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Joe's selfish play in a great second half is a problem.


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Yep. Like I said a couple of weeks ago, Joe's selfishness is becoming a real problem. I think he is more concerned about proving that he is deserving of a max contract than he is with the success of the team. He is absolutely obsessed with proving that he's "Da Man!" He is putting his own selfish goals above the team goals. As a result, Joe Johnson has become a worse teammate (maybe even a bad teammate now), and he has become a worse player too. I believe his selfish play is actually hurting him and the team and actually proving that he is NOT worthy of a max contract. Also, I find it very contradictory that Joe was quoted earlier in the season as saying: "Since when did we become a selfish team? People don't know their roles. It's all about me, me, me. Everybody wants to go one on one. Everybody who touches it wants to score." Yet, Joe Johnson has proven to be, far and away, the most selfish player on this team. Joe needs to wake up and realize that his comments are actually an indictment on his own selfish play. While he's pointing the finger at others, he needs to take a long look in the mirror.

I think he has become all about "me". Something big happened a few games ago and the cameras showed the Hawks bench. Horford was jumping up and down waving a towel and the rest of the team was very excited as well, except JJ. He was just sitting there, no emotion, not even a grin. Yeah it's a great time to be a Hawks fan despite the "star" player being on an island by himself.

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I think he has become all about "me". Something big happened a few games ago and the cameras showed the Hawks bench. Horford was jumping up and down waving a towel and the rest of the team was very excited as well, except JJ. He was just sitting there, no emotion, not even a grin. Yeah it's a great time to be a Hawks fan despite the "star" player being on an island by himself.

WTF, overreacting a little bit? You weren't on the bench, you don't know what was going on. Saying that Joe is on an island by himself is pure bs.

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WTF, overreacting a little bit? You weren't on the bench, you don't know what was going on. Saying that Joe is on an island by himself is pure bs.

You're right, I don't know what was going on. I do know that I saw the entire bench exploding with excitement, except JJ. But I don't know what was going on in his mind. Maybe he was thinking about his next shot?

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As much as I am a champion for Joe-Bashing (below average I.Q. for a 35+ minute guy, poor demeanor, pathetic rim-attacking skills, awful free throw attempts, etc.), I gotta give him props for going to the line 5 times last night. Thats impressive for him. His field goal percentage, free throw percentage, boards, steals, and dimes are all up from his carer average and TO's are down. That's Grown-Man attention to improving your efficiency.

But my overall opinion still stands: a waste of a perfect NBA body that I hope Sund finds a better alternative to. Yall know I couldn't end a Joe post on a positive note. Sorry.

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LOL . . . it's amazing how many people are extra critical of JJ these days. And you didn't see this until he turned down the 4yr - 60 mill deal. Every star player in the league ( who is a major scorer ), plays exactly like JJ. Every one of them. There's not a guy in the top 20 in scoring that hasn't been criticized for his "selfishness" at times. Funny though, nothing dramatic was said about Crawford's 0 - 6 4th quarter performance on Monday afternoon.

JJ was the reason why we got out to the big lead in the first place. LOL . . some of the shots he took in the 1st quarter, were much more difficult than he took in the 4th.

But I didn't know about the Haiti thing. When you look at the type of shots he took in that 4th quarter, and the frequency he took them ( he took three 3-pointers in a 3 minute span ), the Haiti thing actually does make sense. Like I said last night . . it looked more like he was trying to reach a certain number, than trying to outdo Crawford. The 3-point shot he took with like 20 seconds left on the shot clock is NOT a shot that he takes . . . ever. We were up 17 with 5 minutes to go when he took that shot, so maybe he thought he had a little more leeway to take those types of shots and score more points . . . to raise money.

That would be ironic as hell. The fan base assuming that he was being selfish for his own reasons ( or because he was jealous of Crawford ) . . . but it turned out that he was actually trying to do a "selfless act" in trying to raise more money for the Haitian relief efforts.

Points last night from some of the guys who participated in this:

Derrick Rose - 32pts ( who was excellent last night )

Paul Gasol - 20 pts

Joe Johnson - 19 pts

Tyreke Evans - 19 pts

Antwan Jamison - 8 pts

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Thank the lord im not the only one that recognized that disgusting play. I really hope someone tells Joe whats up. Hes gonna cost us games in the future if this isnt changed. Hes one of the worst players in the league when itt comes to playing within the flow. He takes the ball with 14 left on the clock and dribbles it away and heaves up a contested jumper. Hes a good shooter but its messes up the rhythm and im sure it pisses people off. Its clear that Woody lets JJ do what he wants but this needs to change before the playoffs. We can make some noise and if we want to he needs to play smarter.

Rant over.

If Josh can become a more cerebral player and way more efficient why the hell cant Joe? Hes the elder statesman on the team and hes displaying a flawed approach to the game.

Im happy hes helping Haiti out but hes done this before, and will continue to do this.

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Northcyde must be in Joe Johnson's Rat Pack. Since you laugh out loud so much, teach Joe to show a little emotion.

I LOL all the time, because the ish is funny with this fan base. People will be talking about how JJ is so great, if he goes 12 - 19 FG vs Houston on Monday night. But people are disgusted at a 3 minute display from JJ last night, where he was trying to get points to raise extra money for some Haitians. Not you though, because you'd trade him for Adam Morrison if you had the chance. Your hate of JJ is consistent, whether he plays sorry or plays great.

Nah . . . I'm just appreciative of the dude who helped bring us out of the depths of Hell as a basketball franchise. I'm not jaded to the fact that he isn't Kobe or Wade, so I hope and wish for an upgrade ( that isn't out there ). Some of ya'll would trade the dude, then whine and complain when we'd win 40 games next year, and blame Woody, Crawford, Smoove, Horford and Sund for not winning.

I saw what Golden St did with Jason Richardson and Baron Davis, when they played around with them. They messed up a great thing in Oakland, now they're back being bottom feeders. Messed around and would rather pay a bum like Biendrins 10+ million, instead of giving their star players what they're worth to the team, in fear of overpaying for them.

But it's typical of this fan base. They've turned on Bibby, Marvin and now they're starting to turn on JJ. Crawford will be next. And then Horford, if he signs a big money offer sheet in 2011.

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I call BS on all of this "He was trying to raise money for Haiti" stuff. If Joe Johnson wants to give more money to Haiti, then he can simply give more money - regardless of the amount of points he scored. Some of you are acting as if he can't give more money if he chooses to. As if he's just locked in to only giving what his points dictated him to give. Ridiculous.

Edited by Antmillennium
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Yep. Like I said a couple of weeks ago, Joe's selfishness is becoming a real problem. I think he is more concerned about proving that he is deserving of a max contract than he is with the success of the team. He is absolutely obsessed with proving that he's "Da Man!" He is putting his own selfish goals above the team goals. As a result, Joe Johnson has become a worse teammate (maybe even a bad teammate now), and he has become a worse player too. I believe his selfish play is actually hurting him and the team and actually proving that he is NOT worthy of a max contract. Also, I find it very contradictory that Joe was quoted earlier in the season as saying: "Since when did we become a selfish team? People don't know their roles. It's all about me, me, me. Everybody wants to go one on one. Everybody who touches it wants to score." Yet, Joe Johnson has proven to be, far and away, the most selfish player on this team. Joe needs to wake up and realize that his comments are actually an indictment on his own selfish play. While he's pointing the finger at others, he needs to take a long look in the mirror.


It really is going to be interesting to see if JJ stays with the Hawks. As more and more teams say they would love to have him on their team, I am really wondering if he is going to be playing for us next year. All I can say is thank goodness we have Crawford signed through next year.

If JJ does bolt, my personal dream would be a sign and trade for Wade or Bosh. i realize that is probably is not even possible, but with Atlanta having so much talent and a favorite city of NBA Players, we really might have a shot at a Superstar.

I do get frustrated watching JJ play more often then not these days. He has amazing tools and his height makes him a matchup nightmare for opposing teams, but Iso Joe can get old.



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I'm in the trade JJ mode. Think we need to upgrade PG/C and an extra (but less talented SG is easy to find to play behind Crawf. A WASH fan offer CB and Heyward. That would free up a Zaza trade for say Fernandez. There are things that could be done to mold the core of Smoove, Horf, MW and Crawf into a championship type team; if you can improve the PG/C situation with a JJ move.

Trade the first too. We should be in a win it in the next 2-5 years mode.

JJ's next contract is not going to favor the team that signs it.

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Only at Hawksquawk could a dude in a blow-out win get razzed about shot selection in a 4th quarter when his sports agency was doing a "raise money for Haitian relief" little promo. I mean really, people? Really?

They were up big. He's donating money. The game was in hand. He chucked a little bit. Really? You're fired up over this? The Hawks won... you people realize that, right?

And I love the "I call BS on ......" - really, dude? Really? Like it's some convoluted thing to bail out Joe from chucking up some threes?

PS - I love how everyone talks about JJ's demise yet his PER is higher than it was last year and the year before. He's shooting 45.2% from the field. He's shooting 36% from behind the arc (which is higher than LeBron, Kobe, DWade, Monta Ellis, BRoy and Ray Allen... but if you read this board you assume he can't hit crap). His points per 40 minutes is higher than any year in his career other than 06/07. His Rebounds per 40 is at it's highest since he joined the Hawks, yet he's never active on boards according to this board. He averages 21, 5, and 5 whether it's against over .500 teams or under .500 teams. He gets to the line 1.5x more against the over .500 teams - but he's criticized for not being aggressive when we need it. He apparently doesn't show up vs. tough opponents:

Bos - 24 pts, 4 reb, 4 ast

Cle - 25 pts, 3 reb, 3.5 ast

Dal - 31, 7 and 3

Den - 19, 6, and 7

Lakers - 27, 9, and 4

Miami - 20.5, 4, and 3

Orlando - 14, 6 and 2.5 <------ his lone stinky average performance vs. a "good team"

Portland - 27, 6, 5.5 (Despite not being as good as BRoy according to this board)

Not sure what you people want. You focus on the bad games... and don't realize that over time - a lot of this stuff kinda evens out.

And again - it's the NBA... you act like you've never seen a player do some chucking? It happens ALL THE TIME. You make it about some competition with Jamal over alpha-dog status... I mean ya'll watch too many soap operas. Joe and Craw are cool. Joe wants another guy to take the burden from him. And to be annoyed with a dude that will have been an all-star 4 out of his 5 years with us... to be donating money to Haiti... and you guys wanna be critical... Man.. that's nuts.

And then his peers (ya know... guys actually in the NBA) vote him "most underrated" in an SI poll... and you folks wanna say he's "overrated?" I'm guessing you think you know more than dudes playing in the league? I mean all that poll shows is local fans lack perspective (which is what I've tried to say on this thing for years). His own fans think he's overrated, but the NBA players think he's underrated? Sorry squawkers - I'm willing to wager NBA players know more about the NBA than you or I do.

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I'm in the trade JJ mode. Think we need to upgrade PG/C and an extra (but less talented SG is easy to find to play behind Crawf. A WASH fan offer CB and Heyward. That would free up a Zaza trade for say Fernandez. There are things that could be done to mold the core of Smoove, Horf, MW and Crawf into a championship type team; if you can improve the PG/C situation with a JJ move.

Trade the first too. We should be in a win it in the next 2-5 years mode.

JJ's next contract is not going to favor the team that signs it.

This kinda reminds me of the Iggy stuff. You want Caron and Heyward and see that as some sort of upgrade? What has Washington EVER done with a nucleus of Arenas, Butler and Jamison all in their prime at the same time? You could argue that's a better nucleus than JJ, Smith and Horf...

So all of sudden if we get Butler in here in Joe's place we're a championship team all of sudden? Since Caron got to Washington here's what you're looking at:

05/06 - 42-40 (Lost in 1st Round in 6)

06/07 - 41-41 (Swept in 1st Round)

07/08 - 43-39 (Lost in 1st Round in 6)

08/09 - 19-63 (No playoffs)

09/10 - 14-28 (5th in Southeast Division)

Oh - and Caron's game's played:

05/06 - 75

06/07 - 63

07/08 - 58

08/09 - 67

Average number of games played per season as a Wiz: 65.75

And he'll be a FA at the end of 2011... and he's older than Joe.

Love these "long-term" solutions people can come up with on here.

Keep those ideas coming!


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Keep telling the truth to these guys JJB. They just don't realize that the type of mindset that JJ is playing with this season, is exactly the type of mindset he's going to have to play with in the playoffs.

Last year in the Miami series, I criticized him for being too MUCH of a team player. In the playoffs, team play is great, but you need guys who are willing and able to take over a game, in order to pull out a victory. That's why you tend to see amazing performances in the playoffs from star players.

JJ can't be taking 13 - 15 shots a game, and expect us to beat a Boston or Orlando in the playoffs. Games are called MUCH TIGHTER in the playoffs, than they are duing the regular season. So Horford and Smoove may not get half the calls that they're getting during the season. When that happens, you need to have shotmakers on your team that can overcome that BS.

That's the beauty of having BOTH JJ and Crawford on this squad this year. They possess the ability and the mentality to take AND MAKE extremely difficult shots. In the previous 2 seasons' I don't think JJ had the mentality of taking 20 - 25 shots in a playoff game, in order for us to win. No, he was deferring to guys like Flip way too much in the playoffs last year.

This year, I LOVE his mindset, especially against the "big teams". He's stepping up to the challenge of being the big time player against those opponents. His performances on the road vs Boston, Cleveland, Dallas, and Portland is exactly what we're going to need from him come playoff time. And if he's off, He now has another guy in Crawford that has the ability to do the same thing.

You just have a segment in this fan base that either doesn't appreciate what JJ does for this team, or they just don't watch the rest of the NBA enough to see how other star players play.

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I always give credit where it is due to Joe for having the best floater in the league beside Tony Parker, being a well-above average jump-shooter, being one of th better passing 2's, and being one of the top perimeter defenders league-wide since he's been here. I'm not a fool, he's been a 20-5-5 guy for the most part, and I appreciate it a great deal. At the same time, I'm quite warranted in pointing out his glaring flaws as a passionate fan of the Hawks, and will continue to do so whether it be poor shot selection/ clock management, lack of energy, or paltry free throw attempts due to his lack of a rim attack despite his perfect body for doing so. By no means do I expect him to be Kobe/ Wade/ LeBron: he isn't. These are things he can, and should, correct. The Joe Advocates on here act as if they don't see these things.

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As my boy Ochocinco says . . Child Please.

90% of the things you type about JJ is overwhelmingly negative. Just like the people who always take shots at Marvin, Bibby, and Smoove. There's no balance in what haters say about a particular player. When they don't like a dude, every negative thing a player does is blown up.

Now if you want to accuse the people on the flip side of doing the same thing, go right ahead. But at least we're not constantly trying to tear a player down.

As far as JJ, his emotion on the sidelines isn't a concern to me. Being a rah-rah guy isn't indication of a guys passion and talent in this league. And I've personally spoken about JJ's "softness" as a player, when it comes to looking to draw contact going to the hole. If he could get to the FT line at least 6 times a game, he would definitely be considered a premier playerin this league.

But if you're looking for me to complain about JJ, and his shot selection in a 3 minute stretch in a game that was a blow out. You can "forgetaboutit". That dude played a great game up until that point. But the people who don't particulary like JJ wll focus on the 3 minute chuckfest in a blowout, instead of 19 pts and 7 dimes he had in the first 3.5 quarters.

To each his own though.

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