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New t-shirt concepts


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So I've been trying to think of some ideas for new (funny) Hawksquawk t-shirts and I'd like some ideas from you guys.

For the next one I'm thinking about something like this (with a diagram and text):

Hawks Offensive Diagram

24 seconds: SG brings ball up court

18 seconds: SG dribbles and waits for double team (PG, SF, PF, C stand and watch)

14 seconds: SG passes to PG

10 seconds: PG dribbles and waits for double team (SG, SF, PF, C stand and watch)

06 seconds: PG passes to SG

02 seconds: SG takes contested jump shot (PG, SF, PF, C stand and watch)

00 seconds: shot goes on in or defense rebounds

That's pretty rough and I don't know whether it's funny or not a t-shirt but I know some of you guys are pretty funny so how can I improve that and what are some other ideas that you might have?

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Joe: I want some help.

Sund: What kind of help? Who do you have in mind?

Joe: Well, mainly, I don’t want to have the ball in my hands all the time!

Woody: What do you mean. That’s your favorite play. Joe Right! Joe Left!

Joe: No offense coach, but I’ve been thinking about it and Joe Right and Joe Left don’t work.

Woody: I know what you’re saying. You want me to add in a Joe Middle… I’ll get right on that!

Joe: No offense coach, but I don’t think that’s going to change things either.

Woody: How about Joe back and Joe Back and to the left!

Joe: Back and to the left?

Woody: Back and to the left? Let me show you.

Woody turns on the video screen.

Woody: You see here, this is you and you’re triple covered here. However, on this particular play, you went back and to the left and was open again. Back, and to the left... back, and to the left... back, and to the left. Back, and to the left... back, and to the left... back, and to the left.

Dominique: Coach that doesn’t make much sense. Back and to the left puts him at halfcourt.

Woody: But he can see the whole court from there. NO defense will triple team him from there. I call it J-BATTLE (Joe Back, and to the left). Defenses won’t know what hit them. When I hold up the double fist, that means J-BATTLE. Who says I don’t have a play book?

Gearon Jr.: So who are we picking?

Sund: I’m kinda high on Derrick Brown!

Gearon Jr.: Who is that?

Sund: He’s a Sf out of Xavier. He’s going to be a great player, probably the best player in the draft!

Joe: Can he run the offense?

Woody: We don’t need him to run the offense. We have J-BATTLE!!!

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Hmm that is pretty funny but it might be a bit long for a t-shirt unless the font is so small that you probably won't be able to read it

And AHF we need to caption that Belkin - Knight pic. I've already "fractalized" that picture and made it print resolution with a nice cheesy grunge border so it's ready for a caption.


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Mike Woodon's playbook:

1. Iso-JJ right

2. Iso-JJ left


4. See options 1-3

You could have a disgruntled Bibby face (or Smoove I guess) with the caption:

"If you don’t want me to throw to him put him somewhere else,” Bibby shouted. “He’s wide [@*&$%] open. Wide open. What do you want me to do? If you don’t want him shooting that then put him somewhere else. You tell him.”

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You could have a disgruntled Bibby face (or Smoove I guess) with the caption:

"If you don't want me to throw to him put him somewhere else," Bibby shouted. "He's wide [@*&$%] open. Wide open. What do you want me to do? If you don't want him shooting that then put him somewhere else. You tell him."

LOL that would be pretty funny. Might be too much text for one real sentence but that would be funny.

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LOL that would be pretty funny. Might be too much text for one real sentence but that would be funny.

I think you're right. You could shorten it I suppose, but how Bibby shot back at Woody is awesome.

Speaking of Woody - how about just his mug shot when he had hair and no goat...haha - he looks so much different, it cracks me up.

Or, I've read enough Squawkers comparing him to Mr. Potato Head - something in that realm would be funny, IMO.

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I think you're right. You could shorten it I suppose, but how Bibby shot back at Woody is awesome.

Speaking of Woody - how about just his mug shot when he had hair and no goat...haha - he looks so much different, it cracks me up.

Or, I've read enough Squawkers comparing him to Mr. Potato Head - something in that realm would be funny, IMO.

I've been thinking about having a Woody shirt with him flashing his giant Pistons man ring but I don't have a good picture of that.

A potato head shirt would be a great idea though. Would anyone wear a Woody potato head shirt?

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Do a shirt with Bob Rathburn on it.

Edited by nbasuperstar40
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1. Clipboard with pages of half-complete Sudoku puzzles. Clip has a Hawk logo on it with a sticker on it reading "PROPERTY OF: M. WOODSON" Caption below it reads, "PLAYBOOK"

2. Community of tree lined Red Brick houses, kids playing in the Red Brick streets. Caption below: "BUILT WITH SUPPORT FROM JOSH SMITH'S FREE THROWS"

3. Front of T-Shirt: "Hawks Win? Great!" Back of Tee: "Hawks Lose? Go to HAWKSQUAWK.NET"

4. Red circle with slash in front of text: "HEAT CHECK"

5. Replace Taraji P. Henson with a dribbling Joe Johnson, his back to Madea and three defenders, shot clock at :02 about 20 feet away, on movie poster "I CAN DO BAD ALL BY MYSELF"

6. TD BankNorth $50,000 Check from "Paul A. Pierce," dated 4-26-08, Payable to "Alfred Joel Horford Reynoso." Memo reads, "$%^&*!"

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