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Rick Sund (audio)


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Here is the full audio guys. I did miss a lot



Part 2 is the one I heard part of.

Part 1 is really good. I can't hear it all now because i'm on my way out of town. I will just check in on the replies here and catch it tonight once I get back.

Admins - I wanted to update my first thread but could not. So, I hope this is ok. I just wanted to make sure everyone knew about this audio.

Chat later.

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Thanks for the links ... here is the auto transcript from pt 1

" And drove out here and bounced up. Talk about -- BA draft GM Auschwitz on. Joining us on me and it's certainly good news guides it to be there appreciate it get that guy to Hedo or something for the love of god kept it about this price hawk something. Any of those car with gas congratulations by the way I think two to almost every ox man. Adding Jeff T get Jamal Crawford seems like boy we are any much better position. That we were you know a week ago to -- and adding pieces to a team that admittedly has continued to move forward year after year so. I -- you must feel good about adding to it where -- you know."

" There's so much censor -- we'll start first with a straight -- it -- it first hand it is always uncertainty and unpredictability. In. Create -- and that gets complicated a little more. Given the economy right now so. In a given that the state of the economy of professional sports for perfectly. The NBA right so what we're bringing Crawford on we've we've got to 42 players didn't figure in -- as we. Forward it might be your evaluated speedy so it's it's. Some injuries these union in east he was not -- a lot of playing time that in -- The way would you want to play. Facility. Is to make some sense for us it cricket for -- We got a science players put. Just what you mean to the minutes you've got to recounts a player while one of the things that he and I. I'm sure you guys I know it's on the stance and now wary things. All acquire properties one of the best in the league in the fourth quarter I mean when he's done within it. They you know -- you have gravity can team that Ayman. Minutes pointless plays gotcha -- point -- and it -- committee -- and we look at all those stats. He's up in the top six -- seven needed in in -- And it's always shelves we have two players with -- time. That it score and another thing he does that we don't have it's very very. We don't have that a deal with these two guys over the free throw line very often when it's close if you watch those playoffs. The last six minutes of the game using excellent time because so it says it -- it -- some -- He didn't play all 82 Eads would meet these a few feet Phillips south of Joe Johnson played all but two. So he goes to the line and in in he's not a good free throw -- he's a great resource here. So it's -- he gives us that dimension that that I think is very very good. Home I really believe watching the watching the playoffs because we need to catch those teams are out of -- I mean we we we have a dual passport forward we have to keep the teams. That are behind is behind this and that's the teams the three teams that are at the gap. Of us kitchen teams ahead of us is bigger than the gap keep it teams find -- now we're realistic."

" I guess that's a very honest assessment because you look at the guys try to come up Chicago now. The year with Derrick Rose in that group that played up Boston tough on this Philadelphia's bacon Booth everybody's going to be here at Milwaukee wants to report. Did you see the three big guns and I think what we've been saying it's -- the hawks really. Getting in the world of be able to compete with those three big dogs Atlanta Cleveland Boston adding we get Jamal Crawford. You start to add those kind of peace."

" get that a piece that these pictures twentieth Knight averaged poignant. Right and she's too pretty good proceedings for from the floor. But very percent from three point and it -- percentage from the from the free throw any personal equipment -- we're -- make is that. A lot of these teams that are ahead of us. What common characteristic they have. Problem with the exception of maybe Houston is versatility and other players and Houston because if it's so simple Iran now. But but but their players -- multiple positions. And -- we have that I mean I mean who really do with the exception of my preview strictly appointment with the exception of reverse dot the back. But Horford who played five for Josh to play for three. Margaret -- 34. -- play 123. Crawford fits into that mold as well it even when we have with -- that can play 21 so it gives you the flexibility that maybe match up with some of these."

" All right so let's say you have more talent and more ability to score points we said we're gonna bring this up -- of the offensive coordinator who's in charge of now look at these pieces -- put together. What they want an offense really -- you know that's now the trend. In the -- offensive and defensive -- sweep through team so if I would like teams that are very successful absolutely absolutely going to -- pieces and no we can't be copycat leaks but yeah absolutely. I'm copycat being in a way that effective the the versatility in the big guards and right. On and that may be the wave of the futures things go particularly if teams if if if if owners start cutting off. Assistant coaches and contributes and it would that's. We ever thought we don't have that that tech questions -- addressed yet questions at one of the things you do have now Steve Rosenberg talked about at all. Oh yeah okay because Steve Rosenberg who now have a director of pro personnel it lucas' special title absolutely and explain why you brought -- dying because this is different and well."

" A really good point on what went -- key here. One of the things that I want you could you talk about -- I was looking at some of the other -- the teams in league what they were doing. I mean if you really think about it. The amount of money the teams. Put in college scouting and post Gotti is extremely high. It's extremely high. For essentially. One bit. Would make trades all the time. We we we haven't really specialized. Into someone really focusing on. Pro personnel we talked about director of player person now -- it's for so we don't and a more more teams -- have done that. And on one win when I came here I thought you know one and a unit that -- photograph his full responsibility. Is. College personality and and and Alex -- and in Europe we have two people in Europe that's their full responsibility. And and I had Rosie who lives in Philadelphia which is it's close enough to hear. But it's also close enough to see the knicks -- nets that a Philly Washington. And his team's community his full responsibility. Is to. It is to have to really focus in on. Pro personnel and is the straight here. Was it Rick you know Crawford may be about -- if you look at that's what brought to -- we have yet these and we looked at from the -- And that's his job and so on I think more more teams are doing that you know title sometimes fuel nebulous and went -- for it. But put them more more teams are going that route which is you said with -- coaching some teams -- offensive coordinator beat Pittsburgh football stomach for it. Forever right and so what you know maybe in a way."

" Rick studies what does that GM of the -- these live here that's evidently get to Jeff T get a second real real quick. To Mark Roberts selfless players never want it why getting a piece like that. How -- co exist with Josh Smith there's some guys who said oh we don't like -- this guy easy to first note."

" Is is that's mentality is used pretty much there's a -- like it like Mike maybe in this sense I think he averages less than half assists a game. And one lesson one assist team it might quite. I think it's. Edit certain. The stuff we just talked about now that may try it again he -- the -- I -- now I bought orphan opposite corner. -- deepens his is concerned but -- and I talked -- Thomas and think about this and absolutely. Don't have audiences you're looking you -- and you make a decision coach to get right to the he he he had Emmy host immigrant and an -- questions and he he said to me goes through it. These this deal on on his defense is not necessarily. The -- the port of entry goes he's not a physical defenders recent one night. Was -- him I would put Marbury on -- two. Because that becomes a more physical you know -- some -- and we're having Mormon around and I would quit two. My home. And flew from well all of."

" Law on the on the point of leaving some room in the 66 it -- that is exit. Lights and I was successful that because that never bothered me in these. From from from from my -- and let's let's be realistic feel much like Flip -- Jamal Crawford here score. -- and he can't score any rules or anything cute I mean if he's he's great off the pick and roll I mean there's no enforcement there's the aspect of of of losing is that home. I don't think. At the same way with -- with that -- mr. I don't think that they can make is that these that I don't think he built around. -- yet Rapid -- goes to Minnesota they got. The first time -- left enough that he goes to -- to Detroit in really helps him an imaginary really helped us. So I don't. He's not that type of a player who's going to take it that team. Better disdain for that. Mike Bibby went Sacramento -- they're right there weren't going to take up so. That doesn't bother me so much do you think that'll be defensive strategy employed here. -- I mean you know and you see he covered one an awful lot."

and pt 2

" Except as well this do you have of the hawks Jeff he knocked -- and I would take it Ty Lawson -- if that you have no reason talent and I away. But did it did these all the way you thought they wanted to do was there who wasn't their."

" Then fell. Yes but not a new orders -- suspect that I think this draft is -- if you're gonna say. Compared distract other justice -- located regret it wasn't one of those it was a great draft when last seen at the bottom you guys know that. So the -- the way that it it it -- shape. -- it was kind of crazy sometimes empowerment that this guy needed -- in -- he did not take that guy and so would be the actual order a -- was kind of a mismatch of what people. Anticipated. On what is Faris who was gonna be here at the you know that eighteenth nineteenth pick when he picked those four processor and it lasted Maynor. Teach a three -- and Somalis we looked at -- We we thought Hansbrough. The Intel we got my slides would look to it it at him. So basically yeah. Pretty much that this probably the biggest surprise to me to players that were either mix. Sam Young. I re elect him I I mean once we didn't rate would cooperate didn't. Since we do finally fell victim was I would really like him into the cigarette into cats yesterday with cats yesterday. Said Sam Young. Could go to the hawks they like him a lot I don't know how that got out of ivory like -- I thought he was I was the only reason -- And wraps it up and it also with that moments the big kid. Seven footer from Ohio State or other together almost Toney Douglas -- so there's two. I really like Tony Douglas. Allotted when a sad that August or -- and armed. He just barely made it into the -- and local -- Atlanta yet the breaker personality. Great personality and in acute that. I think. When he gets in -- for years right well we'll get some playing time -- with Nixon yeah -- tomorrow -- lakers took penetrated into the next what what stood out for you its first -- what made the hawks decide he was the right guy. Now huh. I think. Who we spent some time with I really respect the coaches and he CC Atlantic coast -- you there. So we spent some time ways we we Roy Williams who spent some time we've with coach K. Adding just another element into your proper. An -- in. Both of them really felt this kid has some great great potential at the point guard spot the way to point guard as played now with McEnroe to be able to keep the the ball from the outside making some place took great to be really really good speed it dynamics that are here. He's got a pretty -- with his arms deliverance. You know great free throw shooter and you know a really really good he -- Who which which are who we pick in nineteen is not somebody that can come in and turn club around because at that that hasn't happened. On which are open is that it can he make a contribution if he's called upon and Kenny improving get better so that he could see -- mess with what he's he's."

" shrinking violet. He says he's determined to prove everybody wrong as far as anybody that shows another point guard before him he wants to be the best point guard in the straw I am I like -- attitude to that. 830 Thomas what's radio seven that is don't. What do you think of it who moves in the Eastern Conference Jack to the cavs it's -- to the -- Our personal thought best but not profit from it as a journalist. Generally don't come from basket --"

" You know obviously. The cats are focusing on Dwight Howard you know we do we need some some some speakers strength and is the fact that it ocostas is slowing down so between the -- that was there there's there's there's the Cubans from from as a competitor I also think that the now they wanted to show LeBron made room. We're going to try to do one more thing that to see if this helps us get our idol right you know that. That that I think poses the question. No heavy jacket and of course he you deciding it looks like note Turkoglu Vince Carter is going to be the guy yeah also are they haven't said that we -- and a leopard -- got insurance right now leopard on it we don't -- that the point is does this isn't journalist which which which I'm sure it brings in talk radio. Analysis is. I'm trying to think of a more dominant player in the -- it. Ever. This him with five --"

" That it's just said yesterday it's it's amazing and disabilities walk in in the Hall of Fame with at least for ratings you looked -- notes five teams later. And he's played with. Three the last six MVP -- throwing it to -- Anthony Hardaway and with Steve Nash Dwayne -- Obviously hope we have now LeBron it's it's a server who was having you -- usually that's why it's employees hired -- now I mean that's what he -- right now another thing is. All five teams that made the MB files Soriano didn't win it right well don't fees just. -- ego that is why I stand corrected but so yeah when you think about what you're given up to get him when you think about. It's his final year of the contract he wants to win that fifth title. It makes cents or it doesn't work out well there's exactly by the shenanigans would have really like what it is a good. I mean really you guys so Phoenix was in his situation they're going through a transition. You know he basically unanimous he informed but but at least the perception is. Hey you know -- you can pay because contender I'd be amenable if it took me this ego really is -- when you're you're really these at this stage in my career. Whatever you need be to be unique 25 minutes from the union need not be in the for the the fourth quarter of late sometimes the bride needs more space so thanks Jack. Whatever it he was real cooperative with both teams in can I ask -- yesterday is there any consideration under -- Knowing what they had to give up for him why why wouldn't Shaquille O'Neal from a marketing point of view and only about away teams -- that usually with a better record. When he gets there was not a consideration for the Atlanta Hawks because we didn't have you know have been Wallace was on our team and we -- expiring contract of fifteen million. You could be getting you know that the real -- judge when did. National and we we would've been able to match up. And I didn't -- we get the -- team right and and build around Jack -- could be as the most dominant yet would have said hey you know my country to implement the comer to the minute of them myself -- I live in a wonderful place like Atlanta that's awesome but. That at FC that this doesn't correlated right correct that and we want to get you any trouble. -- Richard Jefferson to the spurs a lot of people think that it's just that you can move. Port map that depth of what's stated Tony as just their start executing a clearly want player in the second round. Well actually into one is another one I mean he has some some injury concerns is probably why he slid. What what would Jefferson I think since don't have look at -- that is the respect of our window of opportune Wright is now -- we have one. The championship forgot the finals last few years and Richard Jefferson hopefully fit that model that you talk about words and appears in the enough money -- we'll get a ring and if he's -- here's the -- with this team doesn't have that many do if he's anti. With Popovich and Duncan and parker and you know politically fifties called ring fuel gravity up. Right come down this is not how we do -- around here you have a little bit as it is his contract expires -- incipient -- some of these people if it fits in a mystery as well as the title and -- I'll stay for another couple years if he knows his numbers have gone down but -- good it's good movement in Milwaukee -- if for financially self."

" It before you go 835 and even -- it myself about here talk basketball -- always the gentleman about being honest the situation with the latest period. Just to reiterate oil or clarifies. Is there any notion that the Atlanta spirit and Mike -- company will not spend whatever it takes -- not going over. It you do I think they're -- they're pretty much committed to. What do they tell you about dollars you know life."

" What what what they've basically said it is relative that's that's do the best we can and that's. How to use our our error luxury tax as a barometer rock on over it I -- last year they work and they were gonna go over it if you fruit we need to to -- jobs. The salaries are coming down we're you know we're we're not going to do anything stupid -- I think this you know we're gonna stay within a range. And and and be able to try to do what's. Detroit is done in the past and -- San Antonio is done in the past which is to try to -- competed championship level."

" On whose -- for all the guys apartment size Flip Murray and Mike Bibby. How many of those guys of the forty will be -- Yet -- yes I have not even gonna yes because there's so much unpredictability. Uncertainty in fact inside a -- right where we're gonna jump over him juggle some other balls along the way I just noticed it in your mindset at all Yao will also more on him on the just got back to the states I think. According to -- yesterday or or possibly to you last go back to place for the role wrote -- territory. I mean I don't want to speak for them and that's my that's highest that we use today if you like throwing fireballs into the huddle it's not what you wanted you. Not really you call the agent before it gets back to the states and our listeners should -- but it's strapped state we like it we'd like a yes or no before the draft I talked to -- a number of times and as I mean. Particularly like data that. Who what what information it is you want to come back plane in in years you want to stay over there. And they oversee and you know once we get him back with them -- routes when person woman gets rid our teammates a lot of money there. You respect of the players you mentioned -- you know I DeJuan Blair 36 and 37 approximate 49 that you have a chip did you think about -- or yet. I know the -- chip but but if he is that we -- this visit and a second round pick which we have talked about. On the whole point was there you they had this huge. Camp through -- have you guys heard talked about Hampshire. Every year before that the -- their version of Chicago he had only only it's you know the European players still sort of plan by our players don't want to play dvds to its community play and I do European scouts were there and clintons that opportunity and I'm he had just not -- be sold in the kitchens there to keep him over in Europe what's his name again. I figured -- through -- the so there's you know I -- body. I don't FDI some big 65. -- the -- everywhere the draft is that up. She calls for the general manager than you give her the person we're talking -- had two minutes if she calls him and we thought about it. This -- let the it is I and advocates of us who were grants to community that the Europeans to go. Here's you hear propensity that Internet. Your right at department face facts about Africa but as you drive it back Bruce pearl's gonna tell you whether right guys with which you kept the it took me to tell us who says that allow them and he took -- right after the break and I remember and we've waited you. You know you wouldn't remember him you probably would have told you but thank you go -- right next -- did not potentially graduate."

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Did we hire Faulkner to be our GM?

I am as big a Yoknapatawpha County fan as the next guy, but that autotranscript is painful to read. I'll find some time to listen to these.

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I am as big a Yoknapatawpha County fan as the next guy, but that autotranscript is painful to read. I'll find some time to listen to these.

Lol man I have a small form of dyslexia.... reading that was really messing with me. I thought it was me. Then I thought it was my phone. When I scrolled down to see your reply that made me feel much better LMAO!

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