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He penetrates and plays OK defense, but....


Career: 45%FG for a guy that penetrates mostly and an abysmal 18% 3PT shooter....Uuugh! I rather have Calderon + Bibby!

My ideal PG trade would be to get Devin Harris.

Algebra time.

Calderon + Bibby = Bibby + Bibby

We would still have the same problem. pgs that can't penetrate or defend

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Just for the up-to-the-second updates that will undoubtedly go nowhere, it appears it could turn into a bit of a small scale bidding war. Chris Broussard tweeted this:

Sources say ATL, Portland, NYK among the teams interested in Cavs' Ramon Sessions

Teague / Mo / 1st !

Sessions is better then any PG we would find around pick 24.......Teague is going no where with us.......there is NO chance the Hawks resign Mo.

I wonder what the Knicks and Blazers best offers would be. The Knicks have no draft pick to trade.

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Teague / Mo / 1st !

Sessions is better then any PG we would find around pick 24.......Teague is going no where with us.......there is NO chance the Hawks resign Mo.

I wonder what the Knicks and Blazers best offers would be. The Knicks have no draft pick to trade.

Sessions doesn't get us close enough to competing for a championship that I'd give up Teague and a 1st and hopefully the Hawks feel the same way and it sounds like they might if they are offering a 2nd rounder as per the rumor.

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He penetrates and plays OK defense, but....


Career: 45%FG for a guy that penetrates mostly and an abysmal 18% 3PT shooter....Uuugh! I rather have Calderon + Bibby!

My ideal PG trade would be to get Devin Harris.

Why in hell do you want more shooters? Haven't you seen enough? Thats the only thing this team do & get killed thanks to that. Sessions is what we need @ an affordable price, a guy who drive to the basket & BREAKS THE DEFENSE. Devin Harris........keep dreaming.

PS: Put the damn 1rst round pick on the line you freaking Sund!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Sessions doesn't get us close enough to competing for a championship that I'd give up Teague and a 1st and hopefully the Hawks feel the same way and it sounds like they might if they are offering a 2nd rounder as per the rumor.

Its not like the Hawks are giving up much for a 24 year old PG upgrade. Now I do agree that I would hold out on offering a 1st unless I had to include it to seal the deal. Under that scenerio we ould be trading 2 "maybes" (who may never get minutes) for a "definite" at a position of need.

I would honestly rather hold on to Jordan Crawford then Jeff Teague. Teague has a basic lack of basketball IQ that is required to play PG. He has a low release on his stand still jump shot where he does not even jump. That will make it difficult for him to ever play the scoring guard role since he gets no elevation on his jumper and is only 6'2''. Let some one else have the track star. Sessions is a basketball player while Teague is a track star.

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open question for anyone:

Would Teague put up numbers equaling to or better than Sessions if their roles were reversed?


Could it be that Teague + opportunity = Sessions ?

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Its not like the Hawks are giving up much for a 24 year old PG upgrade. Now I do agree that I would hold out on offering a 1st unless I had to include it to seal the deal. Under that scenerio we ould be trading 2 "maybes" (who may never get minutes) for a "definite" at a position of need.

I would honestly rather hold on to Jordan Crawford then Jeff Teague. Teague has a basic lack of basketball IQ that is required to play PG. He has a low release on his stand still jump shot where he does not even jump. That will make it difficult for him to ever play the scoring guard role since he gets no elevation on his jumper and is only 6'2''. Let some one else have the track star. Sessions is a basketball player while Teague is a track star.

The reason why I wouldn't give up Teague and the 1st is that I would like to have that 1st round pick to use in another deal to help improve the center position. Teague is a long shot to ever become our starting PG but I'd still hesitate to trade him for someone who isn't a slam dunk starting PG and there are questions about Sessions that keep me from calling him that. Now if we were talking talent and ignoring salary I'd give up Teague and a 1st for a guy like Devin Harris all day long but that probably couldn't get Harris even if the salaries matched.

Regarding JC vs JT I suppose I'd be more inclined to keep JC at this point since he's had even less chance to prove himself than Teague has and he does seem to have some ability to play the scoring PG role, but I'd really prefer to not trade either of them for Sessions.

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open question for anyone:

Would Teague put up numbers equaling to or better than Session if their roles were reversed?


Could it be that Teague + opportunity = Sessions ?

At 21 years of age, in his rookie NBA season, Sessions averaged 8.1 apg and 7.5 apg in 26 mpg. I can say for sure that there is no way Teague would have come close to approaching that assist number.

Teague averaged 3.5 apg in 32 mpg during his best college season at 20 years of age..

They are very different players and that is evident when you seem them play. Seesions plays with his mind while Teague simply plays off speed.

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Josh Smith shouldnt be startin at sf. He's a pf. PERIOD! Heck, he's even beginning to stand at the 3 pt line when he's at pf. Gotta keep him in the post.

I know LD wont bring Smoove off the bench in favor of Marvin when we go with the BIG lineup, but if it means starting Josh at sf, he needs to. He's turning into Jumpshot central. Btw, I'd do that deal in a heartbeat. Anything to bring Bibby off the bench.

How are you going to bring Smith off the bench with Bibby and Collins starting. We just don't have enough overall talent as a team to do Smith like Lamar Odom, Manu a couple of years ago, or AK-47. I like the idea of bringing Smith off the bench as a super sub like Jamal is. We just don't have the personnel.

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The reason why I wouldn't give up Teague and the 1st is that I would like to have that 1st round pick to use in another deal to help improve the center position.


Teague is a long shot to ever become our starting PG but I'd still hesitate to trade him for someone who isn't a slam dunk starting PG and there are questions about Sessions that keep me from calling him that.

I don't see your logic here.

Why would anyone ever trade for guy who is a "long shot to become a starter" if they had to give up a "slam dunk starter" at the exact same position ?

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At 21 years of age, in his rookie NBA season, Sessions averaged 8.1 apg and 7.5 apg in 26 mpg. I can say for sure that there is no way Teague would have come close to approaching that assist number.

Teague averaged 2.5 apg in 32 mpg during his best college season at 20 years of age..

They are very different players and that is evident when you seem them play. Seesions plays with his mind while Teague simply plays off speed.

I don't know what the guy is. I saw him a few years back at MBHS but really haven't paid much attention since. Teague and a 2nd maybe? I don't see Sund giving up a 1st (even in a weak draft year) unless other teams are in the running.

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I don't have much good to say about Sessions but I will say that Jordan Crawford/Mo for Sessions/Powe is a decent trade in terms of value or a 2nd/Mo for Sessions. I really like Powe. He's always been the type of PF I would have liked the Hawks to sign to backup Smith or Al. He is good value in a trade for us. I really can't this deal is getting us anywhere without another trade like the one a mentioned earlier in this thread. If we trade Teague, it better be part of a much bigger package that brings back potential starters and a lot more talent to the team. We need a talent infusion badly as Chicago and Miami and separating ground and NY and Philly are gaining momentum overall. I think we are at the most critical time in our team recent history. The right moves have to be made.

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I don't know what the guy is. I saw him a few years back at MBHS but really haven't paid much attention since. Teague and a 2nd maybe? I don't see Sund giving up a 1st (even in a weak draft year) unless other teams are in the running.

#'s really don't tell the whole story, that Bucks team had a lot of issues that season. Royal Ivey was the starter when Sessions was signed. Redd had injury issues. Sessions W/L record starting was awful as well, 0-7 to be exact. Redd had injury issues the next season and by game 48, Sessions started as a SG from there on out. He never started as a PG unless Luke Ridnour was hurt in his second year. He was somewhat effective as a SG, moreso than as a PG. Like I said, this guy is basically what we used to have with Anthony Johnson. If that's your ideal PG, cool but I see him as a stop gap to one who much better with very good potential like a O.J. Mayo.

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I don't see your logic here.

Why would anyone ever trade for guy who is a "long shot to become a starter" if they had to give up a "slam dunk starter" at the exact same position ?

I don't mean a one for one trade of Teague for a starting PG. I'd include Teague in a deal that would land us sure fire starting PG, like if we had a deal with NJ to get Harris I'd include Teague as a sweetener based on his youth and potential along with whatever better player it took to get Harris.

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I don't wanna do Teague for Sessions. I also don't wanna do JC2 for sessions.....It's funny but the guys that I hope we don't trade are:





I really like JC2 and think he's gonna be a star in this league....please don't trade him Hawks...we've got a gem in JC2 and I hope management realizes this and doesnt trade him.

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