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Josh Smith - He has stepped up his game considerably from last year. Has improved shot selection and absolutely congests the stat-line on a nightly basis. Needs to work on boxing out, Ft% and must continue to improve his shot selection and overall offensive game. Grade: A-

Joe Johnson - Is having one of his best scoring years efficiency wise and continues to carry most of our offense while playing good defense on most nights. However, he is not sharing the ball the way he has the last couple of years, and that is somewhat strange as we easily have the most talent sorrounding him since he has been here. Grade: A-

Horford - Has improved his offense greatly from last year, and is playing with much increased confidence since the all star break. The one thing that bothers me is that he is not hitting the boards as well as he could. His rebounding rate is among the lowest of his career. Still pretty solid on the boards overall though, and quickly becoming a top tier Center in the NBA. Grade: B+

Crawford - Not much to say about Craw. If he continues this level of play he will make Sund look like a genious. Easily worth the 9-10 million dollars a year of his contract, and we gave up two awful players to get him. He is clutch, makes every type of shot imaginable, and when he is hot, he strikes fear into the hearts of every single NBA coach. On the flip side, he isn't much of a defender or passer... Still one of our best players this year, and his addition has definitely been the difference between last years team and this years. Grade: B+

Marvin: Dissapointing year. Worst year since his rookie year. I'm not as big of a fan as his defense as most people are. Sure on our team he is probably our best perimeter defender... But that's not saying much. Not on the level of Battier or even Ariza on defense. It's clear that he will never be a dominant player in this league, and it is looking doubtful that he may even grow up to be a servicable starter on a contending team. Grade: D+

Bibby: Big disapointment this year. When he plays well (this has literally happened like five times this year) we are a much better team. His ability to make open threes helps take the pressure off of JJ and Craw... Problem is he has struggled with his shot for the majority of the season. Still can run the occasional pick and roll, but his ability to run the fast break or penetrate are almost non existant anymore. His defense is among the worst in all of the NBA for any position. Grade: D

Bench: Zaza has regressed once again, Joe Smith is showing flashes of becoming a contributer lately but overall has been terrible, Teague shows flashes but overall has played poorly, Evans is terrible 90% of the time and fantastic the other 10%. Overall a big dissapointment for what was supposed to be an improved area of the team from last year. Grade: D

Coaching: Statistically there is little to complain about. The Hawks have a great record, our offensive efficiency is great, and our defensive efficiency is decent. However, for most people who follow the team there are many areas of concern regarding our coaching. Little to no ingenuity and innability to adjust to defenses causes us to have frequent 4th quarter problems. In game adjustments/decisions also are head-scratching, as Woodson rarely ever feeds the hot players, sometimes even benching them for long stretches when they seem to be in a groove. Our bench players outside of Crawford seem to have no defined role and their playing time is never consistant or even predictible. Our team still struggles with focus and concentration on a frequent basis. Overall though, credit must be given to Woodson for our improved record. Grade: C+

Hawks Overall Grade: B+

Edited by Atlantaholic
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Mike Bibby- Not what we thought he was, or could be, but still good, and we will need him come playoff time. C+

Joe Johnson- Mr 22 4 and 5. Ehh. I'm sorry, Joe just isn't making a good case as to why he is a max guy. He takes the worst shots known to man in the worst situations. C-

Marvin- He is Marvin. What else can I say? He does what he needs to do, and isn't a complete screw up. Average player, average paycheck. B-

Josh Smith- Probably the best player on our team right now. It is a crime he wasnt on the AST, and I laughed when I heard that was a goal of his this year. A+

Al Horford- The Bawse. He is doing what a Bawse do. A

Jamal Crawford- Sixth man of the year. Probably the 2nd best player on the team, but his shot selection is almost worst than Joes.......almost. A-

Zaza- Kind of a downer this year. He hasn't been bad, but...I expected a little more. I wish he could play KG every game. C

Mo Evans- ......Instead of ranting on this guy, I'll just give him a grade. F

Jeff Teague. Acie Law version 2.0? I don't think so. Not yet. He has showed flashes, with is really all you can hope for with the rookies. But he hasn't been jack squat to date so. D-

Joe Smith- Mr 24 footer. He hasn't done much either. D-

Mike Woodson. He hasn't been that bad this year...but he hasn't been good either. Bone head decisions have cost us a few games. C+

Overall. B-

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Mike Bibby- Not what we thought he was, or could be, but still good, and we will need him come playoff time. C+

Joe Johnson- Mr 22 4 and 5. Ehh. I'm sorry, Joe just isn't making a good case as to why he is a max guy. He takes the worst shots known to man in the worst situations. C-

Marvin- He is Marvin. What else can I say? He does what he needs to do, and isn't a complete screw up. Average player, average paycheck. B-

Josh Smith- Probably the best player on our team right now. It is a crime he wasnt on the AST, and I laughed when I heard that was a goal of his this year. A+

Al Horford- The Bawse. He is doing what a Bawse do. A

Jamal Crawford- Sixth man of the year. Probably the 2nd best player on the team, but his shot selection is almost worst than Joes.......almost. A-

Zaza- Kind of a downer this year. He hasn't been bad, but...I expected a little more. I wish he could play KG every game. C

Mo Evans- ......Instead of ranting on this guy, I'll just give him a grade. F

Jeff Teague. Acie Law version 2.0? I don't think so. Not yet. He has showed flashes, with is really all you can hope for with the rookies. But he hasn't been jack squat to date so. D-

Joe Smith- Mr 24 footer. He hasn't done much either. D-

Mike Woodson. He hasn't been that bad this year...but he hasn't been good either. Bone head decisions have cost us a few games. C+

Overall. B-

You gave Bibby, Marvin, Woody and Zaza a higher grade than JJ?

I guess i should expect that from the Crown Prince of Fail.

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My report card is based on whether people are meeting expectations for me it is not evaluating them against each other:

Bibby - D+

JJ - B

Marvin - D-

Josh - A

Horford - A

Crawford - A+

Zaza - D

Joe Smith - D

Evans - C-

Teague - Incomplete

Woody - B

Edited by AHF
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Mike Bibby- Does what he does, hitting open shots again. C+

Joe Johnson- Aside of the ISO moments he's been Joe. A

Marvin- LOLWUT. Fail

Josh Smith- Imrpoved offensively and mentally..still can't box out and is made look like soft batch like Gasol too much. B

Al Horford- Most efficient offensive player. FEED him the ball. A

Jamal Crawford- Best 6th man in probably 2 decades the NBA has seen. A

Zaza- I think he thinks his role is just to foul guys. But he did have that crazy pass to Joe Smith. D

Mo Evans- I like his game, and he needs to be part of the offense when he's in the game. C

Jeff Teague- Has some beast *** blocks and has nice hands. Seems to be playing with more confidence. C

Joe Smith- ...He'll turn it on come playoff time, where we'll need him..otherwise.. F

Mike Woodson- F- Overworks starters. F- Panic attacks that lead him to step on the floor. F- Loses games for his team. F- No eyebrows. F- ISO Joe's creator.

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Josh Smith = A -

Horford = B+

J. Johnson = B

Crawford = B

Bibby = C - (Will change when play offs arive)

Marvin = D-

Hard to decide on these, because Woody doesn't play them enough to be able to grade.

Joe Smith = C - (Not enough playing time, and will change come to play offs)

Zaza = C - (Will also change)

M. Evans = C+ (Not enough plaing time)

Teague = D+

Woody = B -

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JJ- B, he's better Robin than as Batman but is only useful on this team as Batman

Horford- A, has did what was asked at a high level, he's ready for the big jump.

Smith- A+, finally is playing within himself till the final 2 minutes.

Marvin- C-, disappointing year, is one of the few glue guys in the league so he holds value but he's been a disappointment this season.

Bibby- C, hit your jumpers but he does a great job of controlling the pace for us. Horrible defense which is to be expected.

Evans- C+, solid off the bench

Zaza- C-, just as disappointing as Marvin but for his role.

Crawford- A-, he's an amazing piece to have, just hate his defense and the Crawful moments.

Teague- B-, he's doing an okay job, some of you guys were expecting way too much, he's still learning the position.

Joe Smith- D+ w/o Zaza, C w/ Zaza, he's does not mesh well without Zaza. Mesh well with Zaza.

Morris- C, not so good which is to be expected

Woody- B+, has moments of excellence and then the moments of Woody. lol. Good coach, managed to have a great defense with a good offense.

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Josh Smith - He has stepped up his game considerably from last year. Has improved shot selection and absolutely congests the stat-line on a nightly basis. Needs to work on boxing out, Ft% and must continue to improve his shot selection and overall offensive game. Grade: A-

Joe Johnson - Is having one of his best scoring years efficiency wise and continues to carry most of our offense while playing good defense on most nights. However, he is not sharing the ball the way he has the last couple of years, and that is somewhat strange as we easily have the most talent sorrounding him since he has been here. Grade: A-

Horford - Has improved his offense greatly from last year, and is playing with much increased confidence since the all star break. The one thing that bothers me is that he is not hitting the boards as well as he could. His rebounding rate is among the lowest of his career. Still pretty solid on the boards overall though, and quickly becoming a top tier Center in the NBA. Grade: B+

Crawford - Not much to say about Craw. If he continues this level of play he will make Sund look like a genious. Easily worth the 9-10 million dollars a year of his contract, and we gave up two awful players to get him. He is clutch, makes every type of shot imaginable, and when he is hot, he strikes fear into the hearts of every single NBA coach. On the flip side, he isn't much of a defender or passer... Still one of our best players this year, and his addition has definitely been the difference between last years team and this years. Grade: B+

Marvin: Dissapointing year. Worst year since his rookie year. I'm not as big of a fan as his defense as most people are. Sure on our team he is probably our best perimeter defender... But that's not saying much. Not on the level of Battier or even Ariza on defense. It's clear that he will never be a dominant player in this league, and it is looking doubtful that he may even grow up to be a servicable starter on a contending team. Grade: D+

Bibby: Big disapointment this year. When he plays well (this has literally happened like five times this year) we are a much better team. His ability to make open threes helps take the pressure off of JJ and Craw... Problem is he has struggled with his shot for the majority of the season. Still can run the occasional pick and roll, but his ability to run the fast break or penetrate are almost non existant anymore. His defense is among the worst in all of the NBA for any position. Grade: D

Bench: Zaza has regressed once again, Joe Smith is showing flashes of becoming a contributer lately but overall has been terrible, Teague shows flashes but overall has played poorly, Evans is terrible 90% of the time and fantastic the other 10%. Overall a big dissapointment for what was supposed to be an improved area of the team from last year. Grade: D

Coaching: Statistically there is little to complain about. The Hawks have a great record, our offensive efficiency is great, and our defensive efficiency is decent. However, for most people who follow the team there are many areas of concern regarding our coaching. Little to no ingenuity and innability to adjust to defenses causes us to have frequent 4th quarter problems. In game adjustments/decisions also are head-scratching, as Woodson rarely ever feeds the hot players, sometimes even benching them for long stretches when they seem to be in a groove. Our bench players outside of Crawford seem to have no defined role and their playing time is never consistant or even predictible. Our team still struggles with focus and concentration on a frequent basis. Overall though, credit must be given to Woodson for our improved record. Grade: C+

Hawks Overall Grade: B+

My Hawks Report Card:

Joe Johnson: A

Josh Smith: B+

Horford: B+

Crawford: B+

Marvin: B-

Bibby: C+

Zaza: C+

Evans: C+

Joe Smith: C

Mario West: C-

Collins: D+

Woodson: B

Team Average: B

Edited by TruJerz
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The Big 3 - what more can they do?




Supporting cast

Bibby- B- however bad he shoots on a given night never forget that he's the coach on the offensive end

Crawford- A+ -he has done exactly what you'd hoped he'd do plus a little more at times.

The Rest:

Marvin - D

Zaza - C

Joe Smith - C

Evans - C

Teague - B - what did you expect from this guy? He's still getting minutes late in the season from Woody. He's doing pretty good.

Woody - B- - I know we have a good record and good stats and I give him credit for that. But since the first of the year how many good teams have we closed out? How many good road wins do we have? How many times have we totally flupped important possessions. This is how we get to the next level.

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