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Merged: Suns acquire Childress in a S&T for 2012 2nd & 3 mil TPE


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swanlee- the Hawks wouldn't have had any caproom since childress went overseas even if they had renounced the caphit to Childress. He went overseas because they were willing to pay him a lot more money than the hawks were. If the Hawks were willing to pay Childress as much as other teams they could have gotten a whole lot more in a S&T.

Why should he have loyalty to a team that is trying to screw him and pay him far less than other people are willing to?

Edited by spotatl
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the value of the TPE should be for the value of the final year of Childress's previous contract so 3.6 million dollars. But the easy way to think about trade exceptions is that the TPE cannot be used to acquire a player that makes more than that.

Yep. I remembered that last night around 1:30am, but figured either you or HF would have it posted this morning. :)

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I am mystified as to how anyone could fault Childress in any way regarding what has happened since his rookie contract was up. It makes no sense at all.

Sund didn't even negotiate with Childress when he first hit free agency. He told Childress to go find an offer. Childress and his agent did and the Hawks couldn't match it. How could Childress be at fault for that?

Childress wasn't at fault for the fact that the Hawks continued to offer the QO even though they had no intention of actually signing him.

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My optimism for this trade is now gone seeing that we can't combine the TPE with an existing contract for a player who makes more than said existing contract. Now it is just a meaningless TPE due to how small it is.

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Since it doesn't look like this particular thing has been mentioned yet on this thread, I'll contribute this:

They really, really need to scrap the ridiculous rules governing restricted free agency next year, along with (separate but related issue) the rules allowing teams to hold onto the rights of overseas second rounders forever.

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Why is childress a douche because the Hawks weren't willing to pay him as much as other teams were?

He is basically getting the same contract the Hawks offered him 2 years ago. Actually I think the Hawks offered a little more.

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niremetal- what do you think should be changed about RFA? I think they get restricted free agency pretty much correct.

The only change I'd make for the second rounders is that I think all qualifying offers should be guaranteed contracts. So that it actually costs you something to retain a player's rights- if you are going to retain a players rights you are basically offering them a roster spot no matter what.

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That is true. They also had 3 days they could have sat on the offer before making a decision. They could have forced Childress to either sign an offer sheet or go back to Greece before working out the S/T details. Seems to me if he had already signed it the Hawks might have had more leverage.

If he signed the offer sheet, we could no longer do a S&T. We would have had two options: (1) match Chillz and (2) let him walk. That is it. The time for negotiating is before he signs the offer.

On the issue of whether Chillz is to blame for this, I don't blame him at all. No one in the NBA was willing to pay him the kind of money Oly did so he took the money. He expected to get something more than what he ultimately did but now he has come to terms (both with the Suns and with his expectations and the fact that he is not getting $40M like his agent was promising). Nothing to blame him for here, IMO.

I am with hawksfanatic in terms of feeling this was the bare minimum we should have ended up with, though. Chillz signed a very reasonable offer and matching him would not have been a bad move (the ASG has already said they are ready to pay the tax to take on quality players and it is hard to think we would end up paying the tax for a player who is higher quality and cheaper than this deal for Chillz). I would rather have seen us play more hardball with him and the Suns if we are really willing to pay the luxury tax to help this team try to compete in what is now a brutal SE Division.

(If the ASG isn't willing to pay the tax except in the exceptional case that we land a Chris Paul-level star, then I have less problem with this move and more problem with selling off the first pick in the second round.)

Edited by AHF
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Looking at the list of available big men that might possibly be available via trade, my guess is that the Hawks will wait until next year to use the TPE, if they do at all.

Wow I went to bed thinking that the tpe meant the Hawks can take back 3 million or so more in a trade than they give up ( trade Mo Evans who makes 2.5 mill for a guy who makes 5.5-6 mil etc). Now this morning I find out they can only use it for a guy who makes the amount of the tpe or under, this trade just keeps getting worse. I really hope it doesnt go down.

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But that said I'll be surprised if the Hawks don't also have some cash being sent their way- that part of the deal normally isn't reported at first.

I'd be inclined to agree if it wasn't PHX & Sarver.

But it is Sarver.

So I doubt it.

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Since we have NEVER gotten anyone usefull in the second round, we have traded a lottery pick to get NO-ONE in return. What do we end up with? A body for a future summer league team and a salary exception? Kind of strikes me like selling a draft pick for cash. What a bunch of cheap-*ss owners, they aren't even trying to compete - just treading water.

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What is the tpe

Traded Player Exception.

You can read about it here (item #71).

exceptions are the mechanisms that allow teams to function above the salary cap. Any trade which results in the team ending up over the salary cap requires an exception.

Basically, the TPE functions as a salary-exchange replacement. We could send the TPE to another team and receive a player in return whose value (salary) matches the value of the TPE.

The TPE can be split up (so a 3M TPE could net two 1.5M player for example) but cannot be combined with additional salary (so we can't use it with Jamal's contract to get a player making 14M).

In other words, since the value of this TPE is so small, it's chances of becoming useful are very, very slight.

We traded Childress for a very poor pick (#46 for example) in the 2012 draft.

Edited by ATLBob
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Other teams knew the Hawks weren't going to match an offer for Childress. The Hawks are near the luxury tax and already have JJ, Crawford x2, Mo and Marvin at the 2/3. It wasn't realistic to expect much in a trade unless another team just wanted to get rid of a player.

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