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Is Smoove Regressing under Drew?


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After all the preseason games, the thing that is bothering me most is the fact that Smoove doesn't seem to be buying into LD's new offensive system at all. Everyone else, even JJ, seems

to be trying to get into it, but Smoove seems to be going backwards. He is back to taking long jumpers..even a 3 with lots of clock left and is actually playing worse that while under Woodson.

Is he perhaps trying to send LD a message that he will do "what he likes"? It is troubling that Smith still thinks he is a good jump shooter and if LD lets him eget away with this now, it will be

tough to fix later. IMO, he should put his foot down now and yank Smoove off the floor the next time he does it. You dont see ANYONE else jacking up long jumpers that shouldn't be and I don't

know why this can't be corrected?

I would like to know what others thoughts are on this.

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It might be premature to say that he is regressing under Drew because he hasn't played a game that means anything yet....but, I can see the concern. I'm hoping it's just a learning curve in changing what you've been doing over the last 6 years, and perhaps Smoove's basketball knowledge isn't as advanced as JJ's or Horf's, and it's going to take Smoove longer to get comfortable. As far as the jump shooting and reverting back to old habits, LD stated (in the most recent AJC article) that he is still preaching to Smoove to avoid taking bad shots....so much that Smoove "snarled" at him during the Miami game. I can see those two butting heads, it's a definite concern.

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It might be premature to say that he is regressing under Drew because he hasn't played a game that means anything yet....but, I can see the concern. I'm hoping it's just a learning curve in changing what you've been doing over the last 6 years, and perhaps Smoove's basketball knowledge isn't as advanced as JJ's or Horf's, and it's going to take Smoove longer to get comfortable. As far as the jump shooting and reverting back to old habits, LD stated (in the most recent AJC article) that he is still preaching to Smoove to avoid taking bad shots....so much that Smoove "snarled" at him during the Miami game. I can see those two butting heads, it's a definite concern.

I saw that article about Smith "snarling" at Drew. What also troubled me is Drew saying that he doesn't mind Smith taking shots if the clock is winding down or if its part of the play. I still don't know why Smith is EVER allowed to take jumpers. It just appears to me as though Josh will NEVER do what coaches tell him and will always be a problem child. Nothing seems to get through to him....the whining to the refs...the long jumpers.....the laziness on "D"....the lack of boxing out and rebounding. It doesn't appear likely to me that Josh will EVER fulfill his potential and that's a shame because most of this stuff is mental and easily fixed.

Edited by JackB1
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I agree with a lot of what's been said, but I think to be fair, Smoove desperately wants to become a dependable scoring option in the way that Nique was able to develop himself into. If he adds that element to his game, I think we all realize he would raise his stature in the league in a big way, and concurrently would add significantly to this roster's chances of becoming a championship threat. Can he do that? Not looking likely. And I'd hope, like everyone else, that he's just used the pre-season games as a last-gasp attempt to prove that he can, and that once the season begins, he will give up the long jumpers, at least outside of the last-second desperation shot.

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I have not seen much pre-season at all. The only preseason I have seen was the game vs. the Heat on TV.

Smoove did stand around more then the other players and didn't move without the ball much. On the other side of the coin, Horford seems to have the offense down pat and was doing timely cuts to the paintswithout the ball, where he finished quite well. I saw Smith standing at the top of the key a lot and shoot quite a few long jumpers.....just like he alwayse has. It would be nice to see him set some picks and run around some screens like the other guys do.

I hate to read too much into it but time will tell. I'm not sure if "regressing" is the right word. He has alwayse been hard headed and slow to learn. More of the same may be a better analogy.....at least to me.

I'm pulling for Smoove to have his best year yet. He is known for his slow starts though.

Edited by coachx
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Well to be honest no one on the hawks has dominated in the pre-season, yes that includes your precious Al Horford. Joe has been so so.. But we have sucked as a team..

At least Horford is trying to be part of the new offensive schemes. Smoove is playing the same way he always did....almost like a spoiled kid that is resisting change.

You would think preseason would be the time to try out some new things? Perhaps Drew needs to draw up more plays that are specific for Smith that will get him away

from the arc? Smoove will always be his own worst enemy and this is why he is so up and down. He can win you the game with spectacular play, but he can just as

easily lose it for you with unintellegent play. With Horford you always know what to expect.....10-12 boards.....10-15 points with .500 shooting % and always good effort.

Can you same the same about Smoove? Consistency always wins out in the end.

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I don't mind taking two or three mid-range jumpers a game if he's wide open. He isn't the best shooter right now but could improve which would help the team. It does bother me when he takes 3's though as they are way out of his range.

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At least Horford is trying to be part of the new offensive schemes. Smoove is playing the same way he always did....almost like a spoiled kid that is resisting change.You would think preseason would be the time to try out some new things? Perhaps Drew needs to draw up more plays that are specific for Smith that will get him away

from the arc? Smoove will always be his own worst enemy and this is why he is so up and down. He can win you the game with spectacular play, but he can just as

easily lose it for you with unintellegent play. With Horford you always know what to expect.....10-12 boards.....10-15 points with .500 shooting % and always good effort.

Can you same the same about Smoove? Consistency always wins out in the end.

You are 100% right here Jack.

I finally found that article you were referencing. I must say I have had enough.


Josh's jump shots

When the Hawks announced Drew as their new coach, he said he would prod Josh Smith to stop shooting so many jump shots because of his low percentage. Smith said he would comply.

But already it's clear it will take some work for the two to get on the same page. Against the Heat, Smith launched a jump shot early in the game on a play that called for him to work in the post. He also attempted a 3-pointer late in the game.

Each time Smith takes a bad jumper, Drew is there to let him know about it. Smith doesn't always appreciate the feedback.

"He snarled at me a little bit early in the game yesterday, but I was fine with it," Drew said. "I want him to establish himself down low. I don't want him to rely on making perimeter shots."

Drew said he doesn't doubt Smith believes he can make long jump shots. He said he hasn't told him to stop taking them altogether "because his stroke has certainly improved, and he has worked on it."

But he doesn't want them early in the shot clock, late in games or when the play calls for Smith to be in the post.

This removes any doubt of who or what Smoove is as a person......he is like that 12 year old who keeps acting up in the exact same way, over , and over, and over again.

I'm ready to trade this guy after reading this. This is his 7th season and he is still acting like a 12 year old with no respect for anyone.

Drew should have sat him on the bench when he snarled back at him.

Edited by coachx
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Again I say Josh is the key to this team and being elite. If he would just embrace the Shawn Kemp/Ben Wallace role we would be a much better team. If he won't do this then I say send him away for a player who will.

I agree......this is his 7th season and his 2nd coach............still just as hard headed as ever.

The Lowest paid coach in the league with a 2 year contract is not really in position to bench one of his best players to piss him off. If the players don't like Drew then he is gone.

It shows you how hard headed he is for his coach to even have to make this an issue.

I do agree........once you piss him off its hard to trade him b/c teams will know you have less bargaining power.

I hope Sund plays this right.

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Josh needs to be as close to the basket as possible on offense. Josh needs to continue the trend last year of cutting out the 3pt shots altogether. Drew seems to understand it. Now we'll see if he can get it implemented.

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I saw that article about Smith "snarling" at Drew. What also troubled me is Drew saying that he doesn't mind Smith taking shots if the clock is winding down or if its part of the play. I still don't know why Smith is EVER allowed to take jumpers. It just appears to me as though Josh will NEVER do what coaches tell him and will always be a problem child. Nothing seems to get through to him....the whining to the refs...the long jumpers.....the laziness on "D"....the lack of boxing out and rebounding. It doesn't appear likely to me that Josh will EVER fulfill his potential and that's a shame because most of this stuff is mental and easily fixed.

I agree with this and, most if not all of us, agree that Smoove shouldn't be shooting much at all...but some of the game is getting through to him, at least last year. The fact the much ballyhooed 3 pointers were almost non-existent last year shows growth. The fact he was the biggest all-star snub last year has to carry some water in his head. It's not rocket science for him to figure out that his game, stats, and reputation were raised all over the NBA when he took that aspect out his game was beneficial. I'm hoping the lack of understanding a new offense so soon is a direct coorelation to him jacking up shots. My fingers are crossed that once these 180 degree changes to the offense become natural, he'll shine...Dude is so talented, we have to keep hoping.

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The Lowest paid coach in the league with a 2 year contract is not really in position to bench one of his best players to piss him off. If the players don't like Drew then he is gone.

I don't take Drew's salary nor the length of his contract to mean a damn thing. To the contrary, at the moment there is only one guy on the roster whose opinion is that important, and that's because we're stuck with him and he's stuck with us for awhile. Everyone else is trade-able, and thus, dispensable.

By the way... another angle on this... Smoove is a team captain, right?... :stirthepot:

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I am so mystified by this thread I don't know where to begin. Jack, does your Josh hatred know no end? It's the preseason. during the preseason, each game the coach works on one aspect of the game. This is purposeful. It was obvious game one he was working on Marvin. It was obvious in the televised game the other night he was working on finding spots for Bibby's shielded J. The season hasn't even started yet and you're bashing the guy. None of these games matter and they are the time to try things, get things out of your system and experiment. Wait about 10 games before you start bashing a guy like this.

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This is not really a dissenting viewpoint on Smoove ---- but merely an observation that may be a bit optimistic.

When the Hawks took Boston to 7 games in 2008, I can remember Smoove contributing significantly with his jump shot. Including a number of key 3's. Without these shots, I don't think we win 1-2 of those home games.

I honestly don't think I've been as impressed with the Hawks team at any point since those games.

Now bare with me...

The free rein that Smoove seemed to have during that series to shoot jumpers *may* have caused his entire game to elevate tremendously. I just want all of you to think back on this. Remember the blocks, as well as the post moves that came along with those jumpers? The way the entire team played and flowed? He was playing so freely. Yes, he would airball one jumper and then hit a three. But he was not "thinking" the game ---- just playing it. And his incredible talent seemed to flow more freely and affect the game more during those games than it has at anytime since, in my opinion.

Another thing that might be worthy of consideration is with this new offense, moving the ball and shooting sooner in the clock (when open) ---- should lead to more shot attempts ---- which would seem to cause each shot to have less real value.

I'm with all of you here in screaming profanities at the TV screen everytime Smoove winds up for a jumper. But on the other hand -- I sometimes wonder if attempting to corral him in this one area may not throw his entire game off to the point of being more detrimental to the team --- than if if he were just allowed free rein?

I don't really know where I come down on this thought yet, so don't accuse me of advocating anything. And I apologize for mentioning the name of Lebron James, but he has traditionally been a horrible outside shooter --- but might his entire development been stunted as a result of being "forbidden" to only shoot a jumper if the clock was running out? Would it have disrupted his natural flow and instinct as a basketball player? Affected the other parts of his game?

Obviously, as fans (and seemingly coaches too), we'd love for Smoove to have no faults and play perfectly to his strenghts only. But I'd guess that all great players have had their faults. No one is perfect. But when you see an exceptional talent, is it always worth the *risk* of "throwing the baby out with the bath water"?

All interesting questions ---- which I have yet to form an opinion on.


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Surprising that a player drafted out of high school is having trouble grasping his first real offense?

Wait, you mean "give the ball to Joe and get the hell out of the way (but be ready for a bailout pass with 2 seconds left on the shot clock)" isn't a real offense? Who knew!

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