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Dumb Ole Smoove


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In a close game against an E.C. rival away:

41.5 minutes 13 for 21 field goals 6 for 7 free throws 33 total points 12 rebounds a steal a block no turnovers.

If only this youngster had a BBIQ imagine what he could do??

Early in the game he hits a perimeter shot...later he shoots an airball...half the chatroom groans and complains that he is beyond help and will never accept his role...he is a selfish perimeter shooter...an outlaw...beyond help or coaching.

I give up. I know the guy doesn't do this every game and I know many want him to play the way THEY want him to...but the fact of the matter is, he's the best player on this team right now (night in-night-out).

No question about it.

Edited by DJlaysitup
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Ok this is what I don't understand, when Horford had ONE NIGHT like this (30 pts) "he is the savior of the team and everyone should follow his lead", "he is a warrior", "he is a competitor", "he is the only one who cares" "he knows how to win" and all this other crap, but when Josh does it, it's considered a fluke. WTF????? Do you guys here not see how bias you are??

No they don't but in all fairness, Niremetal is one of the more fair in general. (and definately not kissing up as he and I butt heads in other areas)

In my opinion, Josh has been the best player on the team for 2 years now. Joe to me is a volume shooter that only gets to the line in the last 2 minutes of wins.

To me, Al is dependable, tough and a very, very good player. A very close second. But Josh affects every part of the game. The only argument in my opinion against Josh is his high number of unforced turnovers. But his overall play more than makes up for that.

We complain a lot about Josh and to some extent Al handling the ball a great deal far from the basket but that is the role they've been cast in because Joe is not the ball handler his reputation foretold.

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If Smoove played as bad as Horford as lately, there would be many topics about it. I can promise you that. Just search through the forums for proof. When is the last time Josh had a topic about playing good? When is the last time Al has had a topic about him playing good? I can assure you that Al has topics every other day, even when he's been playing like sh*t. Just let me know the answer to this question.

Also, someone brought the whole All Star thing between the two of them? Uh.. different positions bro. I have another question for you. What position is much harder to become an All Star at?PF or C? How many good centers are in the NBA? Hmm...

Anyways, I've said this before.. Josh & Al are the only people who can put up good numbers every night. Al & Joe has been M.I.A. and they are our leaders. At least act like you want to win the game. Anyone can say "Something has to be done" and not do sh*t about it. /SMH

It's bad that you can't criticize Al on here anymore. People will rage. If you do criticize Al, then you MUST hate AL and love Josh -- as people on this forum assume. Why can't you like both? Why can't you criticize both? Why can't we show equal love? I bet there will be more people talking sh*t about Josh in the thread instead of giving him props for being the only Atlanta Hawk to come prepared and give his heart out every game, along with ZaZa.

You may see me defending Josh a lot more on these forums. Why? Well, see above. That's why. How can I defend Al when everyone here loves him. If there would stupid, hatred, make no sense topics about Al, I'd be doing the same damn thing.

Anyways, I'm expecting negatives for this because I'm sure people will rage.

Deuces! :pleasantry:

Edited by AHawks89
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If Smoove played as bad as Horford as lately, there would be many topics about it. I can promise you that. Just search through the forums for proof. When is the last time Josh had a topic about playing good? When is the last time Al has had a topic about him playing good? I can assure you that Al has topics every other day, even when he's been playing like sh*t. Just let me know the answer to this question.

Also, someone brought the whole All Star thing between the two of them? Uh.. different positions bro. I have another question for you. What position is much harder to become an All Star at?PF or C? How many good centers are in the NBA? Hmm...

Anyways, I've said this before.. Josh & Al are the only people who can put up good numbers every night. Al & Joe has been M.I.A. and they are our leaders. At least act like you want to win the game. Anyone can say "Something has to be done" and not do sh*t about it. /SMH

It's bad that you can't criticize Al on here anymore. People will rage. If you do criticize Al, then you MUST hate AL and love Josh -- as people on this forum assume. Why can't you like both? Why can't you criticize both? Why can't we show equal love? I bet there will be more people talking sh*t about Josh in the thread instead of giving him props for being the only Atlanta Hawk to come prepared and give his heart out every game, along with ZaZa.

You may see me defending Josh a lot more on these forums. Why? Well, see above. That's why. How can I defend Al when there is not one damn bad said about him.

Anyways, I'm expecting negatives for this because I'm sure people will rage.

Deuces! :pleasantry:

If Josh, or anyone else on this team had put up those numbers while willing the team to victory, then congratulations.... but we lost so why does it matter who had what stats??? When a TEAM loses the TEAM is to blame.... As far as I am concerned personal stats in a LOSS are about as important as Etan Thomas's role on this team....

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If Josh, or anyone else on this team had put up those numbers while willing the team to victory, then congratulations.... but we lost so why does it matter who had what stats??? When a TEAM loses the TEAM is to blame.... As far as I am concerned personal stats in a LOSS are about as important as Etan Thomas's role on this team....

I'm pretty sure the topic is not talking about the game itself only. Way to change the subject. And since you just said that, there goes another point. When we lose, it's because "Josh is terrible and shoots to many outside shots, and defense don't matter", but it's not being blamed on the team. Do you honestly think people blame the team for a loss and not individuals? I think it should be blamed on a team, but that's not how it works.

Btw, can you answer my questions above? May take you a while to come up with something that don't sound biased.

Edited by AHawks89
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What are we going to do with Smoove? Probably hold on to him because we're asking for too much to trade him.

What do I wish we would do with Smoove? Trade him. I think if we got 90 cents on the dollar, it would still be a net win for the TEAM if we got his attitude and crying shipped out of here.

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I'm pretty sure the topic is not talking about the game itself only. Way to change the subject. And since you just said that, there goes another point. When we lose, it's because "Josh is terrible and shoots to many outside shots, and defense don't matter", but it's not being blamed on the team. Do you honestly think people blame the team for a loss and not individuals? I think it should be blamed on a team, but that's not how it works.

Btw, can you answer my questions above? May take you a while to come up with something that don't sound biased.

I don't feel the need to answer your question because i don't consistently blame any one single individual for a loss.... now i'm not against pointing out when someone had a bad night when it effects a loss..... but why would i be quick to give Josh Smith props or anyone else for that matter for having a good night when we leave Phialdelphia with a loss... Noone should be given special praise for being the best of the losers on the floor that night. I am a fan of the hawks as a collection of guys rather than a Josh Smith or Al Horford fan boy.. I want them both to be good just like any other reasonable hawks fan... Arguing about who's to blame and who is not is just silly... I think that praising someone for great stats in a loss is just as silly...

I go to alot of the games.... The constant blame is coaching. I think Larry Drew absolutely sucks.... and so did that other guy (just not as bad)

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I don't feel the need to answer your question because i don't consistently blame any one single individual for a loss.... now i'm not against pointing out when someone had a bad night when it effects a loss..... but why would i be quick to give Josh Smith props or anyone else for that matter for having a good night when we leave Phialdelphia with a loss... Noone should be given special praise for being the best of the losers on the floor that night. I am a fan of the hawks as a collection of guys rather than a Josh Smith or Al Horford fan boy.. I want them both to be good just like any other reasonable hawks fan... Arguing about who's to blame and who is not is just silly... I think that praising someone for great stats in a loss is just as silly...

I go to alot of the games.... The constant blame is coaching. I think Larry Drew absolutely sucks.... and so did that other guy (just not as bad)

I think you are misunderstanding this topic and my response. I'm agreeing with you. I blame the coach for the loss and not individual players. I will get mad at Jamal Crawford for playing horrible defense and what not, but that's not all on him. It's on the coach for giving him those many minutes. What I was pointing out, was to the topic; how blaming one person for an loss every game is ridiculous, praising one player for a win, being biased towards players, etc. He's not really praising anyone. It's the fact that people are biased and do this every game, and he's proving that it happens. It's pathetic. It's to hard to ignore the ignorance of some people on here, but what do you expect? We're all different.

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Oh, there's definitely a question about it. He was the best player tonight. There is no question about THAT. But Al has been the best player night-in night-out this season. You can ask the NBA coaches who picked Al and JJ to another All-Star game and left Smoove at home.

Josh is a PF who wants to be a SG and he always will be and he is "beyond help or coaching" in that regard. It's 7 years into his career, and that hasn't changed. His fans can chirp all they want after a game like this. Wake me up when he puts together a season - hell, one month of one season - where he does this "night-in, night-out."

Sorry, but I can't stand it when people post threads after their favored/hated player has a great/terrible game and start chirping as if that one game proves something. It doesn't. Tonight was an exception that highlights the rule. After all, if Josh had games like this regularly, DJ wouldn't feel the need to post a thread tonight pointing out how great he played to everyone else.

What are you talking about???

JS - 16.4 - 8.6 - 3.3 - 1.7 - 1.3

AH - 15.7 - 9.5 - 3.6 - 1.0 - 0.8

It's comical you bring up joe's "all star year".

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The problem with Josh is that his play greatly affects the team with a huge positive and negative swing.

When Al has a bad game, we only suffer because his production isn't where it should be and he isn't outplaying his opponent.

When Josh has a bad game, it's often to do with decision making, and his decision making GREATLY affects the game (usually negatively) which is why it's easy and acceptable to get on his case about it.

Both players often affect the game positively. Al rarely has a negative affect on a game, Josh does in moments of every game he plays.

That's how I see it anyway.

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The problem with Josh is that his play greatly affects the team with a huge positive and negative swing.

When Al has a bad game, we only suffer because his production isn't where it should be and he isn't outplaying his opponent.

When Josh has a bad game, it's often to do with decision making, and his decision making GREATLY affects the game (usually negatively) which is why it's easy and acceptable to get on his case about it.

Both players often affect the game positively. Al rarely has a negative affect on a game, Josh does in moments of every game he plays.

That's how I see it anyway.

CAM makes a great point. When Josh affects the team positively, he does it in many different ways. Highlight plays, huge blocks, tip slams, etc. Yet, when he affects the team negatively, he does it in even more ways. Lack of hustle, airballs, killed posessions, turnovers. Smoove is a +100/-100 player. Al is usually a +60/-30 player i'd say.

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In a close game against an E.C. rival away:

41.5 minutes 13 for 21 field goals 6 for 7 free throws 33 total points 12 rebounds a steal a block no turnovers.

If only this youngster had a BBIQ imagine what he could do??

Early in the game he hits a perimeter shot...later he shoots an airball...half the chatroom groans and complains that he is beyond help and will never accept his role...he is a selfish perimeter shooter...an outlaw...beyond help or coaching.

I give up. I know the guy doesn't do this every game and I know many want him to play the way THEY want him to...but the fact of the matter is, he's the best player on this team right now (night in-night-out).

No question about it.

I have a question about it. I think Smoove is a stat filler. It's not about him playing my way, it's about him playing the right way. Smoove is difficult on coaches, he is difficult on games... and we take his good days and ultimately forget about how he shoots us out of games and how he does it with an attitude that someday, we will all see. I don't need Smoove to prove anything to me. Just play the game the right way. I don't think we have a best player for this team. Al and JJ disappears. Smoove makes huge muck ups. Marvin does nothing. Crawford just shoots. Hinrich is vanilla right now. None of our players have the drive to do. It's an inner hunger that these got to have. We mistake Smoove's immaturity for hunger. It's not the same. Joe's hunger is tied to the team's success. Al talks the talk but he doesn't always walk the walk.

If we could trade Smoove for McGhee (Wash), I would do it.

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Did anyone else notice that in the early part of the 4th quarter I believe when Josh drove to the basket and didn't get the call after missing, he was throwing his arms up and looking around at the refs? Meanwhile, the ball was in no one's possession and it went right in his path but a second too late for Josh to react to get it for an easy putback? Sixers got the possession and Josh just shook his head again down the floor. I am really starting to hate how this guy carries himself. He has no professionalism whatsoever.

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Did anyone else notice that in the early part of the 4th quarter I believe when Josh drove to the basket and didn't get the call after missing, he was throwing his arms up and looking around at the refs? Meanwhile, the ball was in no one's possession and it went right in his path but a second too late for Josh to react to get it for an easy putback? Sixers got the possession and Josh just shook his head again down the floor. I am really starting to hate how this guy carries himself. He has no professionalism whatsoever.

He was pretty much perfect outside of an airball or brick jumpers in the game up until the 4th. LW3 had joked in the chat that he was thirsty because we have a drinking game going where we take a sip every time Smoove pouts or complains to a ref. Come 4th quarter though when the lead fell apart he lost his cool and that play was a prime example of him being able to get the ball right back had he just kept playing. Another instance he stopped to complain and the Sixers ran right back for an easy layup and the Louise Will 3ball that he tried to give right back not even 8 seconds later were just examples of the type of play we've been subjected to throughout the year and really his career but all that matters is the final boxscore I guess. Marvin played great too in ten less minutes and half the field goal attempts, what are we going to do with him?

Edited by CrawfulToCrawesome
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