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Woody said to Acie “That’s why I don’t play you” - on camera


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i've seen him pulled even when he's not making mistakes and is making plays as well as hitting his shots.

In those cases is he being pulled because it's time to put Bibby back in? How is the opposing PG doing against him? What did the scoring margin look like for his time in there compared to what it was without him?

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That's the point though. He gets pulled for making mistakes whether its turnovers or bad shots. And its not like he gets pulled every game because he makes a mistake. He'll make a mistake and not see the floor for two weeks. Its hard to be aggressive like that.

All you need to do is look at Salim. Salim was almost always aggressive when he had the ball but it didn't help him see more playing time.

He should be pulled for making turnovers or taking bad shots since he's not helping on the defensive end as much as Flip and he's a big drop off offensively from Bibby. We're not a 13 win team that can suffer through his mistakes. We're a playoff team that has better options so if he's not performing then he needs to be on the bench.

Multi-game periods of DNP CD's though are not acceptable I will say that.

In reference to Salim he was a major liability on defense and didn't offer anything in the way of assists like Acie does so if he wasn't hitting his shots he definitely needed to be yanked. Aggression was never a problem for Salim, it is for Acie as he has admitted and it's something he'll have to overcome if he wants to make it in this league.

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I don't think Josh is doing anything different other than giving more effort and not having Horford beside him to take away rebounds from him. This is my observation from watching the games, it doesn't seem any different. Pure number of rebounds don't always tell the story. We are getting DOMINATED on the boards recently and teams are getting tons of offensive boards. Obviously Smith can't carry the load of rebounding and he can't be blamed completely for that especially since Horford is out.

Regardless, the tough rebounds are the ones that matter to me, watching a player rebound is what tells me how good they are. Because a lot of times a player will just rack up easy rebounds and if he wouldn't have got it, the teammate beside him would've. That's not impressive rebounding.

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In those cases is he being pulled because it's time to put Bibby back in? How is the opposing PG doing against him? What did the scoring margin look like for his time in there compared to what it was without him?

I agree. Every time he comes out of the game doesn't mean he came out because he was doing something wrong. Woody is famous for taking guys out when they are playing well because it is "time."

I remember one home game earlier this year where Flip had made like 4 shots in a row and Woody took him out and put Bibby back in. I screamed at Woody "What the heck are you doing? Flip is on fire!!" Of course Bibby proceeded to hit two 3's in a row. :rolleyes: I HATE it when he takes out guys who are hot because it is "time" but he does it all the time.

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I agree. Every time he comes out of the game doesn't mean he came out because he was doing something wrong. Woody is famous for taking guys out when they are playing well because it is "time."

I remember one home game earlier this year where Flip had made like 4 shots in a row and Woody took him out and put Bibby back in. I screamed at Woody "What the heck are you doing? Flip is on fire!!" Of course Bibby proceeded to hit two 3's in a row. :rolleyes: I HATE it when he takes out guys who are hot because it is "time" but he does it all the time.

LOL yep I remember that game and there was plenty of WTF statements on here when it happened. Woody is just dead set on his rotations and if you get 2 fouls in the 1st quarter your out and when your minutes are up you're out of there. That definitely drives me nuts but especially so when a player is doing well and gets yanked.

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Just because it doesn't motivate YOU doesn't mean that it doesn't motivate other players. Bobby Knight has made a career out of this type of motivation and he's had recruits lining up to play for him. So has Bill Parcells, hell he even called TO a girl in front of the national media, and he's never had trouble getting a job or finding players that will play for less money to play for him. I've seen Pat Riley jump all over his players and again he's never had trouble getting a job or finding players to play for him. What he said to Acie (if he said it) is nothing. It's making a mountain out of a mole hill.

First off... It doesn't motivate anybody... not without some type of reward for doing the positives. Bobby Knight was just as rewarding as he was negative... go back and look at how he and Isiah got along... Moreover, Bobby Knight was never demeaning (to motivate) to a player who he never played. If there's no reward, why would you demean?

Now... Just for a second. It was not TO that Bill Parcells called a girl. It was Terry Glenn. He called him "She". How'd that work out for Glenn? What'd you Dolphin Fans think of her?

Just because you have the power to mouth off at a player doesn't mean that you're some great motivational coach.

Woodson agreed, putting the onus on Diaw as to how high he raises his game.

“I see a talented young kid that can play a number of positions,” said Woodson. “It’s going to depend on how hard he’s willing to come out and work. There are a couple of spots that are out there, especially at the two spot. It’s wide open. He’s got to come out and compete and show me and the staff that he wants to play and contribute, because that’s what it’s all about in getting better as a team.”

Diaw didn’t need any prompting to improve. He took that upon himself during the off-season. Of course, he has a constant reminder of how good he can be at home, as his mother, Elizabeth Riffiod, is considered the best center in French women’s basketball history.

The list is getting longer of the talent that he's squandered with his doghouse and with his "motivational techniques".

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First off... It doesn't motivate anybody... not without some type of reward for doing the positives. Bobby Knight was just as rewarding as he was negative... go back and look at how he and Isiah got along... Moreover, Bobby Knight was never demeaning (to motivate) to a player who he never played. If there's no reward, why would you demean?

Now... Just for a second. It was not TO that Bill Parcells called a girl. It was Terry Glenn. He called him "She". How'd that work out for Glenn? What'd you Dolphin Fans think of her?

Just because you have the power to mouth off at a player doesn't mean that you're some great motivational coach.

The list is getting longer of the talent that he's squandered with his doghouse and with his "motivational techniques".

So now to add to your fiction you're answering for everyone in the world by saying that it doesn't motivate anybody?

So Bobby Knight was just as rewarding as he was negative, but his pupil Mike Woodson isn't the same way? Riiiiight. Gosh if only there were an example of Woody rewarding someone in his doghouse who worked hard to get out of it by giving him more time, oh wait he did exactly that with Zaza. Or if only there were hundreds of quotes that could be found online where Woody said something good about a player to the media.

For once here you are correct, it was Terry Glenn ... who was so demeaned by that comment that he only had nearly 600 receptions, nearly 9000 yards, and 44 TD receptions in his career that included him following his demeaning bastard of a coach Parcells to Dallas.

Hmmm where did I call Woody a great motivational coach? More fiction from you I see. Woody is probably a terrible motivator though which is why his players never play hard for him, oh wait ...

Where is the list of "talent" that he's squandered? And how has that "talent" done elsewhere?

D you should think about writing letters to readers digest or some other publication that allows amateur fictional writers to submit stories since you like making stuff up so much. Now I realize you won't come back with any answers to my questions or facts to back your position up so I'll wait for your inevitable fictional post that doesn't actually say anything.

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Then its simple, produce the evidence. Oh wait, but you already told us it happened. All hail DSinner, the encyclopedia of knowledge!!! Let's all be a bunch of gullible peons who only believe what you say! May I ask what the meaning of life is since you are the ultimate source of knowledge?

Give me a break, we ask for evidence and you say that people from message boards claiming it is enough evidence. Well guess what, people on message boards claim a lot of things that doesn't mean they are true. If you want people to believe you, cite your source. I will help you out, message boards and blogs are not credible sources.

Are you serious? Why would a ton of people all of a sudden decide at the same time that Woody said that? You think we're all part of some Anti-Woody establishment that meets every Tuesday to decide what anti-Woody comments we want to throw out into the public? Dude, you sir have a large imagination. I understand message boards and blogs are not credible sources but don't you think it's strange that many people claimed he said it during the same game? After the same play even? Maybe we're all robots testing the new Windows OS that had a Woody glitch at the same time. Yeah, that's it.

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I'm not going to believe that he did say it or that he didn't say it until I see it with my own eyes or until I hear Woody or Acie talk about it.

Wow, you must be a firm believer in "nothingness." I am a skeptic of most things myself, but when a wave of people claim that a coach of sports team said something, I don't see what the big deal in believing it is. Unless, of course it goes against my blind defense of that particular coach. I mean, it's not like a group of people all of a sudden claimed Obama was an alien and heard Obama himself say so.

People post things on here all the time about what they saw and heard at a game or on tv. The only time things ever get questioned is when they go against the accusers normal train of thought on the subject. Imagine that.

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You guys are arguing just to argue now. There have been several times where Acie would have an excellent half to see absolutly ZERO playing time in the 2nd or in the next 2 games. Please explain to me how that makes ANY sense. There simply is no defending that, at all.

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Wow, you must be a firm believer in "nothingness." I am a skeptic of most things myself, but when a wave of people claim that a coach of sports team said something, I don't see what the big deal in believing it is. Unless, of course it goes against my blind defense of that particular coach. I mean, it's not like a group of people all of a sudden claimed Obama was an alien and heard Obama himself say so.

People post things on here all the time about what they saw and heard at a game or on tv. The only time things ever get questioned is when they go against the accusers normal train of thought on the subject. Imagine that.

A "wave" of people, or let's call them a "mob" instead are typically a very suggestible bunch. Haven't you seen those experiments where they show several clips of celebrities and government/religious leaders talking and they bleep a word and the suggestion is automatically planted in your head that they said a bad word. I'm not saying that Woody didn't say exactly what the lip readers have said, but it's not difficult for me to imagine that after the first person posted it on the AJC blog that others read it and the seed was planted so that when they went back and watched it they "saw" Woody say those exact words as well.

What happens on here when someone posts something without providing a link to it? Almost immediately you get people asking for a link, whether it's good or bad news, so don't try and make it sound like this is something new. People are naturally skeptical and want to see evidence so I don't see why you're having such a difficult time understanding why it's been asked for here as well.

Finally, this whole thing is ridiculous. Even if Woody said those exact words and not some derivation of them, who gives a flip. Squawkers complain night and day that Woody doesn't get on our players and bench them for their mistakes and as soon as you visibly see him do it you all get up in arms about it. These aren't children that need to be protected, they are grown men being paid millions of dollars to perform and if they can't handle the coach saying "that's why I don't play you" then I don't want them on my team anyway. Thankfully I'm confident though that even if those are the words that Woody used that Acie is mature enough to handle it in stride just like I'd expect him to.

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So now to add to your fiction you're answering for everyone in the world by saying that it doesn't motivate anybody?

So Bobby Knight was just as rewarding as he was negative, but his pupil Mike Woodson isn't the same way? Riiiiight. Gosh if only there were an example of Woody rewarding someone in his doghouse who worked hard to get out of it by giving him more time, oh wait he did exactly that with Zaza. Or if only there were hundreds of quotes that could be found online where Woody said something good about a player to the media.

For once here you are correct, it was Terry Glenn ... who was so demeaned by that comment that he only had nearly 600 receptions, nearly 9000 yards, and 44 TD receptions in his career that included him following his demeaning bastard of a coach Parcells to Dallas.

Hmmm where did I call Woody a great motivational coach? More fiction from you I see. Woody is probably a terrible motivator though which is why his players never play hard for him, oh wait ...

Where is the list of "talent" that he's squandered? And how has that "talent" done elsewhere?

D you should think about writing letters to readers digest or some other publication that allows amateur fictional writers to submit stories since you like making stuff up so much. Now I realize you won't come back with any answers to my questions or facts to back your position up so I'll wait for your inevitable fictional post that doesn't actually say anything.

So you think that Woody is the Big Tuna of Basketball?



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So now to add to your fiction you're answering for everyone in the world by saying that it doesn't motivate anybody?

So Bobby Knight was just as rewarding as he was negative, but his pupil Mike Woodson isn't the same way? Riiiiight. Gosh if only there were an example of Woody rewarding someone in his doghouse who worked hard to get out of it by giving him more time, oh wait he did exactly that with Zaza. Or if only there were hundreds of quotes that could be found online where Woody said something good about a player to the media.

For once here you are correct, it was Terry Glenn ... who was so demeaned by that comment that he only had nearly 600 receptions, nearly 9000 yards, and 44 TD receptions in his career that included him following his demeaning bastard of a coach Parcells to Dallas.

Hmmm where did I call Woody a great motivational coach? More fiction from you I see. Woody is probably a terrible motivator though which is why his players never play hard for him, oh wait ...

Where is the list of "talent" that he's squandered? And how has that "talent" done elsewhere?

D you should think about writing letters to readers digest or some other publication that allows amateur fictional writers to submit stories since you like making stuff up so much. Now I realize you won't come back with any answers to my questions or facts to back your position up so I'll wait for your inevitable fictional post that doesn't actually say anything.

Bobby Knight could never have coached NBA Basketball. Everyone on the team would have tuned him out by the end of the first practice.

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Bobby Knight could never have coached NBA Basketball. Everyone on the team would have tuned him out by the end of the first practice.

I agree, but I was just using Knight as an example to show that many players do respond well to criticism from the coach in public and that part of who Woody is comes from Knight. Woody has never been anywhere near as rough on the players in public as Knight either and even in this case this is nothing worth getting upset over.

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Are you serious? Why would a ton of people all of a sudden decide at the same time that Woody said that? You think we're all part of some Anti-Woody establishment that meets every Tuesday to decide what anti-Woody comments we want to throw out into the public? Dude, you sir have a large imagination. I understand message boards and blogs are not credible sources but don't you think it's strange that many people claimed he said it during the same game? After the same play even? Maybe we're all robots testing the new Windows OS that had a Woody glitch at the same time. Yeah, that's it.

You are a joke, produce some evidence. Oh you can't do that? You have no credibility. Go ahead and make another ranting post about how I am crazy or whatever. If being a rational person who asks for evidence and when evidence is not produced to not assume is crazy then I guess I am. Rational is the new crazy everyone, Dsinner claimed it so it must be true. The encyclopedia of all human knowledge said it, accept it and move on!

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This is much ado about nothing. Whether Woodson made that comment or not doesn't mean much to me. It is more important whether or not he is managing Acie's minutes properly. Personally, I would rather Woodson give Acie a consistent (even if small) role than see him nicely play Acie erratic minutes.

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You are a joke, produce some evidence. Oh you can't do that? You have no credibility. Go ahead and make another ranting post about how I am crazy or whatever. If being a rational person who asks for evidence and when evidence is not produced to not assume is crazy then I guess I am. Rational is the new crazy everyone, Dsinner claimed it so it must be true. The encyclopedia of all human knowledge said it, accept it and move on!

Easy with the name calling fella, I'd hate for you to find out how big of a joke I really am. The evidence (time of the event on the game) has been posted. I have no way of actually getting it from my DVR to my cpu. If I did you can bet I'd make sure you could see/hear it because I'd love to see that crow post afterwards.

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Easy with the name calling fella, I'd hate for you to find out how big of a joke I really am. The evidence (time of the event on the game) has been posted. I have no way of actually getting it from my DVR to my cpu. If I did you can bet I'd make sure you could see/hear it because I'd love to see that crow post afterwards.

Yep let's chill with the name calling and until the point comes when this video can be posted online let's just drop this subject since nobody is going to convince anyone to change their mind based on something they can't see.

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