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Teams we will S&T Johnson with.....


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Well reading many articles just after two days its kind of predictable who we can even have a chance at doing a sign and trade with! but of course the off- season hasnt really started yet and most of these are normally just rumors, though some are really scary for our team for example JJ going to miami with wade!.....Yikes!........but again its just rumors and JJ is actually playing it smart and you can tell cause every article you read he always mentions that he isn't ruling out the hawks in some type of wording. Any ways I was thinking of 3 teams we can do a sign and trade with if the ASG decides not to keep JJ (which I must say i am against by far!):


There has been rumors about a S&T between JJ and D harris. I cant say im mad about this cause I like D harris but 2 things come to mind about this.

1.Lets be on a real side JJ wouldnt do a sign and trade to go to a team like the nets! we are closer to the championship than the nets are and has JJ not said it enough himself that he wants to be on a championship caliber team! thats clearly not the nets so with that said i know for a fact he wont go to the nets unless other pieces are place there first. Im not going to count them out compeletly cause i know they are under the cap and can make or offer some good contracts to players but JJ wont go unless he sees something happen there before he gets there and that goes for the knicks as well!

2.I feel the ASG will want more than just harris for JJ. the nets will have to give us Lee and Harris on a S&T for Johnson atleast! I still feel lee can do something if he's coached the right way. its unfortunate for him that the magic let him go and it was actually shocking considering he did good his rookie year! This could be a steal for the hawks! and of course harris is going to do his thing but if this happen i cant say i would be mad i would actually feel pleased.....so Im for Harris and Lee for Johnson if we have to trade him anyways!


There is a recent rumor that the heat are intrested in JJ. However I have read that a sign and trade could happen. JJ for beasley. But again like harris, beasley isnt enough for JJ.

1. I say we get the best out this deal since it's not as good as a trade with the nets.........(atleast not to me)....I say we S&T JJ for beasley and mario chalmers

2. I think beasley needs to be coached better. he's much like smith but worse, he lets people talk him out his game too easily but he has shown when he's in his zone man he's in his zone! dude can flat out drop buckets like he did in college! I say if we did aquire him we shouldn't worry about somebody talking him out of his game depending on who our next coach will be. whoever it may be they need to be able to fix this problem cause woody clearly cant judging josh smith and neither can spoelstra looking at beasley.

3. Mario is much like Lee had a greart rookie year than was sat on the bench! Why I dont know but I do think mario can be good he did show up in the playoffs against us......well somewhat anyways...... he did combine with wade as the best backcourt in steals that year we played the heat in the playoffs, so that has to say something. Then I think he's teachable to run a team as a pg. I have no problem with getting chalmers and beasley for JJ as long as we have the right coach in place that can teach and build great confidence in our players...........AVERY JOHNSON CAN U HEAR ME!!!

and the last team is my own personal pick which will be............................drum roll please!!!!!!!!!!!


I have not heard any rumors but check out what i have to say, 2 or 3 main things why this would be the team we will most likely S&T JJ with!

1.Would JJ go to the hornets?.......Hell yeah! why? because he can play with chris paul and they can def make impact and on top of all that most analyst say that they are the team most likely to sign avery johnson! not to mention the fact avery wants to coach new orleans and since avery will be the coach he's def going to make changes and make the team better...............CHECKMATE

2.Do the hornets want JJ?.........again Hell yeah! why? if you havent known the hornets has been looking for a SG for a long while and while they did draft m.thornton, i know they wont rule out signing a player like johnson to team up with cp3. the hornets definitely would consider johnson to team up with cp3 it will be a new begining for their franchise!...............CHECKMATE

3.what do we get in a S&T?.......glad you asked! We get a very impressive pg in Darren collison who would just be flat out great for this team and i say emeka okafor. Now i know okafor was a dissapointment this season but again i want to see if our new coach can get him back to his old form of defending good and grabbing boards, it worth a try! Anyways we would by all means get collison and then whoever else i prefer we give emeka a try. I know many are thinking what are we going to do with smith if we get emeka? my answer is im not sure i uess smith would have to learn how to shoot......LMAO.......naw but really i dont know thats something our new coach will have to figure out! maybe instead of collison and okafor how bout collison and posey! Im all for this if JJ go's..........so CHECKMATE

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I like all of your proposals. A JJ S&T is THE best solution to our chemistry and balance problem. Of course, a new coach is a must and long over-due. Maybe we caould have prevented this situation if we would have made this move two years ago.

Other teams to consider; Chicago, LAC, GSW....

With these moves the Hawks should be in a great position going forward.

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Well reading many articles just after two days its kind of predictable who we can even have a chance at doing a sign and trade with! but of course the off- season hasnt really started yet and most of these are normally just rumors, though some are really scary for our team for example JJ going to miami with wade!.....Yikes!........but again its just rumors and JJ is actually playing it smart and you can tell cause every article you read he always mentions that he isn't ruling out the hawks in some type of wording. Any ways I was thinking of 3 teams we can do a sign and trade with if the ASG decides not to keep JJ (which I must say i am against by far!):


There has been rumors about a S&T between JJ and D harris. I cant say im mad about this cause I like D harris but 2 things come to mind about this.

1.Lets be on a real side JJ wouldnt do a sign and trade to go to a team like the nets! we are closer to the championship than the nets are and has JJ not said it enough himself that he wants to be on a championship caliber team! thats clearly not the nets so with that said i know for a fact he wont go to the nets unless other pieces are place there first. Im not going to count them out compeletly cause i know they are under the cap and can make or offer some good contracts to players but JJ wont go unless he sees something happen there before he gets there and that goes for the knicks as well!

2.I feel the ASG will want more than just harris for JJ. the nets will have to give us Lee and Harris on a S&T for Johnson atleast! I still feel lee can do something if he's coached the right way. its unfortunate for him that the magic let him go and it was actually shocking considering he did good his rookie year! This could be a steal for the hawks! and of course harris is going to do his thing but if this happen i cant say i would be mad i would actually feel pleased.....so Im for Harris and Lee for Johnson if we have to trade him anyways!


There is a recent rumor that the heat are intrested in JJ. However I have read that a sign and trade could happen. JJ for beasley. But again like harris, beasley isnt enough for JJ.

1. I say we get the best out this deal since it's not as good as a trade with the nets.........(atleast not to me)....I say we S&T JJ for beasley and mario chalmers

2. I think beasley needs to be coached better. he's much like smith but worse, he lets people talk him out his game too easily but he has shown when he's in his zone man he's in his zone! dude can flat out drop buckets like he did in college! I say if we did aquire him we shouldn't worry about somebody talking him out of his game depending on who our next coach will be. whoever it may be they need to be able to fix this problem cause woody clearly cant judging josh smith and neither can spoelstra looking at beasley.

3. Mario is much like Lee had a greart rookie year than was sat on the bench! Why I dont know but I do think mario can be good he did show up in the playoffs against us......well somewhat anyways...... he did combine with wade as the best backcourt in steals that year we played the heat in the playoffs, so that has to say something. Then I think he's teachable to run a team as a pg. I have no problem with getting chalmers and beasley for JJ as long as we have the right coach in place that can teach and build great confidence in our players...........AVERY JOHNSON CAN U HEAR ME!!!

and the last team is my own personal pick which will be............................drum roll please!!!!!!!!!!!


I have not heard any rumors but check out what i have to say, 2 or 3 main things why this would be the team we will most likely S&T JJ with!

1.Would JJ go to the hornets?.......Hell yeah! why? because he can play with chris paul and they can def make impact and on top of all that most analyst say that they are the team most likely to sign avery johnson! not to mention the fact avery wants to coach new orleans and since avery will be the coach he's def going to make changes and make the team better...............CHECKMATE

2.Do the hornets want JJ?.........again Hell yeah! why? if you havent known the hornets has been looking for a SG for a long while and while they did draft m.thornton, i know they wont rule out signing a player like johnson to team up with cp3. the hornets definitely would consider johnson to team up with cp3 it will be a new begining for their franchise!...............CHECKMATE

3.what do we get in a S&T?.......glad you asked! We get a very impressive pg in Darren collison who would just be flat out great for this team and i say emeka okafor. Now i know okafor was a dissapointment this season but again i want to see if our new coach can get him back to his old form of defending good and grabbing boards, it worth a try! Anyways we would by all means get collison and then whoever else i prefer we give emeka a try. I know many are thinking what are we going to do with smith if we get emeka? my answer is im not sure i uess smith would have to learn how to shoot......LMAO.......naw but really i dont know thats something our new coach will have to figure out! maybe instead of collison and okafor how bout collison and posey! Im all for this if JJ go's..........so CHECKMATE

I like the spark but unfortunately, there is not much insentive for a team to give us much back in a sign and trade. Remember they could sign the player outright. Typically in a sign and trade like this, they are using us to get immediate additional cap space and we are losing the ability to work within that players salary if we don't take something back. For the signing team, there is little insentive to give away the farm. You just try to take back what you can get.

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  • Premium Member

I think you all miss the point.

If Joe leaves, he will probably go to NY. Joe wants to play for a winner.NY is setting up to get 2 major star players. Possibly Joe and Lebron or Joe and Amare or Lebron and Amare.

D'Antoni was brought in to build that type of team.

I can imagine NY holding on to D Lee's right's...and maybe grabbing a Big with the MLE...

All these other teams that you have proposed are not close to having championship potential.

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I think you all miss the point.

If Joe leaves, he will probably go to NY. Joe wants to play for a winner.NY is setting up to get 2 major star players. Possibly Joe and Lebron or Joe and Amare or Lebron and Amare.

D'Antoni was brought in to build that type of team.

I can imagine NY holding on to D Lee's right's...and maybe grabbing a Big with the MLE...

All these other teams that you have proposed are not close to having championship potential.

So in other words you feel Johnson goes to the knicks or nobody?..........I guess but like i said i think JJ is going to wait it out and not be there first player to get. He will wait and see if other superstars will go to the knicks first before he signs with them. Then there are alot of factors with some players you have mentioned like amare, he also said he would like to play in miami along with d wade, Lebron probably wont leave atleast i dont think he will even if he lose against the celtics!,only person i see the knicks for sure getting is chris bosh because of his situation with the raptors and then im guessing that would encourage johnson to sign with them but can him and bosh with other role players really be championship contenders................nah just dont see it. he has a better chance staying here with a new coach.

Edited by JTB
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