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Joe Johnson confirmed as all-star reserve


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  • Premium Member
I have to be honest here. (Actually, I don't, but I'm going to anyway).

I don't think Joe deserves it this year. The Hawks' success so far can be attributed to a lot of players.

If you want to point out who doesn't deserve it.. go into the starting lineup and pull out Iverson!!

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JJ's overall numbers show that he deserves a spot on the team. People really need to judge by the body of work not the past month.

Second, where would this year's Hawks team be without JJ? 10, 12, maybe 15 wins?

For those who say JJ takes selfish shots, yes and no. JJ and the whole team has been conditioned for Johnson to take the majority of shots. He's made that shot many times before, and I have to think that he thought it was open. Let's not forget that JJ was dishing the ball like crazy in December, so its not inherent selfish play. I would suggest, that JJ is pushing himself too hard due to the loosing.

Honestly, Joe Johnson is an NBA All-Star and I am happy he's on the team. Let's get him so real coaching and an offensive system that let's him take a few o-possesions off and we'll see an even better player (and team).

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hotlanta1981, all stars are chosen on body of work NOT what they di the past month.

I don't think he's played that great overall. His shooting in December wasn't as "on" as the percentages say. Often he would shoot fairly poorly and then have a 3 minute offense where he scores a bunch of points. Now, if you want to take the viewpoint of the entire year, I would say JJ played well enough the 2nd half of last year to have earned his all star birth last year. But it doesn't work that way.

Last night was his best game since Chicago though. I don't know if the stats reflected it, but he seemed MUCH more crisp last night than he had in over a month.

Edited by Hotlanta1981
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The AllStars on the reserves team are chosen by the coaches around the NBA. You can disagree with the choices but it's asinine to say they're undeserving since they're handpicked by the coaches.

His play the first half of this year was not all star worthy. It doesn't matter if the coaches selected him or the fans did. His play wasn't up to snuff.

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If you want to point out who doesn't deserve it.. go into the starting lineup and pull out Iverson!!

All that proves is that Iverson doesn't deserve to go either. Joe has not played like an all-star this year. He got in because it's cool to say his name around the league now. People view him as an "under the radar" type.

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All that proves is that Iverson doesn't deserve to go either. Joe has not played like an all-star this year. He got in because it's cool to say his name around the league now. People view him as an "under the radar" type.

He got in for several reasons.

1) the Hawks record

2) the reputation he built up, especially late last season and in the playoffs.

3) his play the first two months of the year

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I'm proud of Joe, although if it were my team, I couldn't justify him going over Ray or Vincent. Of course, casual women fans know that A.I. should be nowhere near Phoenix. Rashard Lewis is well beyond a stretch. But as far as coaches' selections go, when the argument is so close in terms of who's having the better season, who's on the better team, who's has the least amount of help, injuries on the team, etc., you always go with the better players. Ray and Vince are simply better players than Joe, always have been, always will be. I can't see Joe taking a team deep into the playoffs like Ray and Vince have done.

No one has been more critical of Joe's explosiveness or lack thereof at the rack than I have. I am quite impressed with his efforts over the past week, though. He's driving with conviction, using his body, and actually getting off the ground in traffic. I was impressed with him missing a dunk shortly after the whistle, just because I didn't think he could actually attack the rim anymore. Hopefully he will keep it up and his shot chart will show considerably more attempts 1-3 feet neart he rim instead of all of the X's from 19 feet. The Hawks will be okay as long as my dude Flip is playing considerably well with considerable minutes. You can return at any time now, Al, but it's not like we need you or anything. Take your time. (No, really though, homeboy. Rush back.)

Edited by benhillboy
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^ Ray Allen has not been better than Joe the past 3 years. Maybe this year though. JJ is a much better playmaker and ballhandler, and he can also get inside better. Ray is the better shooter, of course.

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^ Ray Allen has not been better than Joe the past 3 years. Maybe this year though. JJ is a much better playmaker and ballhandler, and he can also get inside better. Ray is the better shooter, of course.

JJ's Defense >>> Than Ray's, though. I still take JJ's season if I get one or the other on my team.

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