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Be Cool, Baby!


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Let's chill out. Two awful losses, true. Grossly outcoached by a video coordinator, check. Michael Beasley looks soft, but he surely is not. He's a gamer. Our best player being embarrasingly out-classed by his counterpart...no doubt. To be expected. It's funny how the national media tries to annoint Joe as a "superstar" and as the piston that grinds the Hawks' engine, when it is clear that he is not, especially when Woody's offensive scheming inadequacies seem to be at an all-time worst the past 5 days (I don't care for Kenny, but "atrocious" seems accurate to describe the offensive sets/ philosophy, or lack thereof). Sure, a healthy Marvin could probably be another fast-breaker, post defender, and rebounder, but again, the pathetic isolation possessions would only get him 18 footers with 4 seconds left on the clock. We all know it's either feast or famine with Josh. The fact that he is still shooting long jumpers in the playoffs is an indictment of his and Woody's I.Q. Some are calling for Mario, but he would foul out in five minutes against Wade. Al is not a baby anymore and should be criticized as rabidly as Josh for not performing. He has played down low against O'Neal much better in the past. The referees clearly don't like Flip, as he hangs in the air, prolonging contact, and still doesn't get calls, leading to decreased confidence (wtf?) and air balls. Of course, the league office doesn't care, as Wade is more popular than our entire team. All things considered, I'm still confident we can pull this out, granted Wade, Cook, and Chalmers stop feeling it from three (and we chase them off the three!) Anyone's guess is as good as mine as to how you cover up Bibby's defensive faults. His feet are killing us. I admit though, I am starting to become as adamant about a coaching change as many others, having liked Mike Woodson not because of his coaching per se, but as Sund says, the continuity, stability, and shared growth he has with the nucleus. Fratello has guided much lesser teams to overachieving success. He seems to be a no brainer if Woody crashes and burns.

We have to get back to the team concept, meaning moving the ball for open shots and playing together (communicating and helping perimeter defenders!). Seems simple enough. Some nights we do it to perfection, other nights we look like our team was assembled at Run-N-Shoot. Newsflash: Surrendering Offensive Rebounds and loose balls will murder even the best offensive gameplan. I don't think the Hawks realize that right now. Everyone is trying on their own, mainly because the closest thing we have to a floor leader is Zaza right now (Bibby lacks it physically, Joe mentally.) I better hear how Bibby and Johnson went to sleep in the gym practicing their shots. These next two games are some of the most crucial in our team's history. We need to play like it. Now is not the time to fold. LET'S GO HAWKS!

Edited by benhillboy
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Let's chill out. Two awful losses, true. Grossly outcoached by a video coordinator, check. Michael Beasley looks soft, but he surely is not. He's a gamer. Our best player being embarrasingly out-classed by his counterpart...no doubt. To be expected. It's funny how the national media tries to annoint Joe as a "superstar" and as the piston that grinds the Hawks' engine, when it is clear that he is not, especially when Woody's offensive scheming inadequacies seem to be at an all-time worst the past 5 days (I don't care for Kenny, but "atrocious" seems accurate to describe the offensive sets/ philosophy, or lack thereof). Sure, a healthy Marvin could probably be another fast-breaker, post defender, and rebounder, but again, the pathetic isolation possessions would only get him 18 footers with 4 seconds left on the clock. We all know it's either feast or famine with Josh. The fact that he is still shooting long jumpers in the playoffs is an indictment of his and Woody's I.Q. Some are calling for Mario, but he would foul out in five minutes against Wade. Al is not a baby anymore and should be criticized as rabidly as Josh for not performing. He has played down low against O'Neal much better in the past. The referees clearly don't like Flip, as he hangs in the air, prolonging contact, and still doesn't get calls, leading to decreased confidence (wtf?) and air balls. Of course, the league office doesn't care, as Wade is more popular than our entire team. All things considered, I'm still confident we can pull this out, granted Wade, Cook, and Chalmers stop feeling it from three (and we chase them off the three!) Anyone's guess is as good as mine as to how you cover up Bibby's defensive faults. His feet are killing us. I admit though, I am starting to become as adamant about a coaching change as many others, having liked Mike Woodson not because of his coaching per se, but as Sund says, the continuity, stability, and shared growth he has with the nucleus. Fratello has guided much lesser teams to overachieving success. He seems to be a no brainer if Woody crashes and burns.

We have to get back to the team concept, meaning moving the ball for open shots and playing together (communicating and helping perimeter defenders!). Seems simple enough. Some nights we do it to perfection, other nights we look like our team was assembled at Run-N-Shoot. Newsflash: Surrendering Offensive Rebounds and loose balls will murder even the best offensive gameplan. I don't think the Hawks realize that right now. Everyone is trying on their own, mainly because the closest thing we have to a floor leader is Zaza right now (Bibby lacks it physically, Joe mentally.) I better hear how Bibby and Johnson went to sleep in the gym practicing their shots. These next two games are some of the most crucial in our team's history. We need to play like it. Now is not the time to fold. LET'S GO HAWKS!

Well.. after watching the last 2 games, i'm ready to just get our butt kicking, go home and start over with a new coach and a new team. I can honestly say that not making the playoffs and getting a high draft pick is better than getting embarrassed and ridiculed on National TV.

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I was going to say something, but your account name says it all.

Very good post, Benhillboy. I am going to have to agree with you. I figured that your entire post would be a bash-all, but you pulled it out with a little confidence in the team. I hope this team pulls out game 4. It is the dang playoffs for crying out loud. This team needs to come out with some urgency for game 4... And put Wade on his *ss.

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