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Childress hints that he's had enough of European b-ball


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Chillz would have to take a paycut to come back to the NBA. I don't see a team dishing out the type of money he's getting over there (which, you have to remember, comes out to a lot more because he doesnt pay tax on it).

Chillz is making 20mill over 3 years. With European league contracts that is your total salary after taxes so he is effectively making 6.6 mill a year and doesnt have to pay housing or transportation. THe only cut he has to see out from that deal is his agent's fee. In the NBA no one wanted to offer him more than MLE money which caps out at 5.8mill BEFORE taxes. Suffice to say Chill thought very highly of his skill (Greek fans feel that he is overpaid considering his production, go figure) and I sincerely doubt he want's to walk out of practically making 2 mill extra over in Europe. He has zero bargaining chips coming back, he hasn't shined over there proving he is not worth that type of contract and might actually get low balled coming back. His best bet is to just finish out his contract making that moola and maybe improving his game over his first season there showing NBA gms he is worthy of a lucrative contract when he gets back.

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Exactly. And 5.8 million AFTER taxes is more like $3.5 million.

So, 6.6 mill vs. 3.5 mill.

That's a lot of money to give up.

It's now or never. If Chillz stay in the Euro league, he won' t be able to come back to the NBA and get anything reasonable. Plus you have safety concerns. The 13 Million is nice, but I think he'd like a chance at the NBA and to play in front of the safest crowds in the world.

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I believe this is the riot:

After the game:

" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350">

Childress looked noticeably scared and confused, I guess he wanted to flee into the dressing room, but police told him to stay on the court.

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I will let you read it for yourself and you can try to spin it anyway you want.

Notice from this interview... Bradley didn't ask will you keep Marvin Williams, WIll you do everything you can to sign MW, Do you have a roster spot for MW... No.

Bradley asked, would you LIKE to keep MW?

That's personal preference. Hell, he didn't have a problem saying that he liked Acie. It rolled off his mouth as soon as the question was asked: " Do you like Acie? I like Acie."

"Would you like to keep MW? Well, FAcy is such a mysterious thing... blah blah blah, yada yada, would like to keep the core.., Yada"

Like I said, Sund doesn't strike me as one who is looking to keep Marvin. This and the rumors that Marvin is being shopped for capspace... I kinda leads me to believe that Sund knows that he can get Chillz in here for cheaper and that he can trade Marvin and get something back. Moreover, has anybody even asked Sund who is the core?

That's all very astute but if Sund is trying to move Marvin its not because he has the grand scheme of bringing in Childress to start at the 3. There is another Bradley post where he lays out that ownership thought much more highly of Childress than Sund does; they were prepared to go over the cap in order to get him signed but Sund stuck to his guns. Then Childress was miffed that he wasn't getting what he wanted and went elsewhere due to 'spite factor'.

If Sund somehow resigns Chills it will be because it was done on his terms, for his money. Sund does not see Chillz as anything more than a role player, which in my opinion is an accurate assessment of his ability. Sund is not going to bring Chillz in here with the idea of him being a starter and he certainly wont pay him starter money.

Allow me to take a page from your book and speculate that this relationship is likely fractured beyond repair. If Chillz comes back he will have to sign at MLE or lower type money and he may feel he will be losing too much face to do that, at least in Atlanta.

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That's all very astute but if Sund is trying to move Marvin its not because he has the grand scheme of bringing in Childress to start at the 3. There is another Bradley post where he lays out that ownership thought much more highly of Childress than Sund does; they were prepared to go over the cap in order to get him signed but Sund stuck to his guns. Then Childress was miffed that he wasn't getting what he wanted and went elsewhere due to 'spite factor'.

If Sund somehow resigns Chills it will be because it was done on his terms, for his money. Sund does not see Chillz as anything more than a role player, which in my opinion is an accurate assessment of his ability. Sund is not going to bring Chillz in here with the idea of him being a starter and he certainly wont pay him starter money.

Allow me to take a page from your book and speculate that this relationship is likely fractured beyond repair. If Chillz comes back he will have to sign at MLE or lower type money and he may feel he will be losing too much face to do that, at least in Atlanta.

No... I think that the Hawks will quickly do something with Marvin and CHillz so that there is room to negotiate with other free agents. We can't do anything with either of those capholds on the book.

So in essence, when FAcy starts, Sund has to resolve: Bibby, Marvin, Chillz, and Zaza's situ before we can start to look at FAs in the league. I hope the first deal is resigning Zaza at an average of 5-6 per. I don't know if we will renounce Bibby, but our defense is begging for us to renounce Bibby and make moves for Felton. Marvin vs. Chillz is another story, but like I said in the post you quoted... I think Sund's answer to liking to sign Marvin was a lot of heeing and hawing. I wouldn't be surprised if he already has a deal for Marvin. By that same token, I wouldn't be surprised if he already has a deal for Chillz also.

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If Sund somehow resigns Chills it will be because it was done on his terms, for his money. Sund does not see Chillz as anything more than a role player, which in my opinion is an accurate assessment of his ability. Sund is not going to bring Chillz in here with the idea of him being a starter and he certainly wont pay him starter money.

IF Sund's marching orders are to sign Childress, I don't think Sund cares weather CHildress starts or sits on the far end of the bench. I think you need to stop superposing yourself into Sund's place. You heard it from Sund's lips in the interview... He doesn't care what Woody does personel wise. He won't get in Woody's way on personnel matters. He said that he liked Acie, but realized that Acie was the 9th man. He's not going to tell Woody to play Acie more. Nor will he tell Woody to not start Childress. He's not that kind of GM. He won't even tell Woody that you need an offensive coordinator. I think the major thing that matters is that if the owners think we need Childress, he will sign Childress. If the owners think singing Marvin is too much... then we will look for a trade.

Like I have said previously, Sund (based on his interview) sounds like a babysitter and not a GM. He doesn't have a plan for this team other than pleasing the bosses.

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Childress Unmoved By Greek Fan Riots

May 23, 2009 9:34 AM EST

Former Hawks forward Josh Childress said on Friday that the violence he witnessed in the stands while playing in Greece won't influence his decision on whether or not to remain in Europe.

"The fans are obviously very passionate because we're in the finals of the Greek championship," Childress said by phone to The Associated Press. "Yes, there was unnecessary violence. It obviously doesn't help the game. It doesn't help the players, but that will not have an effect on my decision about where I play next year."

Olympiakos fans threw a flare, plastic bottles and other items at Panathinaikos' bench during a timeout at the end of Thursday night's opening game of the finals.

Initially, Childress appeared greatly affected by the violence.

"The violence we saw today, will make me think real hard over my future in Europe," he said immediately following Thursday's events.


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Damage control! He may be softening his comments in efforts of retaining any leverage he has (if any) in contract negotiations in the NBA. It will be interesting to see what happens.

That's how I read it too. I think from interviews he has had during the season and from the original comments.. Chillz is probably ready to come back to the NBA. I don't know how much it will effect his contract negotiations.. My thinking is that once he decides to come back as a free agent, he no longer has the euroleverage. I may be wrong... but that would kind of be bad for him if he still had the euroleverage.

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That's how I read it too. I think from interviews he has had during the season and from the original comments.. Chillz is probably ready to come back to the NBA. I don't know how much it will effect his contract negotiations.. My thinking is that once he decides to come back as a free agent, he no longer has the euroleverage. I may be wrong... but that would kind of be bad for him if he still had the euroleverage.

I second that!! Chillz looked scared as hell in that video. Kind of funny that they had the riot team ready. Is that standard for games over there? The other team hauled *ss after the whistle they didn't even celebrate. You guys think that the HAwk fans (other than us) will ever be that passionate that they will kill another man because his team was wronged. I can respect that!

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When Olympiacos and Panathinaikos face each other in an important game one can expect that the fans will do something like this, wasn't the first time and it won't be the last. These two are arch rivals from the same city and are almost always the top two greek teams in many sports not just basketball. Being a club member is more like a religion than "normal" fandom to these people, that's why the players of the club are either treated like gods or get things thrown at them. Back in the day Olympiacos represented the working class while Panathinaikos was the club for the upper class.

In 2007 a Panathinaikos fan was stabbed when hooligans of both teams had a pre-arranged clash before a women's volleyball game between the two teams (wiki link).

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In 2007 a Panathinaikos fan was stabbed when hooligans of both teams had a pre-arranged clash before a women's volleyball game between the two teams (wiki link).

The violent culture intrinsic to women's volleyball tends to bring the worst out in people. They should ban the sport...no wait, ban women's basketball - I like the little volleyball shorts.

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