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Poll: Who likes the Hinrich/Armstrong Trade?



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It's not obvious whether this is a good or bad trade, but after thinking a lot about it I like it. A few points...

1- Bibby was one of my favorite players because he hit clutch shots, but this year he has only been hitting threes and not really doing much (or anything) else. His defense has been horrible and we will obviously get better there with Joe not guarding teams pg's. Lets not forget that Hinrich has been playing behind Wall and Arenas (for some part) of this season. So he hasn't really been a true PG but he makes shots, like Bibby, and plays A LOT more D than Bibby. It's an obvious upgrade to me.

2- We lose Mo Evans. I don't know if the headband was a lame attempt to make him feel cool and in turn start hitting shots, but I couldn't stand watching this guy play. Mo is now gone which is a positive for me.

3- JC55. I actually liked Crawford and this is the one piece I'm a little upset about. On draft night I was hoping we would take him and became rather pissed when we didn't, followed by being elated after we traded for him. He is the first guard that we have drafted in awhile that could make shots and I thought that was a really good thing. Nothing about losing him seems like an upgrade to me.

4-Let's just pretend the first is for Armstrong? Who cares? Do we even know if we would have kept the pick if we had it?

There are some negatives in this deal but the positives do outweigh them. I think getting Hinrich will help this team immensely and hopefully Armstrong provides some quality minutes for us. Armstrong and Crawford are definitely the wild cards in this deal.

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This doesn't improve the team. It just doesn't.

I don't see how it doesn't improve the team. Hinrich is a clearly superior player to Bibby. He can defend the 1 or 2 which gives us more flexibility and we got rid of the shooter who can't shoot, the defender who can't defend, and the worst finisher in the NBA - Mo Evans. At worst Armstrong gives us nothing which is exactly what Jordan and that first round pick were giving us this year.

That's not to say I'm a fan of the trade or that it will benefit us down the road, but it does make us better this season.

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The team clearly improved just due to the fact that we have a veteran starting-caliber PG who isn't a total liability on one side. Hilton Armstrong, while he is an average journeyman type, still probably becomes our 2nd best center, and should allow Horford more time at PF.

If we gave up JC2 and a pick, that sounds excessive. One or the other would be ok. I would prefer to keep JC2 to at least have a backup if and when Crawford leaves.

This trade is not exciting, but it gives us a better chance in the playoffs.

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The team is not improved. The team just went back to how they were when Bibby first got to the Hawks because his number were 15 pt 5 ast, if Kirk plays great he will give you that but they are not improved. Bibby's decline will be shown to not be the major problem just like Woody has been shown to not be the major problem. The major problem is the one referred to as Smoove.

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Good trade. Hinrich is better than Bibby by a mile. The Hawks were desperate and gave up more than they wanted to but got the right guy.

I have watched the Wizards a lot this year and Hinrich is not only a huge upgrade defensively but he is an upgrade offensively as well. Bibby is worthless if he isn't hitting 3s. Kirk can hit 3s but score in other ways as well. I think he will be a great fit here.

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How do you know the Cavs would have accepted that trade ?

Of course the Hawks would of had to give up more then Jeff Teague to get Sessions (that why I said "a deal to get Sessions"). Hawks could of given up Mo Evans, Teague, and 1st round pick for Sessions. Such a deal had been mentioned but the Hawks were only offering a 2nd round pick yet the Cavs wanted a first round pick. Instead the Hawks front office decided to keep Teague and trade Bibby and Jordan Crawford.

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I really like the trade for what it will do for us right now. Having a PG who can defend is going to be huge. However, I don't like that we traded a first rounder. I still don't understand why that was included.

Because the Wizards owner already said weeks ago that they were looking to aquire picks. That is their primary motivation in trades right now. They actually got a first round pick when they traded for Hinrich last summer.

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I really like the trade for what it will do for us right now. Having a PG who can defend is going to be huge. However, I don't like that we traded a first rounder. I still don't understand why that was included.

given that sund had already tried to get harris and felton (and possibly sessions too), but wasn't able to, and that everyone and their mother knew we need a pg in the worst way, i'm guessing anyone dangling us a point was going to ask for a pick knowing we couldn't keep going without getting one.

you never know who we would've gotten if we kept it, but with our track record and the uninspiring draft class this year, i don't think we'd be missing out on anything major.

i think hinrich's going to be a good pick up for us for this and next year. i just hope sund will be able to leave it at that and not make the same mistake when he resigned bibby.

i'm not too concerned about loosing craw2 either. i think if jordan was going to be a big time player for us, he would've already shown something in practice or in the game. dude only played in 16 games this year, and that's with bibby as our point, and craw1 out with injury for a good strech and playing poorly when he has played. dunking on lebron while at xavier will be the highlight of his career.

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We gave up too much. We should have given only the 2011 pick or the expiring contact of Evans. We should NOT had given up both. We got the best player, but otherwise they beat us on this trade. Sessions would have been a far better pickup, he has much more upside. We're going to be hunting for point guard again in just one more year.

RealGM's D+ grade is a stretch, but it can't be Higher than a C.

Remember all the people predicting that Jordan Crawford was going to replace Jamal Crawford next year? Man, thats funny.

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Giving up Mo Evans = an improvement (give me Damien off the bench any day). I'm going to assume Mo was getting so much burn as an attempt to up his value.

Evans = 6'6 - Armstrong 6'11

Bibby = 5'11" - Hinrich 6'3

We just got taller.

Hinrich - Better penetrator, better defender, better free throw shoot, better at drawing fouls.

Bibby - Better 3 point shooter.

On the floor differences - Joe has to handle the ball less. We don't need to drop a second person back to lay screens for Bibby bringing up the ball. Hinrich will get out and lead the break. Hinrich will stay in front of his man half the time and be a harder person to shoot over all the time meaning less need for our bigs to leave their man to help defend. Hinrich will be the one chasing the better guard of the other team, thereby giving JJ better legs throughout the game.

Anyone who doesn't see this as an extreme improvement isn't looking.

Now for the other part of the trade....the cost.

Bibby - 5-6 million a year...1 year left

Mo Evans - 2.5 million a year .... expiring

J Crawford = 1-3 million a year 4 years remaining.

Hinrich - 9 million (8 million next year as the contract was front loaded...he would be only 1.7 million more next year than Bibby) - 1 year remaining.

Armstrong - 1 million a year....expiring.

The net effect on the cap next year is 0....Armstrong's expiring means we are only losing 1.5 million of Mo's expiring. That just happens to be J Crawford's salary. So when you consider Hinrich's salary goes down next year, the net trade is:

Bibby, J Crawford (who isn't playing), a first next year (probably 22-25) for Hinrich (which is a bigger expiring in 2012) and a bench slot for Pape Sy and playing time for Wilkens.

Given our lineup is set at 1-4 now the next year, the pick had very little chance of being an impact player for 2 years (Hinrich will resign cheaper when his deal is done). Our only need is now at Center and the 22nd pick in the draft is not going to net you a starting center either in trade or application.

This trade is a win both financially and most definately on the floor.

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Don't know why hawks fans are upset about giving away a first rounder. You guys are known to let your rookies ride the pine and never develop anyway. Sad Jordan Crawford never played. The only organization who feels they're too good to play rookies. That's why teams with good coaches and ownership like the Spurs do well. They recognize their young talent. Gary Neal...

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