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More and more, I'm starting to smell a trade


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So, all the writers over at the AJC.com seem to be consistent in that they all believe Acie Law will be traded. Now we are hearing that Zaza might be a casualty (although I think it could be for the best). I just get the feeling more and more that Rick Sund has his sights set on pulling the trigger on a deal.

I feel like the target (or at least a major part of it) for the deal would have to involve a big man. Signs point to us drafting a PG - we are working out Mills and this is a PG-rich draft. We have to draft a PG; we'd be dumb not to!

Personally, I think we should re-sign Marvin because I think we could get him locked up for a bargain and at 22, he still could grow A LOT as a player. He clearly is still growing into his body.

Still, people seem to also be mentioning Marvin as a potential trade chip. So, I guess the question is - who could we be targetting in a trade? Would Marvin + Acie be enough to get Amare? What could Marvin + Acie fetch? What could Acie by himself fetch?

Also, when would a potential deal be more likely to go down - before or after the draft? Or during? Like historically, when do these types of transactions go down and when does FA begin?

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I agree that at least one trade will be made this off-season. My feeling is that its Smith who will be traded. He has the most value on the team and his stock isn't going to be much higher. This isn't to say that I want to trade Smith per se, but he seems the most likely choice. Smith+Speedy/Law can bring back quite a player (Bosh, Amare,...,Kaman, etc).

The problem with trading Marvin is that you usually get so little in return for RFA SnTs. It would be better to resign him and then trade him next summer after the BYC status ends.

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I agree that at least one trade will be made this off-season. My feeling is that its Smith who will be traded. He has the most value on the team and his stock isn't going to be much higher. This isn't to say that I want to trade Smith per se, but he seems the most likely choice. Smith+Speedy/Law can bring back quite a player (Bosh, Amare,...,Kaman, etc).

The problem with trading Marvin is that you usually get so little in return for RFA SnTs. It would be better to resign him and then trade him next summer after the BYC status ends.

I always find it odd that many on here consider Marvin expendable and having little value yet most trades seem to involve using him to get value. Puzzles me that we'd trade a piece with no percieved value for anything worthwhile in return.

I would have to respectfully disagree with you Frosgrim about Smith having the most value on the team. He may have elevated his stock and shares a position that we already have another talented player at but his stock hasn't reached the consistent level of our 3 time all-star. Joe has the most trade value between his credentials and the fact that he has an expiring contract. That being said IF a trade was to involve Joe I don't see it happening until well into the season if the team falters or an extension with him can't be worked out. Joe's position is very tenuous considering there's a lot of money out there on a lot of teams in '10 and I just considered in addition to our ownership issue we now have a coaching issue. Will Woody be extended....Will Joe approve of whoever we find to replace him? These are questions we have to ask when regarding a FA and potential FAs for that matter.

Edited by MaCeCase
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I agree that at least one trade will be made this off-season. My feeling is that its Smith who will be traded. He has the most value on the team and his stock isn't going to be much higher. This isn't to say that I want to trade Smith per se, but he seems the most likely choice. Smith+Speedy/Law can bring back quite a player (Bosh, Amare,...,Kaman, etc).

The problem with trading Marvin is that you usually get so little in return for RFA SnTs. It would be better to resign him and then trade him next summer after the BYC status ends.


I seriously doubt Smith is traded. He has not been a problem, he's been a plus. Especially in the playoffs. I think you'd see Joe go before Smith and I don't see Joe going anywhere.

Also, I think our trades will be smaller in nature. Maybe Acie. Maybe Chillz if he comes back. Maybe Marvin in a SNT.

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The only trade chips I even remotely anticipate Sund using are:

19th pick

Rights to David Andersen

Speedy Claxton

Randolph Morris (filler)

So, as Diesel said, "our trades will be small in nature."

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The only trade chips I even remotely anticipate Sund using are:

19th pick

Rights to David Andersen

Speedy Claxton

Randolph Morris (filler)

So, as Diesel said, "our trades will be small in nature."

I agree. I don't anticipate the Hawks making a blockbuster trade - and if we trade Smoove or JJ, it would be a blockbuster. I think Sund is content with another year to see how our core, young guys follow up a successful year. With Woody on a one year, JJ in the final year of his deal, and Horf needing to resign this time next year, I think Sund is going to take another year to assess where is heading with the Hawks.

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I agree. I don't anticipate the Hawks making a blockbuster trade - and if we trade Smoove or JJ, it would be a blockbuster. I think Sund is content with another year to see how our core, young guys follow up a successful year. With Woody on a one year, JJ in the final year of his deal, and Horf needing to resign this time next year, I think Sund is going to take another year to assess where is heading with the Hawks.

The only question here is will Sund get Jumpy over JJ being a FA at the end of next season? If so, he might trade JJ?

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The only question here is will Sund get Jumpy over JJ being a FA at the end of next season? If so, he might trade JJ?

It's something he'll have to consider, it's a great question. Next summer is going to be NUTS! Hard to tell how JJ fits in with that situation - My gut tells me it will be a wait and see approach. JJ's individual play, as well as the HAwks as a team, will dictate his future here. Along with, of course, the decisions that are made this summer for the team. I'm sure JJ is well aware that this is a contract year, probably his last chance at a big contract considering his age. He'll play well, IMO comparably well that earned him 3 AS appearances. That being said, if a team is willing to part with younger talent, draft picks, etc. for the chance to get JJ - go for it! The worst possible scenario would be for JJ to walk with us getting nothing in return, so Sund might feel the pressure of getting rid of our star. That's why he makes the big bucks.

Extremely hard to speculate. So many factors to look at with JJ.

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The only question here is will Sund get Jumpy over JJ being a FA at the end of next season? If so, he might trade JJ?

JJ's odometer is getting up there. I think it would be ideal.

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1a. I am convinced, fwiw, one of either Johnson or Marvin are not going to be on the 09-10 team. I think it would be Sund's preference to keep both (, and in fact, his preference to keep the whole team together except for Speedy). But I believe salary cap considerations will rule the day. Either player will bring good talent in return (assuming that Marvin's back is not a major issue, though it may be). The loss of JJ obviously creates a substantial gaping hole to fill, but I think the guiding principle will be to keep as many pieces together as possible for 09-10 and beyond, and if they cannot be certain that JJ will be part of the team beyond next season, I believe they'll give him up for the right offer.

1b. I am convinced, fwiw, that the franchise is owned by people who believe in making long-term commitments, and I believe that when they said after his signing last summer, essentially, that Smoove was going to be one of the, if not the, face of the franchise, they probably meant it... and indeed, his playoff showing especially at his age predicts that they won't go back on that anytime soon.

2. I am convinced, fwiw, Sund may not be successful, but it will be a huge priority to him to get Chilz back either on our roster or someone else's in order to free up that cap hold.

3. I think we all are convinced that Speedy is going to be on another roster next season someway somehow.

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