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Joke Johnson


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Yeah I said it.

Yesterday I said you had the IQ of an ice age vegetarian.

I now would like to apologize to ice age vegetarians for making such an insulting comparison.

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If the Hawks win tomorrow and JJ owns I am sure you will be on the hush.......until he has another off night of course. You have the biggest case of JJ hate I have ever seen anywhere. Its sickening almost.

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If the Hawks win tomorrow and JJ owns I am sure you will be on the hush.......until he has another off night of course. You have the biggest case of JJ hate I have ever seen anywhere. Its sickening almost.
joe deserves all the ''hate'' he gets. He brings it on himself.
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But Crawford doesn't deserve any "hate" for averaging 14 ppg on 35% shooting in the playoffs. Sure

because a)he's our star player and b)he want a max deal. blames and money usually go together. you take the most money and you take the most blame. i thought it was so simple...

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because a)he's our star player and b)he want a max deal. blames and money usually go together. you take the most money and you take the most blame. i thought it was so simple...

What is simple is the mentality i see on this board. When JJ was averaging 25 ppg shooting 48% over the first four games against the Bucks where were the haters then? If it wasn't for other guys playing like crap that series would have never gone 7 games.

Since Crawford doens't make as much as JJ that means he doesn't have any accountability? Sure. This is the guy some say can easily replace JJ if he walks.

JJ came out clearly looking to get other guys involved in Game 1 and look what happened. Horford 1-7, Crawford 1-11, etc. JJ could have dropped 30 and it wouldn't have mattered.

When JJ plays well some people absolutely refuse to give him any credit. Why is that? They are supposed to be Hawks fans.

Edited by exodus
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Player jockers disgust me. Youre damn right were going to bash joe when he plays like trash. He wants the max but his play is downright disgusting at times. The same way a qb in football gets blame and glory joe is going to get bashed whenever he drops eight points.

Edited by MVP23
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  • Premium Member

Player jockers disguse me. Youre damn right were going to bash joe when he plays like trash. He wants the max but his play is downright disgusting at times. The same way a qb in football gets blame and glory joe is going to get bashed whenever he drops eight points.

You let player jockers disguise you?

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