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Chill Will Be On 8:20am


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The first thing that ASG/Sund floated was that Chillz was a money grubbing utility player. I think Chillz set the record straight and cleared up any lies that have been told (such as Childress would have been the 4th highest paid player because we offered him more than the MLE).

How did he clear that up about being the 4th highest paid Hawk? If he confirmed that he was offered 5/33 how do you know that it wasn't a deal that either didn't have raises or that the deal didn't start high and get lower? In either of those scenarios he absolutely would have been the 4th highest paid Hawk. Anything around 5.7 million would have made him the 4th highest paid Hawk.

Also, what did the ASG say/do to insinuate that Chillz was a "money grubbing utility player"? All I have heard them say is that Chillz wanted more than they offered and told him to find a better deal. I don't see how that makes him look like a "money grubbing utility player".

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Yeah D...you gotta give Chillz credit. While Sund publically called him a "utility player" (not exactly a compliment) at least Chillz didn't call Sund a "second string low-paid lackey GM for a cheap a** organization" :saythat:

How is calling him a "utility player" an insult? In what world does the word "utility" ever mean anything less than complimentary? They view him as a guy that can do many things and fill many roles on the team. I can't imagine anyone taking that as an insult.

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I have no problems with management not wanting to pony up more than 5/33 for Chillz. That choice can certainly be defended as we dont want to overpay for role players. I think 5 yr/33 mil is a fair offer for him.

The fact Chillz alleges that he agreed to the deal and then they took it off the table, and the fact that HE NEVER MET OUR GM, are red flags to me. That is just bad business.

Not how you treat a #6 pick that you developed and openly stated that you wished to keep in the fold long-term in the offseason.

This is a black eye on Sund and ASG.

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The money is the real issue because despite all of his other complaints he was willing to come back, but he showed his immaturity by not understanding the bigger picture and trusting the handshake deal that Sund offered him.

Our low ball offer that he says he realized "IS A LOT OF MONEY"? Is that the "low ball" offer you are referring to?

I believe that if he didn't meet face to face with Sund that it's his fault and/or his agents fault because Sund flew to Washington to meet with Childress' agents. Why wasn't Childress there? Do you think Sund told Childress he couldn't be there? Childress himself wasn't told to go out and find a better offer, his agents were. That's just smart business and quite common for RFA's. That IS his agents job.

Do you realize that he was NEVER our top priority? Are you suggesting that we fool him by making him think that he was? Josh Smith was/is/will be our top priority this offseason. Childress is replaceable, Josh Smith is not.

How do you think Smith feels that he went through that whole dog and pony show in Philly only to be considered 2nd fiddle to Elton Brand? In Atlanta he remains 1st fiddle for us this offseason and if both sides would bend a little I'm sure that a deal would have been done long ago.

I too wish that Philly (or somebody) would have offered Smith a deal.

I think you need to get your timeline and your roles straight.

first off...

Below the MLE is a lowball offer for a player who was in the running for 6th man of the year.

Ginoboli, Barbosa, Gordon, Mike Miller, Jamison and Bobby Jackson all make more than the MLE. In some cases much more.


Sund went to DC after Chillz was in Greece. That was very knee jerk of him. After you have disrespected Chilz, it's knee jerk to wait until he starts talking to a group that you can get nothing from.... Sund should have step up to the plate with a face to face talk with Chillz well before July 15th.

I wonder has he spoken face to face with Smoove yet?

Do you realize that he was NEVER our top priority?

Sporting news

Two of the more important free-agent situations this summer will be those of Atlanta Hawks PF Josh Smith and G/F Josh Childress, who are both restricted free agents.... General manager Rick Sund has let other teams know that he will match any offers for Smith or Childress.
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I have no problems with management not wanting to pony up more than 5/33 for Chillz. That choice can certainly be defended as we dont want to overpay for role players. I think 5 yr/33 mil is a fair offer for him.

The fact Chillz alleges that he agreed to the deal and then they took it off the table, and the fact that HE NEVER MET OUR GM, are red flags to me. That is just bad business.

Not how you treat a #6 pick that you developed and openly stated that you wished to keep in the fold long-term in the offseason.

This is a black eye on Sund and ASG.

Again I have to ask, where was Childress when Sund flew up to Washington to meet with his agents? Who told Childress not to be there? What prevented Childress from going to Sund's office and meeting with him?

Maybe I missed the part where they took it off the table but I thought that they just asked him to wait to sign it until their other FA business was taken care of.

I don't think this situation was handled perfectly by either side, or even close to it, but there is equal blame to go around.

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I think you need to get your timeline and your roles straight.

first off...

Below the MLE is a lowball offer for a player who was in the running for 6th man of the year.

Ginoboli, Barbosa, Gordon, Mike Miller, Jamison and Bobby Jackson all make more than the MLE. In some cases much more.


Sund went to DC after Chillz was in Greece. That was very knee jerk of him. After you have disrespected Chilz, it's knee jerk to wait until he starts talking to a group that you can get nothing from.... Sund should have step up to the plate with a face to face talk with Chillz well before July 15th.

Do you think that Ginoboli, Barbosa, Gordon, etc etc all signed the initial offers that their teams came up with? Come on Diesel you are smarter than that. Obviously it's in the teams best interest to start low and the players interest to start high and meet in the middle. 5 years and 33 million is nowhere near a low ball offer for Childress.

Are you certain that he went to DC after Chillz was in Greece? I am almost 100% positive that he went to DC on the 2nd day of FA.

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I was at Game 6, and I was so pumped after the game that I wanted to buy season tickets even though I don't live in Atlanta. But now I'm not even sure I want to watch this team on TV. What's the point? I don't trust the ownerhship group at all, they haven't done anything but bungle everything they've tried to do so far, and it's been about two months with our new GM and I've already written him off as a dinosaur who doesn't understand the current economic climate or how to make a player feel halfway wanted (or how to draft anything except for centers who all end up as busts). I'm sure Joe will want out as soon as his contract his up. I love basketball and in an ideal world I'd like to cheer for my hometown NBA team, but there's only so much disappointment and embarrasment one franchise can inflict on its fanbase before that fanbase gives up (like most of the Atlanta fans already have).

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This whole issue should be an eye opener for fans. Notice how Chillz says even his teammates saw him as the utility guy. So if the Hawks paid him first and over priced, it would make all future negotiations with our starters even harder. Baron Davis was told to wait to sign his deal. It's done all the time to clear cap space and make the numbers work. Chillz was a big baby.

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"Below the MLE is a lowball offer for a player who was in the running for 6th man of the year.

Ginoboli, Barbosa, Gordon, Mike Miller, Jamison and Bobby Jackson all make more than the MLE. In some cases much more."

Did Gordon sign? I don't think you can compare Chillz to Ginoboli or Jamison. They are much better players.

To me the bottom line is the Hawks didn't show Chillz the love and he trumped them. I think their offer was fair but they didn't make him feel wanted. I also took from his interview he wanted to have a chance to start. That part goes straight back to Woodson and Knight for drafting the same positions over and over.

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Thanks for the links, quotes, and discussion boys, I was taking a final.

Lots of seemingly disparate truths in this thread. I think that it shows a pretty full view of a complex situation, and most posts are at least partially correct and/or insightful.

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Thanks for the links, quotes, and discussion boys, I was taking a final.

Lots of seemingly disparate truths in this thread. I think that it shows a pretty full view of a complex situation, and most posts are at least partially correct and/or insightful.

... and girls, if we have some herein-

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I listened to the entire interview and Chillz NEVER said they agreed to the 33 million deal. He said they offered it and he wasn't happy with it and the Hawks told him to go find a better deal. He said 2 championship teams offered much better deal in snt proposals but the Hawks never matched the better offer and didn't pursue the deals. .

then you missed the part where he said he decided to TAKE THE OFFER and they told him he'd have to WAIT until after they signed smoove

they made him an offer, he accepted, they said wait before signing it...

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How is calling him a "utility player" an insult? In what world does the word "utility" ever mean anything less than complimentary? They view him as a guy that can do many things and fill many roles on the team. I can't imagine anyone taking that as an insult.

Answer: Your girlfriend says 'you know you're a utility love maker'

Sund screwed up but it goes back to Woody. If we had a coach that knew what he was doing, that players really wanted to play for and not one that they just feel indifferent about then even with Sund screwing up we'd probably have Chill ... or maybe not. But you know he would have come back as the 6th man again.

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Answer: Your girlfriend says 'you know you're a utility love maker'

Sund screwed up but it goes back to Woody. If we had a coach that knew what he was doing, that players really wanted to play for and not one that they just feel indifferent about then even with Sund screwing up we'd probably have Chill ... or maybe not. But you know he would have come back as the 6th man again.

Again, how is someone saying you are good at many different things a bad thing? If my girlfriend said I was good at many different things concerning love making (and oh yes, she does lol) I certainly wouldn't be mad or feel slighted.

Woody helped to make Chillz into one of the best 6th men in the league and if there's anyone that Woody showed favoritism too or failed to neglect it would be Chillz (along with JJ). Chillz was his boy and he used him in the best manner he could to get the most out of him. If ANYONE is to blame for Chillz being a 6th man it would be BK for drafting Marvin and basically relegating Chillz to the bench.

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