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Kudos to Billy Knight and Rick Sund


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Damn!! I thought for sure BK drafted Smoove (Marvin, Horford, Childress, Salim, Solomon, Mario, Law) who all undeniably have skills and just because they didn't make it in our system or a system for that matter BK f***ed up? Even Sheldon is servicable(ask the Boston Celtics) but just because they didn't turn out/or weren't picked to be a Paul, Roy or Deron there is problems. Naw, I think if we would have picked every player us fans wanted that there would be problems whether it hit us now or later. Say what you want but you are going to end up laughing (bandwagon, I see your type all the time) with those who have the last laugh(us, who already knew better). Please continue the hate it will make the statements of those with understanding and appreciation look that much better!!

"Quote this, I ignore ignorance and arguing with fools will only make you a fool" so I'll be the first to apologize for my foolish ways!!

Reading is fundamental.

BK blew to some extent every lottery pick he had

Smith was not a lottery pick. Neither were Salim (not in the NBA) or Solomon. Childress isn't in the NBA any more and was drafted ahead of much better players (Deng,Iggy). Marvin was drafted ahead of two franchise pgs.

Mario wasn't even drafted. :laughing5:


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You still did not quote the part I dared you to quote... LOL

I quoted the part about Bret Farve. Thought that was enough to get my point across; which is if you want to read about Bret Farve or another GM and his draft picks, you need to go to their board or another part of this board. We are Atanta Hawk fans and this is a Hawks board; so posting about another teams GM or football is not something we would do here. But if it makes you happy, here is the rant about football and other NBA GM's that you think is so important to post on a Atlanta Hawks BB.

Any reason why none of y'all have quoted this:

"I am always mystified as to how BK can take so much heat for not drafting a guy that has not won jack, yet the guys that traded Farve never get ridiculed (listen for the chorus of synchronized excuses)

Always mystified as to how the other gm's that did not draft Paul or Brandon Roy never get this nonsense

I'm sorry...

Is there some one out there that did not draft Kobe? Has Kobe won a ring? Oh more than one you say? Who is getting dogged over that?

Has Amare Stoudamire been to an all-star game? Really?

How about Gilbert Arenas?

Did Ben Wallace go to an All-star game?

Who didn't draft Tony Parker? Has he been to an all-star game? Has blood been shed?

Where was Ginobli drafted? Can you here me now?

Jameer Nelson made it to the all-star game... What gm is getting bashed over that...

I can fill this page with scores of examples like this"

Now if you go to other teams boards as you should, if this is what you are looking for, you will find plenty of disappointment with some draft picks and GMs; both past and present. But I bet you won't find any saying, Damn I wish Billy Knight was our GM and he would draft for us. Not even in his homestate of Pennsylvania....

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Please continue the hate it will make the statements of those with understanding and appreciation look that much better!!

"Quote this, I ignore ignorance and arguing with fools will only make you a fool" so I'll be the first to apologize for my foolish ways!!

I do not hate Billy Knight. I just think he was a below average GM. Furthermore, you calling me and others "fools" just because we have a different opinion indicates at least some moderate hate on your part. Billy Knight is not a fool, moron, or idiot. He is a college educated intelligent human being. I just think he was a less than average GM when it came to making draft day decisions.

You think calling me and the others here a fool, who do not share your opinion, makes you a winner; once you lose all composure in a debate and revert to name calling, you are the one who has lost....of course that is just my opinion also!

Edited by Buzzard
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I do not hate Billy Knight. I just think he was a below average GM. Furthermore, you calling me and others "fools" just because we have a different opinion indicates at least some moderate hate on your part. Billy Knight is not a fool, moron, or idiot. He is a college educated intelligent human being. I just think he was a less than average GM when it came to making draft day decisions.

You think calling me and the others here a fool, who do not share your opinion, makes you a winner; once you lose all composure in a debate and revert to name calling, you are the one who has lost....of course that is just my opinion also!

Remember that this is the same guy who said he was a JJ hater and that he could go to hell after JJ did poorly in a preseason game.

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Remember that this is the same guy who said he was a JJ hater and that he could go to hell after JJ did poorly in a preseason game.

Did not know that; for me this debate has run its course...as Tiger says "It is what it is" :thumbsupsmileyanim:

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BK was the man, no doubt about it. Sund has done a good job getting us a solid bench but BK built this team. He not only built it he had to seel swamp land in Florida to get the foundation to build it on. I COSIGN THE ORIGINAL POST TEN FOLD.

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BK was the man, no doubt about it. Sund has done a good job getting us a solid bench but BK built this team. He not only built it he had to seel swamp land in Florida to get the foundation to build it on. I COSIGN THE ORIGINAL POST TEN FOLD.

If BK was the man then why is he the unemployed man now? Because his use of lottery picks was a national joke.

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I quoted the part about Bret Farve. Thought that was enough to get my point across; which is if you want to read about Bret Farve or another GM and his draft picks, you need to go to their board or another part of this board. We are Atanta Hawk fans and this is a Hawks board; so posting about another teams GM or football is not something we would do here. But if it makes you happy, here is the rant about football and other NBA GM's that you think is so important to post on a Atlanta Hawks BB.

Now if you go to other teams boards as you should, if this is what you are looking for, you will find plenty of disappointment with some draft picks and GMs; both past and present. But I bet you won't find any saying, Damn I wish Billy Knight was our GM and he would draft for us. Not even in his homestate of Pennsylvania....

Ladies and Gentlemen...

This is a punt

It is also a concession of defeat.

He ignores the glaring problem with his argument by simply saying... That's not my problem...

Just so you know...

Whenever you bring your ridiculous argument against BK...

I will reflexively reintroduce this argument

I know you have no answer for it

It's like Colt 45...

Works every time

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BK was the man, no doubt about it. Sund has done a good job getting us a solid bench but BK built this team. He not only built it he had to seel swamp land in Florida to get the foundation to build it on. I COSIGN THE ORIGINAL POST TEN FOLD.

Cosign the cosign

These guys are all about hate. The facts are plain for them to see and they engage in all manner of contortions to try to deny it

Look at is this way...

The original poster simply offered a kind acknowledgment to Billy Knight

And all hell breaks lose

What's up with that.

The Portland Trailblazer's GM passed on the Greatest Basketball Player of All Time. That player also won rings I might add, and Portland has nothing but good things to say about him and they don't get this hateful backlash...

Here is the clincher...

We are talking about the city of Atlanta

A city that is known for losing in sports

Matter of fact... many people have tried to make the argument that Atlanta is not even a sports town.


A couple of questions for you...

1) With all the losing that has gone on in this city... How the heck is one guy singled out as being particularly inept?

If he is so bad... show me your precedent for winning. Show me where you have come accustom to a particular standard and who in Atlanta set that standard?

2) What other General Managers in the History of Atlanta Sports has left his replacement with a playoff team?

3) What other General Managers in the History of Atlanta Sports has left his replacement with a Young playoff team, with Good Contracts, and No off the court issues?

It is becoming more and more obvious that the Hate Billy Knight rallying cry is being exposed for the empty hateful rhetoric that it is.

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I do not hate Billy Knight. I just think he was a below average GM. Furthermore, you calling me and others "fools" just because we have a different opinion indicates at least some moderate hate on your part. Billy Knight is not a fool, moron, or idiot. He is a college educated intelligent human being. I just think he was a less than average GM when it came to making draft day decisions.

You think calling me and the others here a fool, who do not share your opinion, makes you a winner; once you lose all composure in a debate and revert to name calling, you are the one who has lost....of course that is just my opinion also!

If Billy Knight is a less than average GM...

Give me the names of General Managers in the NBA that have drafted better than Billy Knight...

You're a smart guy so I know this wont be a problem for you.


You guys are getting killed

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Did not know that; for me this debate has run its course...as Tiger says "It is what it is" :thumbsupsmileyanim:


Now both of y'all can't read.

He is not the one that said that...

I did... LOL

You guys just can't get your facts straight but you insist on proceeding with this whimsical position

And yes...

You are right...

It is what it is

Better yet

The thing speaks for itself

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I do not hate Billy Knight. I just think he was a below average GM. Furthermore, you calling me and others "fools" just because we have a different opinion indicates at least some moderate hate on your part. Billy Knight is not a fool, moron, or idiot. He is a college educated intelligent human being. I just think he was a less than average GM when it came to making draft day decisions.

You think calling me and the others here a fool, who do not share your opinion, makes you a winner; once you lose all composure in a debate and revert to name calling, you are the one who has lost....of course that is just my opinion also!

With all due respect...

There are certain guidelines to be followed when debating...

Debating is not so much about being right or wrong as it is about being able to support your position...

You guys are all over the place and you can not substantiate your position...

Your position is one ad hoc argument behind the other...

At some point you can make the assertion, in a gentlemanly fashion, that that person and/or his position is foolish... It is not necessarily personal as much as it is an expression of exasperation...

I have said many times that many of you are not worthy of debate...

You are more agitators than anything...

For example...

There have been many attempts to walk you guys back from the ledge regarding this All-Star business but it is pointless...

Part of the fallacy is that you criticize BK for not having All - Stars and then criticize him for having lottery picks...

Your argument is as follows, "all championship teams have All-Stars"


Those Championship teams also have lottery picks...

So how do you praise for one and hate for the other...

It's is an argument that can't be made with any consistency

You have to constantly add caveats to keep it afloat

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With all due respect...

There are certain guidelines to be followed when debating...

Debating is not so much about being right or wrong as it is about being able to support your position...

You guys are all over the place and you can not substantiate your position...

Your position is one ad hoc argument behind the other...

At some point you can make the assertion, in a gentlemanly fashion, that that person and/or his position is foolish... It is not necessarily personal as much as it is an expression of exasperation...

I have said many times that many of you are not worthy of debate...

You are more agitators than anything...

For example...

There have been many attempts to walk you guys back from the ledge regarding this All-Star business but it is pointless...

Part of the fallacy is that you criticize BK for not having All - Stars and then criticize him for having lottery picks...

Your argument is as follows, "all championship teams have All-Stars"


Those Championship teams also have lottery picks...

So how do you praise for one and hate for the other...

It's is an argument that can't be made with any consistency

You have to constantly add caveats to keep it afloat

My whole aurgument is based on future championship teams drafting all-stars with their high draft picks. BK did not draft any all-stars, any ROYs, and just one who made the all rookie 1st team with five lottery picks. Of his five lottery picks only two are starters in the NBA and the other three can be labeled bonafide bust.

I really don't understand your aurgument that we are bashing BK for having lottery picks but not all-stars; that is the whole aurgument. He should have drafted better talent with the lottery picks he had.

I guess you are aurguing he should not have drafted better players? Does not make sense to me; but we all are entitled to our opinion. One other thing, part of my job requirements is hiring employees. When I hire someone who makes 50,000 a year or more, I expect excellent results. When I hire someone who makes 20 to 30,000 a year, I expect good results and hope for excellent. I cannot imagine the Spirit ownership expecting anything less than excellent when they hired Billy Knight at 5 million a year.

In my humble opinion, excellent is not picking just two starters with five lottery picks; and zero all-stars to date.

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I guess you are aurguing he should not have drafted better players?

Billy Knights players are a perennial playoff team sir... They are good players... No reasonable person can dispute that.

You can make your point more effectively by answering the challenge...

If Billy Knight is a less than average GM...

Give me the names of General Managers in the NBA that have drafted better than Billy Knight...

You're a smart guy so I know this wont be a problem for you.


You guys are getting killed

Your opinion is getting more humble by the second

Also want to say, again, I have the utmost respect for Sund too. His work has been excellent. He deserves an enormous amount of credit. Don't want to lose sight of the original poster's theme.

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BK did not draft any all-stars, any ROYs...

In my humble opinion, excellent is not picking just two starters with five lottery picks; and zero all-stars to date.

If personal accolades are so important...

Why don't NFL teams draft the Heisman trophy winner #1 overall every year.

That is arguably the most prestigious personal accolade in all of sports.

I want you to quote the general managers you have heard talking about the number of all-stars they drafted.

I know for a fact that Red Aurerbauch talked about the Championships he won

I don't remember him ever talking about who made the all-star game

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If personal accolades are so important...

Why don't NFL teams draft the Heisman trophy winner #1 overall every year.

That is arguably the most prestigious personal accolade in all of sports.

I want you to quote the general managers you have heard talking about the number of all-stars they drafted.

I know for a fact that Red Aurerbauch talked about the Championships he won

I don't remember him ever talking about who made the all-star game

He wouldn't have won those championships without his smart use of draft picks. he picked Bird a year before Bird actually turned pro. Bird led Indiana State to an undefeated season (until they met Magic in the Finals) AFTER the Celtics drafted him.

The next year Auerbach traded the first pick in a draft deal which landed McHale and Parish.

Without those two great draft moves they don't win those three titles.

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He wouldn't have won those championships without his smart use of draft picks. he picked Bird a year before Bird actually turned pro. Bird led Indiana State to an undefeated season (until they met Magic in the Finals) AFTER the Celtics drafted him.

The next year Auerbach traded the first pick in a draft deal which landed McHale and Parish.

Without those two great draft moves they don't win those three titles.

Has absolutely nothing to do with the point.

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Has absolutely nothing to do with the point.

???????? Were u not just talking about gms and drafts???????? How did Ex's post have nothing to do with the point?

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yeah i am sure aquiriing Bird, McHale and Parish had nothing to do with winning titles.

I would give you a C- for effort but...

What's the point in running in circles...

It's just another one of your silly tactics...

You try to escape the point with loose associations

I have seen people admitted to Georgia Regional for less than this...

The challenge was to name a GM that bragged about the drafting all-stars

Auerbauch was cited as an example of a GM talking about Championships

Like I said before...

Hawksquawk needs a play room

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