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First rumor that actually helps the Hawks.


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Amid indications Toronto Raptors forward Chris Bosh will seek to join another top free agent on a team with cap space, a person with knowledge of the Rockets' thinking said Houston is confident it will be in the running and is considering seeking another enticement. The individual familiar with the Rockets' thinking said Houston could attempt to give Bosh a chance to sign with an All-Star guard by making a run at Hawks guard Joe Johnson.

Obviously this would involve Kevin Martin -for- Joe Johnson. K-Mart is owed $34M over the next three years and would replace Joe's scoring load in total.

EDIT: I do not think this is terribly realistic, but at least we have something positive to consider for a few days...

Edited by mrhonline
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Obviously this would involve Kevin Martin -for- Joe Johnson. K-Mart is owed $34M over the next three years and would replace Joe's scoring load in total.

EDIT: I do not think this is terribly realistic, but at least we have something positive to consider for a few days...

Not unrealistic completely but is KMart worth that money? Would we be better off not loading ourselves with contracts for players that aren't going to take us anywhere but maybe the first round of the playoffs? (KMart, Marvin, Bibby, Zaza, Smith)

Has anyone watched Martin play much? Does he score within the rhythm of the game? Does he force the issue?

Joe Johnson - Mo Evans for Kevin Martin - Shane Battier sounds pretty darn good after thinking about it. That would make losing Childress for nothing not hurt as bad either.

Next, move Bibby and Marvin.

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Obviously this would involve Kevin Martin -for- Joe Johnson. K-Mart is owed $34M over the next three years and would replace Joe's scoring load in total.

EDIT: I do not think this is terribly realistic, but at least we have something positive to consider for a few days...

Id rather have Deng honestly at this point Kmart should be a WARNING !!! DO NOT TOUCH !! until after hes played 2 full seasons

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My #1 wish is for Joe to sign but if this does happen and we do acquire Kevin Martin, I'm okay. Martin is a good scorer that actually gets to the line and make his free throws. He showed great scoring ability in Sacramento...not sure about last year since I didn't get to follow Houston at all. I remember he used to give us hell of a hard time whenever we faced him.

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Martin has averaged 50 games a season for his career.

wow and i bet half of that was from his first year and the injury year and he is still better than joe

he averages 60 games a year i dont know where u got that stat from

Edited by Unforgiven
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Why would this involve anything, JJ is a free agent.

Because free agent is a relative term when discussing the NBA salary rules structure and bird rights. JJ may not technically belong to the Hawks but JJ's earning potential is directly tied to the Hawks. No player leaves money on the table and playing nice with a sign and trade will get JJ a 6th year and a little more per year.

Think Speedy Claxton. When Speedy signed his last deal, do you really think he thought he'd be out of the league in a few short years? No he did not. Nothing is guaranteed in the league of blown out knees. You have to get as much money as you can each contract. MrHonline did a write up about 7 weeks ago on the amount of money JJ loses if he goes 5 years as opposed to 6 and it was huge...like 30 million. The basics of it are covered in this link, question 80.


80. Why would teams or players want to do a sign-and-trade?

Teams benefit because it allows them to get something in return for players they would otherwise lose to free agency. Players benefit because they can get a richer contract, and/or play for a team that is over the salary cap and otherwise wouldn't be able to afford them. Unlike the new team, the player's original team can use the various Bird exceptions (as long as the player qualifies) to sign the player without regard to the cap. Also, if the player's original team has full Bird rights, they can offer the player larger raises (10.5%, as opposed to 8%) and more seasons (six, as opposed to five -- see question number 46 for more information).

So sign-and-trade is a useful tool for teams that are capped-out and unable to offer players large contracts.

Question number 46 is as follows:

46. Is there a limit to the length of a contract or the raise a player can receive?

Yes, but it depends on the type of contract:

Type of contract Maximum years Maximum raise Notes

Larry Bird exception 6 10.5% See question number 19

Early Bird exception 5 10.5% See question number 19

First round draft pick 2 plus 2 option years Defined in salary scale See question number 41

Certain restricted free agents 5 Can have a substantial raise in year 3 See question number 37

Extensions 6 (including remaining seasons of current contract) 10.5% of the salary in the last season of the contract being extended. See question number 51

Other 5 8% Some exceptions have a shorter maximum length. See question number 19

Incidentally, raises take effect July 1 of each year.

So using fuzzy math.

The knicks offer JJ the max for 5 years. The first year salary would be about 16.5 million. 2nd - $17,820,000, 3rd - $19,245,600, 4th - $20,785,248 and 5th - $22,448,067. Ffor a grand total of $96,798,915 for a total contract.

The Hawks sign JJ and trade him to the Knicks for a 6 year deal. First year 16.5 million. 2nd $18232500, 3rd - $20,146,912, 4th - $22,262,338, 5th - 24,599,884, 6th - $27,182,871. For a grand total of $128,924,505 or $32.1 million more.

That sir is why JJ would want the Hawks to work out a sign and trade because you can bet your left butt cheek that the ASG is not paying that joker $129 million dollars over 6 years to choke in the post season. And by the way, for all you guys screaming we need to resign JJ, that will most probably be the cost. Do you really want to resign the choke artist at a cost of $129 million over 6 years?

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Obviously this would involve Kevin Martin -for- Joe Johnson. K-Mart is owed $34M over the next three years and would replace Joe's scoring load in total.

EDIT: I do not think this is terribly realistic, but at least we have something positive to consider for a few days...

Where did this RUMOR come from? LINK??? :magnifier:

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Not going to quote the wall of text, but thanks for that. Clears up a bit. +1

FYI, no problem. The numbers may be off a bit. Couldn't find an exact on the maximum salary for this year for a 9 year player so added 250 thousand to last years and pretended.

That article is pretty insane by the way. Over 100 questions to clear up the salary cap.

Edited by thecampster
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Kevin Martin is trash. I hate his game. I will go on record as saying I could not support the Hawks if that fake hustle SOB was traded here.

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