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Melo & Billups going to the knicks makes the Hawks 6th seed!


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We def cant stay put after this blockbuster deal! The Hawks have to make a trade. If sund and the ASG really think the hawks have a chance as they are Im even more surprised than ever before at them! Let's take a look at the Elite east teams shall we:






c-probably turiaf



















now our team the ATL Hawks






I picked the BIG lineup cause to me its our best lineup.

I mean damn Sund/ASG look at these other teams lineups! We need some damn help and quick! Looking at these starting fives the Magic is the only team that doesnt scare me even though they whooped our *ss last year this is a diff team, I really think we can pass them. Now for the other teams i just dont know! Im confident in 2 positions with these other teams and thats SG and PF. Johnson and Horford is our only consistency. smith will be affective as long as he has his head on right but he has a BIG challenge against pierce and now melo. This team is in serious trouble if they dont land even a ramon sessions like player! an getting sessions isnt asking for much. Prepare for a 6th seed ATL cause its finna go down for real for real now! These teams are not just better than us they are starting to become way better than us. Last year the bulls and knick werent even in it look at them now! What are we doin! open your eyes ASG/Sund the whole hawks staff and crew whoever! :cant believe:

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It's really too soon to put them ahead of the Hawks. They have no chemistry and they are currently worst than the Nuggets were a couple of weeks ago. It will take time but they are a better team for now and much better for the future.

Your bud made the don't quit on me call ASG wants him to make but would never do.

ASG makes Sund inquire for D. Harris just to save face

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We def cant stay put after this blockbuster deal! The Hawks have to make a trade. If sund and the ASG really think the hawks have a chance as they are Im even more surprised than ever before at them! Let's take a look at the Elite east teams shall we:






c-probably turiaf



















now our team the ATL Hawks






I picked the BIG lineup cause to me its our best lineup.

I mean damn Sund/ASG look at these other teams lineups! We need some damn help and quick! Looking at these starting fives the Magic is the only team that doesnt scare me even though they whooped our *ss last year this is a diff team, I really think we can pass them. Now for the other teams i just dont know! Im confident in 2 positions with these other teams and thats SG and PF. Johnson and Horford is our only consistency. smith will be affective as long as he has his head on right but he has a BIG challenge against pierce and now melo. This team is in serious trouble if they dont land even a ramon sessions like player! an getting sessions isnt asking for much. Prepare for a 6th seed ATL cause its finna go down for real for real now! These teams are not just better than us they are starting to become way better than us. Last year the bulls and knick werent even in it look at them now! What are we doin! open your eyes ASG/Sund the whole hawks staff and crew whoever! :cant believe:

The Hawks should be looking to move their long term contracts. Unless there is a trade that makes them legit contenders now, I wouldn't trade Jamal or Bibby because those contracts will end relatively soon. If the Hawks do make a move, it should be with a view to putting themselves in position to add real impact players down the line by moving the longer contracts of non impact players now.

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Guest Squawker

Personally i rather face Chicago in the playoffs than Orlando. But thats just me. As for Sund, yes moves need to be made in order for us to contend let alone advance out of the first round this year. But truthfully, i dont see him doing anything.

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So a team with less of a frontcourt and depth than the one that was barely over .500 last week is now going to go on a hot streak while the Hawks simultaneously play considerably below .500 ball the rest of the season? Why even bother with a playoff seed then, I say we just tank.

Calm down folks, the Knicks are not doing anything this year with all of those holes. Everyone can give up after the summer though.

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yeah the Knicks still won't be able to defend outside of Billups, and with the iso game of Mari and now Melo,their tempo will probably slow down too. Billups seems better in the halfcourt at his age now

I would guess the Knicks will settle into a primarily half court offense at this point. Their primary players are best at that now.

Worst thing is they will likely get some sort of cap exception after the new labor deal and be able to use their considerable moneys for even more talent. brick%20wall.gif

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yeah the Knicks still won't be able to defend outside of Billups, and with the iso game of Mari and now Melo,their tempo will probably slow down too. Billups seems better in the halfcourt at his age now

no offense to the our hawks but that last game we struggled defending them before this trade. Add a melo and billups and now its a must to defend and stop them. Yeah they are scoring machines, its not like we are the celtics. Trust me billups will kill bibby without doubt. melo and amare will have to be dealt with one on one. thats not good considering we have to keep a eye on bibby every defensive play! the help defense against the knicks will be hard to do unless we get a pg who can handle his own.

So a team with less of a frontcourt and depth than the one that was barely over .500 last week is now going to go on a hot streak while the Hawks simultaneously play considerably below .500 ball the rest of the season? Why even bother with a playoff seed then, I say we just tank.

Calm down folks, the Knicks are not doing anything this year with all of those holes. Everyone can give up after the summer though.

Im sorry man but it wont take long for this team to click offensively and im certain of that! This isnt miami! Spoelstra has no real offense game plan. d'antoni will have these boys clicking in 3 or 4 games. Then let me remind you that the hawks have a very strong 27 games left against some good teams. Now let's throw this out there, we need a trade for a pg not only for the remainder of the season but for the playoffs anyhow.

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No way the Knicks pass us up in the standings. They don't have enough time to mesh. It takes a while to learn to play with one another, it's not an overnight thing. It's not gonna happen...not to mention they can't defend worth squat and are super thin as far as their bench goes. Hawks>Knicks

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The Hawks should be looking to move their long term contracts. Unless there is a trade that makes them legit contenders now, I wouldn't trade Jamal or Bibby because those contracts will end relatively soon. If the Hawks do make a move, it should be with a view to putting themselves in position to add real impact players down the line by moving the longer contracts of non impact players now.

That is the exact wrong thing to do given our cap situation. We are significantly over the cap. Meaning that even if all 15 million of their salaries came off the books, we could only use a couple million to resign players. But if we traded that salary away for a long term contract, that doesn't count the same against the cap.

Trading away Craw this year, Bibs anytime between now and next year's deadline is the best answer for competivity.

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no offense to the our hawks but that last game we struggled defending them before this trade. Add a melo and billups and now its a must to defend and stop them. Yeah they are scoring machines, its not like we are the celtics. Trust me billups will kill bibby without doubt. melo and amare will have to be dealt with one on one. thats not good considering we have to keep a eye on bibby every defensive play! the help defense against the knicks will be hard to do unless we get a pg who can handle his own.

Im sorry man but it wont take long for this team to click offensively and im certain of that! This isnt miami! Spoelstra has no real offense game plan. d'antoni will have these boys clicking in 3 or 4 games. Then let me remind you that the hawks have a very strong 27 games left against some good teams. Now let's throw this out there, we need a trade for a pg not only for the remainder of the season but for the playoffs anyhow.

If you call D'Antoni's run and chuck system that much of an improvement over Spoelstra's flex then I applaud you and agree it would take less to learn but now you have a coach notoriously known to run short rotations being given a situation where he has nothing but a short rotation...Chauncey simply cannot give anybody 38 minutes a game at this point like the quicker Felton was and they also lost 3 capable positional defenders and replaced them with Melo.

Beyond that, you want to talk about our schedule? Look at the Knicks and just their upcoming schedule.




New Orleans




@Dallas b2b





Boston b2b


That's just over the next month and it doesn't include the time it takes players to check in, put in some practices and then play the "3 or 4" games it will take for them to mesh. At that point they could be 3-4 games under .500

Honestly, they end the season playing Orlando 3 times, Boston twice, see the teams that are all currently within 5 games of their 6th seed and streaking (Philly, Indiana, and Charlotte) 5 times and 17 playoff teams out of 27 games total. Give em the 5th seed though, Carmelo is just that transcendent player we never knew about.

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