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Pulling my hair out over the crazy trade scenarios you guys are posting


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Let's just take a look at the ridiculous trades you guys are proposing, one Hawks player at a time.

Trade Josh Smith - The Atlanta Hawks were 10th in points given up last year. Josh Smith and Al Horford were the only players that had had a minus for the team when they were out of the game. That's right, when Smith and Horford were in the game, we had the best +/- and when they were out we had our worst. So you want to trade away one of the two best glues to our defense. We'd be bottom 5 in the league in defense without either. Basketball is much more than just can you score.

Trade Marvin Williams - Williams only makes 7.5 million. That means you are only going to take back a player that makes similar money. Who are you going to get for Marvin money? Any trade involving Marvin Willaims when the team pushed him to 5th option on offense status would net you nothing. If you really want to trade Marvin than you need to invest in boosting his number by giving him touches, running plays for him. You have to get value and at his salary you will never get value back.

Trade Mike Bibby - To who. Bibby makes a very reasonable 5.5 million but again, who wants him that can give us back a quality player at 5 million per.

Zaza - Probably our 2nd most marketable piece because he's a fiesty, solid big at a cheap price and is still relatively young. If you want to get rid of Bibby or Marvin, you have to trade Zaza to bump up the salaries to get back a good enough player in return.

Childress - Childress has to agree. He's got free agent rights He isn't going anywhere he doesn't want to.

Mo Evans - 2.5 million expiring. There it is guys. There is your most marketable trade piece.

Stop it with all the trade people away for stars threads. You can't get value based on our past iso Joe offense and switching defense.

Edited by thecampster
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By this rationale we should rule out trades altogether, since none of our players are tradeable.

To me the Chris Paul/Okafor trade for Crawford and some combination of our players makes reasonable sense. At least enought to talk about. New Orleans clears money off the books and gets to pick which of our players they want. It's certainly not in the "crazy" "outlandish" category. If this kind of proposal makes you pull your hair out, you won't last long on this site. I defy you to find a fan message board site that doesn't discuss things like this.

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By this rationale we should rule out trades altogether, since none of our players are tradeable.

To me the Chris Paul/Okafor trade for Crawford and some combination of our players makes reasonable sense. At least enought to talk about. New Orleans clears money off the books and gets to pick which of our players they want. It's certainly not in the "crazy" "outlandish" category. If this kind of proposal makes you pull your hair out, you won't last long on this site. I defy you to find a fan message board site that doesn't discuss things like this.

I agree about the Chris Paul trade idea being at least defensibly realistic. There is a definite rationale there as to why that trade could and might be made by both sides, especially when compared to what Orlando supposedly offered for Paul. That's not saying that it ever *will* happen of course, and it's doubtful that it ever would, but just that it's well within the realm of possibility if not probability.

I'd hate to lose Smoove too. I mean he just brings so much to the table in so many different ways, but for Chris Paul, I would have to consider it, and I believe the New Orleans Hornets would too, a Crawford/Smoove combo package. They'd LOVE to get rid of Okafor's contract weighing like a millstone about that team's head, and if we were willing and able to take that burden of them, that would be some serious sugar that might make trading Paul to us that much more palatable to them, and they'd already be getting a pretty nice package and one that is far and away superior to what Orlando was supposedly offering them (and supposedly Charlotte was considering).

Edited by Seano
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By this rationale we should rule out trades altogether, since none of our players are tradeable.

To me the Chris Paul/Okafor trade for Crawford and some combination of our players makes reasonable sense. At least enought to talk about. New Orleans clears money off the books and gets to pick which of our players they want. It's certainly not in the "crazy" "outlandish" category. If this kind of proposal makes you pull your hair out, you won't last long on this site. I defy you to find a fan message board site that doesn't discuss things like this.

I don't think he meant it like that. I believe he is saying lets think about trades that are realistic. And also I believe we have many assets to trade.

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By this rationale we should rule out trades altogether, since none of our players are tradeable.

To me the Chris Paul/Okafor trade for Crawford and some combination of our players makes reasonable sense. At least enought to talk about. New Orleans clears money off the books and gets to pick which of our players they want. It's certainly not in the "crazy" "outlandish" category. If this kind of proposal makes you pull your hair out, you won't last long on this site. I defy you to find a fan message board site that doesn't discuss things like this.

In the vacuum of New Orleans and Atlanta being the only teams in the league, yes this trade could get done. Now let's consider the other 28 teams out there. Can those teams put together a package that better fits New Orleans needs than Craw and Smoove. I would think there are 10 other teams out there hurting at the point and center position enough to give up their own grandmother to get these 2. Mark Cuban would resell his soul and future unprotected draft picks to the devil to acquire Chris Paul and a defensive center. Josh and Crawford would not get it done when you consider the market. Josh is my favorite Hawk, but I'm smart enough to know that Josh < CP3. Crawford can score but scorers are in much greater supply than shot blockers. Okafor is 28 and puts up comparable stats to Al Horford. He averages a double double and blocks 1.8 shots a game. In the world of the NBA that's greater than a 30 year old undersized less than stellar defensively shooting guard no matter how good at scoring that guard is.

Here's the bad news. This trade is much better than some of the lunacy on this board of late. As far as your "you won't last long on this site comment". I've been around for 8 years.

Edited by thecampster
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In the vacuum of New Orleans and Atlanta being the only teams in the league, yes this trade could get done. Now let's consider the other 28 teams out there. Can those teams put together a package that better fits New Orleans needs than Craw and Smoove. I would think there are 10 other teams out there hurting at the point and center position enough to give up their own grandmother to get these 2. Mark Cuban would resell his soul and future unprotected draft picks to the devil to acquire Chris Paul and a defensive center. Josh and Crawford would not get it done when you consider the market. Josh is my favorite Hawk, but I'm smart enough to know that Josh < CP3. Crawford can score but scorers are in much greater supply than shot blockers. Okafor is 28 and puts up comparable stats to Al Horford. He averages a double double and blocks 1.8 shots a game. In the world of the NBA that's greater than a 30 year old undersized less than stellar defensively shooting guard no matter how good at scoring that guard is.

Here's the bad news. This trade is much better than some of the lunacy on this board of late. As far as your "you won't last long on this site comment". I've been around for 8 years.

Cuban could sell his soul but Smith has better value than any Maverick by himself. That's why Atlanta has such an advantage. It pays to have a bunch of young studs but no superstar, at least for this time.

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