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Josh Smith: Shotblocker


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Josh Smith is arguably the best weakside shot blocker of all-time and arguably the best under 6'10 shot blocker of all-time.

I chuckle when the media says that the block from behind is patented by Lebron James, when Josh Smith has been doing those long before Lebron and as you can see Josh Smith is historically great at shot blocking in terms of being the youngest player to reach every block total he gets to.

Josh Smith should by season's end be in the top 65 all-time in blocked shots. Ridiculous for a guy who's only 24 years old and is a 6'8.5 PF/SF

Edited by BusBoyIsBack
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It's inevitable that he'll be the best and most prolific ever. Eight Hall of Famers in the top 10, Josh will be on their heels in a minute. So glad he didn't go to Memphis: A Player of his historical relevance should retire a Hawk, hopefully.

Some interesting names on the list:

Darius Miles 495 (Is he still alive?)

Kobe 555 (Think he could've/ should've had a shot-blocking year early in his career like Wade last year, but most explosive-jumping guards only stick with it for a year or so)

Ron Harper 729 (One of my favorite Most-Underrated)

Alex English 833 (Kinda Slight of Build at 6'7, 190)

JON KONCAK 791 (I guess he was good for something)

I wouldn't be surprised if Josh has blocked an attempt from EVERY SINGLE PLAYER in the league who falls into the 6 years of service, 20+ min. category. Most players can relate stories of how "He came outta nowhere..." Smoove is a true artisan of the craft, I feel priveledged to watch him beat any kinda shot, any kinda way. It's so demoralizing for opponents and so energizing for the Home Team.

Let's Go Josh.

Edited by benhillboy
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I think Josh is still about a year or two away from his athletic peak. He's gonna be snatching shots out the air pretty soon Barkley Style, averaging well over 3, and making sure every single block results in change of possession a la Hakeem.

Edited by benhillboy
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He gets more hustle blocks from behind than anybody I've ever seen. If he's at half court, and the player with the ball is at the free throw line, he has the closing speed to still get to the ball and block it. Lebron has improved a lot in that area, and his blocks are spectacular. But like BusBoy said . . . Josh Smith was the one who started doing that.

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He gets more hustle blocks from behind than anybody I've ever seen. If he's at half court, and the player with the ball is at the free throw line, he has the closing speed to still get to the ball and block it. Lebron has improved a lot in that area, and his blocks are spectacular. But like BusBoy said . . . Josh Smith was the one who started doing that.

absolutely LOVE the double blocks (especially against queen james)!

he seems to be developing the skill the more he plays, from just swatting them wherever (often out of bounds) earlier in his career to trying to block and distribute them in the right direction. it's just plain amazing. just think of how many more blocks he's missing out on because of his reputation and players becoming unwilling to go up when they feel his presence nearby (like baseball sluggers who get walked a lot).


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The kid Jarvis Varnado just had triple double blocks included. He averages something like 5bpg last season and something like 6 now all while playing in the SEC. He is the no brainer draft pick. I believe he'll outshine even Josh on certain occasions.

Jarvis is no joke, I played against him twice a year in highschool n that Guy made everything so difficult, he made everybody think 4 times before they ever decided to drive on him, hes so skinny but he's SOOOOOOO long. He's much more skilled at blocking than thabeet n I would love if we couldpick that Guy up in the draft.

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