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Kudos to Billy Knight and Rick Sund


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Unless he has won the games that count. That goes for Paul, Deron, Roy, Foye and who ever else you want to throw out their then your debate is irrelevant. They are still in the same boat as BK's players in not winning a championship. But at least Marvin and Roy can boast that they have a team that is on the up rise because of the way their teams were constructed.

So by this logic Lebron James = Dion Glover.

Really, these arguments are the most illogical things I've ever heard. "Since Paul hasn't won a championship New Orleans made a mistake by picking him". I mean, that is what the implications are, that we are better off for not having drafted him. The truth is, with the infinite amount of variables involved, it is IMPOSSIBLE to know what are team would look ilke today if we have drafted Paul. What draft picks would we have gotten?, what free agents or trades would have become available? It is impossible to say. What is certain, without a shadow of a freaking doubt is that Paul WAS the pick BK should have made at the time. He picked Marvin because he was supposed to be one of the BEST PLAYERS in the NBA. That was the argument all the pundits made when hyping him up, that he would grow to be a perennial All Star. Not only has Marvin fallen abysmally short to his expectations (unfair as they were) but the player we passed on has become hands down one of the best three or four players in the league.

I mean seriously, WTF? If we are better than New Orleans THIS year it doesn't make any difference. New Orleans has had MASSIVES amounts more success than we have since the draft. If we win a championship before New Orleans, then you can argue that we are better off than we would have been drafting Paul. However, you would STILL be indulging in a massive logical fallacy... Did New York make a mistake by drafting Ewing? The reason we are here today has much more to do with luck than BK's saavy. What if Horford had stayed in school?, what if Kenyon had accepted our ridiculous contract offer? What would our team look like today??? Had we drafted Paul we would have had a player to build around regardless of any luck in posterior drafts. Despite New Orleans making massively stupid moves, they are still contenders and it is solely because of Paul. We are contending DESPITE Marvin Williams massive disappointment and DESPITE Shelden Williams. We passed on, not just one, but two Franchise players and drafted a role player and a NBDL caliber talent. How anyone can defend these moves because, five years later, we somehow managed to scrap together a fourth seed caliber team, is insane, and intellectually disingenuous. I am done posting here because the lack of logic is making my brain hurt.

BK's team is on the rise because every free agent he offered a Max contract to thankfuly turned it down. We would be stuck with Kenyon Martin or Dampier at 12 million plus a year

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Unless he has won the games that count. That goes for Paul, Deron, Roy, Foye and who ever else you want to throw out their then your debate is irrelevant. They are still in the same boat as BK's players in not winning a championship. But at least Marvin and Roy can boast that they have a team that is on the up rise because of the way their teams were constructed.

When have the Hawks won games that count? Why are you starting a thread giving kudos to BK when the Hawks haven't even won a 2nd round playoff game?

Paul and Deron aren't GM's. They can't sign free agents, make trades and draft players. All they can do is try to get the best out of the talent on the roster which they have done.

It is a GM's job to aquire the best possible talent to win games.

Edited by exodus
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You probably have not been here long enough to read the Babcock hate but it is here and much longer than BK's. You opened this can of worms and now you complain about not getting the post you want to hear. Sorry dude but its a democracy.

BK built this team and we are pretty good. No one is arguing that point. What most of us are aurguing for is to be better; and we clearly had chances to draft all-star caliber players and better over all players than Chilz, Marvin, Acie, and Shelden.

You don't have to agree with those of us that think this. As you can see no ones opinion is being swayed; and if differing opinions piss you off to the point of not wanting to hear them, you should not have started this thread.

That's the whole point to draft these "better" players with the budget BK was given would have been detriment to the team. It would not have made us better it would have made us New Orleans. A Hall of Fame player (see Stockton/Malone) or two that does not have the necessary tools to win a champion. The Hornets can stay good but not good enough for as long as Paul's tenure or they can do what we all dread seeing again for a while and that is rebuild. They owe that to Paul but will Paul really want to stick around during this process? Now, as a Hawks fans would you really want to take the risk of being teaser good but reaching a climax before having to start all over. Chris and David West are still young (but not that young), in their prime years and they are going to want to win now!! Who is going to take Peja contract or make a trade with them significant enough to put them over the top? Do they have the money to just sign a big name? If the answer is no and they are not mediocre enough to get a good draft pick they are going to have to reconstruct this team. They were there 5 years ago they are going to have to consider doing it again now.

In Hindsight why would you continue to cry for this fate for our team?

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That's the whole point to draft these "better" players with the budget BK was given would have been detriment to the team. It would not have made us better it would have made us New Orleans. A Hall of Fame player (see Stockton/Malone) or two that does not have the necessary tools to win a champion. The Hornets can stay good but not good enough for as long as Paul's tenure or they can do what we all dread seeing again for a while and that is rebuild. They owe that to Paul but will Paul really want to stick around during this process? Now, as a Hawks fans would you really want to take the risk of being teaser good but reaching a climax before having to start all over. Chris and David West are still young (but not that young), in their prime years and they are going to want to win now!! Who is going to take Peja contract or make a trade with them significant enough to put them over the top? Do they have the money to just sign a big name? If the answer is no and they are not mediocre enough to get a good draft pick they are going to have to reconstruct this team. They were there 5 years ago they are going to have to consider doing it again now.

In Hindsight why would you continue to cry for this fate for our team?

I don't think you understand the budget issue when it comes to draft picks. The NBA pretty much slots picks; Marvin was paid as much as Paul and Deron. Shelden as much as the picks below him and so on and so forth....The draft is all about getting the most talented player possible with your slotted pick. It is not about drafting a player so you can budget money. They all get close to the same when they are picked within two or three spots of each other.

Talent equals assets even if you dont want to sign Paul or Deron to 14 mill a year when their extensions come up. But I have to be honest with you, any GM that thinks Smoove is worth 12 million a year but does not think Deron or Paul is worth 14 million is off his rocker IMO.

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That's the whole point to draft these "better" players with the budget BK was given would have been detriment to the team.

So BK drafted Marvin because he knew he wouldn't command as high a salary in 5 years as Deron and Paul? OK

A Hall of Fame player (see Stockton/Malone) or two that does not have the necessary tools to win a champion.

A team with two hall of famers has a much better chance than a team with only one All-Star.

The Hornets can stay good but not good enough for as long as Paul's tenure

The Hornets have been better than us every year. it isn't Pauls fault they paid huge money to Peja. The only quality player they have other than Paul is West and he was a nobody before Paul got there.

Put Paul on the same team as JJ and Smith and you have the chance at being a legit contender which the Hawks definitely aren't now.

[b]Why are you starting a thread praising BK when the Hawks haven't won a second round playoff game?

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  • Premium Member

That's the whole point to draft these "better" players with the budget BK was given would have been detriment to the team. It would not have made us better it would have made us New Orleans. A Hall of Fame player (see Stockton/Malone) or two that does not have the necessary tools to win a champion. The Hornets can stay good but not good enough for as long as Paul's tenure or they can do what we all dread seeing again for a while and that is rebuild. They owe that to Paul but will Paul really want to stick around during this process? Now, as a Hawks fans would you really want to take the risk of being teaser good but reaching a climax before having to start all over. Chris and David West are still young (but not that young), in their prime years and they are going to want to win now!! Who is going to take Peja contract or make a trade with them significant enough to put them over the top? Do they have the money to just sign a big name? If the answer is no and they are not mediocre enough to get a good draft pick they are going to have to reconstruct this team. They were there 5 years ago they are going to have to consider doing it again now.

In Hindsight why would you continue to cry for this fate for our team?

New Orleans failures have NOTHING to do with Paul and EVERYTHING to do with Peja Stojokavic and Tyson Chandler getting paid 25 million. Assuming we would have signed terrible free agents because New Orleans did is ridiculous. Any decent NBA GM can build a champion around Paul. He is THE type of player that can win a championship. he is Isiah Thomas, only better. We will never win a championship, EVER, with JJ as our best player. It will not happen, only one team was able to win without a bonafide mega-superstar and it was Detroit who had the best defense in the Universe. We are not Detroit, we are no the Bulls, we are the Hawks of 96, but worse. The only way WE win a championship is by making drastic moves next year, or if Josh Smith becomes Kevin Garnett at some point. If we had Paul it would only be a matter of putting a competent team around him, with some depth. JJ will be asking for money comparable to what Paul is getting, so saying that we would be handcuffed with Paul more than we will be with JJ (assuming he even comes back) is flat out wrong.

The fact no one outside of Hawks homers even dreams to think that Bk was competent should tell you all you need to know. The fact no GM has even looked at his direction since he "retired" , and the fact that the majority of hardcore fans hate him should be a good indication of his aptitudes as well.

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Huh? How many championships have Bk's draftees won? How many All Star appearances have they had?. You are saying Paul is not good because he hasn't won a championship, but neither have we, so WHAT IS YOUR POINT?

New Orleans has been better than us as a team since drafting Paul, EVERY YEAR. Paul has outplayed any player on our team EVERY YEAR he has been in the league. Sund would trip over his own trousers if he found any way to get Paul. Every GM in the league would jump at the chance, especially if the asking price is Horf and Williams (which would NEVER be even close to plausible... such is Paul's superiority over BK's fun bunch)

I guess you wouldn't trade Horford and Williams for either, Chris Bosh, or Lebron James, or Dwight Howard, or Dirk Nawitski, or Deron Williams, or Karl Malone, or Charles Barkley, or Patrick Ewing right?

Championships are not a requirement for being a great player. Kevin Garnett was a cavemans pubic hair away from NEVER sniffing a championship until Danny Ainge shocked the world and traded all his young players for All Stars. (I guess he understood the importance of adding All Stars instead of keeping average young talent). Chris Paul will win a championship if and when he plays with a team that puts some pieces in place that are better than average. He led a team of mediocre players to the second seed of the west two years ago, and has only played better since.

Also, I don't know what any other teams have to do with BK. I'm sure Charlotte's management gets LAMBASTED on a daily basis by their fans, as do the fans of all the other teams in the NBA that suck. Unfortunately under BK we were definitely one of those teams.

I recall sweeping New Orleans last year and splitting with them the year before that. Salim gave him a showing his rookie season. I believe we were down by at least 20 in the 4th. We lost that game by 3 because Salim was hitting every shot but the last one. I believe Salim either had 27 or 30 points that game and I knew we had a diamond in the rough. If Woody would have continued to groom Salim instead of breaking and building em like his mentor does we could be having a whole nother debate.

Again in the NBA everyone has talent(some more than others) but it is the confidence, will, opportunity and work ethic that makes the greats great. I can only imagine us getting Paul for Woody to sit him after a great game for Lue or somebody because he would rather teach him the game from the bench. I can only imagine the ups and downs Paul would have had playing for a losing team and still not getting a chance to go out their and show his full potential. Woody's excuse might be that he didn't understand the switch defense or whatever. Than we may be talking about how Marvin's this great star in someone else's system with less talent around him and saying I can't believe we picked Paul over Marvin when we all knew he was the "best player" coming out of the draft. If we picked Sean May or Rashad McCants that would be debatable but Marvin is a very serviceable player on a great up and coming team (him being a big part in that) and will be an all-star someday.

David West(All-Star?)

Peja(At least was a better than average shooter)

Tyson (Better than average shot blocker/rebounder)

Not really buying the better than average statement because you need key pieces on every team that can play these roles and they all were above average.

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So by this logic Lebron James = Dion Glover.

Really, these arguments are the most illogical things I've ever heard. "Since Paul hasn't won a championship New Orleans made a mistake by picking him". I mean, that is what the implications are, that we are better off for not having drafted him. The truth is, with the infinite amount of variables involved, it is IMPOSSIBLE to know what are team would look ilke today if we have drafted Paul. What draft picks would we have gotten?, what free agents or trades would have become available? It is impossible to say. What is certain, without a shadow of a freaking doubt is that Paul WAS the pick BK should have made at the time. He picked Marvin because he was supposed to be one of the BEST PLAYERS in the NBA. That was the argument all the pundits made when hyping him up, that he would grow to be a perennial All Star. Not only has Marvin fallen abysmally short to his expectations (unfair as they were) but the player we passed on has become hands down one of the best three or four players in the league.

I mean seriously, WTF? If we are better than New Orleans THIS year it doesn't make any difference. New Orleans has had MASSIVES amounts more success than we have since the draft. If we win a championship before New Orleans, then you can argue that we are better off than we would have been drafting Paul. However, you would STILL be indulging in a massive logical fallacy... Did New York make a mistake by drafting Ewing? The reason we are here today has much more to do with luck than BK's saavy. What if Horford had stayed in school?, what if Kenyon had accepted our ridiculous contract offer? What would our team look like today??? Had we drafted Paul we would have had a player to build around regardless of any luck in posterior drafts. Despite New Orleans making massively stupid moves, they are still contenders and it is solely because of Paul. We are contending DESPITE Marvin Williams massive disappointment and DESPITE Shelden Williams. We passed on, not just one, but two Franchise players and drafted a role player and a NBDL caliber talent. How anyone can defend these moves because, five years later, we somehow managed to scrap together a fourth seed caliber team, is insane, and intellectually disingenuous. I am done posting here because the lack of logic is making my brain hurt.

BK's team is on the rise because every free agent he offered a Max contract to thankfuly turned it down. We would be stuck with Kenyon Martin or Dampier at 12 million plus a year

Reading the bold statement let's me know you understand logic but you only use it to defend your statement. The point is nobody knows exactly who will do what coming out of the draft and one of our players currently who was a number one pick(Joe Smith) shows that. Marcus Camby was better than Tim Duncan in college. Paul could have came to our team and had Speedy(Craig) Claxton luck. The point is again that GM's get it right or wrong all the time and even when they do get it right other circumstances could be involved. Boston might have kept Joe Johnson if they knew he could be this type of player eventually and could've went in a whole nother direction. Yes who knows what would've, could've, should've nobody but we do know who we have now and in my opinion it looks pretty darn good.

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I recall sweeping New Orleans last year and splitting with them the year before that. Salim gave him a showing his rookie season. I believe we were down by at least 20 in the 4th. We lost that game by 3 because Salim was hitting every shot but the last one. I believe Salim either had 27 or 30 points that game and I knew we had a diamond in the rough. If Woody would have continued to groom Salim instead of breaking and building em like his mentor does we could be having a whole nother debate.

Again in the NBA everyone has talent(some more than others) but it is the confidence, will, opportunity and work ethic that makes the greats great. I can only imagine us getting Paul for Woody to sit him after a great game for Lue or somebody because he would rather teach him the game from the bench. I can only imagine the ups and downs Paul would have had playing for a losing team and still not getting a chance to go out their and show his full potential. Woody's excuse might be that he didn't understand the switch defense or whatever. Than we may be talking about how Marvin's this great star in someone else's system with less talent around him and saying I can't believe we picked Paul over Marvin when we all knew he was the "best player" coming out of the draft. If we picked Sean May or Rashad McCants that would be debatable but Marvin is a very serviceable player on a great up and coming team (him being a big part in that) and will be an all-star someday.

David West(All-Star?)

Peja(At least was a better than average shooter)

Tyson (Better than average shot blocker/rebounder)

Not really buying the better than average statement because you need key pieces on every team that can play these roles and they all were above average.

Like Billy Knight, Salim Stoudemire is another guy who remains unemployed.

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So BK drafted Marvin because he knew he wouldn't command as high a salary in 5 years as Deron and Paul? OK

No BK drafted Marvin because he knew he would be good but not good right away giving him time to develop while continue to stock pile the roster via draft. Meaning a continuation of getting even more good players on rookie salaries instead of being to good to get to the lotto. But not good enough to win it all with what you have or what you can get with limited resources.

A team with two hall of famers has a much better chance than a team with only one All-Star.

True but if you all are not realizing we have all-star caliber talent in Smoove, Horford, Marvin, Crawford(I know he's not from BK era), Teague(hopefully) and they would be able to showcase that more if they were not all on the same team. Even in an all-star game you notice how all players are good/great but defer to the hot man or the greater players to get the win. It's called sacrifice and team basketball.

The Hornets have been better than us every year. it isn't Pauls fault they paid huge money to Peja. The only quality player they have other than Paul is West and he was a nobody before Paul got there.

Again we swept them last year and split even the year before that. But thanks for proving my point that because Paul was so good so early it stagnated the teams growth and now they can only go as far as Paul can take them(Even my boi Wade has to go through this).

Put Paul on the same team as JJ and Smith and you have the chance at being a legit contender which the Hawks definitely aren't now.

Maybe maybe not. Maybe Smoove is too good too soon and his ego kicks in and he demands a trade. Maybe Joe defers to the point where he is barely an all-star. Maybe we are but still struggle to compete against the likes of the Celtics/Lakers and Dwights of the league and still have to eventually move in another direction. Who knows but it would have definitely looked good on paper if Woody would have allowed Paul and the others to blossom correctly.

[b]Why are you starting a thread praising BK when the Hawks haven't won a second round playoff game?

Because we have gotten better every year and are looking to go no where but up while still having the main core that BK brought in.

Now Can I Ask Y'all A Question? WHY ARE Y'ALL HAWKS FANS? I am a fan of the Garnett's, McGrady's, Wade, Gilbert's,Rashard Lewis's, Lamar Odom's but I am not going to cry and complain about who my team doesn't have. Matter of fact I am kind of happy about who my team doesn't have (the egos like the Iverson's, heart lacking Carter's, Chemically embalanced Artest's, contracts of Lewis).

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Because we have gotten better every year and are looking to go no where but up while still having the main core that BK brought in.

First of all no they haven't gotten better every year. BK took a 30+ win team down to 13 wins. That isn't improving.

Secondly it isn't hard to improve from 13 wins.

Now Can I Ask Y'all A Question? WHY ARE Y'ALL HAWKS FANS? I am a fan of the Garnett's, McGrady's, Wade, Gilbert's,Rashard Lewis's, Lamar Odom's but I am not going to cry and complain about who my team doesn't have.

We wouldn't be "crying" about who we don't have if you didn't start a thread about our former moron GM who has never had a winning record and who passed up 3 players in the draft that are better than anyone on our roster.

Edited by exodus
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  • Premium Member

Reading the bold statement let's me know you understand logic but you only use it to defend your statement. The point is nobody knows exactly who will do what coming out of the draft and one of our players currently who was a number one pick(Joe Smith) shows that. Marcus Camby was better than Tim Duncan in college. Paul could have came to our team and had Speedy(Craig) Claxton luck. The point is again that GM's get it right or wrong all the time and even when they do get it right other circumstances could be involved. Boston might have kept Joe Johnson if they knew he could be this type of player eventually and could've went in a whole nother direction. Yes who knows what would've, could've, should've nobody but we do know who we have now and in my opinion it looks pretty darn good.

So you agree that Billy Knight blew it?. I don't get your pionts. GMs are employed to get it right. Billy Knight got it massively, epically wrong, time and time again and he was fired because of it. If I was CEO of Microsoft in 1999 and passed on buying Google search engine and instead bought Real Player, Despite the fact that we were already invested in several different audio playing programs (Bk drafted Marvin despite having like 7 forwards on our team at the time.), I would be ridiculed. If a year later I passed on buying Facebook and instead bought ICQ despite everyone already predicting ICQ being a total piece of crap, I would be fired and never work in tech ever again. It is irelevent weather, at the time, the decisions seemed justified, the results of those two investments would have been absolutely unforgivable.

Also, on the previous post were you claimed the 56 win NO ball club was better than average:

Per of Paul's supporting cast 2007-2008 (League Average = 15)



Pargo = 11.9

Peja = 15.7

Peterson = 11.2

Bobby Jackson = 12.9

Butler = 8.8

Average = 13.9

In fact. the Per of our supporting cast during our 30 win campaign of 2006 had a higher per than they did

Josh Childress 16.2

Zaza Pachulia 16.8

Josh Smith 18.3

Tyronn Lue 14.1

Marvin Williams 12.2

Shelden Williams 12.3

Solomon Jones 12.3

Salim Stoudamire 11.4

Average = 14.2

The laker team that just won the championship - Kobe had an average of : 15.3

You put Paul on that team and you have a championship. No doubt.

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Because we have gotten better every year and are looking to go no where but up while still having the main core that BK brought in.

Now Can I Ask Y'all A Question? WHY ARE Y'ALL HAWKS FANS? I am a fan of the Garnett's, McGrady's, Wade, Gilbert's,Rashard Lewis's, Lamar Odom's but I am not going to cry and complain about who my team doesn't have. Matter of fact I am kind of happy about who my team doesn't have (the egos like the Iverson's, heart lacking Carter's, Chemically embalanced Artest's, contracts of Lewis).

We are Hawks fans for the most part because we live or have lived in Atalnta. Just because we are Hawks fans, there is no requirement to be a Bk or a Babcock fan. In case you have not noticed nether are with us anymore.

I like my team; have for over thirty years. But this does not mean I don't think we could have been better if BK and Babcock would have made better decisions. In a nutshell you are saying we are good becase BK made good draft day decisions; the otherside of the argument is we could be so much better if he would have made better draft day decisions.

I cannot give BK props for having six 1st round picks, five of which were in the lottery, and All-Stars, ROY, and all-rookie team players are being picked after us. Its like you are saying it is ok to pick Jake Delhomme over Peyton Manning just because Jake makes less money; and he has also been a starter his whole career. No way I will ever agree with that.

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You opened this can of worms and now you complain about not getting the post you want to hear. Sorry dude but its a democracy.

What are you talking about?

1) I did not start the thread. So... there's your can of worms.

2) ?Getting the post I want to hear... "democracy"... O M G

What does democracy have to do with this and which post have I requested?


BK built this team and we are pretty good. No one is arguing that point.

What school did you go to?

This is exactly the point we have been arguing!

What most of us are aurguing for is to be better

Actually that's not what is being argued here.

How is trashing a GM that has been gone for 2 seasons going to make you better?

we clearly had chances to draft all-star caliber players and better over all players than Chilz, Marvin, Acie, and Shelden

name the one gm that has not had players drafted after his pick that turned out to be a more prominent individual player.

you know why so many teams rely on free agents more than us?

you wanna know why our personnel is one of the most stable in the league?

because we drafted well

Any reason why none of y'all have quoted this:

"I am always mystified as to how BK can take so much heat for not drafting a guy that has not won jack, yet the guys that traded Farve never get ridiculed (listen for the chorus of synchronized excuses)

Always mystified as to how the other gm's that did not draft Paul or Brandon Roy never get this nonsense

I'm sorry...

Is there some one out there that did not draft Kobe? Has Kobe won a ring? Oh more than one you say? Who is getting dogged over that?

Has Amare Stoudamire been to an all-star game? Really?

How about Gilbert Arenas?

Did Ben Wallace go to an All-star game?

Who didn't draft Tony Parker? Has he been to an all-star game? Has blood been shed?

Where was Ginobli drafted? Can you here me now?

Jameer Nelson made it to the all-star game... What gm is getting bashed over that...

I can fill this page with scores of examples like this"

Don't think I have not noticed

Don't think I don't know why you have not quoted it

It's because you know it shows how frivolous and unimportant your point is

You don't have to agree with those of us that think this. As you can see no ones opinion is being swayed; and if differing opinions piss you off to the point of not wanting to hear them, you should not have started this thread.

This is just how ill informed you are...


Wanna know why you do not know that?



I am not trying to sway you...

You guys quote my comments like it is scripture

The only way you can get me to quote you is to have me quote your response to my quote...

yall just like hangin on to my ****. I'm almost running out of room for all y'all

I have told y'all before that it's a waste of my time to debate you.

There are a few people here that I like to debate because...

1) They pay attention

2) They think


Do Not

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What are you talking about?

What school did you go to?

This is exactly the point we have been arguing!

Actually that's not what is being argued here.

How is trashing a GM that has been gone for 2 seasons going to make you better?

name the one gm that has not had players drafted after his pick that turned out to be a more prominent individual player.

Any reason why none of y'all have quoted this:

I am always mystified as to how BK can take so much heat for not drafting a guy that has not won jack, yet the guys that traded Farve never get ridiculed

This is just how ill informed you are...


Wanna know why you do not know that?

There are a few people here that I like to debate because...

1) They pay attention

2) They think


Do Not

The reason I did not quote this is I do not need a half page rant to get my point across; and I have already done that. With the exception of Horford, BK blew to some extent every lottery pick he had.

The title of this thread is Kudos to Billy Knight and Rick Sund. It is not "I am so happy we are a playoff team." So the gist of the title is BK and Sund have both done a good job and should be appreciated. You don't think people should bash BK who is two years removed; yet think its ok to give him praise. Like I said, it appears yours and Sillents is the only opinions you wish to hear ...

Sorry I got you two confused; but my point is still valid. Don't read this thread if you don't want to read a differing opinion. And furthermore, if you want to read about other teams past and present GM's and their drafts, you need to go to a different portion of this board or to their board. In case you have not noticed this is the HomeCourt portion of a Atlanta Hawks board; so posting threads about Bret Farve or another teams GM would be off topic. Who is not paying attention now?

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The reason I did not quote this is I do not need a half page rant to get my point across; and I have already done that. With the exception of Horford, BK blew to some extent every lottery pick he had.

The title of this thread is Kudos to Billy Knight and Rick Sund. It is not "I am so happy we are a playoff team." So the gist of the title is BK and Sund have both done a good job and should be appreciated. You don't think people should bash BK who is two years removed; yet think its ok to give him praise. Like I said, it appears yours and Sillents is the only opinions you wish to hear ...

Sorry I got you two confused; but my point is still valid. Don't read this thread if you don't want to read a differing opinion. And furthermore, if you want to read about other teams past and present GM's and their drafts, you need to go to a different portion of this board or to their board. In case you have not noticed this is the HomeCourt portion of a Atlanta Hawks board; so posting threads about Bret Farve or another teams GM would be off topic. Who is not paying attention now?

Damn!! I thought for sure BK drafted Smoove (Marvin, Horford, Childress, Salim, Solomon, Mario, Law) who all undeniably have skills and just because they didn't make it in our system or a system for that matter BK f***ed up? Even Sheldon is servicable(ask the Boston Celtics) but just because they didn't turn out/or weren't picked to be a Paul, Roy or Deron there is problems. Naw, I think if we would have picked every player us fans wanted that there would be problems whether it hit us now or later. Say what you want but you are going to end up laughing (bandwagon, I see your type all the time) with those who have the last laugh(us, who already knew better). Please continue the hate it will make the statements of those with understanding and appreciation look that much better!!

"Quote this, I ignore ignorance and arguing with fools will only make you a fool" so I'll be the first to apologize for my foolish ways!!

Edited by sillent
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The reason I did not quote this is I do not need a half page rant to get my point across; and I have already done that. With the exception of Horford, BK blew to some extent every lottery pick he had.

The title of this thread is Kudos to Billy Knight and Rick Sund. It is not "I am so happy we are a playoff team." So the gist of the title is BK and Sund have both done a good job and should be appreciated. You don't think people should bash BK who is two years removed; yet think its ok to give him praise. Like I said, it appears yours and Sillents is the only opinions you wish to hear ...

Sorry I got you two confused; but my point is still valid. Don't read this thread if you don't want to read a differing opinion. And furthermore, if you want to read about other teams past and present GM's and their drafts, you need to go to a different portion of this board or to their board. In case you have not noticed this is the HomeCourt portion of a Atlanta Hawks board; so posting threads about Bret Farve or another teams GM would be off topic. Who is not paying attention now?


You are confused


You still did not quote the part I dared you to quote... LOL

As a matter of fact you quoted everything but that... LOL

Which can only mean one thing

You and the rest of those with your "point" of view knows that your position is pointless

This is nothing more than an empty, fruitless, and unimportant and unprecedented battle cry based on nothing more than hate

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