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Look who's talking


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Future tweets from JJ:

- "I won the 5K kissin bet. But that b***h bit my bottom lip."

- "These h*es at Strokers neva treat a brotha right in VIP. I shoud've went 2 Body Tap."

- "I like when our fans boo Smoove when he shoots 3s. I tell him they not sayin BOOOO, they sayin SMOOOOV. Thats why he keep shootin haha."

- "Damn, another D-Wade commercial? What da f*** I gotta do to get a good TV ad?"

- "Woody is my dude, but if he get an EXT before me, ATL can kiss my a** goodbye!"

- "Ima name my cru like Bibby did his. He has 'Team Dime'. Ima name my boys "Deuce's Wild".

- "i saw Elle Duncan frm V103 today. Ima hit that before the season starts . . WATCH!"

- "On the real tho, Violet Palmer got a FAT A**!! Ima brush up against that during the game on "accident". Watch her smile tho."

- "ISO JOE all day . . erry day. That's why we won 47 last year."

JJ needs to be given two speeches:

1) the "Twitter is the Debil" speech . . .and

2) "They" don't like ghetto" speech.

Once that happens, the Twitter page will either come down or he'll change up what he says.

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If that wasn't actually possible (well at least some of it) it wouldn't be nearly as funny. Well done North! The way I see it is talk how you want to talk, do what you want to do, but don't put it out there for everyone to judge if you're someone who is seen as highly marketable like JJ is.

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Sekou went from being superstar hawks beat writter to super boring and predictable.

He got a little national attention, and now he has become a prima donna. I can't stand him anymore.

As for JJ's tweets...I am going with fake account. If he really speaks like that, he may be mildly retarded.

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anyway we can find out if it's really JJ putting up those tweets, even though i still imagine it is him.

if it is, someone (management, woody, his parents) needs to do something about it...

mildly retarded or not, he's become borderline disgraceful.

Edited by KrishATL
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Future tweets from JJ:

- "I won the 5K kissin bet. But that b***h bit my bottom lip."

- "These h*es at Strokers neva treat a brotha right in VIP. I shoud've went 2 Body Tap."

- "I like when our fans boo Smoove when he shoots 3s. I tell him they not sayin BOOOO, they sayin SMOOOOV. Thats why he keep shootin haha."

- "Damn, another D-Wade commercial? What da f*** I gotta do to get a good TV ad?"

- "Woody is my dude, but if he get an EXT before me, ATL can kiss my a** goodbye!"

- "Ima name my cru like Bibby did his. He has 'Team Dime'. Ima name my boys "Deuce's Wild".

- "i saw Elle Duncan frm V103 today. Ima hit that before the season starts . . WATCH!"

- "On the real tho, Violet Palmer got a FAT A**!! Ima brush up against that during the game on "accident". Watch her smile tho."

- "ISO JOE all day . . erry day. That's why we won 47 last year."

JJ needs to be given two speeches:

1) the "Twitter is the Debil" speech . . .and

2) "They" don't like ghetto" speech.

Once that happens, the Twitter page will either come down or he'll change up what he says.

I laughed.

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You think it's a good idea for him to post things talking about getting pulled over by the cops? Call it slang, having some drinks in him, or whatever but he really comes off like a Chad Johnson there instead of what I've come to expect from him. Do you think Michael Jordan or Larry Bird or any of the truly great players of the game would ever write things like that? He just comes off as immature and illiterate to me and I guess maybe it's my fault for expecting more from him.

And I'll also say this, would you write something like that where you knew there was a GREAT chance that your bosses would read it?

Hard to compare JJ to either of those guys, even if it's just social networking - like tweeting. Which is another contrast, MJ or BIRD weren't exposed to blogging, or tweets. They were prevalant before beepers hit the scene, let alone cell phones or the internet. I would attribute that "tweet" to what you said, too may drinks in him. He propbaly had a nice buzz, made the comments from his phone in a matter of seconds before really thinking about the ramifications of the comment. I think we can cut him some slack...

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Hard to compare JJ to either of those guys, even if it's just social networking - like tweeting. Which is another contrast, MJ or BIRD weren't exposed to blogging, or tweets. They were prevalant before beepers hit the scene, let alone cell phones or the internet. I would attribute that "tweet" to what you said, too may drinks in him. He propbaly had a nice buzz, made the comments from his phone in a matter of seconds before really thinking about the ramifications of the comment. I think we can cut him some slack...

And to piggy back on this a bit, most people who played against Jordan and Bird said that both were NOTORIOUS trash talkers during their playing days.

Possible Jordan tweets:

- "I kno we're gonna lose in the Boston Garden, so I'm just gonna try to score 70 points."

- "Magic . . Smagic. I just had a 32 pt, 8reb, 8 asst season, and I'm NOT the best player in the league? Really?"

- "Me and Pat ( Ewing ) have a little wager that I won't dunk on him in this playoff series. U kno I'm gonna win that bet haha."

- "I told Reggie Miller that he looked like a lightskin alien with a bad Kid n Play haircut. That's why he tried to fight me. He's a primadonna lil b***h."

- "I didn't push Byron Russell. All I did was put my hand on him. I'm Michael JORDAN. I don't need to push no damn body. And I didn't foul Karl when I stole the ball from him either."

- "I don't have a gambling problem. I WIN when I gamble. Charles is the one with the problem."

- "I LOVE the fact that I kept Gary, Patrick, Charles, John, Karl, Reggie, Clyde and Alonzo from winning a title in the 90s. I'll remind them of that everytime I see them."

- "So Wilt said he's had over 20,000 women huh? I could easily get to that number, if I weren't married. Everybody wants to be LIKE MIKE and WITH MIKE!!!"

- "Damn . . Juanita took my azz to the cleaners. That'll be the last time I get married."

- "People don't know that I started shaving my head, not for a fashion statement . . but because my hairline was receding."

Bird tweets:

- "How many times are they gonna replay that Michigan St game . . geez?"

- "People call me ugly, but Dennis, Robert, and Kevin are super ugly".

- "I see all these Black players still underestimate my game. They'll learn soon enough. Silly negroes."

- "I should've won 5 rings. All we needed was a PG that could defend AND shoot. I love Dennis, but he was a mason . . a bricklayer."

- "Isaiah's an idiot. I set him up beautifully to steal that ball in that Detroit playoff series."

- "WTF @ Nique . . thinking he could stop me."

- "I told Jerry Sichsting (sp) . . "the next time he says or does something to you, you take his f***in head off." I'm proud of Jerry."

- "These Boston chicks are hideous. Give me a Midwest woman any day of the week."

- "Isaiah needs to STFU. I'd be an "average" player if I were black? GTFOH!!! He couldn't guard my azz, that's for sure!"

Edited by northcyde
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