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If Josh had pullled that savvy veteran move.....


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The league would hand down a lengthy suspension no question...... this whole league is corrupt.... for 5 seconds the NBA turned into the NFL, they condoned a forearm shiver to a headcoach... regardless of what this website thinks of Mike Woodson bad coach or not.. The bottom line is that whether Woodson should have been there are not, Jason Kidd should not have been allowed to run fullspeed with his forearm out at my headcoach. My best advice to the Hawks is to start looking for the likes of Doc Rivers, Mike Brown, and Stan Van Gundy feet to be in the wrong place and take a forearm to their rib cages. Complete and utter BS!!!!!

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The league would hand down a lengthy suspension no question...... this whole league is corrupt.... for 5 seconds the NBA turned into the NFL, they condoned a forearm shiver to a headcoach... regardless of what this website thinks of Mike Woodson bad coach or not.. The bottom line is that whether Woodson should have been there are not, Jason Kidd should not have been allowed to run fullspeed with his forearm out at my headcoach. My best advice to the Hawks is to start looking for the likes of Doc Rivers, Mike Brown, and Stan Van Gundy feet to be in the wrong place and take a forearm to their rib cages. Complete and utter BS!!!!!

It did look as though Woodson made it off the floor when the contact was made.

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The league would hand down a lengthy suspension no question...... this whole league is corrupt.... for 5 seconds the NBA turned into the NFL, they condoned a forearm shiver to a headcoach... regardless of what this website thinks of Mike Woodson bad coach or not.. The bottom line is that whether Woodson should have been there are not, Jason Kidd should not have been allowed to run fullspeed with his forearm out at my headcoach. My best advice to the Hawks is to start looking for the likes of Doc Rivers, Mike Brown, and Stan Van Gundy feet to be in the wrong place and take a forearm to their rib cages. Complete and utter BS!!!!!

What's worse is hearing Kidd in interviews talk about how he premeditated it.

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The league would hand down a lengthy suspension no question...... this whole league is corrupt.... for 5 seconds the NBA turned into the NFL, they condoned a forearm shiver to a headcoach... regardless of what this website thinks of Mike Woodson bad coach or not.. The bottom line is that whether Woodson should have been there are not, Jason Kidd should not have been allowed to run fullspeed with his forearm out at my headcoach. My best advice to the Hawks is to start looking for the likes of Doc Rivers, Mike Brown, and Stan Van Gundy feet to be in the wrong place and take a forearm to their rib cages. Complete and utter BS!!!!!

That is exactly what I was thinking about. Kidd initiated physical contact with a forearm to the chest to generate contact while Woodson was on the floor. That is not likely to be repeated since most coaches are not dumb enough to remain on the floor that close to the play.

However, it is not uncommon for a coach to be slightly on the floor. What if you took the ball and threw it hard and fast at the coach so it hit him as he was trying to get off the floor ala Woodson. Does anyone think we wouldn't be T'd up/suspended for that ploy? If not, then why it is any different other than the fact that it isn't a Hawk?

If the NBA is going to be consistent, it needs to allow players to hurl the ball at coaches everytime they step on the floor without any penalty to the player and with a T to the coach.

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That is exactly what I was thinking about. Kidd initiated physical contact with a forearm to the chest to generate contact while Woodson was on the floor. That is not likely to be repeated since most coaches are not dumb enough to remain on the floor that close to the play.

However, it is not uncommon for a coach to be slightly on the floor. What if you took the ball and threw it hard and fast at the coach so it hit him as he was trying to get off the floor ala Woodson. Does anyone think we wouldn't be T'd up/suspended for that ploy? If not, then why it is any different other than the fact that it isn't a Hawk?

If the NBA is going to be consistent, it needs to allow players to hurl the ball at coaches everytime they step on the floor without any penalty to the player and with a T to the coach.

Also, when Kidd made contact, he was not on the floor. That's why Kidd had to extend his arm.

How Kidd is not fined for this I won't ever know.

I can shoot an elbow to a coach and get a free throw for it, great.

The NBA is a train wreck.

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...If the NBA is going to be consistent, it needs to allow players to hurl the ball at coaches everytime they step on the floor without any penalty to the player and with a T to the coach.

That would certainly be interesting (I'm always for new rules to liven up the game). Let the coach wear a helmet for safety's sake if he wants. Woody would look cool in a big black hockey goalie helmet with a red hawk head emblazoned on it. Also, if the coach is able to catch the ball it's a T the other way.

Seriously though, initially I was blaming Woody for doing something ignorant. After watching the replays, it was a cheap play by Kidd (albeit smart the way it worked out).

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