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Remind me what Rick Sund's draft history has been again?


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Joe Johnson

Salary: 1 year remaining 14.9mill

21.4ppg-4.4reb-5.8assist .360 3P%

Hedo Turkoglu

Salary: 1 year remaining player option 7.3mill

16.8ppg-5.3reb-4.9assist .356 3P%

Rashard Lewis

Salary: 4 Years remaining 18.8mill-20.5mill-22.5mill-23.7mill

17.7ppg-5.7reb-2.6assist .397 3P%

Hitting a few clutch shots in the playoffs does not make you worth that type of money only to play third fiddle to Dwight and Hedo. As far as I can remember Robert Horry never made that type of money. Put down the pipe if you think a 18 and 6 player is worth 20 million especially when it precludes his small market team from resigning Hedo next season who makes the team run and oh yea he's making more than that Dwight fellla.

I explained, in part, why he is a more dynamic player than Joe. Put down the pipe, if you think the Magic would have become this dangerous without him. And how exactly are his numbers that different from Joe's? Keep in mind, Rashard actually passes with time left on the clock.

They gave up a 2nd rounder for Lewis. So what if he costs a few million more on the cap. He didn't cost a first round pick of a player and two more 1sts after that. Besides, this is their run. They are going for it. All that aside, when it comes to playoff basketball, a Lewis is faaaar more valuable in matchups than I've never jumped over anybody, I don't move without the ball, I don't pass with more than 5 seconds left on the clock, I play defense 36 minutes a year, Joe Johnson is. Their chemistry would totally suck with Joe Johnson on the Magic. Like I said, I don't know if Joe even remembers how to play team basketball anymore. Might not be his fault, but it is what it is, imo.

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One more thing. Anyone ever call James Worthy third fiddle? Look at almost any really good or great team, and they have players who sacrifice as individuals for a common team goal. If the Magic win the title, do you think people will call Lewis a third fiddle? No, they would call him a matchup nightmare and a very integral cog, don't you think?

Oh, and Joe's salary is going to decrease or something, right? Dude probably thinks he deserves a raise or something. He led us out of the first round for the first time in blah, blah, blah.

Edited by TroyMcClure
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One more thing. Anyone ever call James Worthy third fiddle? Look at almost any really good or great team, and they have players who sacrifice as individuals for a common team goal. If the Magic win the title, do you think people will call Lewis a third fiddle? No, they would call him a matchup nightmare and a very integral cog, don't you think?

Oh, and Joe's salary is going to decrease or something, right? Dude probably thinks he deserves a raise or something. He led us out of the first round for the first time in blah, blah, blah.

Let me give you a list of guys that made 20 mill last season

Kevin Garnett

Allen Iverson

Jason Kidd

Jermaine O'Neal

Kobe Bryant

Tracy McGrady

Tim Duncan


Each and every one of those guys had far more illustrious careers to justify them making an annual salary of 20 mill. Howard is THE man on the Magic and Hedo makes that offense go as the most dynamic player seeing as he does all that Lewis does plus PG duties. Hedo is averaging almost the same numbers as Lewis yet is making 11 million less than him. If you think it makes sense paying the third best player on the team SUPERSTAR MAX MONEY while the other two do all the heavy lifting then that shows the extent of your cognitive abilities.

The Magic had better win a championship this year because with near 70 mill already tied up in salary for next season for only 9 players not including Hedo's contract extension the Magic had better hope they draft really well as they are going to spend the better part of the decade in salary cap hell. But then ahwell Lewis is so much more dynamic than Joe moving around the floor when all eyes are on the 6'11" linebacker posting up on the block and the 6'10" guy bring the ball up the court. :rolleyes:

You want to attack Joe go ahead but you'd be a hypocrite claiming that a guy who averaged inferior stats as never more than a second option to a HOFer is more deserving of 20 mill than Joe who has been THE MAN on the Hawks. If anything thanks to your prize pony Lewis, Joe would be justified asking for a significant pay raise.

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If you think it makes sense paying the third best player on the team SUPERSTAR MAX MONEY while the other two do all the heavy lifting then that shows the extent of your cognitive abilities.

It makes since to aquire dynamic player. As many as you can. You keep talking cap. Who cares? Oh, wait, the chumps in charge of the ASG. They don't have any money. Orlando has spent way more than us and are reaping the benefits. Turk and Rashard weren't drafted by the Magic, you know. You have to pony up in the NBA. We just have a pony... in a horse race. But they appear to be doing a good job of pretending with Joe Johnson as a Superstar to appease apologists. If he were a superstar, kids would want to emulate him and jerseys would be sold and money would be made and people would want to come here and... you get the idea. It ain't happenin'. Not now, not ever.

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Rashard Lewis can not take over a game like Joe Johnson. That 4th quarter Joe had in the playoffs last year vs Boston well Lewis cant do that. He doesnt have the handle. He has got a nice post move or two and is real good at waiting behind the 3 point line for a pass off a double of Howard or Hedo. Joe Johnson can only dream of playing with such talent as Lewis plays with.

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It makes since to aquire dynamic player. As many as you can. You keep talking cap. Who cares? Oh, wait, the chumps in charge of the ASG. They don't have any money. Orlando has spent way more than us and are reaping the benefits. Turk and Rashard weren't drafted by the Magic, you know. You have to pony up in the NBA. We just have a pony... in a horse race. But they appear to be doing a good job of pretending with Joe Johnson as a Superstar to appease apologists. If he were a superstar, kids would want to emulate him and jerseys would be sold and money would be made and people would want to come here and... you get the idea. It ain't happenin'. Not now, not ever.

YUP, it's apparent to me you don't understand the business of basketball at all. Uhm do you know how the cap works? This is not baseball, we are talking about the Orlando Magic not the New York frickin Yankees. They play in a small media market, smaller than Atlanta so you know what that means? They actually have less money than us in terms of advertising revenue.

Orlando's total salary last season


Atlanta's total salary last season

68 million

I guees that extra 700k is what seperates a franchise willing to spend what it takes to win from us. They happen to be in the position that they are in because they are paying the real stars on their team below market value. When it comes down to these guys asking for a fair share guess what's going to happen to that roster? It's going to get gutted. The salary cap matters because if you are above the cap you can no longer sign free agents to come play for you. Chris Bosh is not going to play in Orlando for the MLE. I mean for f***s sake they couldn't even get a Rashard Lewis to come play for them for less than 20mill. You think Atlanta is not a FA destination then wtf is Orlando?

Remember when Orlando handed out two max deals to T-Mac and Grant Hill? then Grant Hill got injured and that team was forced to have T-Mac put up ungodly numbers playing with the likes of Darell Armstrong, a 50 year old Horace Grant and Patrick Ewing just for them to make it to a date for a first round sweep by the #1 seed? Why couldn't they just sign talented guys, oh yea that's right they had 2 huge contracts already counting against their cap. Why the hell you think half these threads on here are about guys we can get with our cap situation and why we can't just trade Speedy for Bosh, it's because of the cap not owners being cheap.

Here, some recommended summer reading from professor MaCe


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