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Merged x3: Most rigged game I've ever seen (Cav's Cheat)


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The team lost because they onl scored 37 points in the second half. Some bad calls went the teams way, but the offense folded again.

How can the Hawks score when the Cavs are allowed to foul without getting called by the refs?

Cavs defence knew that they are allowed to rape without punishment. On the other side Hawks got called for rape when they were pushed by the girl. All these can create momentum. Remember how refs created momentum for the Lakers team that beat Bibby's team in 2001?

Check how Bibby was elbowed by Kobe and didn't get a foul call. Lakers got 27 free throws in the 4th quarter. I feel sorry for Bibby.

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Smith was fouled on that drive in the video posted above, with Lebron smacking/grabbing his forearm.

I think I'm going to step away from watching the NBA for a while. The superstar treatment, the consistently bad officiating - it's mind-boggling how biased and poorly-run this league is. How hard is it to call things down the middle? How hard is it to notice a shot-clock foul up? Why does Lebron or Wade get free trips to the line when a pinky graces the hair on their forearms?

The NFL and MLB, while not perfect either, are infinitely more watchable than the NBA at this point. The NBA won't be getting my viewership any longer. I'll still support the Hawks a 100%, but at this point it feels like a losing battle.

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It's laughable. But then again, the commissioner of this league, Vince Mc... uh, David Stern could say with a straight face that Donaghy was just one rogue referree. Does anyone actually believe this? Furthermore, has there been any attempt to refute Donaghy's claim that the league sends out de facto directives on how to officiate its superstars and their teams? The bottom line is there are no fans in markets without huge sneaker selling superstars who feel their team plays on the level when they play LA, Boston, Miami or Cleveland (and maybe Denver and Orlando). All you have to do is look at the fact that LeBron didn't pick up a foul in 5 straight playoff games last year. It's rigged. Yes, you can say the Hawks choked with a chance to win the game, but why were the Hawks even in a position to choke? Atlanta doesn't move enough merchandise and they don't move the meter, ratings-wise, therefore the NBA has no invested interest in them winning.

Whatever. At least we can somewhat look forward to next year when LeBron jumps to a bigger market and Cleveland is left with the Mo Williams-Anderson Varejao show and 30 wins.

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I was at the game last night. My whole section was baffled by the shot clock snafu as well as a ton of no calls when Al and Josh went to the hole (My seats were very close to the floor and you could see and hear everything). Cavs fans were apologizing to me for stealing a game they know they should have lost.

It was truly a horribly officiated game.

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So this is where all 22 Hawks fans come to talk. I like the digs. Let me preface by saying that, if this happened to the Cavs, I would be severely upset. I mean, royally upset. I really like your team. Young and athletic. Having said that (channeling my inner Larry David), you guys are whining about a lot of spilled milk. I guess losing 9 in a row to another team will do that to you. Let me drop some facts on you and your fans

1. If you drive the ball into the lane, you will get foul calls more often than if you shoot jumpers. We drive the ball a lot. You have a jump shooting team. Were there some fouls that could have gone either way? Sure. But if you're getting upset over the NBA calls/make up calls now, why do you even bother watching a game? I know Bron Bron gets a lot of calls, but to compare him to Dwayne Wade is ridiculous, as he makes Bron look like a D-League scrub in the respect column

2. You had a 17 point lead, blew it, had an 11 point lead and blew that. Surely we can agree that those blown leads had nothing to do with the missed shot clock violation and everything to do with the Cavs tightening up on defense and finally getting to the bucket and scoring. Again, if you're gonna get upset over a few missed calls here and there, don't follow the NBA. I can cite 5 or 6 missed calls the Cavs should have received. Ohh, and by the by, if a Hawks player drives, misses the shot and falls down, it doesn't automatically mean he was fouled. Kobe and his fan base have yet to learn this either.

3. What do you want NBA TV and ESPN to do? Coddle your team and fan-base? Do you want them to say it was a bad game? It was an awesome game. Best game of the year, imo. The shot-clock malfunctioned and it should have been reset. This is not arguable. But a few questions:

A). You have a veteran pg who should have known the shot clock didn't reset. Why didn't he just stop and talk to the refs? Instead, he gave it to JSmoove, who was in la la land as usual, and decided to make a play.

B). Your coach didn't say anything until after Anderson made the putback. Why didn't he talk to the ref prior to this happening?

Does this make it fair? Not at all. But it's a viable defense for the Cavs and the 29 other owners who have to vote on the issue. You do know that it takes a 30-0 vote to uphold a protest. It has nothing to do with Stern. Only 1 protest has been upheld in the past 26 years.

4. Let's not get started on shady clock management or statistic manipulation. The Atlanta Hawks are notorious for botching statistics and messing up the clock. Again, this does not make what happened last night ok, but let's not throw stones.

The clock should have been reset. If it were my team, I'd be very upset. But these things do happen throughout the course of an NBA season. We got boned a few times this year and I'm sure you guys will get a crucial call that you didn't deserve. Bottom line, you were up 17, then 11 in the 4th quarter and still lost. Blame your defense and inability to close out a game, not the shot clock.

In all sincerity, good luck to your team. I truly enjoy watching the Hawks play and you will be a much tougher out this time around. I, for one, want no part of playing you guys.

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To address an early post Woody was screaming at mid court about the shot clock before Cleveland tackled Smoove and took the ball the other way. This is why we would have been better off with replacement refs and why the league settled with the refs that they have in their pocket. I'm not signing on to the league conspiring to hand this win to the Cavs. Its much more subtle and subversive. The league refuses to have Lebron foul out of a major game. Since he commits fouls at an astounding rate the officials have to pick and chose what to call. Basically anything short of Lebron stepping on your face isn't going to get him a charge.

Lebron makes Kobe look classy.

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