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OMG!!!! I've never yelled that loud in my life!! I'm pretty sure all of my neighbors heard me. Forgive me Hawks nation for briefly losing faith. I changed the channel when we were down by 4 with Josh going to the foul line. I checked the score online and saw we were down by 1 with 3 seconds and turned back to see Amare go 1 for 2 at the line. What a game! Wish I had been there tonight!


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yea i am sitting on the couch mulling to my roomate with10 secounds left mad a t josh smith b/c he missed 6 straight bunnies at the beginning of the game ( he should have had 32 pts.) then crawford hits the long 3pointer and all of a sudden i sound like someone that ate a peppermint pattie.

man crawford really pulled out his star stump on this one. i cant wait to see what he does in the playoffs and he finallly gets to showcase what he has on the layoof stage and he deserves it.

but man i loved what horford did tonight he was a manbeast.

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All I gotta say is wow and never has someones own words carried more truth ROFLMAO This quote and that shot is like a commercial waiting to be made

"If I miss my first 10 shots, that doesn't faze me. In the fourth quarter, I make my shots."-JC

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I went nuts when that shot went in, it seemed like it floated forever......and dropped nothing but net!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This dude is crazy clutch, 6th man of the year by far.........no question!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I was in the Dfac and didnt even know AFN was going to show the game. I moved my seat all the way across the Dfac to eat breakfast so i could see the last 6 mins of the game. I cant even lie. I thought we were done for but when Craw got that put back and Amare missed that first FT. I was like, "man how come we cant ever get the game winning shot"

I was standing up figuring we would mess up the last possession but when that shot went in i was like OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH booooooyyyyy!!!!!!!!!! I could someone say "he must have had money on that game."..LOL. I bet im the only Hawks fan on Camp Liberty matter of fact all of Baghdad..Dam that was a great shot. Then i got the chills when i saw the replay.

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Great play Woody drew up. Hubie was talking about how many plays a team might run in this situation and I was thinking "He ain't watched the Hawks much over the last few years." Yeah, ISO Crawford worked this time.

it was a great play. he had johnson and crawford coimng off screens for the ball. cant double them both

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Dang I wish I could've been at this game but oh well........hope we have another one like this Monday.....I'll be at that one!!!!! :thumbsupsmileyanim: :thumbsupsmileyanim:

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That was one hell of a good fourth quarter for Crawford!

Since I was a ways behind on the DVR I saw this thread pop up and was waiting for Crawford's big moment for the last several minutes of game time and he came up with a lot of big plays down the stretch. I loved the feeds to Josh and Al underneath the basket as much as I did the nice shots. Great game!

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