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What the heck was Josh thinking?


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What a joke. Josh Smith forgetting he's the worst 3 point shooter in the history of the NBA and decides to take the

shot with 7 seconds to go, with Joe Johnson and Jamal Crawford watching in disbelief. That play was horrible

from the start.....no movement at all. And how do we let the Warriors back into the game after we are up by almost 20.

We looked like a bumch of bumbling fools in that 4th qtr. Where's the poise? Where's the leadership? Where's the

ability to put teams away?

just a very troubling loss for so many reasons

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I blame Josh the most because his mental mistakes continue.......he insists on dribbling the ball on the break, when he has his guards next to him looking for the ball.

Josh gave us ZERO chance of tying the game by chucking up a prayer 3 pointer with 7 secs left in the game. You would NEVER see anyone else on the team make

such a boneheaded play. Josh is also lucky he didn't get a technical right when we called timeout, he threw the ball high into the air in disgust.

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It didn't just happen to Josh.

What was he thinking? He wasn't. He hadn't been. His brain was turned off in the 4th quarter.

He had quit thinking. He was running on instincts only, no brain power necessary.


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It didn't just happen to Josh.

What was he thinking? He wasn't. He hadn't been. His brain was turned off in the 4th quarter.

He had quit thinking. He was running on instincts only, no brain power necessary.


Sorry to be so mean, but Josh's brain has been turned off since birth.

It is SO EASY to get him off his game, if you are the opposition.

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Sorry to be so mean, but Josh's brain has been turned off since birth.

It is SO EASY to get him off his game, if you are the opposition.

This may be mean, but it is true. Josh hasn't needed to use his brain his entire life. He has gotten by on pure talent when it comes to basketball. He has had no reason to have to really think about what he is doing out there. And if he wants become a superstar, then he HAS to start using his brain. If not, he will just be waste of talent.

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This may be mean, but it is true. Josh hasn't needed to use his brain his entire life. He has gotten by on pure talent when it comes to basketball. He has had no reason to have to really think about what he is doing out there. And if he wants become a superstar, then he HAS to start using his brain. If not, he will just be waste of talent.

But Josh is not a stupid person. His basketball IQ is much, much higher than this thread indicates. He is one of the best transition defensive players in recent history because he so often seems to correctly predict how the play will unfold. Clearly, he is a very sharp guy. I think the problem is that he has not had the right type of guidance in his life as a player. People who affirmatively tell him "this is what you're best at, so this is what we want you to do" instead of "Josh, what the hell are you doing?"

Josh's sin is, and always has been, not recognizing the limits of his talent and too often trying to do things that are not his game. He plays on the edge at all times, taking more than the usual number of risks and assuming that his natural talent will allow him to get away with it. That's honestly the same mentality that the all-time greats have always had - they think they're capable of anything. There's nothing inherently wrong with that mentality. It's up to his coaches and mentors to define for him the limits of his game. Confident, supremely physically gifted young players can't be left to figure it out for themselves.

It was a mind-boggling decision by Josh to shoot that trey with 9 seconds left (plenty of time to rotate the ball several times more to create an open look for JJ/Jamal/Bibby). But it also is a sign of poor coaching/planning that he was put in a position to take the shot in the first place. He wasn't setting a screen at the time of the shot - Horford had set the screen. Josh just seemed to be left out on the floor without specific instructions, being allowed to drift without purpose.

My guess is that play was a good analogy for his career as a whole.

Edited by niremetal
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Josh was great in that 3rd quarter, where he was playing almost a point forward type position. He has about 5 or 6 assists in that quarter alone. But he's not a scorer, and people shouldn't ever believe that he can be one. He's a great transition player, a great hustle player, a great weak side shot blocker, and a pretty good passer. Those are the strengths of his game. Scoring the basketball isn't a strength.

Superstar and Josh Smith should not be spoken in the same sentence. He can and should be a All-Star one day. But he's going to be utility All-Star, not a scoring All-Star.

Some of everybody has to take the blame for that loss. JJ and Horford the least . . . . Smoove, Zaza, Crawford and Woody ( for leaving Zaza in the game too long ), the most.

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But Josh is not a stupid person. His basketball IQ is much, much higher than this thread indicates. He is one of the best transition defensive players in recent history because he so often seems to correctly predict how the play will unfold. Clearly, he is a very sharp guy. I think the problem is that he has not had the right type of guidance in his life as a player. People who affirmatively tell him "this is what you're best at, so this is what we want you to do" instead of "Josh, what the hell are you doing?"

Josh's sin is, and always has been, not recognizing the limits of his talent and too often trying to do things that are not his game. He plays on the edge at all times, taking more than the usual number of risks and assuming that his natural talent will allow him to get away with it. That's honestly the same mentality that the all-time greats have always had - they think they're capable of anything. There's nothing inherently wrong with that mentality. It's up to his coaches and mentors to define for him the limits of his game. Confident, supremely physically gifted young players can't be left to figure it out for themselves.

Where is your evidence of Josh being "a very sharp guy"? He sounds dumb in interviews and his bball IQ is lower than low. It took him this many year's to figure out he's not a 3 pt shooter and he STILL hasn't figured out he's not the person that should be dribbling the ball up on the fast break. He STILL hasn't figured out that arguing with the ref's about EVERY non-foul call only takes you out of your game and makes the ref's want to ignore you. He STILL hasn't figured out that if he just plays his game from the elbow..in, he will easily score 20pts a game. He STILL hasn't figured out that throwing those crazy cross court passes will result in many turnovers. All this and yet you still think it's the coaches fault? Al has the same coach and he understands his own abilities perfectly. Playing out of control, on the edge and thinking your abilities will take care of everything does not make you a smart man.

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Come on. Sure he made the wrong decision but how did he get the ball in his hands at the 3 point line on the other side of the court? We just had a timeout. A play was drawn up that was either so bad or executed so poorly that the ball went to the other side of the court and ended up in the hands of our power forward. Obviously he didn't know there was more time on the clock but after the ball goes through all your shooters you have to be thinking 'well if they aren't going to shoot it i will'. I guarantee that no where in the play on the chalkboard did the ball swing anywhere near Josh Smith.

Call him dumb if you want but he's gone from a potential draft bust, just a dunker, to a near all-star. He's smart enough to know that if you're not making mistakes you're not trying.

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Y'all need to chill wit the Josh bashing. A triple double is on the way tonight. One play never determines a game, no mater how big or at what time it happened. The whole team melted down in the fourth, so blame lies with everyone.

Furthermore, I am a Hawks guy all day long, but a basketball fan first, and I thoroughly enjoyed Stephen Curry's sort of coming out party. His game is a beautiful mix of old and new school with great poise, decision-making, fundamentals, and underrated athleticism with a jumper that seemed automatic. I wouldn't mind that kid in a Hawks uniform one bit.

All will be well when we beat Utah tonight.

Let's Go.

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Where is your evidence of Josh being "a very sharp guy"? He sounds dumb in interviews and his bball IQ is lower than low. It took him this many year's to figure out he's not a 3 pt shooter and he STILL hasn't figured out he's not the person that should be dribbling the ball up on the fast break. He STILL hasn't figured out that arguing with the ref's about EVERY non-foul call only takes you out of your game and makes the ref's want to ignore you. He STILL hasn't figured out that if he just plays his game from the elbow..in, he will easily score 20pts a game. He STILL hasn't figured out that throwing those crazy cross court passes will result in many turnovers. All this and yet you still think it's the coaches fault? Al has the same coach and he understands his own abilities perfectly. Playing out of control, on the edge and thinking your abilities will take care of everything does not make you a smart man.

Jack . .. now you're overreacting a little bit. Smoove is the same guy who had like 6 - 8 pts and 5 assists in that 3rd quarter alone. He played a damn good game until that 4th quarter. He just played horribly and didn't make good decisions in the 4th.

But villifying the dude for all of his negative traits, doesn't diminish the fact that the guy has had a pretty good season this year. Good enough for people to consider him as being an All-Star game snub.

He and that team simply relaxed and had a horrible quarter last night. If they pull off the win tonight, and heplays well, people will be back praising the guy again. He has a very tough challenge tonight in the form of Boozer and Milsap. Let's see how the dude responds tonight.

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Jack . .. now you're overreacting a little bit. Smoove is the same guy who had like 6 - 8 pts and 5 assists in that 3rd quarter alone. He played a damn good game until that 4th quarter. He just played horribly and didn't make good decisions in the 4th.

But villifying the dude for all of his negative traits, doesn't diminish the fact that the guy has had a pretty good season this year. Good enough for people to consider him as being an All-Star game snub.

He and that team simply relaxed and had a horrible quarter last night. If they pull off the win tonight, and heplays well, people will be back praising the guy again. He has a very tough challenge tonight in the form of Boozer and Milsap. Let's see how the dude responds tonight.

Said something similar in chat last night.

14 points, 17 rebounds, 7 assists, 2 steals and 2 blocks. 3 assists from a triple double...3rd in +/- last night. Leads the team in PER and you guys bash him every time he does something.

How many teams in the league would like a power forward that would have got them 14/17/7/2/2 last night?

Josh is not why you lost. Mike Bibby's inability to defend can be easily shown to be the cause of half of our losses this year. Time to let Teague learn on the job.

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It's beyond me how anyone can target Josh for that meltdown last night, hell the main reason we were leading was strictly because of his dominating that 3rd quarter, Horford also. Crawford really hurt us with that inexcusable T, I saw it when it happened and their was no way for the ref to avoid that, he blatantly walks all the way to the baseline and really snaps and let the ref have it. We had the ball tied with 30 seconds left and you lose your mind right there and give the Warriors the lead, hard to defend that. He really wanted to win that one against his former team and for the 1st time this year showed terrible emotional judgement.

Also Bibby has been watching action a lot lately, it's alright to shoot the 3 and make a few now and then. Crawford & Joe can't do it every night, the Hawks obviously are not the smartest bulb in the league as a team. When we were drilling them and beasting them on the boards in the 3rd, it was great but when they decided to adjust and put in 2 bigs to defend the lane. What do we do?? Oh, the same thing over and over like it would continue regardless.

And you wonder why your lead is melting, see the changes and make some on your end. That didn't happen last night. It was a lot of things in the 4th quarter that contributed to that loss, the W's actually made a good comeback let's not short that but the least of them was Josh, i can't agree with the one's of you that went there.

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Sounds like Josh lost his cool and tried to be an offensive hero. But I have to defend him a little here outside of last night's game. I think as it pertains to his offensive limitations, he does sometimes lose his head and think he can do more than he can. But I've seen every other player on this team benefit from his ability to pass. This may sound crazy, but as far as court vision, Josh often makes very good passes which result in easy baskets for his teammates just like a great point guard can do. You can't be too stupid to process all that in your head. He just needs to be smart more consistently.

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I am not blaming Josh soley for that loss. I am only blaming him for taking that shot and trying to be a hero.

Crawford's T was just as bad. and both were MENTAL mistakes. These things will kill us in the playoffs.

I blame Woodson also. Why on earth is Josh standing even around the 3 point line when we habe Bibby, Crawford

and Joe? Does Woodson even draw up plays at all? I wonder.

What I am blaming him for is not realizing his own limitations after all this time in the league. Because he has

loads of natural abilities, he gets a lot more slack that anyone else would. You think Zaza would be allowed to

keep jacking up brick after brick as long as Woodson allows Josh to do it? Zaza would find his butt on

the bench for a long time. Josh remains an undependable "wild card" right now. Come crunch time, you

never know what you will get out of him. Plus his horrible foul shooting will also hurt us in the playoffs.

Has Josh imporved this year? Yes. Is he still one of the most unpredicatable, unreliable players in the NBA?

Yes again. Josh is at a crossroads in his career. How long can we keep talking about all his upside?

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