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Gilbert Arenas


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Wow, I didn't know so many people disliked Arenas. I actually thought this would be a good trade for both teams. I especially like it for the Hawks because it puts Horford at his natural position and gives us another consistent scorer. Also, I think that Arenas will be eager to show that he's not a trouble maker once he gets back in action, i also think he'll be eager to show that he can be a good team mate. Lastly, I think this trade would be enough to prove to Joe Johnson that this team is willing to surround him with players that can help him.

The only problem i see (and i'm sure one of you will let me know if i'm right or wrong) is that this might affect wether or not we can resign Horford.

I could be wrong, and i'm sure this WILL NOT HAPPEN, but I think it could make for a good situation.

I would jump on acquiring Arenas but you do not have to trade what you are to get him. You just aren't being creative enough. There are a few things that can make any trade happen.

First is the ability to sign and trade JJ. That will make things more clear once it happens (and I would guess that scenario is 75% likely right now).

Second is the ability to sign and trade Childress to fill the exact salary gap to make anything happen and that would make the Arenas thing easy to do. For example. Accept Arenas, give back Bibby and and sign and trade Chillz for the difference in the contracts. Washington would do it for the PR alone.

Third, instead of Bibby/Josh, you could go Bibby, Marvin and one other for Arenas + to work out the salary differences (like give ZZ/take back a slug and get a future protected first).

Just be more creative. I hate seeing all these trades in them that involve giving away Josh Smith. Josh is a coveted commodity around the NBA with a very reasonable contract to value ratio. Do not just give him away in your NBA window shopping.

See this from another team's point of view. Name me 5 NBA teams right now that would take both their SF and their PF instead of Josh. Is every NBA team better than the Hawks at both positions. My guess is probably 20 teams out there if they could acquire Josh would immediately insert him as their starter at either PF or SF. You can't say that about Teague or Bibby or Mo or Marvin (although Marvin could supplant a starter on probably at least 12). Same story, Al Horford could probably replace either the starting center or power forward on as many as 25 teams in the league but at least the same 20 as Josh and yet I keep seeing people wanting to trade Horford. When considering player value, how many teams in the league would replace their starting point guard with Joe Johnson at his current salary if given the opportunity...How many would replace their current Shooting guard. How many would replace their current Small Forward.

you see, although Joe is a good player, his cost to value ratio is no where near as good as Josh or Al's. So when offereing these trades, you have to do it from the perspective of realizing the player's value to the other teams and not just your personal like or dislike.

I personally think Arenas has learned his lesson from the firearm situation. He can't afford another screw up and would be a good addition (see Stephen Jackson turning his life around). But also realize that Arenas is now a cancer to the Wizards because the fan base turned on him. They would give him away if they could and they will. We just don't have to give up the farm to get him. My guess is he'll be shipped as part of a middle man deal with one of the teams signing and trading for one of the superstars available this summer.

Edited by thecampster
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What is amazing is that this thread is this far along with only one reference to Arenas' injury issues.

Gilbert started 8 games in 2007-08 and started 2 games in 2008-09 for a grand total of 10 starts over two seasons and that was before being suspended for the year for behavioral problems in 2009-10.

Put me in the "no way" category.

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What is amazing is that this thread is this far along with only one reference to Arenas' injury issues.

Gilbert started 8 games in 2007-08 and started 2 games in 2008-09 for a grand total of 10 starts over two seasons and that was before being suspended for the year for behavioral problems in 2009-10.

Put me in the "no way" category.

Depends on what we trade for him. I would do a Bibby-Marvin-Zaza for Arenas-Thornton deal in a second.

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Depends on what we trade for him. I would do a Bibby-Marvin-Zaza for Arenas-Thornton deal in a second.

Gilbert is due over $20M per year for the next three years.

I would not be all over that given his Allen Iverson-esque impact on teams on the floor, his Ron Artest-esque attitude, and his having started fewer than 45 games over the last 3 years.

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Gilbert is due over $20M per year for the next three years.

I would not be all over that given his Allen Iverson-esque impact on teams on the floor, his Ron Artest-esque attitude, and his having started fewer than 45 games over the last 3 years.

I think his injury situaiton is a cause for concern, but if he could stay healthy and change his attitude he be a great pickup (IN MY OPINION). My only concern is how his deal would affect Horfords upcoming deal.

I can see why some would not want to take him on though.....some pretty good arguments in this thread.

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I think his injury situaiton is a cause for concern, but if he could stay healthy and change his attitude he be a great pickup (IN MY OPINION). My only concern is how his deal would affect Horfords upcoming deal.

I can see why some would not want to take him on though.....some pretty good arguments in this thread.

Are you willing to pay $60M on the gamble that he can stay healthy and change his attitude on and off the court? That seems like a lot to ask.

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could someone please post this same thread for Nate Robinson. I would but I'm afraid of the possible backlash.

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Afraid Arenas would be another JR Ryder.

his contract is a toxic asset

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Why would any team in the NBA want Gilbert?

The guy has proven to be one of the most idiotic people on planet earth and hasn't done ANYTHING since 2006. If his contract was for 2 million dollars a year instead of the astronomical salary he is currently stealing from Washington, I MAY start to consider it.

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I think his injury situaiton is a cause for concern, but if he could stay healthy and change his attitude he be a great pickup (IN MY OPINION). My only concern is how his deal would affect Horfords upcoming deal.

I can see why some would not want to take him on though.....some pretty good arguments in this thread.

His attitude is not even the problem. The fact he is a complete moron is more of a concern. Making "gun" gestures with your hands during warm ups when you are about to go to trial for pointing a gun at a teammate? Good god man, this is the guy you want running our offense???

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  • 5 weeks later...

His attitude is not even the problem. The fact he is a complete moron is more of a concern. Making "gun" gestures with your hands during warm ups when you are about to go to trial for pointing a gun at a teammate? Good god man, this is the guy you want running our offense???

It wasnt Gilbert making those gestures it was the other kids on the bench.

On the other hand.... we do need SHOOTERS dont we

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who cares about the guns and all that. We bout to lose JJ lets get him.

Gilbert is due over $20M per year for the next three years.

I would not be all over that given his Allen Iverson-esque impact on teams on the floor, his Ron Artest-esque attitude, and his having started fewer than 45 games over the last 3 years.

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Gilbert is due over $20M per year for the next three years.

I would not be all over that given his Allen Iverson-esque impact on teams on the floor, his Ron Artest-esque attitude, and his having started fewer than 45 games over the last 3 years.

He would of finished all of last year barring the Arenas-gate.

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He would of finished all of last year barring the Arenas-gate.

He didn't finish the year because of his outrageous behavior and I don't see how you can assume he would have stayed healthy considering his recent health. Seriously, he would have finished all of last year? How can anyone know this when he started 10 of 162 games the prior two seasons! Even during his "healthy" 2010, he was still suffering from the prior injuries. His TS% went from .581 and .565 his last two healthy seasons to a .511 last year. By way of comparison, that was roughly the same TS% that Speedy Claxton had with SA and GS. Who wants a ball hog who shoots like that and is a headcase to boot?

One way or another, it is 4 years ago the last time Arenas played regularly. He will be on a shorter leash than ever in terms of behavior from the league and is still a major health risk in my book until he proves it on the court. His play on the floor is a further concern after 3 years away.

I am not buying on Gilbert at all.


* Very high volume scoring potential if healthy and if play recovers


* Way overpaid and for another 3 years of 20+ million when we need to extend Horford

* Big health risk

* Big behavior risk

* Ball hog at the best of times and presents an Allen Iverson-esque challenge to incorporate him into a team structure

* Was woefully inefficient shooter in 2010

* Never a good defender even when healthy

Edited by AHF
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