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The Official Jordan Crawford Watch Thread

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Was very pleased to see "JC2: LIVE!" at the Time Warner Cable Arena in Uptown Charlotte Sunday night. Endured 48 minutes of wretched lottery basketball and screeching 8-year olds in John Wall jerseys, but it was worth it for seeing JC2 (oh, and you too, Mo).JC2 didn't disappoint, at least, not those of us who enjoy players that shoot the ball with absolutely NO CONSCIENCE WHATSOEVER. I'd critique his shot selection except there wasn't much selection going on, simply, "do I go gung-ho at the rim against two defenders, or jab-step and loft up a 25-footer?" Getting his shot blocked or airballing almost guaranteed he would be looking for the ball on the very next possession, I think it's some kind of drug for him. Flip Saunders allowed him to cool off in the second quarter after dropping 9 in the first (I don't recall any other 'Zards had managed more than 2 at the time). On the rare occasion he did pass, the passes looked crisp and timely. Unfortunately, several of his recipients have hands of stone, so not many assists.Defensively, he didn't do too badly against an improving Gerald Henderson. But in the second half, the Bobcats dusted off Matt Carroll, who must have scored at least a season high, going by and around JC2 repeatedly for wide open threes and drives to the cup for lay-ins. A good coach can help him with his defensive deficiencies... I just don't think Flip Saunders is that coach. I'd say don't be surprised to see JC2 shopped hard by the Wizards this summer.Mo showed his one perennial play of "I still got it" athleticism on a fastbreak dunk in the first half, then resorted to the Mo we all knew and loved. Corner three, anyone?~lw3

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Crawford .463 ts% on the entire season is worse than every single player on the Hawks roster for the season. That is woeful. By way of comparison, Teague shoots a dramatically better .523 ts% and ranks 12th on the team.http://www.basketball-reference.com/teams/ATL/2011.htmlCrawford will be a role player off the bench.

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Jordan just get better with each game. He would have been a perfect 6th man for us. Now we are left with either overpaying an aging and declining Jamal or have no one to fill in the 6th man role. It would be nice of Kirk could up his level of play.

Actually Paladin..I'm fairly happy with Kirk's level of play..for what he's asked to do. Blown away - no, but fairly happy.The thing I can't figure out is the seeming change in strategy by ASG. I really thought it was as obvious as the nose in the middle of your face that we drafted JC2 as CrawSr's replacement...and would then trade Sr for a big. Something had to have happened. Maybe no good offers? Maybe potential new ownership considerations? Maybe ownership/management/coaches just didn't think JC2 was up to the job?If the latter is the case it looks like they messed up again..
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I knew getting rid of him was the dumbest move. The wizards used their magic on sund and are now making him look like an idiot. Crawford is unbelieablivebly talented and yet again we fail to hold onto a good draft pick.

Well then ftt966 you are a much better judge of talent than me. Personally I didn't see much from JC2 when he was with us. Of course that could be because I seldom saw him on the court in games...but I expected that the coaches (who see him all the time in practice) knew more than I.

IMO opinion NJ snagged us like a hungry catfish in the trade. We needed a defensive PG to go up against ORL and we got one. So you can't blame Hinrich on the trade - he's not an owner/GM. We just (typically) gave away too much. Actually it is still up in the air...obviously the Hilton thing didn't work...but we have to see how the (late) 1st round pick works out for them. If it's just Bibby/JC2 for Hinrich - I have no real problem with that since as D says - we are a "win now" team.

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Right now, the correct comparison to Jordan, in my opinion, is Rex ChapmanHere's a Player Season Finder on Jordan, and how he compares to other rookie guards who were 6 - 3 to 6 - 5. These are the parameters:- minimum 40 games played- PER of at least 10 ( which is important, because it may show that he's more than a gunner . . lol . . even though that's what he is )- 10 FGA per game- usage% of over 25To me, these parameters are important, because they illustrate that those teams were trying to see just how good those guys were, by giving them a lot of playing time and shots.Comparing him to a guy like Adam Morrison, who couldn't even create his own shot, or create shots for others, is an inaccurate comparison. Dajuan Wagner, because he was a guard, is a more fair comparison. But Dajuan was only 6 - 2.Rex, at 6 - 4 . . . and a gunner who could get his shot off at any time . . is probably the right comparison to Jordan right now.

Edited by northcyde
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It just seemed very silly to deal the first and jc2 for Kurt. Bobby and Kurt are so similar that a trade could have been made 1 v 1. We got screwed!

That is unfair to Sund because Bibby was so valuable that he was straight out cut by the Wizards and signed for only the minimum by Miami. No GM in the league would trade a player like Kirk for Bibby straight up. Now did we need to give up both our first round pick and Crawford to get the trade done? That is where it gets murky and I think it is fair to criticize Sund. But expecting a 1 v 1 Bibby for Crawford deal is crazy.
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Right now, the correct comparison to Jordan, in my opinion, is Rex ChapmanHere's a Player Season Finder on Jordan, and how he compares to other rookie guards who were 6 - 3 to 6 - 5. These are the parameters:- minimum 40 games played- PER of at least 10 ( which is important, because it may show that he's more than a gunner . . lol . . even though that's what he is )- 10 FGA per game- usage% of over 25To me, these parameters are important, because they illustrate that those teams were trying to see just how good those guys were, by giving them a lot of playing time and shots.Comparing him to a guy like Adam Morrison, who couldn't even create his own shot, or create shots for others, is an inaccurate comparison. Dajuan Wagner, because he was a guard, is a more fair comparison. But Dajuan was only 6 - 2.Rex, at 6 - 4 . . . and a gunner who could get his shot off at any time . . is probably the right comparison to Jordan right now.

Chapman scored at a ..514 ts% for his career and better than that during his prime years. He was also significantly more athletic than Crawford. While he had a comparable ts% to Crawford his rookie year, he did that while averaging 17 ppg and being the #2 defensive mark for opposing defenses.So I am not liking Crawford's chances of matching Rex's career. That said, if he can just improve his efficiency like Chapman did (which for Chapman was largely moving to a less prominent role as a scorer and drawing less defensive attention), he will have a very nice career as a plus 6th man or marginal starter.
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JC2 FTW BTW FWIW! LOL(now cover your other eye and repeat)~lw3

19 shots to score 17 points. 6 assists with 5 turnovers. Still very much a work in progress but at least he hit some clutch shots yesterday.
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I think the Wizards know he isn't a starter long-term. You can't shoot as poorly as he did last year and suffer with the size and defensive challenges he has and be a successful starting SG. I expect he will improve in both areas over time but there is a long way to go and think he will always be better suited for a 6th man.

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