO IDEA what Marvin is doing in his free time. Beyond that, it's his free time. He's earned it. His entire life is basketball for most of the year. Get off his jock.

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People complain about Marvins offseaon because they are not satisfied with what they see from him on the floor. You think Hornets fans would be complaining if CP3 were taking courses? What about Jazz fans about Deron Williams? No they wouldn't. With Marvin having holes in his game and needing to work on coordination he doesn't get the benefit of the doubt for not focusing on basketball.

People give Al the benefit of the doubt because they were impressed by his play on the court. Marvin leaves alot to be desired in many fans mind.

Just a question, why isn't Marvin on one of those rosters?

Does he just join a team when he is ready to play?

Is his classes making him miss out on games?

The problem is that no one here has any evidence that Marvin ISN'T focusing on basketball! There are 24 hours in a day. You CAN take a few classes AND work on your game. College athletes do it constantly, and many have far better work ethic than professional players.

Many pro athletes run full time business on the side. You simply can't be working on basketball 100% of the minutes you're awake, because you'd literally kill yourself.

He wasn't on one of those rosters becuase that random internet poster didn't have all the rosters handy, and that particular summer league has players that come and go depending on their summer schedules. I can't find the link, but there were a total of 8 teams in that league, and one of the rosters had 17 guys on it. I have no idea how many agmes any of those guys listed actually played in or will play in.

It was just one example of what happens in the RTP community in the offseason, because apparently many posters seem to think they're all just playing playstation and watching spongebob.

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