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Hawks begun preliminary talks for Carmelo Anthony


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Guys....seriously....Only way I can wrap my head around this is in blurbs....... The only interest Sund would have in Carmelo is as a salary dump.... He's not going to resign here..... All this Lala business... She's from Brooklyn, he's from Brooklyn.... If you want to go mainstream then NY is a much better bet than Tyler Perrywood.... So that takes out the side reasons for Melo and Co to stay here despite whatever comments to the contrary... Atlanta has been proven a thousand times over as a good place many like to hang out in not work in... The Nets were moving heaven and hell for Melo with around 3-4 likely lotto picks being tossed around and the Denver organization itself dicked them around for more even though Melo never gave the green light.....The Knicks have been mightily assured of themselves throughout all of this....

Okay, I think I've composed myself....

Our preliminary interest in this would be because we, like Dallas or Houston, are fully fine with a rental of Melo's services for a playoff run. Given that the market has dried up for teams thinking about resigning him all that remains are those that have side assets that they can throw away for a worthwhile championship opportunity...this year. So now all we have to do is beat another team's rental offer and (I'm sure this has to be Sund's ultimate thinking) hope to get rid of a longterm contract ourselves.

Because nobody believes that Melo will resign with them (and he won't) there's no need to go on about taking back some of their crap contracts (looking at you, Al). There's no need to discuss expirings either because Melo already is one and Denver has plenty. So the offer will come down to free agency- Can Denver get a better prospect or player in return for Melo that would be better than what they'll be able to attract in free agency? The capspace is one thing, being able to attract people there might be another issue for them.

This now brings me back to why Sund would be interested, we may trade a top player (say, a Josh Smith... or so) but it'll revitalize fan interest now, bring a new intrigue to to the postseason and even without winning a ring and watching Melo inevitably bolt, this team will now be flush with capspace in an offseason that will feature centers (Nene himself, Dalembert, Deandre Jordan, Tyson Chandler, and Yao even) in addition to a few scoring options on the wings (JR Smith, Rodney Stuckey, Nick Young, Afflalo, Wilson Chandler). Sorry, no PGs till 2012.

So fans may b*tch that we are trading their favorite player for a rental but longterm this cap conscious team will now be comfortably enough below the lux tax line (18 million by the way$$$$$) to improve in other areas.

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I'm not "sold," excuse the pun. There will be a "kick the tires"/"new car smell" period for a couple weeks. Big games are a certainty, but I'm not as certain about the Bobcats-On-A-Wednesday-Night type of games. I think selling more tickets per game is certain, but the team will have to start laying consistent smackdowns on the plankton of the league, and have close, exciting contests with the Heat/Celtics/Lakers. No more ugly wars-of-attrition games, or 20/30/40-point blowouts.Things that will help immensely are:(1) Melo signs right away, lest we have Danny Manning situation-lite;(2) Signing before the All-Star break, to maximize the possibility of marketing at a local and national (TV audience) scale;(3) Not being so depleted on the bench and upfront that guys like Joe/Melo/Al are running up 40+ minutes every night just to keep the Hawks in games, and look tired come playoff time;(4) Joe (if still here) embraces the role of Option B;(5) Melo gets SportsCenter Top 10 plays readily, especially dunks. The Hawks have the fewest dunks per game of SE Division teams and are among the bottom half of the league in dunks per game. The Factory needs more Highlights than 20-foot jumpshots.~lw3

Edited by lethalweapon3
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Yes. I think the Hawks would gain a great deal more interest in Atlanta (and nationally)I don't think it would be a sellout every game, but pretty much every weekend game and weekday games when the top teams come to town. People will be willing to travel further (from Macon, Athens, Augusta, etc) to see games on a more regular basis so you're basically expanding your market. People come from all over to see the Falcons on the weekends. Season tickets sales will certainly increase.It certainly is enough to rival Allen, Pierce, Garnett as a big 3.

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I would have some degree of worry about Melo being the rich man's Big Dog in Atlanta - i.e., a guy who gets some nice numbers but isn't truly a superstar who can push a team to contender status. Most of the superstars (Dwight, Kobe, Lebron, Duncan, etc.) impact the game on both ends of the floor and you know you are getting a guy who is not an impact defender in Melo. Add in the fact that he would rank 10th on our team in scoring efficiency (his .525 TS% would rank behind the scoring efficiency of 9 of our players) and that his career ts% would rank 6th on this year's team (behind Horford, Bibby, Crawford, Marvin and Zaza) and I am not sure how much of an offensive impact he would really give. He isn't in the same zone as the superstar's offensively and is far from them defensively. The question in my mind is how much is he really worth. I'd gamble on him because if you can get a superstar you take the risk, but I wouldn't feel like I would acquiring Wade, Durant, prime-Dirk, Deron, Paul, etc.

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I would have some degree of worry about Melo being the rich man's Big Dog in Atlanta - i.e., a guy who gets some nice numbers but isn't truly a superstar who can push a team to contender status. Most of the superstars (Dwight, Kobe, Lebron, Duncan, etc.) impact the game on both ends of the floor and you know you are getting a guy who is not an impact defender in Melo. Add in the fact that he would rank 10th on our team in scoring efficiency (his .525 TS% would rank behind the scoring efficiency of 9 of our players) and that his career ts% would rank 6th on this year's team (behind Horford, Bibby, Crawford, Marvin and Zaza) and I am not sure how much of an offensive impact he would really give. He isn't in the same zone as the superstar's offensively and is far from them defensively. The question in my mind is how much is he really worth. I'd gamble on him because if you can get a superstar you take the risk, but I wouldn't feel like I would acquiring Wade, Durant, prime-Dirk, Deron, Paul, etc.

Obviously I'm biased being a 'Cuse fan but Melo is no Big Dog, he's the real deal and he absolutely could lead a team with another star player (JJ) beside him to a championship, especially if Horford continues his stellar play and the bench isn't too depleted. I will never forget the impact that Melo had on our national championship team and how as a true freshman he carried the team through the tournament and never seemed phased by it and I think he could do the same here as long as we are only losing Josh as a main rotational player.You also have to consider how much better he makes JJ and Horford simply by the fact that teams could no longer double JJ since Melo can score from anywhere. My only real concern (assuming he signed a contract extension) is how acquiring him would affect our defense. I'm still highly doubtful that we're actually or even seriously in discussion for him or that we'll ever be but hey I can dream.
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Obviously I'm biased being a 'Cuse fan but Melo is no Big Dog, he's the real deal and he absolutely could lead a team with another star player (JJ) beside him to a championship, especially if Horford continues his stellar play and the bench isn't too depleted. I will never forget the impact that Melo had on our national championship team and how as a true freshman he carried the team through the tournament and never seemed phased by it and I think he could do the same here as long as we are only losing Josh as a main rotational player.You also have to consider how much better he makes JJ and Horford simply by the fact that teams could no longer double JJ since Melo can score from anywhere. My only real concern (assuming he signed a contract extension) is how acquiring him would affect our defense. I'm still highly doubtful that we're actually or even seriously in discussion for him or that we'll ever be but hey I can dream.

I hear you and agree that Melo was amazing in college but so were Sean Mays and JJ Reddick and I am just not seeing the greatness from Melo in the NBA that would put him in the same breath as guys like Wade, Kobe, Durant, Duncan, Dwight, Paul, Deron, Dirk, or Lebron. As a scorer, I have a hard time distinguishing what he has done in the NBA from what Joe Johnson has done from age 23 forward. My comparison to Big Dog is more on the side of "ultimately not raising the team to contender statust" and less "Big Dog = Carmelo." That is why I asked if he might be a "rich man's" Carmelo.
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Melo is a one trick pony but that's what the glitz and glamor Atlanta sports fans wants. We don't care about the stuff that doesn't make sports center. We want 3 point shots, 50 yrd bomb passes, 1st-round knockouts, and sky-scraping dunks. Melo and Atlanta would be a match made in heaven. All flash and no substance.

if you can get him with an extention, you do it. if his play through the playoffs and next year like he has this year (ho-hum for a star player), then you trade him, with a full year or more left on his contract.

Even without the extension I say do it. This core isn't winning a title so what's the purpose behind this madness? Sell out a few games this year the start the rebuilding process through the draft. Maybe the Hawks get lucky next time around and drafts a player on the level of a LeBron, Wade, or Melo. Wouldn't it be nice to have years of championship level basketball and sellout crowds vs an half empty arena and no chance of winning a title? Edited by NineOhTheRino
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Its good to see we are looking at improving the team. Melo would be a great pickup but center or pg are our real needs. Getting Melo still won't put us over the top although he and JJ would be an amazing duo.

Your so wrong! If we get Melo and hold onto JJ, Smoove and Horf we would be one of the best teams in the league. My guess is Smoove would have to be involved in a trade with Melo..It's just speculation but as we know the Nugets want Noah from Chicago they would probably want a forward from ATL. Marvin wont do it...
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Then after he doesn't resign with the Hawks and skips (little kid style) to New York, then what is our team gonna look like?? You guys kill me with all of these Josh Smith trade scenarios, as if he is bad for this team. If you wanna be smart about this you only trade a valuable asset (Josh Smith) if you are sure Carmelo will resign, otherwise Josh, Al, and maybe Joe stays.

Duh! Well of course i'm assuming Melo resigns with us or I wouldn't of even posted this.
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I hear you and agree that Melo was amazing in college but so were Sean Mays and JJ Reddick and I am just not seeing the greatness from Melo in the NBA that would put him in the same breath as guys like Wade, Kobe, Durant, Duncan, Dwight, Paul, Deron, Dirk, or Lebron. As a scorer, I have a hard time distinguishing what he has done in the NBA from what Joe Johnson has done from age 23 forward. My comparison to Big Dog is more on the side of "ultimately not raising the team to contender statust" and less "Big Dog = Carmelo." That is why I asked if he might be a "rich man's" Carmelo.

The difference is that Melo put the team on his back and carried them to a title, as a freshman! That's significantly different than Mays or Reddick or anyone else like that. Granted that was a long time ago but the guy is a legit superstar in the NBA and what he'd massively improve for us would be to give us a legit outside shooter at the 3 to where we can keep Al at the 4 but more importantly he'd give us someone that can score on the low block in a variety of ways and who also gets to the FT and gets calls that nobody on our team currently gets.
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Obviously I'm biased being a 'Cuse fan but Melo is no Big Dog, he's the real deal and he absolutely could lead a team with another star player (JJ) beside him to a championship, especially if Horford continues his stellar play and the bench isn't too depleted. I will never forget the impact that Melo had on our national championship team and how as a true freshman he carried the team through the tournament and never seemed phased by it and I think he could do the same here as long as we are only losing Josh as a main rotational player.

Before you balk too hard at Big Dog, let's remember who he was:1. First player to get 100 Million dollars out of College (only player to ever do that).2. Co-ROY with Jason Kidd. 3. Was a stud with the big three of Ray Allen, Big Dog, and Vin Baker.Here's the comparison. You be the judge:Melo vs Robinson
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Before you balk too hard at Big Dog, let's remember who he was:1. First player to get 100 Million dollars out of College (only player to ever do that).2. Co-ROY with Jason Kidd. 3. Was a stud with the big three of Ray Allen, Big Dog, and Vin Baker.Here's the comparison. You be the judge:Melo vs Robinson

I'm not talking about skills, I'm talking about being a leader and carrying a team. Melo hasn't lived up to what he was in college yet but he's not a guy who will be traded all over the league like Big Hog was either!
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I'm not talking about skills, I'm talking about being a leader and carrying a team. Melo hasn't lived up to what he was in college yet but he's not a guy who will be traded all over the league like Big Hog was either!

I think Glenn was only traded to and from Atlanta. He wasn't someone with a lot of addresses. Edited by AHF
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Lala is from atlanta. Her family is here as well...

If moving somewhere in your teens makes you from there then sure. Melo also moved to Baltimore when he was near ten but they were both born and initially raised in Brooklyn. I doubt both their entire family trees uprooted themselves either.
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