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Now that the trade deadline has passed...


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By keeping Teague, I am assuming that ASG and Sund still thinks of him as our future PG. Do you think the Hawks should just bite the bullet and start him? By doing that you have Kirk and Jamal and sometimes Marvin (when he doesn't sart) as the main guys off the bench?

I do not like the pairing of Jamal and Teague, Jamal hogs the ball too much which doesn't allow Teague to run the offense.

(And yes I know, Teague hasn't been good enough to replace Bibby, but why not go for it?)

Teague wasn't horrible last night, did a few good things.

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i think they should the offense looked a lot better last night with teague running it hinrich off the bench would be good

No way. Hinrich is a way better PG than Teague is at this point. Yeah, Teague did SOME nice things last night, but he has a long way to go to even prove whether he is a competent backup PG at the moment.

rotting him on the bench will not speed up the process

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i think they should the offense looked a lot better last night with teague running it hinrich off the bench would be good

rotting him on the bench will not speed up the process

The fact remains that Hinrich has more PG skills in one hand than Teague does in his whole body RIGHT NOW. If Teague develops, his ability to push the ball up the court and drive-and-kick (which he did some of last night) would prove immensely valuable. But since Teague can't even get consistent minutes, or hell even non-DNPs many nights, so far, what makes anyone think he is ready to start? Hinrich was brought here to start, and until Teague rises up, Teague will remain on the bench as a backup.

With that said, I will say that Teague should be playing more consistent minutes and NOT rot on the bench, but he will need to play more consistently if he wants Drew to reward him with more PT.

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The fact remains that Hinrich has more PG skills in one hand than Teague does in his whole body RIGHT NOW. If Teague develops, his ability to push the ball up the court and drive-and-kick (which he did some of last night) would prove immensely valuable. But since Teague can't even get consistent minutes, or hell even non-DNPs many nights, so far, what makes anyone think he is ready to start? Hinrich was brought here to start, and until Teague rises up, Teague will remain on the bench as a backup.

With that said, I will say that Teague should be playing more consistent minutes and NOT rot on the bench, but he will need to play more consistently if he wants Drew to reward him with more PT.


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I'm just rejoicing at the termination of the "OMG Player X might be remotely available!" and "Let's Trade (Insert Despised Hawk Here) for (Something Way Better)!" threads. Love breathing fresh air.

But yeah, Kirk will start, however Teague still needs to improve his game quickly, to earn more minutes toward playoff time and at least in the event of injuries.


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Teague should start and should have played 30 minutes last night, he did nothing so wrong in that game. Jamal has not done anything in weeks and has been getting consistent minutes, he makes a shot or 2 and get's all the minutes from there on out. Jamal is a ballhog that I am tired of looking at. Hinrich is a combo guard. You have to give Teague the confidence that he is the one in charge of running things. Finally, I have never seen a team change lineups from game to game and do anything worth talking about. Stick with something, it sends wrong message.

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Teague should start and should have played 30 minutes last night, he did nothing so wrong in that game. Jamal has not done anything in weeks and has been getting consistent minutes, he makes a shot or 2 and get's all the minutes from there on out. Jamal is a ballhog that I am tired of looking at. Hinrich is a combo guard. You have to give Teague the confidence that he is the one in charge of running things. Finally, I have never seen a team change lineups from game to game and do anything worth talking about. Stick with something, it sends wrong message.

OMG, Hinrich is not a combo guard. He has been forced to play the 2, but the only thing about him that is combo is his height (6'4"). He is a pass first, floor vision, ball handling, man up D poing guard. Quit reading ESPN columnists for all your insight.

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OMG, Hinrich is not a combo guard. He has been forced to play the 2, but the only thing about him that is combo is his height (6'4"). He is a pass first, floor vision, ball handling, man up D poing guard. Quit reading ESPN columnists for all your insight.

Don't bother, he puts down Hinrich for being a combo guard in one sentence and then suggests another combo guard in Teague should be given the reigns.

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Don't bother, he puts down Hinrich for being a combo guard in one sentence and then suggests another combo guard in Teague should be given the reigns.

Isn't that ironic. You try to put me down for contradicting myself then you come back and do the same. Teague has been on this team for close to 2 seasons. Hinrich has not played a game and you telling me that's not giving Hinrich the job? Teague should have to lose the job just like Bibby. That is just wrong and will further damage his confidence in everything including bigger things in life. He was suppose to take the job but they will just give it to someone else. :thumbsdownsmileyanim:

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Hinrich is a proven pg

If we had gotten dwill or harris would you have said teague should start?

Bottom line is every hawks player has their troll and you are hinrich's before he's played his first game for us

Bottom is every blogger has someone that's obsessed with them and you seem to be obsessed with me. Please prove me wrong and stop responding to me. Hinrich has not been a PG for years. Teague has been playing PG for this team since he got here, rather his play is flawed or not is not the topic.

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Isn't that ironic. You try to put me down for contradicting myself then you come back and do the same. Teague has been on this team for close to 2 seasons. Hinrich has not played a game and you telling me that's not giving Hinrich the job? Teague should have to lose the job just like Bibby. That is just wrong and will further damage his confidence in everything including bigger things in life. He was suppose to take the job but they will just give it to someone else. :thumbsdownsmileyanim:

He couldn't take the job from Mike Bibby and now we bring in an upgrade and your logic leads you to........TEAGUE SHOULD START NOW!

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Bottom is every blogger has someone that's obsessed with them and you seem to be obsessed with me. Please prove me wrong and stop responding to me. Hinrich has not been a PG for years. Teague has been playing PG for this team since he got here, rather his play is flawed or not is not the topic.

You are REALLY making some questionable posts here lately. :cant believe:

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