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Will Hawks know anything about JJ before Draft?


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Is there a chance that the Hawks will know one way or the other what Joe Johnson's plans are before the Draft? I would think whatever Johnson decides would have a major influence on what direction (player) the Hawks decide to go? Personally, I hope Johnson and the Hawks can come to an agreement so the Hawks can pursue either the BPA or the best Center or PG available.

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First the draft occurs before free agency and second there are too many big names and possible trades that could alter the entire landscape of the league for JJ to have a clear idea of who he wants to sign with. This is why we are arguing just selecting the BPA regardless of position in other threads because there is simply no way for us to know what our completed roster will look like come the end of July.

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It'll be interesting to see what happens. If the Hawks do draft a two, what message are they sending to JJ if they truly intend to re-sign him? Also, if the Hawks draft a two or three and then are successful in retaining JJ, you'll be looking at a guy who will be behind JJ and Crawford at the two and behind Marvin and Mo Evans at three and, as a result, won't play very much if at all. So, the pick is going to reveal a lot about the Hawks' confidence level to keep JJ. Also, Al has made comments about the team needing a center and his desire to play the four. With his free agency coming up, it would be unwise not to look at solutions to that issue.

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I agree with you! It would make a lot more sense to have the Draft after Free Agency began so teams would have a little more idea what their main needs were. Since the Hawks probably won't know what Johnson is going to do it should make this draft even more interesting than usual!

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It'll be interesting to see what happens. If the Hawks do draft a two, what message are they sending to JJ if they truly intend to re-sign him? Also, if the Hawks draft a two or three and then are successful in retaining JJ, you'll be looking at a guy who will be behind JJ and Crawford at the two and behind Marvin and Mo Evans at three and, as a result, won't play very much if at all. So, the pick is going to reveal a lot about the Hawks' confidence level to keep JJ. Also, Al has made comments about the team needing a center and his desire to play the four. With his free agency coming up, it would be unwise not to look at solutions to that issue.

I don't see it that way, we're talking about a late 1st rounder here, they are usually looked at as quality depth, deep bench players or maybe even fringe starters not guys expected to get minutes and a starting role from day one. Drafting a 2/3 doesn't send any negative message to Joe and is not looked at as a waste. It is just the franchise doing it's due diligence in ensuring that we have quality depth both now and in the future. Do not forget that both Mo and Jamal are free agents just one year from now and what would you prefer then, picking up a rookie to fill in or having a sophomore who's already familiar with the system ready to step up? Is the situation I'm describing sound any different than the expectations we have for Teague?

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I don't see it that way, we're talking about a late 1st rounder here, they are usually looked at as quality depth, deep bench players or maybe even fringe starters not guys expected to get minutes and a starting role from day one. Drafting a 2/3 doesn't send any negative message to Joe and is not looked at as a waste. It is just the franchise doing it's due diligence in ensuring that we have quality depth both now and in the future. Do not forget that both Mo and Jamal are free agents just one year from now and what would you prefer then, picking up a rookie to fill in or having a sophomore who's already familiar with the system ready to step up? Is the situation I'm describing sound any different than the expectations we have for Teague?

Agreed. It's not like we're picking 6th anymore. Picking anywhere after 15 is a crap shoot and no team should expect that player to start.

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Agreed. It's not like we're picking 6th anymore. Picking anywhere after 15 is a crap shoot and no team should expect that player to start.

not exactly right. look at how the rockets or the spurs or even the jazz draft. of course after 15 you simply look for the best talent. maybe this is why we suck. not draft well and no money to overpay other teams.

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