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Horford's father is now asking GM Sund to improve the team


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I remember years ago when Turner owned the team if we needed to make a change Kasten had the ok to do it. Gearon will not make a deal to improve the team because he apparently thinks the average fan is stupid and cant see this team has peaked or they are just dang cheap, or both. I will go with both.

I dont think the Hawks could win a series with Boston, Miami, Chicago for sure and New York would be tough on them along with Miliwaukee at this point in the season. We barely came thru last year with M'kee..

We beat a Miami team who was mainly Wade and a bunch of average to below average role players. We beat a Mil team without their center and their not even in the playoff race this season with added additions. Not to mention, I didn't know why they signed Gooden or traded for Mags since Mags was never a positive player. They tried to do what Atlanta did with Jamal and failed. Salmons came back to life. Bogut is seeming like a one year wonder on offense. BJ is going through a sophomore slump but still will be better than anyone on our team at the end of the day when his career is all said and done. We are a maxed out team with garbage owners. If a move doesn't happen, expect a thread from me. That's a promise and I'm not talking about something really silly.

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Horford's dad should shut up and watch his equally annoying son suck at basketball.

Al's an All Star. You must be talking about another son.

I honestly think that if Horford and Smith played against other, Smith would own Horford in a game. Horford has slower feet, and he wouldn't be able to defend an athlete like Josh.

I don't. Horford has pretty quick feet, actually. I noticed this when Horford used to find himself switched unto the other team's guards. Horford is a better man to man defender, and would frustrate a player like Smith. He also would be able to post Smith up, because he's stronger.

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Al's an All Star. You must be talking about another son.

All Star??? C'mon now! We all know the AGS is nothing more than a popularity contest for fans an coaches. At the end of the day it means nothing. Instead of judging his value by ASGs let's judge his value by what he does in big games. Have we seen him do anything "All Star" like when it counts? Nope.

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All Star??? C'mon now! We all know the AGS is nothing more than a popularity contest for fans an coaches. At the end of the day it means nothing. Instead of judging his value by ASGs let's judge his value by what he does in big games. Have we seen him do anything "All Star" like when it counts? Nope.

Horford had better playoff numbers in 07-08 and 09-10. This season..he's had better numbers vs. Boston, Miami, and Orlando.

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I always knew you were a little off, but I didn't know you were a troll.


I'm sick of hearing about what would be better for Al. Hell if JJ, Marvin, and Josh had a legit PG they could do better. Do we hear them complaining in the media every month? No! It's a team game and sometimes individual numbers have to suffer for the team. So why the constant drama from Al? It would not be so bad coming from fans or media people but to have it constantly coming from Al is ridiculous. Now it's coming from his father! If Al or his papa take issue with how he's being used then he should address that with Rick Sund directly. Enough with using the media to discuss team business.

Edited by NineOhTheRino
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All Star??? C'mon now! We all know the AGS is nothing more than a popularity contest for fans an coaches. At the end of the day it means nothing. Instead of judging his value by ASGs let's judge his value by what he does in big games. Have we seen him do anything "All Star" like when it counts? Nope.

Horford is 7th in the league in rebounds per game and 5th in field goal percentage. There is only one player in the NBA that scores more than Horford and shoots a higher percentage and that is Dwight Howard.

I think Al has earned the right to speak his mind. Lay off the Haterade.

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