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“Yes, we were very insulted,”


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To answer your hypothetical question...I will say that a 360 windmill is flashier than both. Now, flashy is flashy, just depends on who you are asking some people will give one a 9 and the other a 10 and vice versa. And oh please, playoff series or not, if the game is over, the game is over. I guess you never played basketball and at the end of the game, try shots that you normally would not take, a big man taking a three pointer. And in the days of Bird, Magic, and Nique (someone else asked what would they have done), the "flahsy" dunks were the double pumps and the windmill (one and two handed), and 360. They did them, in runaway games and not even blowouts, as long as they had open court. If you are up by 30 why continue to run fast breaks and shoot threes (just to add on to the lead, and humiliate the opponents). Next hypthetical question?

Larry Bird once shot left handed for an entire game just to see what happened.

Stupid response: "... but it wasn't the playoffs"

Logical answer: "Doesn't matter, you still have to play those teams again and you could very well play that team in the playoffs. Not trying for an entire game is more insulting to the opponents and entire league than attempting a dunk in front of your home fans during the waning moments of a freaking blowout... Did Bird not get it?"

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Is it just me or are people missing the point that it wasn't a dunk attempt that is the problem it's the fact that it was showboating. No one cares if he would have hammered it down, that's what you're supposed to do it's that he tried to do it in a fashion that's disrespectful to the other team. Do you think anyone on this forum wouldn't call Wade out if he did an Antoine shimmy after a three up 20 points in the 4th? So why defend that bonehead play. I rank that play with Deshawn Stevenson doing his "you can't see me" thing after hitting a three in last year's playoffs even though his team was down big. You open your self up to retaliation if not humiliation after you try to show a team up such as Stevenson was by Damon Jones of all people who mocked him after a made three of his own. It's apparent the Hawks are not that good of a team considering half this forum was crying that it was over after Miami won two straight so why be proud of a player giving a team that is already giving us trouble more ammunition heading back to their own court?

Well I played HS basketball years ago and there is nothing like a dunk to pick up the home crowd OR to quiet the visitors crowd. Your post is what is wrong with American today, just another liberal worried about hurting somebody's feelings. I think the Hawks should dunk in everyones face they get a chance, this is a game to WIN! There is a lot of trash talking going on the court that no one knows about and that gets the players going. It's called COMPETITION!

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So there shouldn't be dunks on breakaways? Just layups. We should all just be content watching the number on our side going higher than the number on their side?

So really is that what you inferred from my post, that there shouldn't be dunks. Wow, anyway sure there should be dunks, plenty of em actually not horrible ATTEMPTS at dunks. You ever tuned in to the dunk contest lately and watch guys clang attempt after attempt and say to yourself how lame that is, so now you have a player actually attempt said action in a playoff game no less to the same result and the only excuse half these people can come up with is "ooooo well when lebron does it no one complains" First beyond the obvious, Lebron made the dunk, second the breakaway windmill/tomahawk jam is Lebron's signature dunk. Turn up sportscenter any given day the week and you see the same dunk like clockwork, heck even 2K9 has it in there as his signature dunk. Now answer me when is the last time you saw Josh Smith attempt, I say attempt because I've yet to see him make a between the legs windmill dunk in a game situation?

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So just a question, which one is a flashier dunk a windmill or a between the legs windmill? Better yet I think Josh should have thrown the ball off the backboard led into a between the legs windmill and break into a stanky leg dance after, Dominique would of held up a sign with a 10 on it Cheryl Miller would of interviewed him and David Stern present him with his trophy. Oh what's that you say? The Hawks are in a playoff series not a dunk contest? What? They've yet to win the playoff series yet alone the championship they seem to be celebrating? oh well that just sounds terrible then.

First of all, it's stanky leg(g) and that's not the point. The point is other "stars" have done the same thing and have gotten a lot less flack over it, especially from their own fans. In fact, they get praised for it. Miami was still competing at the time and the Hawks were trying to deliver the death stroke to beat them into submission. I've seen guys grabbing their genitals, dancing, and directing profanity at the opposing team's bench/fans. I've seen it in the NBA for years now. So excuse me if Smoove's dunk attempt doesn't irk me. The Hawks have eaten a lot crap from other teams. The only problem I have with Smoove's attempt was that he missed it. He shoulda pulled the rim down or shattered the backboard after he put it between his legs.

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So really is that what you inferred from my post, that there shouldn't be dunks. Wow, anyway sure there should be dunks, plenty of em actually not horrible ATTEMPTS at dunks. You ever tuned in to the dunk contest lately and watch guys clang attempt after attempt and say to yourself how lame that is, so now you have a player actually attempt said action in a playoff game no less to the same result and the only excuse half these people can come up with is "ooooo well when lebron does it no one complains" First beyond the obvious, Lebron made the dunk, second the breakaway windmill/tomahawk jam is Lebron's signature dunk. Turn up sportscenter any given day the week and you see the same dunk like clockwork, heck even 2K9 has it in there as his signature dunk. Now answer me when is the last time you saw Josh Smith attempt, I say attempt because I've yet to see him make a between the legs windmill dunk in a game situation?

Thats why I said in previous posts that he should have done a dunk he knew he could stick...

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Larry Bird once shot left handed for an entire game just to see what happened.

Stupid response: "... but it wasn't the playoffs"

Logical answer: "Doesn't matter, you still have to play those teams again and you could very well play that team in the playoffs. Not trying for an entire game is more insulting to the opponents and entire league than attempting a dunk in front of your home fans during the waning moments of a freaking blowout... Did Bird not get it?"

Oh man...how could I forget the time Michael Jordan shot a free throw with his eyes closed. Come on now...eyes closed, free throw...A FREE POINT....lol but some people find any reason to keep an agenda/propaganda going...always trying to compare today's players and their flashiness with the old skool...they were even more flashier....I haven't heard of anyone else shooting with their eyes closed since...how quickly some people forget...or never knew because they are just now starting to watch basketball

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Well I played HS basketball years ago and there is nothing like a dunk to pick up the home crowd OR to quiet the visitors crowd. Your post is what is wrong with American today, just another liberal worried about hurting somebody's feelings. I think the Hawks should dunk in everyones face they get a chance, this is a game to WIN! There is a lot of trash talking going on the court that no one knows about and that gets the players going. It's called COMPETITION!

I concur with everything except the political talk...can we leave politics out of this...but I do agree with everything else

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I concur with everything except the political talk...can we leave politics out of this...but I do agree with everything else

Yeah, I'm a pretty liberal dude and I don't have any problem with it... making assumptions about people like that doesn't help anyone, especially when you're wrong.

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So really is that what you inferred from my post, that there shouldn't be dunks. Wow, anyway sure there should be dunks, plenty of em actually not horrible ATTEMPTS at dunks. You ever tuned in to the dunk contest lately and watch guys clang attempt after attempt and say to yourself how lame that is, so now you have a player actually attempt said action in a playoff game no less to the same result and the only excuse half these people can come up with is "ooooo well when lebron does it no one complains" First beyond the obvious, Lebron made the dunk, second the breakaway windmill/tomahawk jam is Lebron's signature dunk. Turn up sportscenter any given day the week and you see the same dunk like clockwork, heck even 2K9 has it in there as his signature dunk. Now answer me when is the last time you saw Josh Smith attempt, I say attempt because I've yet to see him make a between the legs windmill dunk in a game situation?

let's get it right...his signature dunk is the tomahawk, not windmill and definitely not coming from damn near the free throw line...and Wade missed an easy dunk so what's the issue about missing a dunk....secondly, I'm quite sure he knows that he can make the dunk, it's not like he got choked or didn't have enough air under him...besides it's a dangerous dunk so I'm quite sure he have tried it before...maybe, just maybe he have done it at practice

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First of all, it's stanky leg(g) and that's not the point. The point is other "stars" have done the same thing and have gotten a lot less flack over it, especially from their own fans. In fact, they get praised for it. Miami was still competing at the time and the Hawks were trying to deliver the death stroke to beat them into submission. I've seen guys grabbing their genitals, dancing, and directing profanity at the opposing team's bench/fans. I've seen it in the NBA for years now. So excuse me if Smoove's dunk attempt doesn't irk me. The Hawks have eaten a lot crap from other teams. The only problem I have with Smoove's attempt was that he missed it. He shoulda pulled the rim down or shattered the backboard after he put it between his legs.

LMAO!! And then jumped on the scorer's table after breaking the rim and giving the underarmour chant...not to mention being laughed at by "choking" by missing a free throw line, being shown gang signs and chit like that...yeah, you're right, we have taken a lot of flack :beer:

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Oh man...how could I forget the time Michael Jordan shot a free throw with his eyes closed. Come on now...eyes closed, free throw...A FREE POINT....lol but some people find any reason to keep an agenda/propaganda going...always trying to compare today's players and their flashiness with the old skool...they were even more flashier....I haven't heard of anyone else shooting with their eyes closed since...how quickly some people forget...or never knew because they are just now starting to watch basketball

No this is just moronic, I dont know about others I know about my argument and it's not about new school old school. People are using examples of Jordan and Bird....to Josh Smith, you fail to realize that those were players that accomplished everything there was to accomplish in basketball. Jordan is even on record saying that he wasn't challenged by the level of competition in the NBA which led to his numerous retirements. People like him Bird, Magic, a slew of other superstars make games within games to keep themselves committed and entertained. Josh Smith can barely make a jumpshot for him to be bored enough to start inventing dunks.

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Wade is bs'ing. He was way more insulted at "no name" Solo and MW all up in his face not backing down one inch.

LAMO!! RRRRiiiightttt!! Notice a trend. Last year it was Zaza on KG, Zaza got some fandom love and now Solo wants to get some love too!! NEVER BACK DOWN!! I love it, he gets some love from me...that's should be our new slogan.

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No this is just moronic, I dont know about others I know about my argument and it's not about new school old school. People are using examples of Jordan and Bird....to Josh Smith, you fail to realize that those were players that accomplished everything there was to accomplish in basketball. Jordan is even on record saying that he wasn't challenged by the level of competition in the NBA which led to his numerous retirements. People like him Bird, Magic, a slew of other superstars make games within games to keep themselves committed and entertained. Josh Smith can barely make a jumpshot for him to be bored enough to start inventing dunks.

So you're no longer concerned about "showboating" and "disrespecting the other team" but we're moving on to dunking when you aren't a good shooter?

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Anyone that doesn't understand that it was imature, classless, show-boating must be as immature as Smoove. Did you ever see Mr. Class Tim Duncan; in all his playoff opportunities, pull a stunt like that? NO.

You can't give one reason that he should have done that, but many why he shouldn't have.

I'm sure that the stunt only reinforced the national perception that Smoove is an immersely gifted athlete, who still behaves like a 14 year old.

Smoove, please grow up and your game will follow.

Which is why Tim Duncan has less in endorsements than JJ has despite 4 rings and it is why the Spurs draw less in TV numbers than the Nets do.

This is entertainment it isn't stock brokering or accounting. Showboating is precisely why we go to games. In all honesty the dunk itself is an unnecessary play 75% of the time. And breakaway dunks are unnecessary 100% of the time. But we like them anyway.

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I heard that Wade and Co. are pretty pissed off about the dunk attempt by Smith. C'mon, folks. If it takes that for them to get motivated IN AN ELIMINATION GAME, they'll be emptying out lockers and setting up vacation cruises on Sunday afternoon instead of playing Game 7.

They should be pissed off about Mario Chalmers making Flip look like Andrew Toney in his prime (a reference I used earlier on Mark Bradley's blog in the AJC today). They should be embarrassed that not-too-fleet of foot-Mike Bibby got to the rim at will. They should be demoralized that Wade had to play out of his mind in the second half to keep the game from being 117-65 instead of 106-91. They should've been mad over the fact that if Smith had five more seconds, he could've went to the back, grabbed some nachos, put on Nique's old jersey, picked the ball back up, and delivered a tomahawk slam instead of the one he ended up missing. And most of all, they should be insulted that they got housed on national TV by a team WHO WAS MISSING TWO STARTERS FOR THE ENTIRE SECOND HALF.

And now the national media wants to make something out to the Smith dunk attempt too? Really? Doesn't ESPN run highlights of Labron and Kobe dunks to exclamate a victory? The breakaway jam is a signature stamp on a ballgame and a treat to the fans who paid $$$ to see it live while making those who watch on TV wish they were there; Dr. J, Nique, and Jordan did it for years at the end of games when their teams were up big, especially in the playoffs. None of them cared who they 'insulted' on the other bench; and if the Hawks take care of business come Friday night, they won't, either.


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No this is just moronic, I dont know about others I know about my argument and it's not about new school old school. People are using examples of Jordan and Bird....to Josh Smith, you fail to realize that those were players that accomplished everything there was to accomplish in basketball. Jordan is even on record saying that he wasn't challenged by the level of competition in the NBA which led to his numerous retirements. People like him Bird, Magic, a slew of other superstars make games within games to keep themselves committed and entertained. Josh Smith can barely make a jumpshot for him to be bored enough to start inventing dunks.

Uhhmm no!! You don't see Tom Brady just throwing a hail mary pass when they are up by 21 at the end of the game just to see how strong his arm is do you. Jordan, btw, the first time was after his dad died, the second time he felt like he could just switch sports and be the next Bo Jackson...WRONG!! WRONG!! He saw how bad he sucked and learned his lesson and stuck to what he knew best...and the third time, he just knew he wasn't himself anymore....ya'll come back ya hear

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