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Game 2 Will Show Us What Woody is Made of


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I make no secrets; I'm not a Woody supporter. I've always thought another coach could get more out of this team. However, last nights defensive game plan was brilliant. Whether you like the guy or not, you have to admit, the strategy he put together (for last night at least) was Detroit Pistonish.

That said, Miami will go back and look at the tape. They will try to find weaknesses in our switching defenses. They will make adjustments. Good coaches anticipate that the opposition will make adjustments. On Wednesday, we'll get to see if Woody can counter what Miami throws at us. You know Wade will have a big night sooner or later. The maturation of our coach is equally as important as the maturation of guys like Smith, Horford, and Marvin.

Today, I have nothing bad to say about Woodson. However, I'm dying to see how he prepares this team for game 2.

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I make no secrets; I'm not a Woody supporter. I've always thought another coach could get more out of this team. However, last nights defensive game plan was brilliant. Whether you like the guy or not, you have to admit, the strategy he put together (for last night at least) was Detroit Pistonish.

That said, Miami will go back and look at the tape. They will try to find weaknesses in our switching defenses. They will make adjustments. Good coaches anticipate that the opposition will make adjustments. On Wednesday, we'll get to see if Woody can counter what Miami throws at us. You know Wade will have a big night sooner or later. The maturation of our coach is equally as important as the maturation of guys like Smith, Horford, and Marvin.

Today, I have nothing bad to say about Woodson. However, I'm dying to see how he prepares this team for game 2.

Woodson has shown that he rarely makes in-game changes to what he's doing, so I would not expect him to make an adjustment if Miami starts to figure out how to beat Woody's zone-switch. That said, why change until your opponent shows they can adjust?

The fact of the matter is that the Heat have played the Hawks 5 times now this season and lost 4 of them. I have to say that Woodson is simply out coaching Spolestra (sp?). However, I don't think Miami has the guys to consistently beat the Hawks system. To beat the Hawks you have to either have a quick PG that can drive to the hole, or hit your 3s. Those are the weaknesses of the system and our players. Miami doesn't have the guys to do that, so I am not sure what they can do.

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Woodson has shown that he rarely makes in-game changes to what he's doing, so I would not expect him to make an adjustment if Miami starts to figure out how to beat Woody's zone-switch. That said, why change until your opponent shows they can adjust?

The fact of the matter is that the Heat have played the Hawks 5 times now this season and lost 4 of them. I have to say that Woodson is simply out coaching Spolestra (sp?). However, I don't think Miami has the guys to consistently beat the Hawks system. To beat the Hawks you have to either have a quick PG that can drive to the hole, or hit your 3s. Those are the weaknesses of the system and our players. Miami doesn't have the guys to do that, so I am not sure what they can do.

Wow. Few and far between when I read Woody out coached someone around here. But, last night, he was making good decisions. Easy to say when we won so handily, but he was making good moves. I thought he did a tremendous job with Marvin. More specifically limiting his minutes. Marvin played hard with the time he was given, and was a definite boost for the team. Woody's timing on his TO's were on the mark. Miami made a small 6-0 run towards the end of the third...Woody could sense the momentum shift and nipped it in the bud. After that TO, he came out with a set play that found Zaza right under the basket for an easy two. Whatever preparation Woody had for these guys worked. Whatever he said to Bibs and Smoove, he needs to repeat Wednesday.

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I knew Spoelstra was in over his head when I saw he made a change to their starting lineup. As much as we rag on Woody, he's clearly the better coach in this series.

Anyone notice Woody showing off the Championship ring? It took up half my screen!

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That said, why change until your opponent shows they can adjust?

Oh, I agree with this! If we can use the same gameplan, why change? It's like the Tom Glavine argument. Why should he stop pitching on the outside edge if guys aren't hitting it? That said, coaching is like a chess game. You have to anticipate the possible adjustments your opposing coach might make. That's what I'm curious to see. I hope Woody is up to the task. Maybe Erik Spoestra (sp?) might call Pat Riley up to get some tip after last nights debacle? If so, maybe Woody needs to call Larry Brown on speed dial...

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Anyone notice Woody showing off the Championship ring? It took up half my screen!

That is hilarious to me! Woody flashing his championship ring is like the Braves old first base coach Pat Corrales taking over the Royals and flashing his 1995 ring for motivation! Gotta love Woody...

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Yep, first legit test in my eyes is the first road game this series when Wade and the Heat battle to gain some momentum at home. We would be playing in a hostile environment and Woody will have to coach the team well enough to make sure they are cool and collected seeing that we haven't been the hottest team on the road this year.

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I agree and thought Woody did a great job last night (wow...did I just say that?) :)

My only complaint was when he took Marvin out in the 1st qtr when he seemed red hot hitting his shots.

Why not leave a guy in that's hot? Maybe he was wonrried about Marvin's back and wants to ease him back in. Either way, it worked out. The gameplan of trying to build a wall in front of Wade really worked well. Miami seemed to stop runing the pick and roll, which didn't make sense to me, sicnce it seemed to work well when they did run it.

Only other negative was Woody wearing that stupid giant ring again. I was hoping he lost that during the season.

Did anyone notice Woody grab Smoove's head with both his hands during one timeout? Nice to see those 2 getting along again.

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