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Bulls' fans discuss JJ as their offseason target.


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The key is that if we play the Bulls in the post season, we must beat them soundly. Sweep with Blowouts.

I didn't get to read the thread, but personally, I think Chicago's main target should be a big with a solid inside game. Noah is a great hustle player, but they have nothing more than a team of jump shooters. If they get a big with an inside game to complement Rose's slashing abilities and their bevy of shooters, they could make some noise.

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Honestly, if Joe leaves for Chicago and its not because of more money........to hell with Joe. Sign and trade him for a Tyrus Thomas or whatever we can get and move on. I hope Joe stays, but he is not the end all be all of this team. He is a great player. But, we have other pieces.

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I didn't get to read the thread, but personally, I think Chicago's main target should be a big with a solid inside game. Noah is a great hustle player, but they have nothing more than a team of jump shooters. If they get a big with an inside game to complement Rose's slashing abilities and their bevy of shooters, they could make some noise.

Nobody on their team can shoot. A Joe/Rose combo would be pretty filthy. With Deng, Gibson, and Noah that's not too bad.

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Most of their posters seem to be assuming they can sign JJ and still have room to sign David Lee or a comparable $10M+/yr player. That indicates they think JJ can be had for significantly less than Bosh or Wade. They'll be in for a rude awakening when they discover that JJ is gonna cost close to the max too.

Edited by niremetal
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Most of their posters seem to be assuming they can sign JJ and still have room to sign David Lee or a comparable $10M+/yr player. That indicates they think JJ can be had for significantly less than Bosh or Wade. They'll be in for a rude awakening when they discover that JJ is gonna cost close to the max too.

No, they're anticipating a Hinrich and/or Salmons trade...

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No, they're anticipating a Hinrich and/or Salmons trade...

If they trade both players AND renounce the rights to all of their own free agents (including RFA Tyrus Thomas) AND renounce their right to use the mid-level exception, then yes - their cap figure will be ~$27M ($23M + the mandatory roster cap holds). But if any one of those things doesn't happen, their cap figure will be at least $33M (in the case of not renouncing the mid-level/Tyrus or not trading Salmons). JJ will cost them at least $14M starting, and that would bring them to ~$47M. The cap right now is $57.7M, and it would be a major shock if that doesn't drop to $55M or lower this offseason since ticket prices and ticket sales are both down, and luxury suite revenues are WAY down across the league. So unless there's a sudden surge in NBA income in the next couple months, the Bulls won't have the cap space to sign a David Lee type along with JJ this offseason, unless they think JJ can be had for $11M or less.

And of course, if they managed to clear all cap space and sign both JJ and Lee, they wouldn't have the cap space to sign any other players except for at the minimum salary. They would have the NBA's thinnest roster and no tradeable assets, and no GM in his right mind would subject himself to that.

Edited by niremetal
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JJ leaving...the simple version.

Joe Johnson's ability to make the most money happens in a sign and trade.

Any team wanting Joe Johnson will be sending the Hawks value back. The Hawks are in the driver seat here and will be taking back only players that benefit them which is more young, running talent and or draft picks. Any contracts we don't take back, will be a net loss in what we can use in payroll and not pay a tax.

No team can sign JJ cold for more than us. Any team wanting him has to trade value for him. The JJ signing back in the day is the biggest coup for us ever as it gives us current bargaining power in the biggest free agent class in a very, very long time.

The same goes for Lebron, Bosh and Wade.

Those are the players dictating in free agency in the off season....not the buyers.

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niremetal- if the Bulls start out Lee at 8 million a year then he would average out 10. Plus if they dump James Johnson as part of a Salmons or HInrich deal they get another 1.7 million in room. I think that plan is absolutely doable depending on where the cap ends up.

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