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Hawksquawk Town Hall Chat Transcript


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Thanks to all of you who chatted and for Frank for organizing the chat.

Welcome to the Hawksquawk Homecourt

[8:06 pm] Welcome!

[8:07 pm] frankthetank966: Alright I'm going to get this party started.

[8:07 pm] frankthetank966: I would like to welcome everyone to the 1st Annual Hawksquawk.net - Town Hall Meeting!

[8:08 pm] frankthetank966: First a special thanks to Dolfan23 and all the other Team Members for hosting such an awesome site!

[8:08 pm] frankthetank966: We appreciate it!

[8:08 pm] Dolfan23: no thanks needed here but appreciated ... you guys make this site go

[8:09 pm] frankthetank966: Anyways lets start the first topic: We Did Shock the World!

[8:10 pm] frankthetank966: Do ya'll think the Hawks will be able to build on the success from the playoffs last season, and use the experience for a better this year. Or will it hurt them because these younger players will really know the pressure of playing in the Playoffs?

[8:13 pm] Dolfan23: lol is the chat broken or is nobody interesting in responding?

[8:13 pm] TheeYo: lol i was thinking the same thing

[8:14 pm] TheeYo: i guess to answer that...Yes

[8:14 pm] Dolfan23: I'm guessing the same

[8:15 pm] falconfrenzy: ok im back

[8:15 pm] mrhonline: Chat's not working for me...

[8:15 pm] mrhonline: Aha!

[8:16 pm] falconfrenzy: lol

[8:16 pm] Dolfan23: Aha?

[8:16 pm] falconfrenzy: anyone think we will win 45+ games?

[8:16 pm] TheeYo: i'll have to change my font color

[8:16 pm] mrhonline: My answer: No, the Hawks didn't shock the world. I agree with Hollinger - the Hawks' four blowout losses say as much about them as do the three wins at home.

[8:16 pm] frankthetank966: anyone

[8:16 pm] frankthetank966: is this working?

[8:17 pm] falconfrenzy: i guess so

[8:17 pm] Dolfan23: I think that we shocked the world, there's no doubt about how shocking the national media was about the playoff games in our building and that we weren't even supposed to win 1 game

[8:17 pm] TheeYo: 45 maybe...over 45 No

[8:17 pm] Dolfan23: I think we'll win 45 games

[8:17 pm] TheeYo: we shocked the world when we played at home

[8:18 pm] frankthetank966: Okay I am going to repost. (due to technical issues)

[8:18 pm] sultanofatl: I think what happened last year is history. The players and the coaches should forget it. Time to start new. This is a different te

[8:18 pm] falconfrenzy: Thats where i think we'll be

[8:18 pm] sultanofatl: team

[8:18 pm] frankthetank966: Anyways lets start the first topic: We Did Shock the World!

[8:18 pm] falconfrenzy: Yup,they expected us to get swept

[8:18 pm] frankthetank966: I agree with dolfan

[8:18 pm] Dolfan23: I don't think we needed to win the series to shock the world

[8:19 pm] mrhonline: It's weird to me that I'm one of the pessimists this year, but I'll be suprised by anything better than 40 wins this year.

[8:19 pm] Dolfan23: if we had won the series the world would have stopped

[8:19 pm] falconfrenzy: i agree

[8:19 pm] TheeYo: haha yeah

[8:19 pm] falconfrenzy: lol

[8:19 pm] Dolfan23: not weird to me you're always negative lol

[8:19 pm] lethalweapon3: would've been bigger than the Warriors-Mavs

[8:19 pm] falconfrenzy: yea

[8:19 pm] frankthetank966: lethal yes I think so. because the Hawks barely made the playoffs

[8:19 pm] Dolfan23: Bigger than Sonics-Nuggets back in the day

[8:19 pm] frankthetank966: the Warriors were a very good team all year

[8:20 pm] mrhonline: Yes, but the Hawks weren't even close to winning any of the road games.

[8:20 pm] TheeYo: yes b/c we had a losing record

[8:20 pm] TheeYo: in the playoffs

[8:20 pm] Dolfan23: if the expectations were that we'd win 3 games then no we didn't shock the world

[8:20 pm] TheeYo: * and still made the playoffs

[8:20 pm] Dolfan23: but the expectations were that we wouldn't win any games and we blew those expectations away

[8:20 pm] frankthetank966: yea. Barkley always said we shocked the world

[8:21 pm] falconfrenzy: yea

[8:21 pm] mrhonline: Any think the Celtics just got nervous?

[8:21 pm] Dolfan23: no, I think we exposed their faults, we just weren't veteran enough to do it game in and game out

[8:21 pm] falconfrenzy: Barkley finally got his wish,for the past 2 years before then he'd always say "My hawks are makin the playoffs"

[8:21 pm] graymule: I'm back. Phone call.

[8:21 pm] TheeYo: yeah

[8:22 pm] lethalweapon3: Pierce wager didn't help them

[8:22 pm] sultanofatl: yeah we shocked the world. nobody expected 7 games

[8:22 pm] frankthetank966: Alright my friends let move onto the next topic. Atlanta Spirit Group. Do you have any confiedence with ownership?

[8:22 pm] TheeYo: i remember that

[8:22 pm] falconfrenzy: no

[8:22 pm] graymule: Ownership is a mess.

[8:22 pm] mrhonline: whispers Dolfan23 Dolfan, do you have computer programming skills? I ask because I'm considering taking some courses...

[8:22 pm] mrhonline: whispers Dolfan23

[8:22 pm] Dolfan23: I do, other than the Childress incident which was somewhat out of their control, they've done everything they said they would do

[8:22 pm] falconfrenzy: yup^^^ its pretty bad

[8:23 pm] sultanofatl: I have confidence that they are big fans of this team like us. that's about it

[8:23 pm] mrhonline: The good news is that Marvin is really the only thing they can screw up, and that's not a death blow.

[8:23 pm] falconfrenzy: Well,i cant say its been to bad,it could be worse

[8:23 pm] graymule: They're trying. Got a pretty good GM, I believe.

[8:24 pm] frankthetank966: What about signing woody? I did not like that move.

[8:24 pm] falconfrenzy: Marv should be good this year,im anxious to see him play.Too bad he isnt playing tomorrow

[8:24 pm] frankthetank966: I thought we should have taken a move with Larry Brown.

[8:24 pm] mrhonline: whispers Dolfan23 I'm looking into computational linguistics. (U of Washington). I've found out that an M.A. in Comp Ling is better than a PhD in general Linguistics...

[8:24 pm] frankthetank966: But from what I hear is Woody is a good coach and he has improved every year.

[8:24 pm] mrhonline: whispers Dolfan23 I have to learn some about C++, Java, and Perl/Python before I apply though.

[8:24 pm] falconfrenzy: Yea,i was pretty sure that Woody would be gone

[8:25 pm] falconfrenzy: Maybe Woody is finally getting th pieces in place he needs to succede

[8:25 pm] graymule: Woody, along with the team, has had to grow.

[8:25 pm] Dolfan23: second that gray

[8:25 pm] falconfrenzy: yea

[8:25 pm] mrhonline: Having veterans in the backcourt will make Woodson's job easier.

[8:26 pm] sultanofatl: This is Woody's year, we need to see significant improvement or he should go

[8:26 pm] frankthetank966: true. you can argue woody didnt have hte pieces to work with

[8:26 pm] frankthetank966: thats why they hired him to a two year contract, not four and not one

[8:26 pm] lethalweapon3: If Woody goes during the season, any candidates to replace him?

[8:26 pm] Dolfan23: I'll be back guys, gotta take care of a few things

[8:26 pm] graymule: I now like our second unit. Hope we see a lot out of them.

[8:26 pm] TheeYo: Avery

[8:27 pm] frankthetank966: ThreeYo they ya go. Thats a sick replacement!

[8:27 pm] sultanofatl: I want an offensive minded coach. Play to our strengths

[8:27 pm] mrhonline: If you replace Woodson, you have to bring in a veteran.

[8:27 pm] falconfrenzy: hmm

[8:28 pm] lethalweapon3: Lil General might completely burn out Smoove

[8:28 pm] falconfrenzy: i like Avery

[8:28 pm] frankthetank966: Time for the next discussion. The Greek Afro! Are you upset with the way the Hawks handled the Chilldress situation or do you think Chilldress always wanted to bounce ship?

[8:28 pm] TheeYo: i think avery will help with pg development especially with Law

[8:28 pm] mrhonline: Childress wanted to go to San Antonio. That's my two cents.

[8:28 pm] falconfrenzy: true

[8:28 pm] lethalweapon3: Childress just wasn't patient enough

[8:28 pm] sultanofatl: I'm satisfied with what happened with Chillz. He didn't get overpayed, and we got replacements

[8:29 pm] falconfrenzy: i think he wanted to leave anyway

[8:29 pm] falconfrenzy: Im glad we got Murray and Evans

[8:29 pm] frankthetank966: IMHO Chilldress thinks he is better than a 6th man.

[8:29 pm] falconfrenzy: Murray,Evans>>>Chillz imo

[8:29 pm] frankthetank966: The Hawks did not think he was capable of starting

[8:30 pm] mrhonline: I wracked my brain to think of possible S&T's and the best deal I could come up with was Barbosa, and I'm not even sure the Suns would do that. Things will be different this summer.

[8:30 pm] sultanofatl: my bigger question is what happens next summer

[8:30 pm] falconfrenzy: yea

[8:30 pm] mrhonline: Childress' deal will most likely NOT be matched.

[8:30 pm] falconfrenzy: im curious too

[8:30 pm] frankthetank966: The Hawks can not qafford Chill. They will exceed th ecap.

[8:30 pm] graymule: I think starting is over rated by most NBA players. Minutes played is more important.

[8:30 pm] lethalweapon3: sign 'n trade?

[8:31 pm] mrhonline: To S&T him would mean the Hawks take back a lot of salary & little talent IMHO. Teams will know this and will call the Hawks' bluff.

[8:31 pm] sultanofatl: Can Chillz rights be traded during the season?

[8:31 pm] graymule: And, who is on the floor at the end of the game means more than starting.

[8:31 pm] frankthetank966: Thats a good option. I wouldn't mind doing that for a draft pick. Better than nothing

[8:31 pm] sultanofatl: maybe a bibby/chillz combo gets a young stud

[8:32 pm] falconfrenzy: idk maybe

[8:32 pm] frankthetank966: sultan no he can not be traded during the season. he is not on the hawks roster and does not belong to the hawks. the greece team currently "owes" chilldress

[8:32 pm] mrhonline: Best case: Childress is S&T early in the offseason for an expiring (a backup PG?) + a pick.

[8:32 pm] falconfrenzy: i wonder if bibby will get traded before the deadline

[8:32 pm] frankthetank966: i agree a pick would be nice

[8:33 pm] TheeYo: if we have no shot at the playoffs i think we do trade him

[8:33 pm] sultanofatl: But we hold his NBA rights, right?

[8:33 pm] mrhonline: I think the odds of Bibby being traded are slim.

[8:33 pm] lethalweapon3: we do hold his rights

[8:33 pm] sultanofatl: CNNSi had a blurb saying they think Bibby is a shoe in for a trade

[8:33 pm] lethalweapon3: or at least we're stuck with his rights

[8:34 pm] frankthetank966: Alrighty then. The next topic is The J-Smoove Woody Saga! How do ya'll think this lovely couple will get along this year?

[8:34 pm] TheeYo: yeah if we let him and zaza walk next year thats around 18 M

[8:34 pm] mrhonline: Don't agree. If the Hawks are decent, they're not trading their starting PG. If the Hawks suck, they're not gonna wanna give up the expiring contract.

[8:34 pm] graymule: Bibby? Depends on who we get in return, doesn't it?

[8:34 pm] frankthetank966: Was it the proper move by Woodson to call out J-Smoove at the final Hawks practice.

[8:34 pm] sultanofatl: I don't want woody and smoove all buddy buddy, I don't smith could handle that

[8:35 pm] mrhonline: Can't we just pretend they like each other???

[8:35 pm] TheeYo: yes i agree i like the Jsmoove with attitude

[8:35 pm] lethalweapon3: Creative tension between the two seems to work fine

[8:35 pm] falconfrenzy: I think Woody and Smoove's relationship is getting better

[8:35 pm] TheeYo: i think he plays off that well

[8:35 pm] frankthetank966: yea but if his attitude becomes a problem Sund may look to trade him,,

[8:36 pm] falconfrenzy: i dont think its gonna be that bad

[8:36 pm] sultanofatl: as long as Horf is the angel in Smooves ear him and woody can still have their spats

[8:36 pm] mrhonline: Smith won't be traded until Horford's 4th season IMHO, if at all.

[8:36 pm] frankthetank966: Ok. What about the piece in the AJC about Woody calling out JSMOOVE

[8:37 pm] lethalweapon3: Not the cancer Simmons believes... more like a small wart

[8:37 pm] sultanofatl: I think Horf and Smoove kind of share the same relationship as Horf had with his out spoken Gator buddy

[8:37 pm] graymule: Woody was right.

[8:37 pm] falconfrenzy: idk i didnt really think it was a big deal

[8:37 pm] falconfrenzy: i dont think smooves a big cancer either

[8:37 pm] mrhonline: I think the Hawks would've traded Smith if he was a problem.

[8:37 pm] falconfrenzy: Yea woody was right about it though

[8:38 pm] TheeYo: i think it was a challenge to smoove to live up to his contract

[8:38 pm] falconfrenzy: agreed mrh

[8:38 pm] TheeYo: but it was justifiable

[8:38 pm] frankthetank966: Ok as long as yall are happy im happy

[8:38 pm] frankthetank966: lol

[8:38 pm] sultanofatl: well woody had to set the tone.......let Smoove know he's still in charge

[8:38 pm] graymule: Naw. He's not a problem. Still needs to grow up a little more.

[8:38 pm] frankthetank966: thats a very good point.

[8:39 pm] frankthetank966: Shall we move onto the next topic?

[8:39 pm] falconfrenzy: sure

[8:39 pm] graymule: OK

[8:39 pm] mrhonline: As long as Smith stops taking threes and boxes out, I'm happy.

[8:39 pm] TheeYo: lol

[8:40 pm] frankthetank966: Alright. There was an interesting blurb on AJC.com today about Mike Bibby being the key to the Hawks sucess.

[8:40 pm] sultanofatl: hey let's not get ahead of ourselves.......less threes.......baby steps

[8:41 pm] sultanofatl: I think its marvin who's the key. Followed by Horf

[8:41 pm] falconfrenzy: I think he was key last season....without him,no playoffs

[8:41 pm] frankthetank966: The article was essentially asking fans if Bibby will finish the season with the Hawks:

[8:41 pm] mrhonline: Nope. It's Zaza Pachulia. Bibby will NEVER play enough defense to be important, and of the two offense-only players in the rotation, the center is more important..

[8:41 pm] frankthetank966: Or will we trade him.

[8:41 pm] mrhonline: I'd be willing to go as high

[8:42 pm] falconfrenzy: i would want him to stay if he's playing good

[8:42 pm] mrhonline: Unless the Hawks get offered a solid PG under 30 with defensive skills to play PG for Bibby, he's staying. Kirk Hinrich would be interesting...

[8:42 pm] TheeYo: yeah hinrich plus filler would work

[8:42 pm] falconfrenzy: i would love to get Hinrich

[8:42 pm] diesel: I think it's dependent on Acie.

[8:43 pm] sultanofatl: depends on Acie. If acie is playing well, and Bibby isn't.......TRADE

[8:43 pm] diesel: Hinrich is interesting and prolly available. Plus, I like the way Chicago sets up a contract.

[8:43 pm] falconfrenzy: lol let the next topic be about marv

[8:43 pm] TheeYo: yes decreasing

[8:43 pm] frankthetank966: Hinrich would not fit in well.

[8:43 pm] graymule: Bibby is GREAT when he has a hot hand - Just an OK PG when he's not.

[8:43 pm] frankthetank966: He want to start

[8:43 pm] diesel: I don't know how much is dependent on Bibs.

[8:43 pm] TheeYo: lol i knew that was coming

[8:43 pm] diesel: Bibs contract makes him a must trade.

[8:44 pm] falconfrenzy: a must trade idk

[8:44 pm] mrhonline: I personally think the Hawks will re-sign Bibby to ~3-yr. deal.

[8:44 pm] diesel: I think what you may have seen is if JJ can play OG while Flip occupies the PG spot

[8:44 pm] falconfrenzy: if we can get something good for him

[8:44 pm] lethalweapon3: good shooting and passing will take pressure off acie to develop

[8:44 pm] sultanofatl: Been fun fellas.....I gotta go though.

[8:44 pm] TheeYo: if bibby is traded we have to take atleast 15M back

[8:44 pm] diesel: With some playioff teams needing a PG, I think you will.

[8:44 pm] graymule: If the price is right, trade him - - Otherwise, no.

[8:45 pm] diesel: The question is for who? Shawn Marion?

[8:45 pm] TheeYo: exactly

[8:45 pm] falconfrenzy: no i dont want Marion

[8:45 pm] diesel: Or would we get somebody like Pryzibillia.

[8:45 pm] TheeYo: unless we waive some players to make room

[8:45 pm] diesel: Or maybe some guy like Foster?

[8:45 pm] falconfrenzy: not really,i want a Center

[8:45 pm] falconfrenzy: maybe Pryz

[8:45 pm] falconfrenzy: i love foster

[8:46 pm] diesel: Or and I puke in my mouth saying this... Curry.

[8:46 pm] frankthetank966: lol mroholine

[8:46 pm] diesel: NY is a team that can accomodate a contract like Bibs.. the problem is that they don't have any desirable players.

[8:46 pm] frankthetank966: The next discussion lined up is: Is Joe Johnson the Most Underatted Player in the NBA?

[8:47 pm] diesel: No. I think JJ doesn't drive enough and doesn't get to the foul line enough.

[8:47 pm] lethalweapon3: he's up there (or down there)

[8:47 pm] mrhonline: What diesel said.

[8:47 pm] falconfrenzy: He's up there yea

[8:48 pm] diesel: Wade, Bron, Kobe all get to the line about 3 to 4 times more than JJ. It's because he doesn't drive.

[8:48 pm] lethalweapon3: I guess so long as coaches keep picking him for All-Star games it's hard for him to complain

[8:48 pm] falconfrenzy: on some other forums i go on people think Rip is a better player than JJ

[8:48 pm] diesel: I think it's good and bad. Bad because FTs are easy points but good because he's not as banged up.

[8:48 pm] graymule: JJ had too many minutes. Maybe that will change and he will be more aggresive.

[8:48 pm] diesel: That's horrible. Rip cannot create for himself.

[8:49 pm] lethalweapon3: Mo, Flip and Healthy Bibby will reduce his minutes

[8:49 pm] diesel: Rip needs a screen. JJ can create, he just doesn't drive.

[8:49 pm] falconfrenzy: I want to see him dunk more,i hate when i see him miss layups....i think to myself " dunk it your 6'7

[8:49 pm] frankthetank966: diesel you said you dont hink NYK have any desirale players. I hate to go back. but what about DLEE?

[8:49 pm] diesel: I love DLEE but he wouldn't be good for us. Who would we trade Horf or Smoove.

[8:50 pm] frankthetank966: im saying bibby

[8:50 pm] frankthetank966: and possibly zaza

[8:50 pm] frankthetank966: jsut throwing somethings out there. not very realisti

[8:50 pm] diesel: No, I mean after we get Lee.

[8:50 pm] frankthetank966: anyways. falcons what do you mean by Rip?

[8:50 pm] frankthetank966: Rip Hamilton?

[8:50 pm] lethalweapon3: More time at SF for Smoove will limit JJ's minutes at SF too

[8:50 pm] diesel: If you look after Lee, we would have Lee, Smoove, and Horf all undersized to play Center.

[8:50 pm] mrhonline: Lee is the new starting center in New York.

[8:50 pm] TheeYo: we would then be officially the 6'9 squad

[8:51 pm] diesel: Let's see how long that Lasts.

[8:51 pm] lethalweapon3: Billy Knight would smile

[8:51 pm] mrhonline: Thoughts on Curry -for- Zaza+Speedy? (I'd say no).

[8:51 pm] diesel: BK would love that.

[8:51 pm] TheeYo: the 69 boyz

[8:51 pm] diesel: No. +Curry is just sorry.

[8:51 pm] diesel: I think Zaza is actually a better player.

[8:51 pm] TheeYo: i like Z's hustle

[8:52 pm] diesel: Z doesn't play Defense but he is physical.

[8:52 pm] frankthetank966: Zaza "GAME SEEEEVEN"

[8:52 pm] diesel: Curry is neither.

[8:52 pm] mrhonline: I want so desperately to trade Speedy. I'd probably retire as a fan of sports if that happened.

[8:52 pm] frankthetank966: Zaza needs to play with the same energy like he did in the playoffs.

[8:52 pm] graymule: Zaza ain't bad. Just has a bad rep. Looked good with the inside offense in our last game.

[8:52 pm] diesel: I think we take a ending Bibby and Speedy contract and see what's in the FAcy.

[8:53 pm] lethalweapon3: Zaza's more inspired than this time last year

[8:53 pm] diesel: It may be that Bibs wants to stay. If so, we sign him for a lower price... something like 4 year 30 million.

[8:53 pm] lethalweapon3: He'll get double-doubles rebounding his missed layups

[8:53 pm] diesel: With a team option after 3.

[8:54 pm] mrhonline: I'd go 3 yrs, $21M. (And a flat contract, too).

[8:54 pm] TheeYo: yes...just enough to season Acie

[8:54 pm] diesel: The centers that I hate we missed are: Gasol and the guy in Charlotte... what's his name....

[8:54 pm] frankthetank966: I'm looking over the list and these players are interesting: Ray Allen, Eddie House, Ilgauskas, Varejo, Ben Wallce, Stephen Jackon, Al Harringoon...

[8:54 pm] frankthetank966: all of those guys are UFA

[8:55 pm] lethalweapon3: Mek? or Ryan Hollins?

[8:55 pm] frankthetank966: Memet Okur is also a UFA. He would be agreat fit!

[8:55 pm] TheeYo: Harrington just asked for a trade

[8:55 pm] mrhonline: If the Hawks are thinking of re-signing Bibby, I think they should look at trading for Brad Miller. Just a whim, but Miller is a good fit. His range allows Smith to play some at the 3, he's a legit center, rebounds well, can battle inside if needed

[8:55 pm] diesel: I think a 4 year 30 is better especially if it's graduated with a TO in the third because we might not end up paying a whole 7 per.

[8:55 pm] diesel: Miller would be a good fit if healthy.

[8:56 pm] frankthetank966: Threeyo when did harrington ask for a trade?

[8:56 pm] mrhonline: If the TO is the third year, then you're right.

[8:56 pm] lethalweapon3: Al knows there's not much of a market for him right now

[8:56 pm] diesel: Back to JJ... I think what we need to see is more plays and less of JJ running the offense.

[8:56 pm] frankthetank966: I agree diesel.

[8:56 pm] diesel: Okur is the dream.

[8:56 pm] lethalweapon3: Brad Miller?

[8:56 pm] falconfrenzy: lol

[8:56 pm] frankthetank966: Next Topic: Bench Please! Have the Hawks established a reliable bench?

[8:56 pm] diesel: I think Utah will reup Okur though.

[8:57 pm] frankthetank966: I dont think utah can afford him.

[8:57 pm] diesel: No. We need Chillz.

[8:57 pm] mrhonline: No. Flip is too streaky, and the frontcourt is...ugh.

[8:57 pm] falconfrenzy: i think our bench is reliable now...better than last season.I still think we need another decent big though

[8:57 pm] mrhonline: Evans will be nice.

[8:57 pm] lethalweapon3: Bench isn't as bad as Simmons suggests, it's better than last year

[8:57 pm] diesel: Utah has plenty of money.. especially when Harp's contract is up.

[8:57 pm] mrhonline: ^^And when Boozer jumps ship.

[8:57 pm] frankthetank966: Disel you missed out on that topic. I think the overall consensus was that we would like to put together a sign-trade for Chill.

[8:57 pm] diesel: I like Evans. I think Flip is a chucker. We don't have a realiable big.

[8:57 pm] noahstein90: if soloman jones gives u anthing that would be huge

[8:58 pm] graymule: I liked our bench in preseason. Now, if Woodson will play them - - -

[8:58 pm] lethalweapon3: amen

[8:58 pm] frankthetank966: The biggest addition to the bench could be someone who has been on the team for a few years. Speedy Claxton.

[8:58 pm] frankthetank966: Imagine if he comes back healthy and puts up similar numbers off the bench like he did in N.O.

[8:58 pm] frankthetank966: wow!

[8:58 pm] noahstein90: yeah

[8:58 pm] mrhonline:

[8:59 pm] diesel: I don't know if we should trade Chillz if he wants to come back. You got to like his consistency and he'll be coming back as a player who has carried a team. He might be a lot better than many can fanthom.

[8:59 pm] noahstein90: that would be nice, but we need bigs

[8:59 pm] TheeYo: a healthy speedy makes a backup Guard expendible for a trade

[8:59 pm] graymule: We can dream, can't we!

[8:59 pm] lethalweapon3: do we have to pay Chillz 10 mill, though?

[8:59 pm] diesel: Of course not. I think we offer him 7 per.

[9:00 pm] mrhonline: We would've done that this year if that's the price.

[9:00 pm] diesel: I would say 5 year 36.6 million.

[9:00 pm] frankthetank966: lol. but the bench is def. a lot stronger this year than the past few years. Flip, Evan, Morris and Acie looks sweet in pre-season

[9:00 pm] diesel: I really think Sund screwed the pooch.

[9:00 pm] frankthetank966: why do you say that? p.s. Where are you Dolfan?

[9:00 pm] mrhonline: I don't. I think Childress took the best money he was offered.

[9:01 pm] frankthetank966: I dont think Chill had any interest in playing with the Hawks this year.

[9:01 pm] diesel: From the going back and fourth and from the way we muscled Smoove I think that our dealing with Chillz was nothing great.

[9:01 pm] mrhonline: Or next.

[9:01 pm] diesel: I think Chillz absolutely wanted to play for the Hawks... same as Smoove.

[9:01 pm] graymule: Don't blame Chillz. Don't blame the Hawks. It just happened.

[9:02 pm] mrhonline: Childress has been saying he wants to start for several years now. He knew that wasn't going to happen in Atlanta.

[9:02 pm] falconfrenzy: well im out guys

[9:02 pm] lethalweapon3: Bench now is better than Childress and Pray-for-Rain like we had last year

[9:02 pm] diesel: It happen gray.. but there was definitely causes. We treated Chillz as a 2nd rate player. I can believe our management told him to go out and find a deal. BK alluded to the fact that one might be lost.

[9:02 pm] graymule: I believe he wanted to stay here - -But, the great offer was just too good to turn down.

[9:03 pm] diesel: Like I said, we still don't have a reliable big AND flip doesn't impress me.

[9:03 pm] lethalweapon3: We could use a taller SF-PF option, but maybe Othello can fill that role (another guy we didn't have last year)

[9:03 pm] mrhonline: D, the Hawks treated Childress like most reserve RFA's get treated - they get told to go and find offers and the team will then decide.

[9:03 pm] frankthetank966: I hope Othello is as good as I have been reading about.

[9:03 pm] frankthetank966: Here is a topic I have been looking forward to. Its great to be a Florida Gator...Has Al Horford established himself as an elite Center?

[9:04 pm] TheeYo: i just hope Othello can guard the bigger 3s

[9:04 pm] frankthetank966: the dude has a 7'3 wingspan!

[9:04 pm] diesel: Most RFAs that you're talking about play for teams that can afford to lose them. We're coming off of our best season, I don't think this was the time...especailly with a sometimey Marvin.

[9:04 pm] TheeYo: well i mean perimeter D wise

[9:05 pm] frankthetank966: Okay folks. Lets get some Al Horford talk in... Shall we?

[9:05 pm] lethalweapon3: Second-tier as a Center... He'll get worn down from time to time, but throw Zaza and Randolph in there to suck up fouls

[9:05 pm] diesel: I think Horf should progress just fine. I think the thing is going to be defining his position.

[9:05 pm] graymule: Horford has established himself as a very good NBA player.

[9:06 pm] diesel: Sure is. The question is what's his best position.

[9:06 pm] lethalweapon3: Double-double machine who hasn't approached his ceiling

[9:06 pm] diesel: Horf has a very incomplete offensive game.

[9:06 pm] frankthetank966: you there?

[9:06 pm] frankthetank966: sorry wong message.

[9:07 pm] lethalweapon3: I imagine a future season where Smoove comes off the bench to spell Al

[9:07 pm] mrhonline: gotta go. Good evening, all.

[9:07 pm] graymule:

[9:07 pm] frankthetank966: Since the day he was drafted I said Horford was drafted as a center.

[9:07 pm] diesel: Under BK that may be true. However, that doesn't mean the search for a C is over... Horf is a prototypical PF.

[9:07 pm] TheeYo: i dont think they would pay someone taht much money to come off the bench

[9:08 pm] frankthetank966: He will be one of the best centers the next few years! He has similar height and weight to Amare Stoudamire

[9:08 pm] lethalweapon3: Smoove wins 6th MOY (sorry Ginobili!), Hawks go all the way!

[9:08 pm] frankthetank966: who plays C

[9:08 pm] TheeYo: but take note that Utah is using ak47 off the bench

[9:08 pm] lethalweapon3: Just dreaming

[9:08 pm] TheeYo: and Lakers have Odom off the bench now also

[9:08 pm] diesel: I hate to break it to you, but Centers are getting big again. Howard, Bynum, Oden.. just a start!

[9:08 pm] lethalweapon3: Odom's coming off the bench this season

[9:08 pm] lethalweapon3: TheeYo beat me to it

[9:09 pm] frankthetank966: Thats a group of three specific guys. But then there are the crop similar to Al.

[9:09 pm] frankthetank966: Duncan. Amare, Boozer

[9:09 pm] lethalweapon3: I see more Tim Duncan with Horford than Amare

[9:09 pm] diesel: Let's say for example we have a chance to get Okur. Do we not get him?

[9:09 pm] frankthetank966: so many that have been successful. its not about how big your body is but how you use your body.

[9:09 pm] graymule: Big Baby - Boston. Hawks need someone HIS size on the bench.

[9:09 pm] frankthetank966: i.e that tall ass white dude

[9:10 pm] lethalweapon3: Gheorghe Muresan?

[9:10 pm] lethalweapon3: lol

[9:10 pm] TheeYo: LOL

[9:10 pm] frankthetank966: lol

[9:10 pm] diesel: I hear that Yao may be available... Do we not care for him?

[9:10 pm] frankthetank966: Where have you heard thsat?

[9:11 pm] lethalweapon3: I wouldn't on this team... unless we totally restructured

[9:11 pm] diesel: Heyward may become available.. do we ignore that?

[9:11 pm] frankthetank966: and yes Gheorghe Muresan

[9:11 pm] graymule: Yao? At what cost?

[9:11 pm] frankthetank966: Hewyard is hurt

[9:11 pm] diesel: I mean Heywood.. Had a Falcons flashback.

[9:11 pm] lethalweapon3: Brendan Haywood

[9:11 pm] frankthetank966: do you mean Braves lol

[9:11 pm] frankthetank966: jk

[9:11 pm] lethalweapon3: Ironhead

[9:12 pm] diesel: I have heard somebody say that Scola is making himself the man. For us it would prolly cost us Horf and 2 firsts.

[9:12 pm] frankthetank966: Haywood would be awesome off the bench

[9:12 pm] frankthetank966: If thats the case no. I love Horford energy. I have not seen anyone thats plays with such passion in years

[9:12 pm] TheeYo: could you imagine the new marketing campaign if Yao comes here

[9:12 pm] TheeYo: lol

[9:13 pm] diesel: Do you need to market Yao?

[9:13 pm] frankthetank966: And tonights final topic: Season Predictions....

[9:13 pm] lethalweapon3: Ming's the Thing

[9:13 pm] diesel: I say 44-46 wins.

[9:13 pm] frankthetank966: I saw 40+ wins also. How far do you see them going inthe playoffs?

[9:14 pm] frankthetank966: p.s. TNT's scored is confusin.

[9:14 pm] TheeYo: 45 maybe

[9:14 pm] lethalweapon3: 45-37, 5th seed, 2nd SE, 1st round bow

[9:14 pm] diesel: I have been drinking the coolaid because I know that every eastern team is better.. I was watching the Bucks play minutes ago and they don't look bad... Neither does Chicago.

[9:14 pm] TheeYo: yeah the score overlay was throwing me off earlier

[9:14 pm] graymule: Lets see. 82 games. Win 1/2 = 41. Just a little extra and we get 44!

[9:15 pm] frankthetank966: Well tom. night we will get to see us play against a very good team.

[9:15 pm] diesel: If we win 44, we go to the 2nd round.

[9:15 pm] TheeYo: without a key starter

[9:15 pm] frankthetank966: So if we can go to the wire with Orlando....

[9:15 pm] frankthetank966: I agree 44 wins we should go to the 2nd round.

[9:16 pm] frankthetank966: AHF welcome to the chat!

[9:16 pm] lethalweapon3: Who do y'all think wins the SE?

[9:16 pm] frankthetank966: Orlando.

[9:16 pm] diesel: I don't think Orlando is the team to watch. I think they are pretty ordinary. I think the team to watch (this year) will be the celtics and the scary team is the Pacers.

[9:16 pm] TheeYo: Scoop thinks we do

[9:16 pm] graymule: 44 isn't THAT many more wins than last season

[9:16 pm] AHF: I do think orlando wins the SE

[9:16 pm] frankthetank966: Washington was going to be 2nd IMHO but with all the injuries its going ot be a tough year for them.

[9:17 pm] frankthetank966: The pacers are going to be good

[9:17 pm] diesel: Washington has an injury history that won't let up. Up and coming teams are Indy, Charlotte, and Toronto.

[9:17 pm] lethalweapon3: not many pundits had Orlando last year

[9:17 pm] AHF: Washington is a wild card. They have the talent to really succeed but the injuries to fall on their face.

[9:17 pm] diesel: I'm not counting out Milwaukee either.

[9:17 pm] AHF: I'm counting out Milawaukee.

[9:17 pm] graymule: Boston 76 - Cleveland 68 right now

[9:18 pm] frankthetank966: atl_fan Welcome to the chat!

[9:18 pm] diesel: If you think about team.. Milwaukee has every position classically covered, they have great shooters and they have a good coach who will sure up their defense.

[9:18 pm] lethalweapon3: No darkhorse pics for Miami?

[9:18 pm] atl_fan: II saw your post over on the AFMB, thought I'd come check it out.

[9:18 pm] frankthetank966: yes but we have a very good starting 5 if Marvin shows up

[9:18 pm] diesel: If you think about Washington, they didn't have a real PG, they have Jamison who is streaky... it's hard to trust them.

[9:18 pm] graymule: Major injuries is the key for EVERY NBA team.

[9:19 pm] diesel: If you look at Miami, the way that they belly flopped last year makes it hard to go with them too.

[9:19 pm] AHF: I am also not buying the Pacers because I am not sold on Dunleavy. Granger is fantastic but they don't have a real plus anywhere else if Ford has any injury issues and Dunleavey slinks back to his career norms.

[9:19 pm] diesel: Major injuries are.. but Injury history is like Speedy Claxton and Alan Henderson.

[9:19 pm] frankthetank966: Awesome. Unfortuanetly its slowing down a little now but lets keep this party pumping!

[9:20 pm] diesel: Dunleavy is the reason I'm sold on the Pacers. They just picked up 2 terrific PGs... they have Dunleavy and Granger and they have never needed a C.

[9:20 pm] AHF: With Milwaukee I am not buying the offensive upgrade until I see it. The coach is a move in the right direction but Jefferson isn't going to improve team D - just plug one hole in a sieve.

[9:21 pm] AHF: With Milwaukee I meant defensive upgrade.

[9:21 pm] lethalweapon3: How many East teams have new coaches this season?

[9:21 pm] diesel: I think that's true. It will have to come down to better coaching.

[9:21 pm] frankthetank966: Who is the coach in MIL?

[9:21 pm] diesel: Chicago, Milwaukee, Miami??,

[9:21 pm] diesel: Milwaukees coach is Skiles.

[9:21 pm] lethalweapon3: Charlotte, NY?

[9:22 pm] AHF: Chicago is interesting. So bad last year but real talent on the roster. They should not have been that bad last year. They should rebound, IMO.

[9:22 pm] diesel: I can't go against Charlotte because the teacher is putting trust in the rookie!

[9:23 pm] lethalweapon3: Is he going to go with Augustin? Good start!

[9:23 pm] diesel: I remember watching the Augustin/Law Shootout a few years ago. Law won but Augustin won respect. I think this kid willbe something special.

[9:23 pm] frankthetank966: Another topic. Who is the one player primed for a breakout season?

[9:23 pm] diesel: Yeah, Brown looks like he's starting Augustin and there will be some times with Felton and Augustin together.

[9:24 pm] lethalweapon3: agreed, won't be Deron/Paul but a good future rivalry if we're lucky

[9:24 pm] diesel: I won't say he's not Paul/Deron level (yet)... The kid is mature and he's learning from one of the best teachers in the game.

[9:24 pm] frankthetank966: My guess is Morris

[9:25 pm] diesel: Easily it will have to be Acie.

[9:25 pm] atl_fan: I don't think Morris is going ot get enough minutes to have a break out season

[9:25 pm] diesel: Me either.

[9:25 pm] lethalweapon3: Breakout = Marvin with his newfound 3-point shot

[9:25 pm] frankthetank966: I think Morris will see 15 mins a game.

[9:25 pm] graymule: The entire second unit.

[9:25 pm] atl_fan: Unlees Zaza gets hurt

[9:25 pm] frankthetank966: Marvin new 3 pt shot?

[9:25 pm] frankthetank966: what?

[9:25 pm] TheeYo: ideally it would be marvin

[9:25 pm] atl_fan: If Zaz gets hurt he'll see that much time

[9:26 pm] graymule: Marvin among the starters

[9:26 pm] diesel: Acie will get more minutes and he's mature enough to handle running this team.

[9:26 pm] atl_fan: It didn't seem like Woody had much faith in Morris in the preseason

[9:26 pm] lethalweapon3: Speedy'll be the Break-down Player

[9:26 pm] lethalweapon3: lol

[9:26 pm] diesel: I think of all of our players, Acie has the most ability to effect weather or not this team wins.

[9:26 pm] diesel: Didn't mean that like it sounded.

[9:27 pm] diesel: Acie's improvement can lift this team more than any other players improvement.

[9:27 pm] AHF: Statistically Charlie Villanueva could blow up this year.

[9:27 pm] atl_fan: If Law shows he can start is Bibby gone? Or will they hold on to him for chemistry

[9:27 pm] frankthetank966: hold onto bibby

[9:28 pm] frankthetank966: they would need him off the bench

[9:28 pm] diesel: Leaguewide, I would say... Jordan Farmer. Dang I wish we would have gotten him. I think Fisher will play less minutes and Farmer will play more.

[9:28 pm] graymule: Diesel. Acie has more room to improve than any other Hawk, and I believe he will

[9:28 pm] frankthetank966: and i think thats the ideal situation

[9:28 pm] jdu00743: what up

[9:28 pm] diesel: Yeah Mule! That's what I believe also.

[9:28 pm] frankthetank966: due00743 welcome to the chat!

[9:28 pm] jdu00743: what's going on?

[9:28 pm] AHF: Law is clearly the Hawk that needs to step up this year.

[9:29 pm] jdu00743: frank, I saw you mentioned this on the Falcons MB

[9:29 pm] frankthetank966: Awesome!

[9:29 pm] diesel: Yeah... If he doesn't, we're forced to hold on to Bibs and he's probably going to be sent packing.

[9:29 pm] jdu00743: what you guys been talking about?

[9:29 pm] frankthetank966: Who is the one player primed for a breakout season?

[9:29 pm] AHF: Right now it is about the breakout player for this year.

[9:30 pm] jdu00743: Yea, I agree with everyone else on Law

[9:30 pm] diesel: I wonder what Solo is going to do?

[9:30 pm] AHF: Farmer will play a much bigger role but with Kobe, Gasol, Odom and Bynum, he won't touch the ball enough to be a national breakout player.

[9:30 pm] graymule: Acie, healthy and out of Woody's doghouse is what we need

[9:30 pm] jdu00743: sorry for all the questions...Hawks or NBA?

[9:30 pm] atl_fan: Hopefully he'll get some consistent minutes and give us another shot blocker

[9:30 pm] AHF: jdu - Yes.

[9:31 pm] lethalweapon3: Solo could be the new doghouse resident

[9:31 pm] atl_fan: new?

[9:31 pm] diesel: After seeing Him.. and his size, I'm hoping solo can do something.

[9:31 pm] lethalweapon3: Salim's no longer here

[9:31 pm] diesel: The Hawks should pick up Travis Hansen.

[9:31 pm] AHF: It looks like Morris will be nailed to the bench to start the year for the Hawks. I see him and Gardner racking up the non-active/CD-DNP's.

[9:31 pm] lethalweapon3: BYU!

[9:32 pm] atl_fan: Seems like Solo was in the doghouse as well

[9:32 pm] jdu00743: I wonder what kind of #'s Horford will end up with

[9:32 pm] atl_fan: with Salim that is

[9:32 pm] jdu00743: he could be considered a "Breakout" guy

[9:32 pm] graymule: Someone has to be kept in Woody's doghouse. He won't give THAT up

[9:32 pm] frankthetank966: He used to play for us

[9:32 pm] lethalweapon3: true true graymule

[9:32 pm] diesel: Yep.

[9:32 pm] atl_fan: 13 10 for Horford

[9:32 pm] diesel: I wonder if he still has the eminem thing going?

[9:32 pm] frankthetank966: lol

[9:32 pm] frankthetank966: Yea

[9:33 pm] TheeYo: i dont think theres enough shots for horford to have a breakout season...unless he grabs 12-13 rbs a game

[9:33 pm] AHF: That is reasonable, atl_fan. I think Horford will get more touches but not that many.

[9:33 pm] lethalweapon3: he'll need to get to the line

[9:33 pm] jdu00743: I guess Josh Smith has the biggest chance of breaking out, then

[9:33 pm] diesel: We have to bring in some kind of offensive coaching. I was noticing Del Negro with Del Harris.

[9:33 pm] jdu00743: Him or Law

[9:34 pm] diesel: What does Smith have to break out of? Is he going to be a 25 ppg player?

[9:34 pm] atl_fan: Marvin isn't going to get more shots and the guys we have coming off the bench need far more touches than Childress did so I can't see Horford making much of a jump

[9:34 pm] graymule: Zaza looked good with his inside offense with the second unit. Should we consider him???

[9:34 pm] atl_fan: I mean Marvin is going to get more shots

[9:34 pm] jdu00743: I don't think Zaza has much room in his potential to imporve graymule

[9:34 pm] jdu00743: he is athletically limited

[9:34 pm] diesel: Marvin won't get more shots in this offense if he's not aggressive.

[9:34 pm] jdu00743: he's pretty darn sneaky though with his scoring

[9:35 pm] frankthetank966: What type of numbers do you except J-Smoove to put up?

[9:35 pm] lethalweapon3: he does have room to revert to his previous seasons

[9:35 pm] lethalweapon3: zaza does

[9:35 pm] diesel: It's the same rules as last yr... early on, he will get 2 or 3 but after the 2nd qtr, it's survival of the fittest.

[9:35 pm] TheeYo: same as last year hopefully less TOs

[9:36 pm] AHF: I am very interested to see if he puts up better numbers right off the back rather than the usual struggles out of the gate.

[9:36 pm] lethalweapon3: Smoove: 18 PPG, 9 RPG, 2.5 BPG, 1.5 SPG, 1 Technical per Game

[9:36 pm] atl_fan: Will Smith shoot less 3's?

[9:36 pm] frankthetank966: thats jey

[9:36 pm] AHF: off the bat

[9:36 pm] diesel: I think Smoove could be 20 ppg, 8 rpg, 2.6bpg, 2.0 spg 44% FG% 38% 3pt.

[9:36 pm] jdu00743: what is the big problem btw smoove and woody?

[9:36 pm] TheeYo: i wouldnt mind same number better percentages

[9:36 pm] jdu00743: smoove seems pretty humble for a young guy, and woody seems like he'd be easy to get along with

[9:37 pm] graymule: Hopefully we won't see too much of our favorite play from the past. Give the ball to JJ and everyone stand and watch.

[9:37 pm] atl_fan: I think that situation is just blown out of proportion

[9:37 pm] lethalweapon3: If he shoots 38% from 3 he'll be unstoppable. (Or maybe he'll just shoot 8 shots this year and make 3)

[9:37 pm] diesel: i THINK JJ ISO is one of 2 plays in the playbook.

[9:37 pm] frankthetank966: lol

[9:37 pm] AHF: I sure hope that smoove improves the FG%. He should shoot a high percentage?

[9:37 pm] AHF: I sure hope that smoove improves the FG%. He should shoot a high percentage?

[9:37 pm] jdu00743: personaly i like iso offenses

[9:37 pm] frankthetank966: I just hope J-Smove is more steady and reliable.

[9:38 pm] AHF: Apparently, I can't type tonight.

[9:38 pm] jdu00743: gets a lot of open jumpers

[9:38 pm] atl_fan: If he'd stop shooting so many thress his fg % would go up

[9:38 pm] diesel: I think his 3 pt shooting will be less but when he does it, he will have completely open looks... Bibs and JJ..

[9:38 pm] TheeYo: i think he went for layups a bit too much

[9:38 pm] lethalweapon3: Smoove should be making 3's the old-fashioned way

[9:38 pm] TheeYo: if he would of just dunked it his fg would be higher

[9:38 pm] frankthetank966: I dont like how some games he would put up 20 pts, 10 rebs and other game 2 pts and 6 rebs.

[9:39 pm] diesel: Steaky is characteristic of a young player with no consistent offensive move.

[9:39 pm] diesel: Smoove should be in the gym everyday working on his jab step and drive.

[9:39 pm] atl_fan: Did Smith work with Hakeem this offseason like last year?

[9:39 pm] lethalweapon3: Wasn't he working with Hakeen over the summer?

[9:40 pm] diesel: It wasn't a contract year.

[9:40 pm] frankthetank966: hekeem?

[9:40 pm] lethalweapon3: "The Smoove Shake"

[9:40 pm] atl_fan: I didin't really hear much about Smoove this offseason besides the contract of course.

[9:40 pm] lethalweapon3: I like it!

[9:40 pm] TheeYo: i think he was in houston fo some addidas camp for the rookies

[9:40 pm] diesel: I heard he was in Houston shooting the Commercial.

[9:40 pm] TheeYo: im not sure if he worked with hakeem though

[9:41 pm] TheeYo: ohhh ic that could be it LOL

[9:41 pm] diesel: I jk.

[9:41 pm] lethalweapon3: he could definitely use some more post moves


[9:42 pm] diesel: It's safe to say that Smoove doesn't have the confidence to be a post player. He should be a high elbow player and learn how to drive from the high elbow off the jab step.

[9:42 pm] frankthetank966: great question!

[9:42 pm] lethalweapon3: Mark Price can't hurt at all!

[9:42 pm] diesel: Sorta like James worthy but Worthy could do it anywhere.

[9:42 pm] diesel: I wish we would have gotten price to work on JChillz mechanics.

[9:43 pm] AHF: Given when Price was brought on board, I am skeptical he will have impacted much by now outside of improving FT routines. He isn't going to break down someone's shot with the season a month away.

[9:43 pm] diesel: I would have made Chillz shot from top of the key in a chair.

[9:43 pm] frankthetank966: Price will help.

[9:43 pm] lethalweapon3: The Price is Right

[9:43 pm] TheeYo: i could probably block Chillz shot...im 5'4

[9:43 pm] frankthetank966: lol

[9:44 pm] lethalweapon3: Their new big-man coach will help too

[9:44 pm] diesel: I think Chillz disguises his shot very well... but usually you take those bad mechaniics and you force them out...

[9:44 pm] frankthetank966: Feel free to ask questions ya'll!

[9:45 pm] diesel: In the summer 5000 shots from a chair every day would change his mechanics...

[9:45 pm] atl_fan: Are we getting Hawks live before and after games this year?

[9:45 pm] frankthetank966: I believe so.

[9:45 pm] diesel: However, it's usually the guys with bad mechanics that shoot the best. They have made it to the pros and overcome those bad mechanics. Case in Point Reggie.

[9:46 pm] diesel: Here's a question: Worse Mechanics: Josh Childress, Reggie Miller, or Shawn Marion.

[9:46 pm] lethalweapon3: Gotta give it to the Matrix

[9:46 pm] atl_fan: Chill, its just so ugly

[9:46 pm] AHF: As long as the mechanics are repeatable and effective, that is fine with me.

[9:47 pm] atl_fan: looks like Boston has put it away

[9:47 pm] TheeYo: chillz shot is sooo flat

[9:47 pm] lethalweapon3: lol Leon Powe is just smashing people tonite

[9:48 pm] diesel: Most people would not say Miller because Miller made something so ugly work... but Mechanics wise, Miller has probably had the worse Mechanics in the history of the game. What the hell is going on with his guide hand.

[9:48 pm] frankthetank966: yes he is. Some great dunks!

[9:49 pm] diesel: Chillz and Matrix just shoot from the chest... and there have been more interesting shots like my boy Jack Sikma... but Reggie... OH GOD.

[9:49 pm] atl_fan: How are some of these nba players so bad at free throws?

[9:49 pm] graymule: James cost the Cavs the game because he can't hit a free throw.

[9:49 pm] frankthetank966: Indeed. I dont understand why he is so bad.

[9:49 pm] diesel: If I see a kid playing Basketball today shooting with Reggie's mechanics, I'm telling him that he can't go pro so give it up.

[9:49 pm] graymule: As I continually say, those points count too!!

[9:49 pm] lethalweapon3: With Chillz' shot I could at least understand what he was trying to do. Marion's shot is unstoppable because even he doesn't know how it's gonna leave his hands

[9:49 pm] diesel: James is overrated.

[9:50 pm] AHF: D - If he is dropping them in under pressure repeatdly from pro range, he'll get his chance.

[9:50 pm] frankthetank966: Missed FT's hurt the hawks in far too many games this year. I hope we improve

[9:50 pm] lethalweapon3: Who guards LBJ on the Hawks this year? Does JJ have to cover him 40 minutes?

[9:50 pm] atl_fan: jj and evans

[9:51 pm] diesel: I know this... and that's the hope but it's going to be a hard life. Reggie's advantage was that Dr. Jack made an offense full of screens on the pro level. Jack was about to end Reggie's career at one time.

[9:51 pm] atl_fan: evans more in the 2nd half so JJ can concentrate on offens

[9:51 pm] diesel: I would put West on him and let him foul.

[9:51 pm] graymule: It's been great. Gotta work tomorrow, so good night all.

[9:51 pm] diesel: yep... me too.

[9:51 pm] graymule:

[9:52 pm] AHF: Later.

[9:52 pm] TheeYo: later dude

[9:52 pm] lethalweapon3: off to watch oden vs. bynum... g'nite!

[9:52 pm] frankthetank966: Alrighty then this concludes the first annual Hawksquawk Town Hall Meeting! Its been fun

[9:52 pm] frankthetank966: Go Hawks!

[9:52 pm] lethalweapon3: Let's Go Hawks!

[9:53 pm] TheeYo: adiOs guys

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As some of you noticed I logged on at first and intended on participating and then my internet at home died for six hours and I spent some major time on the phone with the company. :computer8:

I just figured it was past your bedtime :saythat:

I had some stuff that I had to take care of so I missed most it myself. Seems to have gone pretty well though.

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I suggested that frankthetank do this at halftime during games, too.


I think its a great idea. However, I doubt we would be able to pull that off majority of games.

We can def. do it tonight if ya'll are down.

Overall I think the chat went pretty well. The chat lasted two-hours!

I was watching the BOS-CLE game at the same time also... :hush:

Thanks to everyone for participating.

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I just figured it was past your bedtime :saythat:

I had some stuff that I had to take care of so I missed most it myself. Seems to have gone pretty well though.

Haha, nice! I'm a few years past the whole bedtime thing :tease:

Nope, I just have the very worst internet provider at my residence in the history of the world.

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