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Do we give Woodson credit for this win?


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oh yeah thats was a EXCELLENT move by Woody and long overdue . We are dealing with a rookie PG I cant believe no one on the bench would suggest giving him a few different looks to slow him down because essentially Skiles showed him what to do against our switch and that was all he knew .

You know that both jennings and Salmons will come out in the first quarter Sunday looking to bounce back after shooting so poorly tonight . I would double both early the first few possessions just to throw them off and to keep that confidence low .

Cmon Woody think outside the box you can do it .

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^^^Apparently Skiles mentioned in his press conference prior to the game how shocked he and his staff were that the Hawks hadn't use a zone yet.

It's positive day, so I'll leave it at that.

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I like how excited we get when Woody uses a *gasp* zone defense. This guy is a professional basketball coach. He's supposed to make adjustments. The fact that it took the team going down 3 to 2 against a young and injured Milwaukee team for him to decide to change things up a little just proves what a buffoon he is. You can say its the players, and I'm sure it is partially, but I don't see how anyone can say that Woody is helping matters at all.

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I like how excited we get when Woody uses a *gasp* zone defense. This guy is a professional basketball coach. He's supposed to make adjustments. The fact that it took the team going down 3 to 2 against a young and injured Milwaukee team for him to decide to change things up a little just proves what a buffoon he is. You can say its the players, and I'm sure it is partially, but I don't see how anyone can say that Woody is helping matters at all.

Exactly. Woodson actually hurts the team. All he did was do something that he should have done 3 games ago. What kind of an idiot coach do you have to be for it to literally take you several games before you make an obvious adjustment?

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Yes, give credit to Woody and the WHOLE TEAM for stepping up. But seriously...it takes Mike Woodson TOO LONG to make adjustments. This will cost him his job. If he were around next year, he would figure out that he needs more diversity in his offense and more discipline all around with these guys - evidenced by the wild play in the final minutes of Game 5.

This series should have been closed out las night or in Game 5. But this team is so inconsistent and undisciplined from top to bottom... We could have had an EPIC regular season considering how goofy we play and we really could go far in the playoffs if we could just keep it together.

If they play with this kind of fire against Orlando, we can beat them. I have no doubt. But if they come with that BS gameplan that got us into this mess, the Magic will shred us in less than 6 games.

Edited by Wretch
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I think ESPN had the most positive take on Woodson's strategy. He has deliberately waited all season for the perfect moment to use this look on defense and surprise the other team. See below:

"And, as Woodson showed with his use of a zone defense in the pivotal third quarter Friday night, it might be an adjustment that has been kept in someone's back pocket all season, waiting to be brought out at just the right time."

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I am not one to quickly give credit for a win or blame for a loss to the coach. It's the players, the players, and the players. Under Woody's direction this season, we've had horrible losses to the Knicks, and an astounding blowout of Utah that made them check their guts. Swept the Celtics in 4, while having at least the same amount of fourth quarter meltdown debacles. Switching works when guys are energetic and alert. His Iso-Joe/ Craw, no matter how much you wanna bash it when it doesn't, works. Even if it alienates Marvin (but who cares). About 55 stat points from our 2-Man Frontcourt, 40 points from Joe and Craw on good shooting, and solid, alert team defense is our recipe for winning. There will be some ugly performances. You know, due to the fact that we don't have a superstar and Marvin and Bibby start for us. Some nights, like last night's first half, our offense looks worse than AAU All-Star middle schoolers. I'm sure Woody laid into them at the half, but he can only ask of the effort he wants on the floor. The guys in uniforms, who are all being paid more than he is by the way, are the ones who make it happen, or not. Anyway, after many of us all but expressed your willingness to see Woody in a casket, giving him credit for this one would be slightly hypocritical, so don't.

Let's Go. Yeah, you too, Marvin.

Edited by benhillboy
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Coach is suppose to make adjustments! I'm not giving him any credit for what he's suppose to do. That's his job. He should of been making those adjustments all season long.

I give credit to our defense and Jamal Crawford.

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LMAO @ this thread.

It's killing people to give Woody any kind of credit. It's like pulling teeth . . haha

I see a lot more people on here giving at least a little credit to Woody (which is arguably more than he deserves) than you ever acknowledging his flaws. Only you would actually, after this near and still possible embarrassment, fail to realize he's holding us back. Look at the proof (EVERY single person with any sort of basketball IQ has mentioned it) and it's hard to deny the guy is in waaaayyyy over his head. Is he your uncle or something?

A few of us have been saying this for years. Our increasing win total blinded a few of you and still some now but to some it was always obvious that the guy is not an NBA quality head coach. Not one that will get a decent team past the second round. Playoffs is all about adjustments. Ask anyone. That is Woody's weakness. Basic math will tell you the two don't add up.

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Are you telling me that your ok with the offense in the 4th quarter? They went completely away from what went right in the 3rd.

He's exactly right. Instead of us adding on to the lead, we did just what we've been doing all year. It started off with ISO Joe & Jamal. It was pathetic. It seemed as if Woody didn't make one damn change about the 4th quarter, but at least we came out with the win. However, he did adjust through the 1st 3 quarters, but the same ol same happened in the 4th quarter.

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Coach is suppose to make adjustments! I'm not giving him any credit for what he's suppose to do. That's his job. He should of been making those adjustments all season long.

I give credit to our defense and Jamal Crawford.


When his adjustments makes a difference in the outcome of the game, doesn't he deserve credit.. even if that's what he's supposed to do?

I mean, I can go to 17 different doctors. IF only 1 of 17 can make the right diagnosis and cure me (ala House) doesn't he deserve some credit?

I'm not saying that Woody did something that nobody else could have done, but I am saying that sometimes even if it's in your job description, the fact that you did it right should earn you some credit.

I mean, aren't our players supposed to defend? Isn't Crawford supposed to score and play defense? Why are you singling them out?

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Are you telling me that your ok with the offense in the 4th quarter? They went completely away from what went right in the 3rd.

I think you have to leave room in the equation for Milwaukee to have made adjustments too. Milwaukee didn't just continue doing the same thing that almost led to them having the lowest scoring quarter in history. They changed their tactics too. Namely they put Stackhouse out there and they had him play inside out (Pick and Roll) with Thomas.

What I credit our team with in the 4th is that when it looked like Milwaukee was making a run, we didn't just lay down and let them back in. Thanks Crawford.

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It seems like the zone confused Skiles too. Skiles is a good coach though. He probably have not slept... he has probably gone over "tape" and is trying to find a new thing to do offensive to break the zone. He coached his players well on how to beat the switch defense that Woody employs. I think when we went to the zone, it looks just like the switch but it's not. So you saw Milwaukee throwing the ball away, missing layups, blowing shots because they didn't have those wide open looks that they had been getting.

Also, Woody needs to go back to the Switch defense and determine how they have been destroying it and see if he can fix it. If not he needs to scrap the switch and come up with something new.. because in game 7, Skiles will likely have his team ready for our zone as well.

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When his adjustments makes a difference in the outcome of the game, doesn't he deserve credit.. even if that's what he's supposed to do?

I mean, I can go to 17 different doctors. IF only 1 of 17 can make the right diagnosis and cure me (ala House) doesn't he deserve some credit?

I'm not saying that Woody did something that nobody else could have done, but I am saying that sometimes even if it's in your job description, the fact that you did it right should earn you some credit.

I mean, aren't our players supposed to defend? Isn't Crawford supposed to score and play defense? Why are you singling them out?

SMH.. no that's not the same at all, but if you want to look it at that way, then you can. He's never adjusted the obvious, till this game. Props? Hell no. This series would have never been the way it is if he fixed this way long ago. You can give him all the credit you want, but i'm not. If you think he deserves credit for fixing the obvious, then go ahead. We are two different people and view things differentl. :snowballfight:

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