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Do You Care For Josh?


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I love him as much as I do every other player on the team?

:lol6: you need help

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The more I see Josh, the more I simply don't care about his play, good or bad. After last season, I thought he was on the fast track to serious All-Star consideration, improved jump shooting, stronger focus, less pouting, more blocks, more boards, more scoring, more of everything good, less of everything bad. I definately didn't expect his free-throw shooting to freefall daily. I cared about nothing going on in sports that didn't pertain to the Hawks re-signing him, and woke up infuriated when no news was reported, and even more pissed when the Hawks dragged their feet and actually had to compete with the Grizz on financial and managerial matters.

Now, I see Josh as the least important factor in wins or losses because he is so wildly inconsistent. Missing considerable time due to injury was the worst thing that could've happened to Josh, as he clearly didn't compensate in any way for missing time, thinking that he would return to last year's playoff form automatically. Teams are only afraid of his jumping ability as it pertains to rebounding and defending shots, not his positioning, boxing out, mastery of defensive assignments and strategy, timing on help, or plain defensive savvy. As soon as he bends his knees for a jumper, assistant coaches clap and rejoice at the transition oppurtunity. Four blocks, three steals? "Oh, the Thunder were just careless with the ball." A double-double? "It was against the Pacers." He hit a big, wide-open jumper in crunch-time? "He had a rabbit's foot under his jersey." A double-single? "One of Josh's patented 'struggling' nights, as Woody puts it." Five turnovers? "I'm surprised it wasn't more." Four-for-Ten at the line, and we lose a close one? "Sounds about right."

Basically, I am almost numb to whatever he does. It is hard to root for a player who, at one end of the court, can make a play that no other soul in the world can make. A minute later, your face is in your hands because he has done something that should've been fixed in AAU. I attribute none of Josh's struggles to Woody, because a coach can do little to nothing to retard the growth of a player who get's starter's minutes. I'm sure most here would agree that he has waaay too much freedom, that probably regresses his game in a wierd, reverse sort of way. He has as much right to lead breaks and shoot threes as I do. I've learned to take my Josh in small doses, with a grain of salt. If he shows out with 20-12-5-4-4, it's a premium. If he bombs with 10-4-2-1-1, what else is new. I know he's still relatively young and has world-class athleticism, but do you all ever see him "Getting It?"

AMEN, you took the words right out of my mouth. I'm not sure we lost the game tonight because of Josh but he certainly didn't help us win the game. Too many bonehead plays for a guy who looks like he will NEVER get it! I'm afraid the Hawks will not go far in the playoffs unless Josh finally hads an epithany. And I don't see it happening. :sad:

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  • Premium Member
AMEN, you took the words right out of my mouth. I'm not sure we lost the game tonight because of Josh but he certainly didn't help us win the game.

LOL at Smith not helping us win last night. All of his mistakes just get magnified worse than anyone else's. Smith is one of the main reasons the game was even close for a while, without him we would've been blown out from the beginning.

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LOL at Smith not helping us win last night. All of his mistakes just get magnified worse than anyone else's. Smith is one of the main reasons the game was even close for a while, without him we would've been blown out from the beginning.


Maybe Josh won't "get it" but that only means so much as he is already very valuable to the team... if you disagree with the statement that his current value to the team is very high, you aren't being objective.

Josh had a solid game last night. Made a big mistake that stuck in people's mind, and he gets lambasted for it. Gets posts about his mistake. Horford went 3-12 and didn't take a single free throw... but its Josh's fault we lost. Which isn't to say its Horford's fault either, just that Josh gets held to a standard around here that not even Kobe gets held to, people expect him to be perfect. People expect him to NEVER do anything wrong.

Would I trade Josh for Bosh? Yes. That makes our team better. Would I trade him for a bum like Kaman? No. I like to look at the proof. The numbers. The wins he provides. Now if you don't like him and want him gone for that, fair enough. That should be your argument though "I don't like watching him and I don't like him on the team, therefore I want him gone."

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