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Very disturbing PSA about texting while driving


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Not a big fan of scare tactics but ............sometimes it works on teenagers. If it saves a life I guess its worth it b/c there have probably been real accidents closely resembling this.

I know it scares me when I see a person texting while going 80 mph on I-85.

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Won't do much to help. There have been similar ones for drinking and driving for decades. Yet it still continues.

Ya, but when your drunk your judgement is impaired and making rational decisions is not so easy.

Hopefully when you make the choice to text when driving you are at least sober .........so the decision making should be better.

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Ya, but when your drunk your judgement is impaired and making rational decisions is not so easy.

Hopefully when you make the choice to text when driving you are at least sober .........so the decision making should be better.

Actually I heard yesterday on the radio that someone (can't remember who) published a study that said driving while talking on the phone (even hands free) or texting impairs you as much or more than being legally drunk although it didn't say how much over the limit alcohol wise they went.

I'm sure this PSA won't do much good but if it keeps 1 person from doing it then it's effective.

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Actually I heard yesterday on the radio that someone (can't remember who) published a study that said driving while talking on the phone (even hands free) or texting impairs you as much or more than being legally drunk although it didn't say how much over the limit alcohol wise they went.

I'm sure this PSA won't do much good but if it keeps 1 person from doing it then it's effective.

I phrased my point poorly.

My point was not that a drunk person can drive better then a person texting while driving can.

1. The point was that when you are drunk............your decision making on whether to drive the car or not is already impaired b/c your drunk.

2. When you are driving and think about texting.........hopefully you at least sober so you have better judgment to the decide whether to text later or pull the car off the road to text or call.

A commercial on DUIs is less effective b/c when ever a person decides to drive drunk..........that decision to drive is made when they are drunk and not sober.............when a person faces the decision to respond to a text when driving they are sober and make a better descision since they are sober............meaning safety awareness may have more of an effect on texting when driving then DUIs since this reaches sober people's decision making.

Edited by coachx
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