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What if ....


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  • Premium Member
I just thought about that layup and how it rolled in and then out and then we got the basket interference called on us. Between that and the gangbanger's prayer lady luck was just not on our side tonight.

Truth is that in a 1 point loss, you can go back and what if everything.

What if Morris had not have fouled?

What if Zaza had hit some of those early free throws?

What if Horford would have hit his free throws?

blah blah blah...

I just think we take this game, learn from, and grow from it.

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JJ went to the basket multiple times and there was no call. He gets no breaks from the refs.

it's cuz he's 6'7" and doesn't flop around like Pierce does...

If you take it strong to the hoop and show no emotion you prolly wont get a call...

Take it to the rim and then flop around like a b*tch and you'll hear the Tweet; it's the Paul Pierce guide to the Finals MVP Award

God I hate that Flopper Piece of S*it!

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THat wasn't even a Good What If.

The best one is what if we didn't let them go on that HUGE Run to take away that massive lead.

Woody not putting in HOrford

And Mo Evans missing that shot that could have put us up 13 while Ray Allen comes down and makes that and 1 on the other end was a 6 point swing that really started that run

But of course if you play the What If game the Celtics could say, what if they made some of those open shots they missed to put the game away or what if the Hawks didn't shoot an absurd percentage from 3 overall.

Don't play the What if game

Edited by BusBoyIsBack
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Woody not putting in HOrford

If Woody had let Horford play more in the 1st half we most likely wouldn't have had him for long in the 2nd half since it's clear that Al has trouble staying out of foul trouble and especially so since we were so thin on bigs. I don't think having Al in there during their 2nd half run would have changed much either since it's not that their offense was so great then, it was because our offense was so bad.

Having said all that I still don't like the 2 early fouls and you sit on the bench the remainder of the 1st half rule.

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