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Teague doesn't belong in the NBA.


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are you serious? OMG Im glad some of you guys are not GMs. You have to let him develop. He has what 40+ games under his belt. He was not drafted to be an impact player this year. Give the guy a break.

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I miss Pudding Pops.

Sometimes I read things like this thread and I shake my head. I've personally seen Teague block from behind like 3 shots at the rim this year.

So to make you feel silly, here are Jeff Teague's per 48 minute stats from this year.

Points - 15.0

Assists - 8.8 (would lead the team)

rebounds - 4.7

Steals - 2.69 (would lead the team)

Blocks - .94

Turnovers - 3.5

Assist to turnover ratio 2.5 (a full 1.23 better than Bibby).

I think I need an aspirin and a Jello Pudding cup.

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I don't think I've ever seen him do anything good.

That said, what a game by Crawford huh? Marvin Williams and Josh Smith also had very good games.

If we could package JJ and Teague for a young stud this team would be set for years.

Please stick to church league ball.

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I was honestly about to post something similar to this. After tonight's game I was very upset with his performance. He missed 3-4 layups. But at the same time he may just be very nervous. He is a rookie and hasnt really gotten much playing time.

That's all well and good, but playoff teams generally don't play their rookies more than spot duty barring injuries (or a coach named Doc). I'm absolutely not a defender of Woody, but I don't sympathize with rookies who don't make the most of the PT they get. The competition for PT in the NBA - and especially on playoff teams - is just too intense. You gotta separate the wheat from the chaff somehow.

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Sometimes I read things like this thread and I shake my head. I've personally seen Teague block from behind like 3 shots at the rim this year.

So to make you feel silly, here are Jeff Teague's per 48 minute stats from this year.

Points - 15.0

Assists - 8.8 (would lead the team)

rebounds - 4.7

Steals - 2.69 (would lead the team)

Blocks - .94

Turnovers - 3.5

Assist to turnover ratio 2.5 (a full 1.23 better than Bibby).

I think I need an aspirin and a Jello Pudding cup.

You post everything . . . except his shooting percentage. I wonder why?

If anybody wants to know why the kid doesn't play a lot, all they have to do is pull up the HAWKS - 2009 - 10 SEASON - JEFF TEAGUE . . . . . on this website:


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You post everything . . . except his shooting percentage. I wonder why?

If anybody wants to know why the kid doesn't play a lot, all they have to do is pull up the HAWKS - 2009 - 10 SEASON - JEFF TEAGUE . . . . . on this website:


LOL - it wasn't purposely omitted. I was dealing strictly with per48. Besides. he's a point guard. I'm really not wanting him to shoot (see that my name is not Woodson). Point guard....distribute, get them into the offense, don't turn it over.

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I agree with you having watched his game closely, his moves are not NBA ready and he doesn't look for the second defender when going to the hoop. He is just really really fast, he reminds me a lot of Robert Pack with his athleticism. He release point it too low on his jumpers which is why he cant shoot over the average NBA player. He doesn't look to pass first and he is not a good enough scorer NOT to pass first.

Hawks I know you like him because he is ours, but he really isn't that good of an NBA player.

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You post everything . . . except his shooting percentage. I wonder why?

If anybody wants to know why the kid doesn't play a lot, all they have to do is pull up the HAWKS - 2009 - 10 SEASON - JEFF TEAGUE . . . . . on this website:


Is your position that he doesn't belong in the NBA? Your post seems to go more to the number of minutes and not as much to whether he belongs on an NBA roster.

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Is your position that he doesn't belong in the NBA? Your post seems to go more to the number of minutes and not as much to whether he belongs on an NBA roster.

My position is that he isn't ready to play a quality backup role in the NBA. His athleticism is impressive, but everything else about his game is below average at best.

I remember watching Acie Law in 2007 on opening night vs Dallas. Then I watched Teague vs Indiana on opening night. From a PG standpoint, I was more impressed with Acie. But Acie hardly made an impact on a game at all. And he couldn't finish at the rim or consistently hit a midrange jumpshot.

I think deep down, everybody knows that Teague is a HUGE QUESTIONMARK. It is very worrisome to me that he's a PG that can't finish in traffic, and may have a shot release that will prevent him from even being a mediocre shooter in this league. To me, he's a more athletic version of Acie with even less of a shot.

And that's not good.

I haven't given up on him as a PG prospect. But I'm not expecting him to become some decent PG anytime soon either. I hope the kid proves me wrong.

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Is Cosby still spokesman? I like Cosby, not as much as I like Jello but Cosby and Jello? Can't go wrong there my friend.

So was Cos the spokesman for all Jello or just Jello pudding? I never really got that. Seems like restricting him to just pudding would be short sighted. I mean regular Jello is delicious with the jiggling..and the fruitiness..and the colors and splatzel-schnatzel and all that there.

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