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Your crazy if you dont think Marvin Williams has a ton of trade value


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He is not a bad contract, maybe for the Hawks BUT not for this league. He still has plenty of that P word and Im not talking about female genitalia. He shows just enough flashes of incredible talent for another teams gm and or coaches to say get me that kid and I'll make him a deadly scorer. I'll run plays for him and boost his confidence. It would have to be a team that doesnt have all the scoring options the Hawks have ( Joe/Craw/Al/Smoove/Bibby etc. Am I confident Marv would turn into a 18-20 point scorer/ Well thats about a 50/50 gamble imo but at his age you bet another gm or coach would roll the dice.

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He is not a bad contract, maybe for the Hawks BUT not for this league. He still has plenty of that P word and Im not talking about female genitalia. He shows just enough flashes of incredible talent for another teams gm and or coaches to say get me that kid and I'll make him a deadly scorer. I'll run plays for him and boost his confidence. It would have to be a team that doesnt have all the scoring options the Hawks have ( Joe/Craw/Al/Smoove/Bibby etc. Am I confident Marv would turn into a 18-20 point scorer/ Well thats about a 50/50 gamble imo but at his age you bet another gm or coach would roll the dice.

Maybe...it would have to be the perfect situation. Marvins best season is 14ppg and 6 boards. Not bad numbers but all-star 20ppg is not written into them. I think Marvin as a 3rd option or even a 6th man is a good fit. 3rd option his contract is good; 6th man his contract is not so good.

Edited by Buzzard
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Whether with the Hawks or not I think that he may have a future as a power forward. He produces when he plays the 4. However I would really like to see him in a system where his only job is to spread the floor and camp near the three point line.

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Please..the guy excels at nothing. There are 7th and 8th men that can do what he does. He's clumsy on his feet. He has bad hands. He can make one move to the basket and then he fails to finish. His shot is nothing special. He's a role player, plain and simple, and just an ok one at that. He's no sixth man.

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Marvin Williams could not average 20 ppg in the WNBA. Those girls would be blocking his weak s*** daily.


Edited by NineOhTheRino
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I hope there's another GM that thinks like you and takes this wonderful player who barely averaged 10 points a game while making over 7 million a year off our hands.

After what BK was able to do moving all those bad contracts, I don't put any bad trade past any NBA GM.

Marvin probably could be traded for a "usable" player, but nothing special. Maybe a guy in the Nick Collison mold- usable but not good. FWIW, I would like to see Marvin in another offensive system; rather, an offensive system. I don't think he'll be a 20 point a night guy, but might be a 15 pt guy in a movement based system where he can come off multiple screens to get his shot.

We should all take heart that Marvin isn't the equivalent of Konkack though. That contract killed the team for years.

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I'd take Kontract (the player) over Marvin right now.

Memories are great things. They always make the traumatic seem better than they were. Konkack was less productive than Marvin and took up significantly more cap space. The hawks are better off with Marvin than he vanilla gorilla

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2 things: Marvin needs to go & Woodson needs to be not far behind.

How many times do i have to watch this guy stumble up and down the court only to get his shot blocked all night and blow layups and shoot jumpers out of desperation. It's a fail.

Get a coach in here that doesn't run a YMCA offense and some gimmicky smoke & mirror defense and we improve automatically from there.

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The moment the refs stopped blowing the whistle on those "I don't know where I'm going and I don't care, I'll just barrel into this guy in front of me with my eyes closed and throw the ball at the general vicinity of the hoop" drives, was the moment Marvin became a totally useless player. To think we could get a good starter for him is being extremely optimistic IMO.

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He would be perfect for San Antonio. All the Spurs wanted RJ to do is hit open jumpers fed by Ginobili. If Marvin can do anything it is that. He'd also give them youth and athleticism at the 3. It would take a miracle but a Marvin/Bibby for Tony Parker would be sweet, Then resign JJ and give Salmons the MLE. Coach Avery Johnson. Imagine...






That is sick. And we get to look at Eva for 41 games a season.

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I know Marvin isn't the best guy....

Yet, I feel he could be better under new leadership. Somebody who will push him to his full potential, there are games that he has scored well... he just is not consistent.

If we do trade him, we could be kicking ourselves later.

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marv is better then the board gives him credit for. stop discounting hes the 5th option in a bad offensive scheme. he never gets in a rythem due to tons of iso bball. all his drives are done in the last second of the shot clock when theres no time to pass . he did regress it seemed on his mid range and three pt shot but i think it has alot to do with not being involved in the offense. how could he. jamal and jj dominate the ball.

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I know Marvin isn't the best guy....

Yet, I feel he could be better under new leadership. Somebody who will push him to his full potential, there are games that he has scored well... he just is not consistent.

If we do trade him, we could be kicking ourselves later.


I wouldn't say people are crazy simply because they don't think Marvin has a ton of trade value. I do think it is highly likely that there are teams out there that recognize that it's tough to gauge a player's potential when he's playing in an offensive system that...well, doesn't exist. Marvin's athletic, has good form on his shot, and is a very good on-ball defender.

n '07-'08 and '08-'09, 18/8 looked very possible if he played in a system instead of just catching JJ's bailout passes. This year, Crawford arrived, Horford developed into the Hawks' first above-average low post threat since Woody arrived, and Marvin consequently was marginalized even more in the offensive system (and since he always was a "I play my role" kind of guy, he didn't demand a larger role). But his 4th year stats were eerily like JJ's, and it's odd to think that the form he showed in '08-'09 just evaporated. But it's not like the toolkit he displayed then went away, and I'm guessing a few other teams recognize that.

So anyway, yeah - QFT.

Edited by niremetal
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I'm curious how high the OP thinks MW trade value really is. I've never seen a guy fail so badly inside the paint period but when you consider the size and length it's just tom foolery.

Any how, similar position players like Jerebko, Casspi, Budinger who give you early production on EXTREMELY CHEAP contracts as rookies simply voids any demand/value for a guy like Marvin Williams.

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I'm anxious to see Marv in a new system. I don't see him ever being an all-star but the talent/size/athelticism he has should show up more on the court. I've never heard of him being a malcontent or cancer, just passive. Maybe a new coach (or new team) can get consistent results out of him. But as of now he is overpaid by about 2mil/year imo. Not an albatross of a contract but far from being undervalued.

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