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Kenny Smith is not a believer


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The only question is whether or not they keep to the game-plan when the going gets tough. This is as much on LD as it is on his system, and the reason why I wanted a different coach to be the one at the helm during that time - because we just don't know how LD will handle it. There are times when we have looked like an elite team playing elite competition - and it was always when guys were moving the ball and sharing the ball. Now that this has become the centerpiece of who we are, I expect us to be much more competitive come the playoffs.

These cats are looking at the record and are judging the record against the competition we had. They are also judging this team on a primitive isolation offense that was historically inept. In all honesty, this is not that team as long as they continue moving the ball. I'm sure LD has them understanding that.

I can't wait for Monday.

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Thanks for posting this Dolf.

All I have to say is 5 games--can't draw anything significant from just that. Let's see what we do against ORL as opposed to some of the cupcakes we have faced so far.

But I will say one thing: we got to continue to move the ball around and find a way to play better defense (and of course keep injuries to a minimum). That is how we will continue to win ball games.

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The only question is whether or not they keep to the game-plan when the going gets tough. This is as much on LD as it is on his system, and the reason why I wanted a different coach to be the one at the helm during that time - because we just don't know how LD will handle it. There are times when we have looked like an elite team playing elite competition - and it was always when guys were moving the ball and sharing the ball. Now that this has become the centerpiece of who we are, I expect us to be much more competitive come the playoffs.

These cats are looking at the record and are judging the record against the competition we had. They are also judging this team on a primitive isolation offense that was historically inept. In all honesty, this is not that team as long as they continue moving the ball. I'm sure LD has them understanding that.

I can't wait for Monday.

I say Kenny's take was part BS. If we revert, what do we revert back to... Iso Joe? Iso Joe won 53 games last year. I think the thing they miss is that we're different. Philosophically different. I just say that as LD improves the BBIQ ofthis team, we will make believers out of people.

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Not a believer if it's going pass the second round. If it's winning more games in the regular season than I am a believer.

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The good thing is that Kenny Smith is rarely right on his "insights". I say bring on the nay-sayers and skeptics. This team has guys who love the disrespect role (e.g. Smith and to some extent Horford). Only more motivation to stay focused and keep doing what is working.

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The key to me is Teague. Zaza and Powell have shown they will bring it off the bench up front but we aren't going to survive in the playoffs with a 3 guard rotation of Bibby, JJ, Crawford. We've got to have someone who will come in and play good D and put some pressure on the opposing teams D by uping the pace of the game.

I tell you what this 'easy' schedule has been a god send. I don't know what the mental state of this team would be if we were dropping games to bottom barrell teams right now. We need to get to the point where this offense and defense is no longer new but natural.

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Does anyone think we'd be 5-0 under that oft-stagnant ISO offense that Mike Woodson had us running? Surely, the way Detroit was playing defense and with Ben Gordon carrying them the way he did, we would have lost that one. I want to make one thing VERY clear though... Though it is nice, I am not celebrating a 5-0 start and I don't think most people are either. What I'm happy about is that our team is moving the ball and they have confidence in this system. I may be speaking prematurely, but I dare say that if we keep this up that we might just have an identity - something we haven't had since we were known as a defensive powerhouse under Lenny.

If I recall, one of the more positive things LD said was that he wanted teams to react to what we were doing - as opposed to us always trying to adjust our game to them. That's one of the benefits of having an identity. Boston has scary defense and a beautiful, unselfish offense. LA has premier wing defenders and the Triangle. Orlando has that incredible inside/outside game. Phoenix (well, when they were good) had that up and down, get the shot off in 10 seconds style.

"Atlanta is a team that has waves of athletic guys that constantly move the ball, can handle the ball, pass the ball, shoot the ball, and run the court."

I REALLY like the sound of that...and it's much better than "Atlanta gives the ball to Joe Johnson and let's the offense take care of itself."

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Wretch, we've started the past 2 years with a 6 - 0 and an 11 - 2 record, playing a far tougher schedule than we have so far, and by playing the dreeded ISO offense.

5 - 0 is great, but we're beating bottom 10 caliber teams ( other than Memphis, but with Gasol and Randolph out, they were a bottom 10 team that night ). We're supposed to win these games.

In year's past, our beginning of the season schedule has been brutal, so I'm not mad one bit that we're taking advantage of our Boise St. type schedule.

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I say Kenny's take was part BS. If we revert, what do we revert back to... Iso Joe? Iso Joe won 53 games last year. I think the thing they miss is that we're different. Philosophically different. I just say that as LD improves the BBIQ ofthis team, we will make believers out of people.

Reverting to Iso Joe would only be an issue if we're doing it in the playoffs.

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I agree with Kenny 100%

I find his comments about us having natural ball stoppers puzzling! JJ has never been an iso player until he met Woodson. Jamal certainly struggles with this from time to time but he like JJ was instructed to do this under the Woody administration and plus he doesn't start. Bibby, Marvin or Horford are certainly not a ball stoppers So who is her referring to Smoove? Smoove has to be the best passing power forward in the league today so I am not buying Kenny's BS at all. He is just an Atlanta hater just like the rest of the national media regarding Atlanta sports in general.

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I like the way we have been playing. I like how everyone is involved on offense, I like that we have some kind of system where bench players can come in with an actual role and not look completely lost and ineffective, I like that we have stopped switching and the effect that it has had on our rebounding (except last game obviously)... But seriously, we haven't PROVED anything. The teams we played STINK. Our first test is coming up with Phoenix/Orlando. Let's see how we fare then before assuming any of this stuff we have been seeing will translate against tough competition. You guys forget how awesome last years team looked at the beginning of the season. Virtually every website had the Hawks #1 in their power rankings. I don't blame anyone for being skeptical about our teams chances at winning a championship. We were outscored by over 100 points in Orlando in four games. A five game winning streak against an injury riddled Memphis team, Philadelphia, the Wizards (fresh off picking #1 in the lottery), The Cleveland Cavaliers (a team built around ONE player who isn't even on the team) and Detroit (worst record in the NBA so far this year). I mean damn, how could we have had an easier schedule so far??? Now we play Minnesota, It's like we have played every single bad team to start the year. We have looked good but until we play in some games with an actual playoff atmosphere then this team is still a complete question mark.

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So I shouldn't be proud of my team being undefeated? The alternative would be better? You can only beat who's been put in front of you. This isn't college football where we can schedule Atlanta Metropolitan for our home opener. Whether our schedule is front or back loaded matters not. These early wins will come in handy when we inevitably hit a tougher stretch in the final months. As for Kenny, I wouldn't take the time to read anything he says. You guys take his word as some kind of law? Right. There are many aspects about this team that are better than last year, things that translate on the floor whether you're playing the Wolves or Heat: good team free throw shooting, low turnovers, scoring distribution, willingness to screen and move vigorously away from the ball. If we had lost a single game( say to Cleveland, who beat the conference champs), I guess it would be all out panic, huh? I for one am proud of every win, would never discount a single one, and damn sure wouldn't apologize for going on a win streak when some "expert" doubts what Coach Drew is trying to do here.

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The bottom line for me is seeing these guys moving around on offense and passing the ball. It's not something any of these Woodson teams have been doing over the years, but it is the best way for this team (as is) to compete. I'm happy that the offense is working and I'm happy to see guys getting a real chance to play. I can't say how refreshing it is to see Teague out there stretching his legs...and JC2 for that matter. Yes, he's gotten some DNPs...but when he was called, he got minutes and he came in playing the way Drew wants them playing - despite being a guy known for taking a lot of shots.

To be honest, I had pretty much written off the first couple months of the season. I figured new coach, new system, etc. would cause us to come stumbling out of the gates. I always believed that we would be a better playoff team because of a much needed reinvention of our offense (many moons before our perfect start). So far, they haven't done anything to change my perception of them this summer. I'm still worried about their ceiling and I'm still concerned about LD, but I see nothing that says this team can't go out and be competitive against the best in the league. The past couple of years I have wondered if we have the talent to play with the big boys - that question was answered many times last season. The talent is still here, has only matured, and now has an offensive identity. I'll keep my enthusiasm until they prove that they don't.

Interestingly enough, that was Kenny's final thoughts on it too...will they keep with this system through the tough times? Defense is going to play a major part and something that I always worry about. But at least (for now) offense is something that I'm not banging my head into a wall over.

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So I shouldn't be proud of my team being undefeated? The alternative would be better? You can only beat who's been put in front of you. This isn't college football where we can schedule Atlanta Metropolitan for our home opener. Whether our schedule is front or back loaded matters not. These early wins will come in handy when we inevitably hit a tougher stretch in the final months. As for Kenny, I wouldn't take the time to read anything he says. You guys take his word as some kind of law? Right. There are many aspects about this team that are better than last year, things that translate on the floor whether you're playing the Wolves or Heat: good team free throw shooting, low turnovers, scoring distribution, willingness to screen and move vigorously away from the ball. If we had lost a single game( say to Cleveland, who beat the conference champs), I guess it would be all out panic, huh? I for one am proud of every win, would never discount a single one, and damn sure wouldn't apologize for going on a win streak when some "expert" doubts what Coach Drew is trying to do here.

First of all the experts are discussing whether or not the Hawks can contend for a title. Obviously if you beat five teams that are terrible that doesn´t prove you are championship material. That doesn't mean that we aren't. That's not what Kenny Smith is saying, all he is saying is that at this stage of the season we have obviously not proved anything. I think that is a fairly obviously true statement. I'm not sure where all your wild allegations are coming from. I'm pretty sure every single poster on this site is pretty ecstatic about our start, since well, it couldn't really be any better... but If you take this start as some kind of validation that we are flat out better than last year and ready to win a championship (which is what Kenny Smith was questioning) I really have to scratch my head. Last years team ate bad teams for breakfast too... in stretches we looked flat out unbeatable and in others (entire Orlando series) we looked pathetic. Until we play a contender and show we can maintain our composure and avoid going into one on one mode (something that we failed to do already in a couple of occasions), then its pretty foolish to say without a doubt we are better. Though, yes, I do feel we have seen some encouraging signs that indicate that we may be getting better. If you are ready to crown us contenders than I applaud your optimsim, but I for one wouldn't be betting the bank on it just yet.

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First of all the experts are discussing whether or not the Hawks can contend for a title. Obviously if you beat five teams that are terrible that doesn´t prove you are championship material. That doesn't mean that we aren't. That's not what Kenny Smith is saying, all he is saying is that at this stage of the season we have obviously not proved anything. I think that is a fairly obviously true statement. I'm not sure where all your wild allegations are coming from. I'm pretty sure every single poster on this site is pretty ecstatic about our start, since well, it couldn't really be any better... but If you take this start as some kind of validation that we are flat out better than last year and ready to win a championship (which is what Kenny Smith was questioning) I really have to scratch my head. Last years team ate bad teams for breakfast too... in stretches we looked flat out unbeatable and in others (entire Orlando series) we looked pathetic. Until we play a contender and show we can maintain our composure and avoid going into one on one mode (something that we failed to do already in a couple of occasions), then its pretty foolish to say without a doubt we are better. Though, yes, I do feel we have seen some encouraging signs that indicate that we may be getting better. If you are ready to crown us contenders than I applaud your optimsim, but I for one wouldn't be betting the bank on it just yet.

The second LD started talking about the kind of offense he wanted to run, I thought we would be a better team than last year - IF we could adapt to the system and execute it. Maybe not record-wise, and certainly not a championship caliber team, but I'm pretty confident we'll be better than last year. Optimism aside, this is a team that can be dangerous if we're not funneled into a simplistic strategy. And while it's true that good defense is absolutely necessary, that's not what killed us against Orlando last year. We couldn't score the damn ball and we got behind. We were never going to stop their offense, but we weren't hitting NOTHING on our end. Credit their defense, yes. But what were they really defending? Our offense was a joke - literally, remember? "The sh!t works!"

Yes we got blown out, but guys GAVE UP once they got down and couldn't score on the other end. This what we're doing now AT LEAST gives us a chance...and to tell the truth, gives us more than a chance. Last year at Thanksgiving, we had Orlando STOMPED at halftime on National TV.


We came out in the 2nd half and went to sleep. They made a small adjustment and we laid down. That was the weakness of this squad last year. With an offense like we're running now, we would have either blown them out or it would have been a competitive fight until the end. I expect to see that later this season and into the playoffs. We will be a better team, whether or not it shows in the record and regardless of how we start this campaign against fluffy competition.

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If this team reverts back to Iso Joe at times, it's just because old habits die hard. These guys are smart enough to realize that Iso Joe stuff is why we got our butts kicked in the playoffs, and if anything our hot start to this season 5-0 (hopefully 6-0 after tonight), if anything that makes these guys right out the gate believe in this system even more. They don't need to question it because they see it works. And again they see what happens when we had the opposite under Woody

What Kenny fails to realize as do others is that we didn't just put more emphasis on ball movement, it's an entire new identity on offense with actually playcalls that basically force movement

It's not Larry Drew saying "hey guys we should really move the ball more" it's "hey guys I'm implementing a completely new offensive system and the only way that it can be run is with ball movement"

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