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Emo Joe is at again


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Joe Johnson was not happy with his Hawks' teammates after Friday's loss, saying "we became a selfish team. Now everybody wants to go one-on-one. It's me, me, me."

"Everybody who touches it wants to score," Johnson said. "I really think guys on this team don't know their roles, so it's killing us. And it's going to continue to kill us." Johnson, whose numbers are down, is playing for a contract and it was not tough to see this coming, as he's not used to having a gunner like Jamal Crawford in the backcourt with him. The Hawks are a dangerous and deep team, but Mike Woodson had better grab some control before internal strife becomes a real problem. via rotoworld.com

What a leader Joe is. All he does is whine now and I am getting sick of it.

Edited by GameTime
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If JJ doesn't say anything then he isn't vocal enough and isn't a leader. If he does say something then he is a whiner.

He has already called the team out twice (Orlando and LA) and twice the team has come out and played well the next game. Maybe he knows something you don't.

Having said that it is a little hard to take to hear him complain about guys going one on one considering how many times he takes 5 dribbles before a shot.

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If JJ doesn't say anything then he isn't vocal enough and isn't a leader. If he does say something then he is a whiner.

He has already called the team out twice (Orlando and LA) and twice the team has come out and played well the next game. Maybe he knows something you don't.

Having said that it is a little hard to take to hear him complain about guys going one on one considering how many times he takes 5 dribbles before a shot.

It is the hypocrisy in his statements that make them so bad. He only had 1 assist and went one on one more than anyone this game. I mean pot calling the kettle black. This seems more like " I'm sick of this team" than "I want to change this team for the better".

Edited by GameTime
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It is the hypocrisy in his statements that make them so bad. He only had 1 assist and went one on one more than anyone this game. I mean pot calling the kettle black. This seems more like " I'm sick of this team" than "I want to change this team for the better".

If you were JJ how would you feel? He sees Smith continually jacking long jumpers and trying to lead the break. He sees the hawks continually failing to hit the boards. he knows this teams isn't a title contender and probably wont be any time in the near future. He has seen the Hawks completely blow it on draft night. He is being asked to play huge minutes over and over and over.

I can see why he would be frustrated. But in terms of 1 on 1 play you can certainly argue that he is setting an example that the team is following.

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JJ is right Game. You may not like him expressing it that way, but he's right. To beat Denver tonight, we're going to have to play team basketball with guys looking for each other.

But guys also have to know that JJ is the scorer on the team. So if other guys are better at doing other things, then they should be doing those things.

Having said that, if JJ keeps calling out the team, someone on that team ( that is taking offense to what he's saying ), is eventually going to take a shot at JJ and his play.

As the captain of the team though, JJ is doing exactly what he should be doing. He's probably simply reinterating everything that Woody is telling them after losses.

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If JJ doesn't say anything then he isn't vocal enough and isn't a leader. If he does say something then he is a whiner.

I call bull sh!t on that! If JJ had made half of his open jumpers in the first half we would have had a chance. This guy is beginning to sound like someone who is afraid of a little competition. C'mon JJ - you are the guy who took the "Down Town Freddie Brown" shot when there was 6 seconds left on the clock in Sac-town and we had a fast break. Sounds a liittle bit selfish to me..especially when he says stuff like "people don't understand their roles". I guess that means that they don't defer to you as much as you want them to.

Well guess what JJ - you are a shooting guard and I haven't seen you make very many perimeter shots lately. As Dave Chappelle said..."maybe you should just shut the F__k up".

Edited by DJlaysitup
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JJ hasnt taken the ball to the basket in a year. He settles for Jumpers almost every time. He has never worked on a real post up game even though he has a size advantage. Im not defending anyone on this team but if your going to open your mouth Joe you need to play the right way as well.

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If you were JJ how would you feel? He sees Smith continually jacking long jumpers and trying to lead the break. He sees the hawks continually failing to hit the boards. he knows this teams isn't a title contender and probably wont be any time in the near future. He has seen the Hawks completely blow it on draft night. He is being asked to play huge minutes over and over and over.

I can see why he would be frustrated. But in terms of 1 on 1 play you can certainly argue that he is setting an example that the team is following.

Why can't JJ help out on the rebounding?, he sees that is one of our biggest problems but really only Smoove & Hoford make an effort to go after the rebound and they are not always in place to battle for the rebound. Smoove may make bone headed plays on the offesive end at times, but i think you have to give him credit for his hustle on defense, playing the passing lanes, skying for rebounds and blocking shots. I think Joe Johnson and Marvin need to help out more in grabbing offensive rebounds. There needs to be more of a team effort there.

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Have people even been watching the hawks this year? Joe doesn't drive? Hell even Bibby is driving this year how else do you explain Joe's FT attempts? Only Josh and Horf rebound? Uhm our starting PF is averaging only .6 more rebounds than our starting SF and SG and that's each by the way. People either need to stop their love affair whith Smoove or their hatefest with Joe because it is seriously clouding your perceptions.

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So funny Joe should say that when he plays one on one most of the time, or dribbles and passes with 3 seconds left on the clock..Maybe if he knew how to pass the ball more or actually show up in important games we wouldn't rag on him so much.. Joe is starting to irk my nerves.. oh and crawful please people hate on smoove more than anyone else on this team.. But he has actually played decent so far this season, Joe has not.. And for him to feel the need to speak on this publicly again, is certainly not going to help things or make his teammates respect him more..

Edited by jsmoovefan
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So funny Joe should say that when he plays one on one most of the time, or dribbles and passes with 3 seconds left on the clock..Maybe if he knew how to pass the ball more or actually show up in important games we wouldn't rag on him so much.. Joe is starting to irk my nerves.. oh and crawful please people hate on smoove more than anyone else on this team.. But he has actually played decent so far this season, Joe has not.. And for him to feel the need to speak on this publicly again, is certainly not going to help things or make his teammates respect him more..

"fan" you should excuse yourself from player comparisons because it's clear you can't hide your bias. When a three time allstar who happens to be first on the team in points, third in rebounds (only .6 behind our starting 4 man), second in steals and 1st in assists happens to be complaining I take his word for it. For someone to say Josh is having a decent year while Joe isn't must be watching a different game than me. It's bad enough that the second leading scorer on our team is the guy who Is supposed to be letting Joe rest but the only way for this team to win is with both on the court at the same time.

Maybe his public words light a fire under everyones *ss not named Al Horford as there's no way I'm going to sit here and criticize the man carrying our team up the mountain for slipping when no one else is jumping off his back and pulling their own weight.

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maybe I'm wrong but those sound like punches at crawford.

JJ never said that about flipper or salim :tongue:

I think its a shot at the whole team. Honesty hurts; but we sucked last night. JJ's whole team comments like this bother me when does not also take ownership for how badly he played.

Come on JJ, you are our leading scorer and went 0 for 4 from the 3pt line; do you really think you played well last night? Kobe only scores 13, guarantee you he takes some ownership for playing badly. JJ needs to learn how to do this also IMO.

Being a leader is not just about holding your team mates accountable; its also about you being accountable....

Edited by Buzzard
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JJ is mostly right in his post game comments. I like that he is being vocal but he also needs to get in everybody's *ss during the game as well. Kobe, Lebron,, Chauncey, and other captains of their respective teams give the team a necessary pep talk during critical points of the game to bring everybody together again. Joe doesn't do that. One thing those elite players know how to do more than any other player is produce when the team isn't. The only reason why other players started pressing is because the leader joe wasn't a factor when they needed a lift. Thus, the one on one's to make a play.

I really hate that we lack an offensive scheme. This is what the team looks like if their shots aren't falling. They become less composed, lack a sense of direction, undisciplined, and makes everyone feels the need to enter playmaker mode. I wish Woody will let Mark Price bring his playbook over from his days as a cavalier.


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I call bull sh!t on that! If JJ had made half of his open jumpers in the first half we would have had a chance. This guy is beginning to sound like someone who is afraid of a little competition. C'mon JJ - you are the guy who took the "Down Town Freddie Brown" shot when there was 6 seconds left on the clock in Sac-town and we had a fast break. Sounds a liittle bit selfish to me..especially when he says stuff like "people don't understand their roles". I guess that means that they don't defer to you as much as you want them to.

Well guess what JJ - you are a shooting guard and I haven't seen you make very many perimeter shots lately. As Dave Chappelle said..."maybe you should just shut the F__k up".

you probably aren't aware of this but your response has abolutely no relevance to my post that you quoted.

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Uh...why do people see this as a critique of his teammates rather than an indictment of the coach and the system in which the team plays? Isn't making sure that players have roles and know what they are the job of the coach?

For years people have criticized the Hawks for lacking a team identity and cohesion, and for leaving players’ roles ambiguous (which is why our PF ends up 20 feet from the basket so much). This is the second time that JJ has drawn attention to that in the past two weeks. It doesn’t take much codebreaking to view it as a critique of Woody – after all, isn’t it the coach’s job to give the team an identity and define players’ roles?

Edited by niremetal
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